How to Relieve Trapezius Pain FOR GOOD

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In this video, I'm going to show you how to fix trapezius pain for good. Stay tuned. Hey, everyone. Dr. Rowe coming to you from SpineCare in St. Joseph, Michigan. In this video, we're going to go over a step-by-step guide that can give quick and long-lasting relief for trapezius muscle pain. If you're unfamiliar with the trapezius, it's a large muscle that runs throughout the whole back and it's comprised of three separate areas. The upper, middle, and lower. When this muscle becomes strained and inflamed, it can cause a lot of issues including neck pain that works its way to the shoulders that works its way downward in between shoulders and then further down in between the shoulder blades. So, to make getting relief easy, I'm going to show you how to target each area separately in three different parts. While the parts may be different, they are meant to work together. So, to get the best results, use all three. As a bonus, all of the exercises can be done at home and you may find give quick trapezius muscle pain relief even within 30 seconds. So, let's get started and fix that trapezius pain right now for good. In the first part, we're going to focus on warming up the muscles and soft tissues that is bringing blood flow in, improving circulation, increasing flexibility, and hopefully getting some quick pain relief. Let's start with the upper trapezius. That area pretty much from the bottom of the ear into the side of the neck to the top of the shoulder. Usually the big hot spot for most that are dealing with trapezius issues. For this one, you can use a couple fingers kind of like making a hook with them but I would recommend giving a tennis ball a try. Kinda cupping it like this. I actually like the tennis ball method because it's a little bit more comfortable. So, whatever side that you're having upper trapezius pain. Let's say it's your right side. You're going to take your arm on that side, bend your elbow at 90 degrees and then slide your hand and arm across your lower back as much as you can. You should feel the muscle right here on the top of the shoulder and to the side of the neck, start to relax. From there, we're going to tilt our head away from the side of pain. So, I'm taking my left ear towards my left shoulder. You should feel a D opening stretch forming on that painful side of the neck. From there, we're really going to get that muscle to fire by now turning and looking upward towards the ceiling. You should feel a really deep stretch at this point. From here, we're going to build into a self massage. So, take your tennis ball or take fingers and what you're going to do is start right on the side of the neck below your ear and press in there where you're going to get a good self massage but not causing any discomfort and do this for about three to 5 seconds. From there, just going to relax. On the next repetition, what you're going to do is go slightly below that previous spot and then repeat. You want to do this whole process pretty much going from the bottom of the ear working your way into the side of the neck to the top of the shoulder. You're going to find that one certain spot is just the hot spot like it really is painful. Maybe a big muscle knot spasm trigger point. At that point, you really want to focus on that one and repeat this until you finally feel that tightness go away or the pain is significantly reduced and I do recommend that when you're done on one side to switch to the other side just to keep everything in balance. For the middle and lower trapezius, we need to target across the shoulders in the upper back downward towards the spine into the shoulder blade. Not the easiest spot to reach. So, here's a simple trick to make it easy. What you're going to do is take a tennis ball and if you don't have a tennis ball, no big deal. Just roll up several socks instead and place it in a large sock a pillowcase. That way, you can throw the ball over your shoulder just like this and be able to hit those hard-to-reach spots. So, let's go next to a wall. You're going to position the ball right over the most painful spot and with this one, only go over muscle. Don't go over the spine or anything bony. You're going to tilt your body so your feet are going to be slightly out in front of you. That way, you can press your body weight into the ball. Only go to a point where it is a good, comfortable self massage. Nothing whatever side that you're having discomfort I pretty much have it centered right over my left side lower trapezius you're going to take that arm off to the side like this and bring it back as much as you can so my arm is straight and I'm bringing the back side of my hand away from my body bringing it backward you should feel a very deep stretch into the chest but more importantly right into that trapezius muscle what I like to do is hold this for about 3 to 5 seconds I relax and then repeat this 110 to 15 times. What we're trying to do again is warm the muscles up while also trying to improve circulation and with each repetition, try to stretch into it just a little bit more. From there, what I'm going to do is now raise my arm up kind of like a Y position and then repeat. You're going to notice that the muscle gets hit just a little bit differently. Again, 10 to 15 repetitions and then from there, just switch over different spots as needed. In this part, we're going to focus on getting long-lasting relief by strengthening the trapezius muscles. This is by far the most important part so don't skip it. We're going to start with the upper trapezius with an exercise called the shrugging lift off. Very easy to do. The only thing that we need is a smooth wall. Start off by facing your wall, have your chest flush against it. You're going to take your hands palm side and place them on the wall. We want to do a shrugging motion to begin with. So, just reach overhead reaching your hands upward towards the ceiling as much as you can. Really focus on feeling that trapezius muscle on the top part of the shoulder start to fire. Hold this one for 5 seconds. You're just then going to relax and then you're going to repeat this one 10 to 15 times and with each repetition, try to build into it just a little bit more. If you want to make this one more challenging, you can always throw in another set or two. To take this one to the next level, grab some weights like a dumbbell or a barbell and then shrug upwards. The more weight resistance you use, the more muscle you should gain. So, let's build next into the lift off which is going to target the muscle just a little bit differently. It's very similar. What we're going to do, face our wall, have our chest flush against it but this time around, we're going to angle our arms and hands away from us in a Y position. I like to make a fist, have my thumbs pointed away from the wall. You're going to press your fist into the wall and now press upward as much as you can until you feel those muscles in the upper back start to fire. Once you feel that, you're then going to lift off. So, take your hands away from the wall. What you should feel is a deep activation of the chest muscles but you should also try to focus on pinching the shoulder blades at the same