What You NEED to Know Before Visiting the ACROPOLIS!

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00;00;00;00 - 00;00;04;21 Unknown So you're thinking about visiting the Acropolis, but have a few questions like, 00;00;04;22 - 00;00;07;07 Unknown Are the Acropolis and the Parthenon the same thing? 00;00;07;09 - 00;00;09;25 Unknown What is the best time to visit the Acropolis? 00;00;09;27 - 00;00;13;01 Unknown How can I get reduced price or free admission? And 00;00;13;01 - 00;00;15;16 Unknown how difficult is the walk exactly? 00;00;15;16 - 00;00;19;03 Unknown I've had the pleasure of visiting the Acropolis during my five day trip to Athens. 00;00;19;03 - 00;00;24;13 Unknown So in this video, I'm sharing what you need to know before visiting the Acropolis. 00;00;24;13 - 00;00;25;24 Unknown Stay tuned because I answered these 00;00;25;24 - 00;00;28;21 Unknown questions and so much more to help you plan for your trip. 00;00;28;21 - 00;00;35;19 Unknown Hi, everyone. I'm Antoinette and welcome back to my channel. At Frolic & Courage I like to help you plan well, have fun, and travel the world. 00;00;35;21 - 00;00;36;22 Unknown And today y’all, 00;00;36;22 - 00;00;37;16 Unknown today, 00;00;37;16 - 00;00;43;15 Unknown we're talking about what you need to know before visiting the Acropolis. So let's just dive right in. 00;00;43;15 - 00;00;46;15 Unknown What is the Acropolis and what is the Acropolis famous for? 00;00;46;17 - 00;00;51;05 Unknown The Acropolis is a UNESCO World Heritage site located on a limestone hill. 00;00;51;05 - 00;01;07;27 Unknown The Acropolis is famous for being a symbol of ancient Greek civilization, showcasing remarkable architecture and serving as a testament to democracy, philosophy and the birth of Western culture. So it's kind of a big deal, and no wonder that it's the most visited attraction in Athens. 00;01;07;27 - 00;01;10;18 Unknown But where is the Acropolis located exactly? 00;01;10;18 - 00;01;13;17 Unknown Is the Acropolis in Greece or is it Rome? 00;01;13;17 - 00;01;15;12 Unknown Because sometimes it can be a little confusing. Right? 00;01;15;14 - 00;01;19;21 Unknown as I hinted earlier, the Acropolis is located in Athens, Greece. 00;01;19;23 - 00;01;29;14 Unknown You can walk to it from Monastiraki or Plaka neighborhood in about 10 to 17 minutes. You can take the metro and get off at the Acropolis stop or take the bus or the trolley or tram. 00;01;29;14 - 00;01;34;26 Unknown If you saw my How to Get Around Athens on a Budget video, then you know exactly how to take public transportation to where you need to go. 00;01;34;28 - 00;01;40;18 Unknown So are the Acropolis and the Parthenon the same thing? Well, not quite. 00;01;40;19 - 00;01;43;17 Unknown The difference between the Acropolis and the Parthenon 00;01;43;17 - 00;01;48;04 Unknown is that the Acropolis is the hill which has multiple structures on it. 00;01;48;04 - 00;01;58;28 Unknown The Parthenon is a specific ancient structure located on the Acropolis Hill. The Parthenon is an ancient religious temple the Athenians built for the Greek goddess of Athena. 00;01;59;02 - 00;02;00;20 Unknown Get it, Athens. Athena. 00;02;00;20 - 00;02;06;00 Unknown Over time, this temple transformed from a Christian church to a Catholic one under Frankish rule, 00;02;06;00 - 00;02;09;16 Unknown and later into a mosque during the Turkish occupation. 00;02;09;16 - 00;02;16;29 Unknown Despite facing fires and earthquakes and invasions, the Acropolis monuments have endured the test of time. 00;02;16;29 - 00;02;21;12 Unknown You can think of the Acropolis and the Parthenon like a shopping mall, right? 00;02;21;17 - 00;02;24;16 Unknown The shopping mall is just a property. It's a plot of land 00;02;24;16 - 00;02;26;26 Unknown that has multiple stores on it. And 00;02;26;26 - 00;02;29;24 Unknown the Parthenon is a specific store in the mall. 00;02;29;24 - 00;02;31;03 Unknown Hopefully that helps a little bit. 00;02;31;03 - 00;02;37;22 Unknown When you visit the Acropolis, just like when you go visit a mall, you gain entry to see multiple sites or multiple stores 00;02;37;22 - 00;02;43;28 Unknown When you're on the Acropolis, you can see the Parthenon, the Erechtheion, the Temple of Athena Nike, 00;02;43;28 - 00;02;51;00 Unknown the Odeon of Herodes Atticus, the Propylaea and the theater of Dionysus and so many other sites. 