How to pick a watermelon

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hi I'm Nick Augustine II with the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and I'm going to show you how to pick the best way of picking the watermelon the first thing you want to do is you want to lift up the watermelon and you want to look at this is going to serve two purposes number one you look at it and see if there's any decay and he pulls or any bruise damage in the melon the second thing you're doing with it is a watermelon is 92 percent water and the melon should be heavy for its size this is another reason why you pick it up the last detail you should know is on the bottom side where the watermelon sits on the ground if it's white it's going to be green if it's a cream color that's the watermelon you want and if it's a dark yellow the watermelon is overripe when you buy the watermelon if you're not going to use it right away say you buy it on a Thursday and you're going to use it on a Saturday afternoon you do not want to put it in the refrigerator more than 24 hours before you're ready to use them if you leave it in the refrigerator over 24 hours what's going to happen is the melon is going to get either pithy or healing we did was I will never
Channel: North Carolina Agriculture
Views: 38,323
Rating: 4.4015746 out of 5
Keywords: how to choose a watermelon, how to pick a watermelon, watermelons, watermelon, farmers market, summer, advice and tips, North Carolina, agriculture, picking watermelon, how do you tell what's a good melon, good melons, melons
Id: NTZsFrhRY30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 28sec (88 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 30 2014
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