time to activate those trapezius. Hold this one for about 5 seconds, you're going to relax and then on the next repetition, try to build into it just a little bit more. Again, to make this one more challenging, throw in another set or two. So, moving on to the middle and lower trapezius muscles. We're going to do a strengthening exercise called the shoulder blade pump and rotate. This one is best done in the edge of a bed. Position your body where your shoulders and head are going to be off the edge of that bed. We want to do a simple head retraction to begin with. Take two fingers, put them on your chin, drive your chin and head upward towards the ceiling until you feel a really good activation of the neck muscles. We're going to hold this position right here during this exercise. So, whatever side of the bed that you're closest towards. In this case, it's my right. I'm going to take that side's arm, strain it out like this, make a fist, and then turn my hand so my thumb is going upwards towards the ceiling kind of like a hitchhiker sign. We're going to do the pumping motion first. Very easy. What you want to do is lift your hand and thumb upward towards the ceiling but moving through your shoulder blades. So, really focus on trying to move through your shoulder blade lifting that hand up. You should really start to feel the muscles around that shoulder blade start to fire. That's that trapezius. You want to hold this and now we're going to build into the rotation to take it to the next level. So, again, moving to our shoulder blade, I'm going to rotate my shoulder blade and upper body towards the ceiling until I feel a deep activation of those muscles. I feel a ton firing. It's pretty challenging. Hold this for about 5 seconds. You're going to relax. On the next repetition, pump and rotate into it just a little bit more. I try to do that for about five to ten repetitions and you can make it more challenging by throwing in a couple more sets. From there, I like to take this one to even the next level by targeting it at a different angle. So, instead of going straight out, I'm going to go into a Y position kind of like this. So, I'm going a little bit more forward. So, I'm going to pump upwards again and then, I'm going to rotate. You'll notice it hits the muscles just a little bit differently. Again, 10 to 15 times, make it more challenging by throwing in another set or two and whatever you do on one side, always switch to the other side to keep everything in balance. So, in the last part, we're going to focus on stretching. Stretching is really important to do after strengthening exercises to keep the muscles loose to help avoid soreness but stretching can also be used throughout the day for quick muscle pain and tightness relief and I'm going to show you a method that you can do pretty much anytime, anywhere including at work because we can do this one seated. I'm going to start with the upper trapezius and then work into the middle and then the lower and I'm going to focus on the right side but I do recommend doing this on both sides to keep everything in balance. So, to begin with the upper trapezius I'm going to take the arm on the side of pain in this case is my right bend my elbow at 90degrees and then I'm going to slide my arm and hand across the lower back as much as I can until you start to feel that upper trapezius muscle on the top of the shoulder start to relax once you feel that you're going to take your other hand hook the side of your head just like this and now slowly pull your ear towards the opposite side shoulder so I'm bending my head towards my left you'll feel a deep opening stretch forming a the side of the neck. You want to hold this position and now what we're going to do to take this one to the next level is then turn and look upward towards the ceiling. The more that you rotate and look upward towards the ceiling, you're really going to feel that upper trapezius, get a deep, wonderful stretch. Hold this one comfortably for 20 to 30 seconds. Release it and then on the next repetition, build into it just a little bit more. I try to do this for three to five repetitions. Moving on to the middle trapezia we're going to focus more on the upper back in between the shoulders. So, this one is kind of like a slump stretch. What I'm going to do is take my hands, interlock my fingers just like this and put it over the knee of the side of pain. Again, on my right side. Let's slump forward taking our chin towards our chest rounding our shoulders forward until you feel a really good stretch on the upper back in between the shoulders. Once you feel that, we're then going to use our leg right here to intensify that stretch to hit middle trapezius. So, what I'm doing is more or less using this knee to push down and taking my hands down with it and when you do this, it's really going to intensify that slump stretch. I feel it pretty much all across my upper back and it usually feels really really good. Again, 20 to 32nd hold, you're going to release it on the next repetition. Try to build into it just a little bit more. Three to five complete repetitions. For the lower trapezius, what I'm going to do is take my arm on the side of pain I'm going to straighten my elbow and reach upward like this and now I'm going to take my hand and arm and reach across my body so my right arm is going to reach across my body towards my left and I'm going to angle it downward towards the floor until I feel a really deep stretch forming on the edge of my shoulder blade going towards my spine that is pretty much the area of the lower trapezius once you feel that you're going to slump into it just a little bit more to intensify it take your hand on the other side grab your elbow and passively pull your hand down towards the floor even more. You should feel a deep stretch already forming but we're going to take this one to the next level by slumping into it a little bit more and rotating our shoulder on the painful side towards the other side downward towards the floor. So, I'm kind of rotating that right shoulder across my body downward towards my floor. You will feel a deep stretch across that shoulder blade into the side of the spine. Again, a 20 to 32nd hold. You're going to relax and on the next repetition try to build into it just a little bit more three to five repetitions if the exercises help please support the channel by giving this video a like and maybe subscribing too if you have any comments or questions please leave them below I'll get back to you as soon as I can thanks for watching.
Channel: SpineCare Decompression and Chiropractic Center
Views: 399,234
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Keywords: how to relieve trapezius pain for good, how to fix trapezius pain for good, how to cure trapezius pain for good, how to stop trapezius pain for good, trapezius, trapezius muscle, trapezius pain, trapezius muscle pain, trapezius pain exercises, trap muscle, trapezius stretch, how to fix trap pain, how to fix pain in traps, how to release tight trapezius muscle, traps, tight trap, trap and neck pain, trap and shoulder pain, neck and shoulder pain, stiff neck, spinecare, dr rowe
Id: M2F-QI6h5Yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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