00;02;51;00 - 00;02;53;02 Unknown Just with that one entry ticket. 00;02;53;02 - 00;02;56;23 Unknown All those sites are located on the Acropolis Hill. 00;02;56;23 - 00;03;10;11 Unknown So now that you know what the Acropolis is and why you should visit, what is the best time to visit the Acropolis? Well, the Acropolis is generally open every day from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and closing time is extended until 8 p.m. in the summer and early fall months. 00;03;10;15 - 00;03;25;12 Unknown In my opinion, the best time to visit the Acropolis is before 9:30 a.m. because it is crowded at 10 a.m.. If you want to beat the heat, beat the crowds, then book that 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. ticket. In the alternative, you can arrive about 2 to 3 hours before closing. 00;03;25;13 - 00;03;31;17 Unknown You could spend as much time as you want visiting the site, but as a rule of thumb, allow yourself about 2 hours to visit. 00;03;31;17 - 00;03;36;21 Unknown And if you want to take pictures at a certain site on the Acropolis, just wait, because the crowds will kind of ebb and flow. 00;03;36;21 - 00;03;41;23 Unknown The Acropolis is closed on these specific holidays. I'll put them right over here 00;03;41;23 - 00;03;43;29 Unknown January 1st, March 25th, 00;03;43;29 - 00;03;48;25 Unknown May 1st, and on Easter Sunday, which is the Greek Orthodox Easter Sunday, 00;03;48;25 - 00;03;51;22 Unknown And those dates fall between April and May. 00;03;51;22 - 00;03;56;19 Unknown They vary. So check the site for that. And on December 25th to 26th. 00;03;56;19 - 00;04;02;17 Unknown The Acropolis is also closed for restoration work and for unforeseen events like bad weather or strikes 00;04;02;17 - 00;04;03;18 Unknown or natural disasters. 00;04;03;20 - 00;04;06;18 Unknown How much do Acropolis tickets cost and where do you buy them? 00;04;06;18 - 00;04;12;27 Unknown You can buy timed entry tickets in advance online, on their website or on site in person. 00;04;12;29 - 00;04;15;24 Unknown Once you buy tickets online, which is what I recommend, you will get a 00;04;15;24 - 00;04;18;29 Unknown PDF ticket with a QR code which includes a map of the site. 00;04;18;29 - 00;04;19;03 Unknown There 00;04;19;03 - 00;04;21;17 Unknown are two different ticket types with different costs. 00;04;21;17 - 00;04;28;03 Unknown The first is the general admission ticket, which is a single use ticket for the Acropolis Hill only and its €20 per person. 00;04;28;06 - 00;04;33;07 Unknown Then there is the general admission, which is also known as the combined tickets with sites that 00;04;33;07 - 00;04;34;27 Unknown is €30 per person. 00;04;35;00 - 00;04;36;24 Unknown This ticket will give you five 00;04;36;24 - 00;04;41;00 Unknown days to visit all of these different ancient sites around Athens, the 00;04;41;00 - 00;04;45;05 Unknown Acropolis and Slopes, the ancient Agora, Hadrian's Library, the Kerameikos 00;04;45;05 - 00;04;49;01 Unknown Aristotle School, the Lyceum and the Olympian Roman Agora. 00;04;49;01 - 00;04;50;01 Unknown Excuse my Greek 00;04;50;01 - 00;04;52;13 Unknown pronunciation. I apologize in advance for that. 00;04;52;13 - 00;04;56;15 Unknown If you are a child under five years old, it is free. You just have to show your passport 00;04;56;15 - 00;05;00;13 Unknown once you enter. And once you exit, you may not reenter the site. 00;05;00;13 - 00;05;06;07 Unknown So your tickets aren't good to go in and out whenever you please throughout the day. You get in once and once you leave that is it. 00;05;06;07 - 00;05;11;05 Unknown Now that you know the general ticket prices, how can you score a little bit of a discount or even free admission? 