Top 5 Essential Tips for Your First Time in Athens, Greece | Travel Guide

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[Music] welcome back to Ty travel time today I will be sharing my top five tips for going to Athens Greece the first tip is to make sure that you get good gripped shoes I had read about this before going to Athens and I didn't really think I needed to bring shoes that had a super strong grip but my sneakers that I brought really don't have much of a grip and I almost slipped on the marble at least five times this is not a joke so make sure that when you're packing for grease you actually bring shoes that have a strong grip because it's not worth balling and slipping when you're in Greece and you want to just enjoy your time there so make sure that you bring shoes with a good grip that is tip number one tip number two is to make sure that you watch your valuables I think that this is often said that when you are touring a city you have to be aware of pick pocketers and you need to be aware of getting your things stolen generally you should be watching your things surprisingly enough though a lot of people just left their things my aunt and I were walking through the Athens garden and we saw this backpack with camera gear and all this stuff and we looked around and we couldn't find who owned it and then we kept on walking about 3 or 4 minutes later and there was a couple taking pictures now I get that it's obviously beautiful and you need to take beautiful pictures while you're there but while you're taking those pictures make sure that that you still know where your valuables are and that you have them on your person this also happened when we were at the Acropolis there were girls just sitting on the edge looking at the views and it is stunning it is so beautiful their cameras were just sitting right there they would have been so easily snatched up and it is not worth a trip being ruined because of your things getting stolen make sure that you're actually aware of where they're being placed and that you know where they are because that is something that is just not worth the extra hassle while you're on your trip another little Taurus tip is that I was advised not to wear a baseball cap or a basic fanny pack I'm not sure exactly if this really matters there were a lot of people wearing baseball caps and fanny packs it might not matter but I also feel like it's my responsibility to make sure that I tell you that those are definitely something to maybe not bring with you if you don't want to be so obviously labeled as a tourist definitely something to think about while you're packing tip number three is about water it's really important that you are aware of whether or not you can be drinking the tap water if you are in Athens Greece that is a city and they have healthy tap water you can totally drink the tap water with no problems if you do end up traveling to an island the tap water is generally less recommended what I really liked though was that majority of the restaurants always gave you free water right when you sat and that is so amazing but it's definitely still important to be aware of water when you're [Music] traveling my fourth tip is regarding restaurants and restaurant service one of the very first places I went to was beautiful I went there more for the aesthetic I wasn't totally eating anything I was solo at the time and I just went to get like a latte and relax and read a little bit it did end up being a three-hour Adventure I normally don't have super leisurely long calm meals and I love having a long meal while I'm on vacation I think that's really important but it was very interesting because the way they serve in grease is super leisurely right after I ordered they gave me a little metal cup with my receipt right inside and I didn't know if that meant that I had to pay right away or if I had to wait wasn't totally communicated with me so I ended up waiting for a while I I think I waited 45 minutes just to get my latte it was just a drink after that about an hour later I was pretty much ready to leave and I could see the people around me were also kind of wondering like how to leave had gone up to the cash register and had asked to pay and they told me to sit back down and wait for my waitress and I ended up having to wait another hour or so for the waitress to actually have me pay definitely keep that in mind if you plan for tickets to the Acropolis or you have tickets to any event make sure that you know that your meals might be pretty lengthy and that it's important to be aware of that credit cards are widely accepted but most places also totally accept cash if you know you're in a rush something you can do is you can put your cash in your receipt cup if they give you that and then you can leave whenever you're finished and you don't have to worry about that now a lot of places also will give you a complimentary dessert or drink at the end of the meal and they're super just excited to be with you and loving you it's really nice some places want you to stay as long as possible keep that in mind that you might be relaxing there for a while and it's nice to actually just be a part of the culture and enjoy your meal definitely make sure that you note that and with paying just being aware you can use cash and you can use card but cash is going to probably allow you to get out a little quicker and allow you to actually leave when you're ready to leave and you don't necessarily have to have all three-hour meals now regarding tipping tipping is not necessarily expected but nowadays the tip etiquette is a little expected with Taurus it's recommended to leave between 5 and 10% it's important to think that if if you paid $50 for your meal a 10% tip is about $5 so you can either leave $5 or you can even just leave a2o coin it's not too big of a deal but it's important to just be aware of tipping if you really loved your service and you loved your meal and you had a great time definitely leave a 10% tip the next thing is the Acropolis now I know most people go to Athens grece to go to the Acropolis and I will say it is very impressive but this place was so beyond crowded that I honestly just didn't totally enjoy it I felt like there were just people everywhere and I just love traveling but I cannot stand being just in a herd of people I really don't like it and it makes me kind of appreciate the experience a little less I can't just stand and observe and look keep in mind that the Acropolis gets pretty busy I was there at the beginning of April which is not totally during the busy season and it was packed it's also important to note that there are a lot of other cool sites that are there I really liked the Agora of Athena I thought that was really cool and the Roman Agora those sites were a little less crowded and I could just enjoy them like I felt like I could just sit down under a tree and be like dang this is where the democracy was made like it's so cool and it felt like I could really immerse myself more in where I was versus at the Acropolis when it was so busy and it was just a lot of people it's a little different those are my main five tips but in case you're wondering about any other little fun tips I have three little fun things to tell you out one is to be on the lookout for tortoises when I first saw a tortoise I was like it's a turtle and I was alone and this other American was like it's actually a tortoise he told me about how tortoises are the ones that live on Dryland and turtles are the ones that live in water they are pretty popular and I actually saw them most of the times when I was hiking or honestly at the site definitely be aware it's really fun to see them and I just loved seeing the tortoises I saw I think at least four or five and every time I got really excited that's another thing to keep your eyes out for another thing is getting a taxi my aunt and I had walked to get Thai food pretty far cuz it's less popular there and we were just really craving Thai food and when we were done it was like a 40-minute walk back and we did not want to walk back so we were trying to catch a taxi she's from New York City and she's caught a lot of cabin in her life so we were thinking it was going to be easy we went up on the street we had our hands up we were ready to catch a taxi and no one ever stopped like no one I think we waited maybe 10 15 20 minutes and no one was stopping and we ended up walking up to this little bar and we were like how do we get a taxi there are so many taxis passing by but no one's stopping and the woman kind of spoke English and on her phone she ended up calling us like an Uber taxi they don't have Uber but it's like uber so they ended up just doing that and you can call taxis on an app so if you're going to be there for a long time and you know you want a taxi that is probably the best option another thing is a lot of people are passing through Athens Greece you're maybe not going to be there for four or five days which I totally get and you want to stay overnight somewhere else within Athens and a lot of other European cities they have luggage storage lockers so you can actually leave your things at a luggage storage locker and those are super easy to do so so if you're planning to leave your luggage in Athens Greece that is definitely something to make sure that you note and I will put some in the caption below for you to check out I hope these tips were helpful for you and that you benefit from these Athens grease and grease as a whole is incredible I swear to you it was one of my favorite places the people are so kind they're so inviting they're genuinely really happy to just converse with you English was widely spoken it was really easy to get around if you're planning to go to Athens Greece have an incredible time is an amazing place and I'm so excited for your adventure thank you so much for watching Ty travel time and if you liked this video be sure to like And subscribe and comment below [Music]
Channel: Tice Travel Time
Views: 404
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Id: q35k46ytwF8
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Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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