How To Fix A Pinched Nerve In Neck Causing Arm Pain or Rhomboid Pain

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when a nerve in your neck gets pinched giving you pain in your shoulder your upper back or down your arm it's because this space where the nerve comes out of your spine gets closed down now three motions will increase that space again retraction traction and lateral flexion so here's the best exercises with those motions to give you quick relief for the first exercise lie back with your hands fully supporting your head and your neck completely off the end of a bed or a bench then tuck your chin in and keeping the chin tucked in use your hands to lower your head as far as it will comfortably go you'll feel a stretching and opening of the joints at the base of your neck or the upper back if that feels comfortable add the second component which is traction keeping the chin tucked in and the head lowered down traction the head away from the body with the hands hold this for a few seconds then ease off the traction and lift your head back up using the hands to take the weight keep your chin in for the whole process and repeat 10 times slowly if this motion hurts either in your spine or down your arm then your neck is too inflamed for exercises so you should ice it and go and see a professional next we're going to increase the space for the nerve by tilting the neck to the side now i prefer to do this with the painful arm behind the back but if this hurts your shoulder or increases any symptoms then instead you can hold underneath the chair to keep the shoulder down as you tilt to the side keeping the shoulder of the painful side gently down tuck your chin in and back and slowly lean away from the painful side hold this for a moment then look down at your hip and return back the other way do this ten times slowly but only in one direction away from the side of pain you should feel the muscles on the side of your neck stretch a bit as the joints on the side of your neck open up if the mid-back is rounded then the neck has to extend to compensate and this closes down the space for the nerve between the vertebra as well so in exercise 3 we address the mid-back this is best done on your knees but if your knees hurt in that position you can do a variation in a chair put your hands on or just in front of your knees then start off by rounding out your mid-back and looking towards your stomach then move in the opposite direction slowly pushing your chest out to arch the mid-back and bringing your head back but keep your chin tucked down the whole time move until your neck is slightly extended but don't lift your chin then return the other way and repeat ten times slowly keeping within a pain-free range of motion in the last exercise we activate the deep neck flexors of the neck to relax the tight neck muscles that often come with nerve irritation and this has a nice tractioning effect on the back of the neck as well with your neck in a neutral position and retracted a little bit put both thumbs under your chin bone and then try to pull your chin down but resist with your thumbs think of lengthening the back of your neck as you press down against your thumbs resist for five seconds and do this five to ten times as long as it feels comfortable to do sometimes these exercises will give you instant relief and sometimes it'll take a little while if the pain is pretty intense ice the angle of your neck just here three times a day for 10 minutes and do that a few days before starting to do the exercises now you'll know the exercises are working if pain in your arm or in that upper back area the rhomboid area if those pains start to recede towards the base of your neck you know you're improving looking at your phone in a flex position on the sofa or in bed is the most common cause of this problem if you keep doing this you'll never get better instead lift your phone to a higher position with one hand supporting the other elbow when you sit and lie on your side to look at devices in bed try to avoid looking up when you have a pinched nerve pain as this will cause more compression and inflammation and avoid leaning towards the painful side as this puts more pressure on the nerves too there's sometimes a bit of intermittent pins and needles or numbness into the fingers with a pinched nerve and this is usually something that you get say in bed for a minute or two but you can shake out but if you get numbness that lasts for more than a few minutes at a time or especially weakness in the hand or arm then you need to go straight to your doctor and get an mri to check out the discs and the structures in the spine good posture is the key to pinched nerves in the neck so if you think your posture is a bit dodgy check out my latest video on posture and i'll put the link in the description box below anyway that's it for today hope you liked the video if you did please consider liking and subscribing because it always helps and let me know how you go in the comment section below okay cheers
Channel: Body Fix Exercises
Views: 3,688,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cervical radiculopathy, nerve pain down arm, pinched nerve in neck, pinched neck nerve, arm pain from neck, pins and needles in fingers, numbness in fingers, rhomboid pain, pain in shoulders going down arm, disc pain down arm, nerve pain in arm, arm pain, arm numbness, hand numbness, finger numbness, pinched nerve, Mckenzie method, rhomboid pain exercises, pinched nerve treatment, pinched nerve exercises, exercises for pinched nerve in neck, how to treat pinched nerve
Id: 0zcNvVnKjCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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