How to Pit a Car | Offensive Driving Techniques | Tactical Rifleman

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hello guys my name is Chad Boomer we're here at t1g again and we're going to be talking about a pit maneuver which is a precision interdiction technique a lot of people have seen them done on TV by the cops and stuff like that do understand this that in the States it is considered a felony in all 50 states so understand where this is applicable but when we look at it if this is a car that I'm going to need to be taken out or pitting out or whatever there's a couple of things that need to happen one is I need to match the speed then I need to touch turn and then accelerate and these kind of happen in that order so the first thing I need to do is to move up into position using two foot driving is your best method to do this once we get into position I need to use what is in front of my wheel well - what is behind the wheel well on this I don't want to get too far up in here and get tire on tire then I start to cut my tires which could cause a problem for me downrange okay plus all I'm looking at doing is I'm only looking at breaking the two contact patches of the rear vehicle that I'm actually trying to pit so once I've matched speed then I'm going to turn to lean on them I don't want to be starting out here and ram into them okay I've matched speed ease over lean on them from there I need to do a quarter turn into the car to help break the contact patch once I do that quarter turn that's what I'm going to start to accelerate it will move around and then I will continue to drive on through making sure that I'm not looking at the vehicle as it's tracking in front of mine if that does happen a lot of times you tend to just t-bone it and start pushing it make sure you're not stabbing the brakes you're looking up and out for your drivable terrain or where you want to go and then we're moving on now that we talked about it on the board we can head outside and do it for you all right guys so the first thing we need to do is match speed once I get to the position where I match the speed then I'll just Ease over touch them once I touch them then I'm going to turn and accelerate so right now I'm matching speed making sure I'm still looking where I'm going once we get around this curve I'll go ahead and touch them turn it and then accelerate
Channel: Tactical Rifleman
Views: 78,320
Rating: 4.9421258 out of 5
Keywords: Tactical, rifleman, NRA, military, training, skills, gun, survival, prepper, how, to, special, forces, sniper, karl, erickson, techniques, conceal, carry, 2nd, amendment, pit, car, vehicle, offensive, driving, aggressive, police, department, deadly, force, persuit, threat
Id: dFPgNniiOqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 36sec (156 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2016
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