Quick Rhomboid Pain Relief | Upper Trap Pain (TRY IT)

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hey guys i'm sebastian and performance play sports care i'm going to show you a quick rhomboid pain release today um i'm just one half of locally world famous chiropractors in costa mesa california feel free to visit us locally world famous it just means that you haven't heard of us yet because you're not from around here maybe it's an ongoing joke anyways um phil stay tuned to this video and i will show you all of the magic that we have to offer um the exercise i'm gonna show you today is actually it's gonna surprise you all right it's something you probably have not tried yet it's very simple it's safe for most people to do as long as you pay attention to what your body's telling you your rhomboid pain will probably respond very well to this okay before we go on some housekeeping just there's a little red button somewhere that will allow you to search some more uh information on our on our on our youtube channel and so we put a lot of great videos on youtube we pride ourselves on giving the best free information on youtube um and the internet for that matter and so just go through and you subscribe use the search function put in rhomboid strain rhomboid exercise whatever you want to and you'll pop up it'll pop up whatever you want to see okay good quality video like this and so what i like people to do for really quick rhomboid pain relief is i like them to find a position on the floor i'm going to do it on my table because that's what i have right now when the camera set up you can do the floor on a bed whatever okay all right and let's make sure the camera is going to keep me in focus here before we continue okay obviously this tarot is very narrow so you might uh this this might change the game a little bit at least for me but i can still find a position that's comfortable what it comes down to is being able to find a position that re reduces the rhomboid pain completely and so if we're looking for relief you can find that very simply by attaining the position on the floor we like to call this a frog's position or frog's breathing i'll tell you a reason why in a moment but many people will consider this well that's a child's pose and it's not a child's pose because we're not trying to force you into a standard child pose position there's no forcing with it it's completely relaxed okay there shouldn't be any effort whatsoever so i like to start people in this position right here and just let their shoulder blades just sag this in itself might produce immediate relief in what your rhomboid feels like okay the pain just might melt away and the way we're going to listen to our rhomboid pain information in our body right now is that we need to realize that pain is your body communicating to our brain to tell us what's right and wrong and when we reduce pain or eliminate it it's where that we're finding a position that offloads a structure that's just telling you hey please just give me a break in this case the rhomboid right so this might be number one option position it's just kind of sagging now your hands and elbows might get tired doing this so we want to find something a little simpler and so i have my knees a little bit spread here they're certainly not narrow but their spread and my feet are relatively together okay i'm gonna crawl down to the floor make a diamond with my hands and let my elbows flare out as wide not super wide but wide enough to where they're still supporting me but they're not directly underneath my shoulders on this table i can't do it very well so you'll see my elbows off the table now i'm gonna go into the position then i'll describe it because and because i'll be down there i won't be able to talk and the mic will be in my mouth okay so this is the position okay i want you guys to get into that position and just try it then i'll describe a couple options of things you can do to find to tinker with this position so everybody get down on the floor or on your bed find the diamond position and let the elbows flare out you can frog the leg frog the knees out a little bit to find some room for the belly or the hips to pass through and then you're going to place your hand directly within that triangle the diamond that you made okay now while in this position all you have to do is relax do less do less don't let your shoulder blades do anything let the weight of your body sag into the floor i'm turning my head because i'm trying to get away from the mic so it doesn't sound so crazy for you guys but just look face down now breathe really deeply into your thighs using your belly to your belly will actually force into your thighs while breathing deep in this position now some of you might have some low back issues or hip ones and they won't like this and so you can tinker a little bit with the knee position or you can rock back and forth into a position that feels more comfortable on your entire body breathe deep after you find that position in three seconds in the nose and out the mouth [Music] in three seconds the nose out the mouth okay i hope you're breathing with me keep breathing in the nose three seconds out the mouth you should notice your belly getting full with each breath and you might notice that actually your your belly actually impacts onto your thighs right