00;05;11;05 - 00;05;13;07 Unknown You can get either one. 00;05;13;08 - 00;05;17;08 Unknown but those tickets are only available for the Acropolis single visit, 00;05;17;08 - 00;05;20;07 Unknown not the five day ticket, but just the Acropolis visit. 00;05;20;07 - 00;05;29;09 Unknown There are reduced price ticket days from November 1st to March 31st for about €10 or half the price of the regular admission tickets. 00;05;29;11 - 00;05;48;00 Unknown There are also free admission days. So if you happen to travel on March 6th, April 18th, May 18th, the last weekend of September, October 26 [28th] and the first Sunday’s days of the month, from November 1st to March 31st, you can get free admission 00;05;51;04 - 00;05;55;29 Unknown You have to get those tickets on site in person, which means you have to wait for lines 00;05;55;29 - 00;05;57;24 Unknown if you are an EU citizen 00;05;57;24 - 00;06;11;19 Unknown up to the age of 25 years old, you can also get free admission. But again, you've got to get those tickets at the ticket offices located at the entrances or wait in line and show your ID and passport to validate your age for those free tickets, 00;06;11;21 - 00;06;17;03 Unknown You can purchase your tickets from the official vendor, which is the Ministry of Culture and Sport. All 00;06;17;03 - 00;06;24;20 Unknown purchase tickets are timed entry tickets and they allow you to skip the ticket queuing line and go straight in. I'll put the 00;06;24;20 - 00;06;28;23 Unknown link in the description box down below as well as in my blog post for you to check that out. 00;06;28;23 - 00;06;31;26 Unknown But it's really important to note these ticket prices can and 00;06;31;26 - 00;06;33;12 Unknown will change. As a matter of 00;06;33;12 - 00;06;35;00 Unknown fact, they are going to increase 00;06;35;00 - 00;06;41;08 Unknown by 50% in April 2025 or later to €30 per person to visit the 00;06;41;08 - 00;06;41;19 Unknown Acropolis. 00;06;41;20 - 00;06;45;21 Unknown Another question you might have is should I join a guided tour of the Acropolis? 00;06;45;29 - 00;06;53;14 Unknown And it honestly depends on your preferences. I love guided tours because you get so much more information than just going by yourself. 00;06;53;14 - 00;07;00;03 Unknown Guided tours are given by a licensed archeologist or somebody with specific knowledge of the architecture and the history, 00;07;00;03 - 00;07;04;02 Unknown there are walking guided tours and you can get a combined ticket where you go to the 00;07;04;02 - 00;07;05;28 Unknown Acropolis Hill and the museum 00;07;05;28 - 00;07;10;23 Unknown guided tours start around €35 and they're available to book via a third party 00;07;10;23 - 00;07;11;09 Unknown only. 00;07;11;09 - 00;07;12;02 Unknown There are no guided 00;07;12;02 - 00;07;13;16 Unknown tour tickets on the official site, 00;07;13;16 - 00;07;17;22 Unknown but if you're going to go with a third party, I have to say it y’all, beware of scam tours. 00;07;17;22 - 00;07;22;13 Unknown and to avoid scam tours, make sure the company has a flexible cancellation policy 00;07;22;13 - 00;07;26;08 Unknown and a lot of verifiable excellent reviews. 00;07;26;10 - 00;07;35;08 Unknown I'll link a reputable tour company in the description box down below. I used them for multiple tours during my time in Athens that you saw through my vlogs. 00;07;35;08 - 00;07;43;23 Unknown I didn't specifically go on the Acropolis tour, but this company was on point. Customer service was excellent, communication was wonderful. I'll link them down below. 00;07;43;23 - 00;07;55;27 Unknown Speaking of guided tours, starting April 1st, 2024, you can book a private, exclusive guided tour with a certified guide for up to five people at €5,000 per group. 00;07;55;27 - 00;08;02;23 Unknown Visits are 2 hours before the site opens from 7 to 9 a.m. or after hours from 8 to 10 p.m.. You can check the 00;08;02;23 - 00;08;05;26 Unknown website in April for more information If you want to go by yourself. 00;08;06;01 - 00;08;09;04 Unknown It's still €5,000 or in a group of five it's €5,000. 