How To Pick the Perfect Watermelon

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I would like to start with watermelon even though it's a cold wintry rainy day watermelon is so good for you how many of you have heard of lycopene know anything about it yes men yes men you like lycopene I do I say it yes we're all grown-ups here dr. Oz says it's nature's viagra so but what we do know is that it also prevents prostate cancer and we believe because it is such a high-powered antioxidant that it may prevent other types of cancer bottom line watermelon isn't just tasty it's really good for you and we do have it we offer it year-round now we grow our growing season is primarily May through end of September and then from there it goes through going south if you will to Bakersfield to Arizona and down into Mexico this watermelon if you just leave it in a cool dry and not necessarily dark dark but out of direct sunlight will last at least at least six weeks what I want to teach you today is how do you can pick the perfect watermelon at the store so the first thing I have a carton with several watermelons I'm going to go ahead and pull a couple more out so today our pile is kind of small I'm going to walk around here we've got four of them so if you were picking the perfect watermelon madam what is your name Mary you'd look at these four and which one would you pick just from lips alone starting off this is second from that in from this end this one why because you like the color because it's really green and that's not a bad thing so let me tell you the number one thing you want to look for is number one size number one of the biggest one find the biggest one because water melon is 92% water so the ripeness it'll have more it'll be the right water content is going to make a big water's big water's heavy so the size so if I was looking at these in the store I would say I would probably go for one of these two right here because they're the bigger then the second thing that I would be looking for is then I'm turning them around and I'm looking for a creamy yellow spot so I look at this one and I go hmm doesn't have one it's still my big one I look at this one and I go well this guy doesn't have one either now varieties differ as far as how big the spot will be and these this particular variety has a little bit of a difference then I look at this one and Mary look at your green one how's this really big nice yellow spot so that's going to get my attention even though these two right here were the biggest ones that one has a really nice creamy yellow spot and this one has a little better one too so of these I'm looking at this I'm probably looking at these two why this is big and has a little bit of yellow spot this one is not as big but has a really nice big yellow spot that I want the next thing I'm looking for is symmetry the more symmetrical I don't want any weird bumpy and if you've ever been in the store you've seen some of them where they've kind of been a bumper year or they one side is bigger than the other don't leave those behind so of these two so far they pass my tests of what I want so I'm going to pick this one up so what I want to do is I want to slap the top of this I want to feel it all the way to the bottom of this hand that's my final so of the two here I'm feeling which one's heavier this wouldn't see now even though this one looks smaller it's the same way as that one and this one had the better vibration so I would take this one home so does that all make sense so Mary kind of got it right this one is rigged big and beautiful but I would not buy this one it was me now are we going to cut it up am I going to give it to somebody today yes is it going to be bad no but I'm looking for the most perfect one and I want you I want you to pick the best one every time as well let's cut it open when you say you
Channel: Perry & Sons
Views: 1,504,120
Rating: 4.4606981 out of 5
Keywords: seedless watermelon, watermelon, delicious, choose wisely
Id: Mk_9uZhzfqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2013
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