How to Pick Out a Ripe Watermelon

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hi my name is Dan I'm the produce manager at the waterfront hi V and one of the most common questions we get in the produce department how to pick out a ripe watermelon so I'm going to show you how to do that today I look for two main things the first thing is if it's heavy for its size and what I mean by that if it's smaller it should still weigh like a little bit more than you think it should weigh when you pick it up so if it feels heavy when you pick it up then that's a good sign the second is a hollow sound so they there's a couple different hollows that I that I think there's like a hollow that kind of thuds and then there's a hollow that kind of echoes so I'll kind of show you the difference in there this one here has kind of the echoing hollow which is what you're looking for so when you hear that noise that's a good sign as well the hollow that you're not looking for this one has kind of a thud it for a hollow so it's not as hollow of us it's not like you're not going to like wood so it's just kind of a little duct so those are the two main things that I look for when picking out a ripe watermelon the third thing that you can look for some people do is the yellow-bellied so this is where the watermelon is sitting on the ground when it ripens so the bigger the yellow spot the theory is the longer it's been on the vine ripe so if you can match up all three of those things then you're going to have a good water you
Channel: Waterfront Hy-Vee
Views: 922,600
Rating: 4.7347293 out of 5
Keywords: watermelon, produce, fruit, how-to, ripe, grocery, Hy-Vee, Iowa City, Iowa, guide
Id: MUdP7LgN17E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 34sec (94 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2013
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