00;08;09;04 - 00;08;17;24 Unknown what did I do when I visited the Acropolis? Well, I chose to buy my own self guided ticket without a tour just to the Acropolis Hill. 00;08;17;24 - 00;08;22;22 Unknown I wanted to save a little bit of extra cash. So I downloaded the Rick Steves audio 00;08;22;22 - 00;08;39;16 Unknown podcast tour. It was a free download. I'll also put that link in the description and it includes a map of the sites. So you just put your headphones in, press play, and there's a walking map that tells you which sites to stop at, and you can hear a narration of the history and culture that way too, which is really 00;08;39;16 - 00;08;42;10 Unknown cool and a really affordable way to go see the sites. 00;08;42;12 - 00;08;42;29 Unknown Okay, 00;08;42;29 - 00;08;48;12 Unknown Now that we know how much tickets cost to the Acropolis, where do you purchase tickets and how do you purchase tickets 00;08;48;12 - 00;08;49;07 Unknown to the Acropolis? 00;08;49;07 - 00;08;49;23 Unknown Here's how. 00;08;49;23 - 00;08;57;28 Unknown Tickets are available 60 days in advance. You go to the official E-ticket website of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sport at etickets.tap.gr . 00;08;57;28 - 00;09;05;20 Unknown Link, of course I'll put in the description box and on my blog. You want to select the Attica and Central Greece region, which if you've seen 00;09;05;20 - 00;09;08;23 Unknown my How to Get Around Athens on a budget, you know exactly why that is. 00;09;08;23 - 00;09;09;14 Unknown You want to click 00;09;09;14 - 00;09;10;24 Unknown the Acropolis and Slopes 00;09;10;24 - 00;09;11;07 Unknown button, 00;09;11;07 - 00;09;11;17 Unknown choose 00;09;11;17 - 00;09;12;17 Unknown your date, and your time. 00;09;12;17 - 00;09;17;04 Unknown choose your ticket type: Acropolis only or that combined ticket type I mentioned before, 00;09;17;04 - 00;09;22;06 Unknown And there you have it. You go through the payment process and you have your tickets and the PDF to download. 00;09;22;06 - 00;09;23;24 Unknown If you're looking for one of those 00;09;23;24 - 00;09;27;09 Unknown guided tours through a third party, that's not the €5,000 one. 00;09;27;11 - 00;09;27;23 Unknown You have 00;09;27;23 - 00;09;33;01 Unknown to purchase those tickets separately. And again, I'll put those links in the description box down below and in my blog. 00;09;33;01 - 00;09;34;00 Unknown Now that you have your tickets, 00;09;34;00 - 00;09;40;16 Unknown what happens when you arrive on site? Well, you want to arrive 30 minutes before your ticket time begins. There's a 15 00;09;40;16 - 00;09;43;23 Unknown minute grace period before and after your ticket time to enter. 00;09;43;26 - 00;09;44;14 Unknown So, for 00;09;44;14 - 00;09;51;22 Unknown example, you got a 9 a.m. ticket. You can arrive at 8:30 a.m. and you can enter any time between 8:45 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. 00;09;51;22 - 00;09;53;00 Unknown if it's after that time, 00;09;53;00 - 00;09;55;11 Unknown sorry, you're out of luck. Arrive on time, y'all. 00;09;55;11 - 00;09;56;04 Unknown since you're going to take 00;09;56;04 - 00;10;05;28 Unknown my recommendation of purchasing your ticket in advance, you're also going to skip the long ticket purchase line, scan your tickets at the kiosk, and you're going to enter the site. 00;10;06;01 - 00;10;10;27 Unknown Now you can print out your tickets or show them on your phone. As long as that QR code is visible to scan 00;10;10;27 - 00;10;16;29 Unknown once you're on site, how hard is the walk into the Acropolis? Is the Acropolis a difficult walk? 00;10;16;29 - 00;10;17;20 Unknown Well, 00;10;17;24 - 00;10;18;13 Unknown there's a steep 00;10;18;13 - 00;10;24;20 Unknown incline and the height of the stairs isn't really the issue, but it's that incline your wow. 00;10;24;22 - 00;10;28;13 Unknown I would say that if you're going to walk up, it's not really accessible 00;10;28;13 - 00;10;29;07 Unknown And the reason I say 00;10;29;07 - 00;10;31;24 Unknown is the terrain changes. First you have paved 00;10;31;24 - 00;10;37;01 Unknown roads, then you have gravel, and then you have steps that are short steps, but on a steep incline. 