How to Pick a Good Watermelon and How to Cut It Up

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hey I'm Joann oza at fifteen spatulas calm and I'm going to show you how to pick the best watermelon and I'm also going to show you how to cut it up so the first thing you want to do when you're at the grocery store is you want to find a melon that's got this nice yellow field spot to it basically this is where the watermelon was sitting on the field on the vine ripening up so the darker the color the longer it was on that vine getting nice and sweet so you want this nice dark creamy yellow color if you're wondering it's got a white spot or if it doesn't even have a spot at all you want to pick a different one because that's gonna mean it's under ripe so the next thing I look for is I want a nice regular shape it's got any you know weird bumps or I don't know different irregularities that means it got inconsistent amounts of Sun or water and then last thing I look for is I pick out a cup of watermelons of the same size and I just see which one is the heaviest for its size because basically heavier watermelon means it's gonna have more water or in other words it's going to be juicier so those are the things I look for and I'm picking out a watermelon to be honest I don't really know with the thumping or knocking or slapping or any of that is and I don't really think they're as good indicators of a good watermelon so now I'm going to show you how to cut this guy out really quickly so the first thing you want to do is you want to just cut the top off already spray and juice everywhere okay so sit this guy up right like that and you're gonna take a really sharp knife and just run it right down the size of this watermelon and by the way if you never had pickled watermelon rinds you're gonna want to save these because it is so so good the first time I tried pickled watermelon rind was at a restaurant called 29 South have this crab cake with pickled watermelon rind appetizer and it is so good that's really unexpected chewy and so long as time I've been throwing it away who knew delicious keep going around alright so basically you just want to kind of spend some time trimming up all this rind and just expose the pink part so I'm gonna keep doing that all right so I've just spent about a minute or two you're cutting off all of this watermelon rind from my watermelon just so I got the nice delicious pink part and so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna kind of cut this right down the middle you nice big knife for that oh that's actually nice and split so I'm just going to you a half at a time so I'm just going to take this I'm gonna dice this up into little watermelon fingers and what I love about how to get up this way is you get these nice little watermelon meter cube things and I just put them in a bowl stick them in the fridge and you can snack on them whenever you want the other thing I like is you can take these little cubes and you freeze them and you blend them up with some mint and some lime juice and some simple syrup and you get these really tasty watermelon mint slushies and the great part about it is that you're not diluting it with any ice cubes because this is your ice cube basically so you're just going to get really powerful watermelon flavor it's great all right so just gonna kind of take these stick them in my bowl and as you can see they're just kind of the perfect little size to stand on hmm this is a good one oh it's so sweet and juicy all right I get to get this other guy broken down but you can find all the tips on my food blog fifteen spatulas calm I wrote up all the little things you look for you can go home print it out take your summer shoe store with you the next time you're going to buy your watermelon again I'm Johanna OSA thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Fifteen Spatulas
Views: 871,834
Rating: 4.5966563 out of 5
Keywords: watermelon, how to cut a watermelon, how to pick a watermelon, how to pick a good watermelon, field spot, knocking on watermelon, supreming, watermelon slushie, watermelon ice cubes, eating, how-to, watermelon tips, juicy watermelon, how to cut up a watermelon, best way to cut watermelon, summer watermelon
Id: 6-S1BD9pvuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2011
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