How to Perform A Rhomboid Pain Release (TRY IT)

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hey everyone i'm sebastian at performance play sports care in costa mesa california i'm going to show you how to perform a rhomboid release that's right a rhomboid release is a lot of times what you guys are looking for if you have pain within the shoulder blade area usually kind of around lower than i can touch and that's the problem is a lot of times people can't rub this on themselves and stuff like how do i get to it who can i pay to address this for me it feels like sometimes it's deep to the shoulder blade area right there it can be on one side or both and it feels like it just nods at you especially when you're laying down or seated so this is something that very very simple that everybody can do and if you're looking for help again we do offer a lot of other videos within our library there's a little link somewhere in the little circle red circle in the bottom there that you can go to so all for all of our subscribers on youtube you can use the search bar at the top and just put in rhomboid strain rumble release whatever you want to and you'll find a really really detailed video such as this one uh of multiple ways you can strengthen stretch and address things like this so that's all free for you guys okay um but stay tuned the very end of the of the video because i have something that you guys are really gonna love so a rhomboid release is pretty simple as long as you realize what pain is in your body and pain usually tells you what's right and wrong okay pain is your body's way of communicating to you and saying hey what you're doing right now is not the right thing for you and so what we're going to do is we're going to find something called a position of comfort okay position comfort you can do really easily laying down your belly which will be another video from another time again go to the youtube channel or where you can do it seated which most people are seated at the desk so they can do it this way so here's what we're going to do and there's a few options i want you to do this with me and i want you to pay attention to what your body's saying because one one version that might work is it for me is different than what'll work for you and so the first thing i want you to do is we're going to be find two positions here we're going to take actually i take it back find a movement that bothers your rhomboid strain it could be arm movements neck movements rounding your back looking up whatever might be just find one rate it on a scale of one to ten ten is horrible zero is nothing perfect it's like how i feel right now my rhomboids feel fine so rate that and just note it because we're going to come back to it the next thing is i want you to put your hand right on the back of your head and just let this shoulder just completely relax don't do anything and just see if that changes what your rhomboid feels like don't worry we are getting to the release okay the rhomboid release is simple uh it's not a stretch it's not an exercise it's a position of comfort okay know what this feels like if it dropped quite a bit this might be the right position number one for you the second one is you grab your belly here with the involved side and you take your other hand and you provide what would kind of be like a shoulder a shoulder sling and so you're supporting the arm and you're kind of pinning it to your body and just let that shoulder not do anything how does that feel if that feels better than position one then you might pick this one if it's worse than position one you would pick position one so position one position two next is we're going to take our neck into a slightly different position too we call it the sniffing position and so you're going to find position one or position two whatever worked best for you i'm going to pick here and i'm going to take my nose and try to insert it slowly into my other armpit which side the opposite side that the rhomboid strain is most severe on okay if it's on this side i'm going to sniff this one okay it's going to seem very much like a neck stretch to a lot of you or the mechanism will seem like a neck stretch it's not we're not looking for a stretch of any type we're not looking for any increase of stretching feeling or increasing pain we're looking for almost nothing when i talk to my patients about this i say look what do you feel like right there and they say oh it doesn't feel like anything and i said great do it for a minute and so if this works for you guys if you not if you notice a decrease of the rhomboid feeling whether in this position or this position it doesn't matter the head is still looking away slowly try to insert the nose and the armpit a little bit more and just hang out there i want you to breathe deeply into your belly do this with me in the nose three seconds out the mouth you'll start to feel just the rhomboid strain start to kind of melt away in the nose out the mouth do with me in the nose out the mouth now some of you might notice your shoulders going up when you're breathing redirect your your breathing to your lower abdominal area so it shouldn't look like it should look like this like very calm and relaxed one more breath in and out okay now we're going to reassess and figure out where we're at within this rhomboid strain and release protocol find the movement that bothered you you might notice some of you might notice wow my neck feels way looser it feels way better or hey my shoulder i can get through a lot more range it still hurts when i go through a little bit of stretching but it noticeably feels better all this means is you found an adequate release and you need to apply more dosage of this throughout the day all we did was one single minute of this okay position of comfort breathe one minute do this for about five minutes in a day for most people it dramatically just melts the rhomboid strain away you might be wondering what does this have to do with a rhomboid strain well there's things that will feed the rhomboid and tell it to become tight i know it feels very much like a muscle i've had this myself it feels like you want to pin it stretch it massage it i get it i've been there i understand but what we know what works with people is finding a position that's comfortable decreasing the amount of irritation to the area and getting the area to allow it to repair itself the whole thing is allowing it to repair itself and not irritating it continually and a lot of times the stretches that you guys might be doing are actually feeding the problem and that's why the thing never goes away is because you've picked an activity or an exercise or a stretch or a position which worked for somebody else but not you all of these should be comfortable and so if you have questions on this you can always put the link in the description below ask us ask us a question we invite you to to interact with us on this and tell us position one or two would be really cool because i'm curious how many of you have this versus this position one is next position two is belly um and the last thing is uh we're offering that everyone get a free gift um a informational gift about what to do next because a lot of times people go through these youtube videos that we have and they're like cool that worked now what and you could email us you could contact us we could work with you we'd love to work with you we offer online or in person but at the same time not everyone wants to work with us they just want to do more self-help and that's okay we understand that i've been there too i do a lot of self-help on myself but obviously seeing someone in person or working with a clinician one-on-one is always best practice because you'll get to your result that you're looking for way faster and i'll explain how fast in a moment here but go to the link below or there's something that's going to pop up on the side of the screen which is going to be a gift for you it could be an audio it could be a video could be a pdf could be whatever we change a little bit throughout time because we figure out what people like the most and we're trying to we're always trying to change that to make sure it's fresh and it speaks to you and it helps you not just it's something that doesn't make any sense to you and so take advantage of that it won't cost you a thing it's completely free if you want to help me on that you can certainly pay us for your help but for our help i guess but if you do this right and i know this is going to sound like i'm completely blowing smoke if you do this right if you do the right correction for your rhomboid strain you will feel dramatically better within even about a week it's going to almost melt away within a week without doing any type of stretching tissue work or whatever might be if those things don't work this single exercise that we show a lot of times produces a dramatic change for a lot of people when they've tried everything else and so give it a chance all right if this works tell us if you want to work with us we're in costa mesa california we offer online which makes it so wherever you're at you can work with us just reach out to us info p2 or you can work with us in person either one is fine we firmly believe there's no reason for anybody to suffer with rhomboid pain or rhomboid strains anymore because we've provided a lot of resources for you that work for many many many many many people and so ask us for help we're here to help just start the conversation we'll see on the other side
Channel: Performance Place Sports Care & Chiropractic
Views: 33,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rhomboid Pain Release, How to Perform A Rhomboid Pain Release, perform A Rhomboid Pain Release, rhomboid pain, shoulder pain, rhomboids, physical therapy, rhomboid major, rhomboids pain, upper back stretch, upper back pain relief, shoulder blade adjustments, rhomboid pain relief, rhomboid stretch, shoulder blade pain, Rhomboid exercises
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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