00;10;37;08 - 00;10;49;11 Unknown Then there is marble, which is slippery. And then you have large rocks with these deep crevices and they're sharp and there's loose rocks everywhere and there's gravel and sand. There's all kinds of different terrain. 00;10;49;14 - 00;10;50;05 Unknown So the 00;10;50;05 - 00;10;55;02 Unknown walk isn't necessarily difficult. It's just a bit of a hike and that terrain changes. 00;10;55;04 - 00;10;57;14 Unknown and this leads me to the next question. 00;10;57;16 - 00;11;01;24 Unknown What is the dress code for the Acropolis? What should 00;11;01;24 - 00;11;04;28 Unknown I wear? Should I bring anything to visit the Acropolis? 00;11;04;28 - 00;11;13;01 Unknown based on what I just said, yeah, there is a simple dress code to follow and there are things you can wear and bring to make your visit more comfortable. 00;11;13;03 - 00;11;17;20 Unknown let's talk about the do's and don'ts of what to wear and what to bring to the Acropolis. 00;11;17;20 - 00;11;18;25 Unknown You want to wear 00;11;18;25 - 00;11;30;16 Unknown comfortable clothing suitable for a hike. Again, you're going to go on a hike, ya'll. Sturdy shoes with a good grip. I wore exercise sneakers that worked fine. Some people were hiking boots. I saw people in sandals. Don't do that. 00;11;30;16 - 00;11;34;04 Unknown you want to wear sunscreen because there is no shade at the Acropolis. 00;11;34;06 - 00;11;34;26 Unknown Do not 00;11;34;26 - 00;11;42;06 Unknown wear flats, heels, open toed shoes, sandals or fashion sneakers. It is really windy when you get to the top of the Acropolis 00;11;42;06 - 00;11;50;07 Unknown It is really windy up there, y'all. And the wind causes these like dust storms and it gets you all on your skin and on your clothes and in your eyes. 00;11;50;11 - 00;12;00;25 Unknown So don't wear loose fitting clothing or jewelry that may be affected by high winds. Avoid costumes, clothing that exposes body parts or clothing with profanity. Those are not allowed and are 00;12;00;25 - 00;12;01;22 Unknown against the dress code 00;12;01;22 - 00;12;14;01 Unknown you want to bring with you your tickets. Of course, whether it's digital or printed, a little bit of water because it is a hike and sunglasses to protect yourself against the wind and dust that will probably be slapping you around. 00;12;14;01 - 00;12;17;08 Unknown And here's a recap of what it kind of looks like. 00;12;17;08 - 00;12;54;29 Unknown Y’all, again, if you're up here, the wind is vicious and it’ll blow sand and rocks straight in your eyes. So maybe bring some sunglasses while you’re up here, as well as sturdy shoes to hike and if you need assistance, maybe bring a walking stick, but, it is not for those people who have mobility issues, that’s for sure. It is not accessible. You need to pretty much do some squats, some calf raises to get up here and once you’re up here wear your sunglasses you don't wear a hat, it’ll blow right off, bring your hair tie. I didn't. Don't. Don't do that. 00;12;55;05 - 00;13;06;14 Unknown Bring a hair tie. Yeah, don't try to look cute with the cute shoes, the wind is vicious. But again, the sights are absolutely incredible! 00;13;06;14 - 00;13;13;22 Unknown You want to bring your hair tie to secure your hair in the windy conditions and a small pack of wipes to dust off once you're done due to the wind 00;13;13;22 - 00;13;15;05 Unknown and a little bit of hand sanitizer, 00;13;15;07 - 00;13;16;03 Unknown Do not bring 00;13;16;03 - 00;13;28;19 Unknown microphones for your cameras because those are not allowed. Strollers - those have to be left at the entrance or large bags. You will have to carry your babies if you do bring a stroller. So bring a pack that you can carry your child in. 00;13;28;19 - 00;13;29;10 Unknown It is 00;13;29;10 - 00;13;33;14 Unknown essential to keep in mind that visiting the Acropolis involves a 00;13;33;14 - 00;13;35;07 Unknown legitimate hike. 00;13;35;09 - 00;13;35;27 Unknown So be 00;13;35;27 - 00;13;42;09 Unknown with appropriate clothing and minimal belongings to ensure a more comfortable and enjoyable experience. 