around here when you do it give me three more breaths in the nose out the mouth in the nose out the mouth now don't go anywhere after you're done breathing i just want you to sit there i'm going to sit up just because i want to be able to speak to you don't look at the don't look at the video when you do this stay right there and i want you to think about lev your level of pain 10 is terrible rhomboid pain that just won't go away a zero is perfect rate yourself now i know we didn't do it earlier but rate what you felt beforehand if you felt a five now you feel a two this is significant it's good it's not perfect we're looking for progress not perfection just yet aroma's not built in a day it takes a couple of these dosage effects to really get this thing to stick what we do know is the body is telling you that this is a better position and it's a way to relieve relieve the rhomboid pain that you're experiencing and it is quick relief from rhomboid pain but it won't stick long term unless you build support while you're pain-free i hope you're still on the floor okay you don't need to see me i'm not doing anything i'm just talking to you about it okay and so eventually when you get up i want you to try some movements would you usually bother your rhomboid it's usually a shoulder or neck movement okay go ahead and get up and try those movements notice if you feel more range if you feel if you feel generally better but your pain has dropped but your range is the same those are still useful information to know that this was the right path and it's a very easy way to reduce rhomboid pain and find some quick relief without having to do anything that's really damaging or or risky to most people this is just a position of comfort position to comfort are really easy to use we use them with a lot of our patients we work with them online or in person we do offer online we do offer online services too and so if you feel like hey i really wish i could work with you but you're nowhere close that's fine you can still contact us info p2sportscare.com we can work with you on that we also have a free gift that you guys can check in the link below at the bottom on iphone you got to scroll quite a bit it'll also pop up on the screen it's probably clickable too and it's so it's so it's a gift that we've created for you guys it's audio or video and we we tend to change a little bit um to really address what's the next step that you should be doing okay um because a lot of people will do this and say wow that feels better i've been using that for about a week i've been doing it for a couple minutes a day it feels great i love it but it does but i don't know what to do next and so that gift that we're giving you addresses a lot of the conversation that i won't go into on this youtube video about what to do next it's organized it's precise it's intended for if something like this worked on you and it gives you an idea of where to go i'll give you a brief overview and i'll let you know that that reduction of pain is really useful it's a necessary step and a lot of times people seek care seek solutions when they're in pain because pain's a very big motivator however to get this thing to stop coming back over and over and over again and to feel like you're fully functional again it comes down to building supports within the shoulder blade the mid back the neck and the core when you're not really in pain so usually 80 reduction of pain is a good time to start using the other method that i'm talking about um to really build support for the area why don't why don't you do when you're in pain because pain oftentimes corrupts movement and when it corrupts movement it's really hard to get the body to have good movement patterns and support within that area because a lot of times the muscles tend to help the rhomboid really wants to help but we don't need to we need to build a nice supporting cast and so get the get the free gift i encourage you to do so but you can certainly comment on this video and let us let me know how that worked for you um and subscribe to our channel the channel on the little corner there all it does is it when you click on it you subscribe it offers a search function i think i mentioned it earlier and just click up click rhomboid strain or search rhomboid strain rhomboid whatever and you'll find a lot of great videos just like this they will go over exercises stretches and so on they're not organized that was the thing and so that's why i want you to get the guide is because it's more organized than just random videos on youtube so hope you like this video please thumbs up share subscribe with a friend and we will see you next time
Channel: Performance Place Sports Care & Chiropractic
Views: 15,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quick Rhomboid Pain Relief, Rhomboid Pain Relief, rhomboid pain, rhomboid muscle pain, rhomboids pain, rhomboid exercises, rhomboid stretch, upper back pain, shoulder blade pain, physical therapy, fix rhomboid pain, rhomboids, rhomboid, upper back pain relief, upper back pain relief exercises, shoulder blade cracking, shoulder blade adjustments, shoulder blade stretches, shoulder blade sticks out, rhomboid exercise, Rhomboid major, upper Trap Pain
Id: wsfTcJL0Efc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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