How to choose a ripe avocado | How to pick a ripe avocado

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so you're at the grocery store and you want to know how to choose a ripe avocado well I'm going to show you how choosing an avocado is actually really easy if you know what you're looking for now just so there's no confusion this video is about Haas avocados small green ones not those big green avocados you see at the grocery store which look kind of like these those are different and I might cover those in a different video alright so the first thing you should know is color avocados that are not ripe are going to be nice and bright green and as they ripen they'll turn black so a ripe avocado is dark in color it's more black than it is green it's not very often that you'll find a ripe avocado that's still bright green so I always look for dark colored avocados the second thing is the squeeze test you are going to squeeze a lot of avocados I want you guys to just get in there and start squeezing away the green avocado will be hard but a ripe avocado will be just a little bit soft you should just be able to press on it and make a nice little indentation it's going to be a little bit firm and a little bit soft and the more avocados you squeeze the better you'll get at this all right guys I just want to make sure that I give you a really good example of what it's like to squeeze a ripe avocado so it's a little bit firm and when you squeeze it with your thumb it just is a little bit soft see and it goes in just like that okay it's not squishy it's not really soft but it does allow you to push it in okay so that's what you're looking for with a nice ripe avocado and overly ripe avocado is going to be really soft and you don't want an overly ripe avocado see how soft this one is it's all really soft and Squishy well this is already past its prime and it's already spoiled so you don't want to buy it you're looking for a nice firm one that's just a little bit soft now sometimes you buy an avocado and take it home and it's got brown on the inside of it so how can you tell if an avocado has brown spots before you take it home well I'll tell you first you find one with a stem and then you take the stem off and if that little hole is nice and bright green then there's a 99 chance that your avocado will be nice and green on the inside but if that little hole has brown spots then there's like a 50 chance that your avocado will have brown spots on the inside so just to be safe only buy avocados that have a nice clean green belly button alright guys now we're back in the kitchen and I'm going to show you that nice little avocado that I got okay the one that was the good example so when you press on it it's kind of like a medium press and when you take the stem off you have this really nice color here that's going to show you what the color inside of the avocado looks like so let's get right into it all right so to cut it you stick your knife in it and you don't move your knife you just move the avocado okay just like that okay all right now we're gonna twist like that see so the stem end of the avocado showed us what it's going to look like inside of the avocado there's no Brown pieces and it's nice and ripe and ready to eat all right guys so here is an avocado and we're going to take off the stem and take a look at that little belly button and it has some green and it has some brown so it's going to be a 50 50 whether this has brown spots on the inside okay so we'll cut it and take a look all right okay this is not a great example because it actually looks pretty good but you can see it's starting to have some brown spots right there all right guys thank you very much for watching this video I hope you found it helpful if you'd like to help me grow this Channel and get to 100 000 subscribers please do not forget to hit that subscribe button and share this video with your friends and family so they can also subscribe to the channel the more subscriptions that I have the more time that I can spend making videos like these just for you and don't forget to give it a thumbs up and let me know your comments and questions down in the comments section I love hearing from you guys until next time this is Christian saying happy guacamolean to you [Music]
Channel: Food Chain TV
Views: 43,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avocado, aguacate, palta, avocate, एवोकाडो, 牛油果
Id: UB4xi6I6ooA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 28sec (268 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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