00;13;42;09 - 00;13;52;14 Unknown I had on my exercise clothes, my exercise sneakers and a small backpack, and I was just fine. But anything more than that, you really don't want to be struggling on the hike. 00;13;52;14 - 00;13;53;07 Unknown So it is a 00;13;53;07 - 00;13;55;26 Unknown hike and the terrain changes. But is the 00;13;55;26 - 00;14;01;24 Unknown Acropolis accessible at all? And I would say partially they are taking steps to increase accessibility. 00;14;01;24 - 00;14;07;09 Unknown There is now an elevator on the north side of the hill and a new wheelchair friendly path. 00;14;07;12 - 00;14;09;08 Unknown There is a free shuttle from Dionysiou [Areopagitou] 00;14;09;08 - 00;14;11;23 Unknown Street that will take you on up there as well. 00;14;11;23 - 00;14;13;26 Unknown I'll put a link to a map showing 00;14;13;26 - 00;14;18;25 Unknown all those accessible entrances in the description box and is, of course, my blog. If it won't 00;14;18;25 - 00;14;20;15 Unknown fit in the description box down below. 00;14;20;15 - 00;14;21;08 Unknown If you require 00;14;21;08 - 00;14;26;28 Unknown additional assistance, as in you're in a wheelchair or you have young kids and they can't really make the hike, 00;14;26;28 - 00;14;27;20 Unknown It is recommended 00;14;27;20 - 00;14;28;17 Unknown that you call 00;14;28;17 - 00;14;31;12 Unknown +30 210 3214172 00;14;31;12 - 00;14;33;23 Unknown in advance to use that elevator 00;14;33;23 - 00;14;39;08 Unknown For more details on how exactly that works and what is needed to take the elevator lift. So it is 00;14;39;08 - 00;14;43;02 Unknown partially accessible, they're working on it, but make sure you call that number in advance. 00;14;43;02 - 00;14;43;23 Unknown Once you're done 00;14;43;23 - 00;14;50;27 Unknown the Acropolis Hill, you might ask yourself, hmm, should I also visit the Acropolis Museum? Is the Acropolis Museum worth it? 00;14;50;27 - 00;15;00;24 Unknown Well, the Acropolis Museum actually used to be located on the Acropolis, but now it's located next door. And I say, yes, there's a lot to see at the Acropolis Museum. 00;15;00;24 - 00;15;21;08 Unknown When you're on the Acropolis, all you see are the bare structures. They are magnificent, but they are bare. When you visit the museum, you get to see all of the artifacts that were discovered on the Acropolis. We're talking ancient sculptures, models, pottery, different types of art, money. There's even like an exhibit you can watch a film. 00;15;21;08 - 00;15;26;16 Unknown The museum is sleek and modern, and I found the museum enriched my experience overall. 00;15;26;21 - 00;15;27;14 Unknown And I recommend 00;15;27;14 - 00;15;30;10 Unknown visiting the Acropolis first for the experience 00;15;30;10 - 00;15;36;03 Unknown to see the majesty of all of the structures, then go to the museum to see the treasures. 00;15;36;03 - 00;15;49;22 Unknown The Acropolis Museum is open generally the same time as the Acropolis, but check those website for the same closure dates. Prices are about €15 for an adult, €10 for kids ages 6 to 25, it's free for kids under five with that passport 00;15;49;22 - 00;15;54;25 Unknown or ID, and you can get those reduced ticket prices from November 1st to March 31st 00;15;54;25 - 00;16;01;21 Unknown for about €10 per adult, €5 for kids age 6 to 25, and those free admission days on March 6th, March 25th, 00;16;01;21 - 00;16;03;15 Unknown May 18th, and October 28th. 00;16;03;22 - 00;16;05;09 Unknown And of course, those reduced fare 00;16;05;09 - 00;16;05;28 Unknown prices 00;16;05;28 - 00;16;07;20 Unknown require you to show ID 00;16;07;20 - 00;16;10;18 Unknown or a passport at the museum desk for entry. 00;16;10;18 - 00;16;12;04 Unknown If you want to see what the museum was like 00;16;12;04 - 00;16;17;24 Unknown to get an idea of whether or not you want to go, you can check out my Acropolis vlog, where I also went to the museum. 00;16;17;24 - 00;16;18;18 Unknown is there anything 00;16;18;21 - 00;16;20;09 Unknown else you need to know? 00;16;20;09 - 00;16;21;15 Unknown What else do I need to 00;16;21;15 - 00;16;24;05 Unknown know to plan well for a trip to the Acropolis? 00;16;24;05 - 00;16;27;05 Unknown Well, I've got a couple of tips for you. I'm going to give you rapid fire right now. 00;16;27;05 - 00;16;34;16 Unknown First, there are multiple entrances to get to the Acropolis. The main entrance is on the west side of the hill. And this is where the taxis will take you. 00;16;34;20 - 00;16;39;00 Unknown It's great for going directly to the monuments and that's where the wheelchair entrance is. 00;16;39;00 - 00;16;43;09 Unknown The south entrance is close to the Acropolis Metro Station and Acropolis Museum. 00;16;43;09 - 00;16;48;19 Unknown It typically has smaller lines and more of a hike. But that's the one that I went on that I recommend. 00;16;48;19 - 00;16;53;11 Unknown There's also a north entrance and Google may route you through Plaka neighborhood of a steep 00;16;53;11 - 00;16;54;25 Unknown staircase to the 00;16;55;07 - 00;16;55;25 Unknown Don't go 00;16;55;25 - 00;16;58;16 Unknown route, y'all. You heard it here. Don't do it. You'll hike up a 00;16;58;16 - 00;17;06;02 Unknown steep staircase and just to find a permanently closed entrance. I know this from experience. You saw the vlogs. Don't do it. 00;17;06;02 - 00;17;11;02 Unknown You also need to know that there are ongoing restoration efforts and you may see a lot of construction equipment. 00;17;11;02 - 00;17;13;02 Unknown you can look at the monuments, but don't touch 00;17;13;02 - 00;17;13;10 Unknown them. 00;17;13;10 - 00;17;14;05 Unknown Don't touch at all. 00;17;14;05 - 00;17;15;29 Unknown There are signs that say, don't touch the marble. 00;17;15;29 - 00;17;20;15 Unknown You also need to know that summer is hot and the Acropolis may close during the height of the heat 00;17;20;15 - 00;17;24;25 Unknown because there's also no shade at the top and nobody wants anyone to pass out or have a difficult time. 00;17;24;25 - 00;17;25;16 Unknown So always 00;17;25;16 - 00;17;27;18 Unknown check the website before you go for closures. 00;17;27;18 - 00;17;32;20 Unknown are restrooms available by the entrances and at the top by where the old museum site was. 00;17;32;20 - 00;17;42;16 Unknown When you get to the top, there are amazing, amazing views. And the Acropolis literally means the “highest point.” So you get to see all of Athens and they also say 00;17;42;16 - 00;17;43;13 Unknown in history 00;17;43;13 - 00;17;44;05 Unknown the gods 00;17;44;05 - 00;17;50;16 Unknown lived on the mountain. And you kind of understand that because once you get there, it is an incredible view. 00;17;50;16 - 00;17;58;03 Unknown The wind is like whipping and it just feels like, wow, I get to witness history here 00;17;58;03 - 00;17;58;24 Unknown and it is 00;17;58;24 - 00;17;59;13 Unknown amazing. 00;17;59;13 - 00;18;08;04 Unknown so if you found this video helpful, please give it a thumbs up. And don't forget to share this with a friend who may be going or save it for future reference for your trip. 00;18;08;04 - 00;18;12;00 Unknown I'll catch you in the next video where you can check out my Athens playlist 00;18;12;00 - 00;18;14;25 Unknown to figure out some best things to eat. 00;18;14;28 - 00;18;16;29 Unknown Check out my vlogs as well as how to get 00;18;16;29 - 00;18;22;16 Unknown around on a budget. Thank you so much for watching and I'll catch you over in the next video by.
Channel: Frolic & Courage
Views: 6,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What to know about the acropolis, What You NEED to Know Before Visiting the ACROPOLIS, Visiting the acropolis tips, How to visit the acropolis, Athens Greece, Acropolis, Parthenon, Are the Acropolis and the Parthenon the same thing, What is the best time to visit the Acropolis, How hard is the walk into the Acropolis, Acropolis dress code, acropolis athens tickets, acropolis athens, acropolis athens explained, What is the acropolis famous for, acropolis greece, acropolis in athens
Id: 0lcaLi67mMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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