Release Muscle Knots Between Your Shoulder Blades - WORKS FAST

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what's up guys hey Jared Becks Tran here doctor of physical therapy tone and tighten calm and this is how to eliminate those annoying muscle knots in your upper back let's get into it right now [Music] all right you guys hey it's gonna be a good one today who doesn't get muscle knots in like their neck and upper shoulders and upper back upper back fortunately there's a lot of cool things that you can do right at home with minimal equipment to alleviate tension to alleviate pain in some of those areas I hope that the things I share with you guys today help you out if they do be sure to hit that thumbs up button to like this video also if you haven't done so already hit that red subscribe button down there in the corner to subscribe to tone and tighten right here on YouTube okay you guys so these muscle knots these areas of contraction there's a couple of different things that cause them posture issues is probably the first if you have poor posture that can be one of the causes for these muscle knots check the description down below for a video that I shot about posture I'm also gonna float that video right up here right now click on that link to help you correct your posture the other thing that kind of spurred this video is one of my more popular videos here on YouTube is how to eliminate muscle knots in your neck and your upper shoulders a lot of the comments that I get on that video include well what if my knots are a little lower what if they're in my upper back not necessarily my neck and upper shoulders and so that's where this video is coming from right now you guys if you're not is in your neck and your upper shoulder that's a little bit different techniques than what I'm gonna recommend today again check the description down below I'm also gonna float that video right up here right now that's the one that you want for knots in those areas if you have knots between your shoulder blades and into your upper back you're in the right spot so what we need to do is we need to get some blood flow into the area first things first you guys I recommend a heating pad for that I want you to lay on a heating pad for about 15 minutes now if you don't have a heating pad check the description down below that's the one that I recommend to patients on a daily basis works great what we want to do is just open up those capillaries promote blood flow into that area I typically recommend heat for that okay now let's get into some of the stretches some of the exercises that you can do to mobilize your spine to alleviate that knot I'm actually gonna go get my wife for this one you guys I'll be right back I'm gonna go grab her and we'll show you these exercises all right you guys here she's again my lovely assistant slash exercise demonstrator at home no so Camile actually get some muscle nuts in her neck and shoulders back pretty regularly so she's kind of a master of these exercises you guys so thought it'd be good to bring her in to demonstrate some of these for you so let's get into them right now so the first thing that I want to show you is a way that we can actually kind of fatigue the muscle in that area what that does is it kind of helps it to reset in order to eliminate that muscle not and so for this example let's say that Camille's muscle knots over here on the right side kind of the right shoulder blade area what we want to do is contract all the muscles in that area to fatigue it to help it to reset so in order to do that Camille's gonna outset elevate so she's gonna raise up that right shoulder she's gonna pull the shoulder backwards she's gonna extend her head now she's gonna lean towards it and now she's gonna rotate away from it so you're gonna rotate your face up that direction she's gonna hold that for about a three to five second count and then relax and so kind of confusing to get into so let's help you out one more time so again this is for that right side she's gonna elevate she's gonna pull it backwards she's gonna extend her head she's gonna side bend her head she's gonna lean towards it and then she's gonna rotate away from it and what you should feel is just a really good tight contraction of all those muscles in that area she's gonna hold that for about three to five seconds and then she's gonna relax she's gonna do that ten times there's your first exercise next let's go to our foam roller and then if you guys don't have one of these at home um honestly it's like one of our favorite therapy tools we actually have muscle not this is this is this is a moneymaker I know you guys I had to go pull this I had to go pull this like it was upstairs in our living room because we're on it like all the time if you don't have one I like this one this is six inches in diameter it's 36 inches in length check the link down below in the description I've got a link to this one that you guys can go check it out and so a big cause of your muscle knots is because your thoracic spine or your upper back just isn't moving the way that I should this is a great way to not only massage those muscle knots but to also promote mobilization and movement in that upper back and so we've got a perpendicular to her spine she's got it up kind of right on her level right now she's gonna reach behind her head support her head with her hands lift her hips up now she's gonna use her legs to push herself up towards her head and then right back down nice and slow as we go over this the thing that I always try to mention with this is I don't want you to stay like completely stiff completely rigid while you're on this you'll see that as Camille goes up and over it she's gonna let her head actually kind of fall down towards the ground just so that we can be sure that your spine is actually extending over that foam roller and really what I do in my clinic is I'll just set a timer I'll just put you on this for like two minutes and say spend about that amount of time mobilizing and extending through your spine nice job I might not get her all the time now if you don't have convenient access to a foam roller you can do a over the back of a chair and so she's in a very sturdy chair it's got a very firm back I don't want anything that swivels or reclines or anything she's gonna sit in the chair and then you can see that she puts her hands up behind her head same thing we're gonna try to work that extension through the upper back as she bends over the top of that chair that way now you can kind of vary where this hips depending on your posture if she wants it to hit a little higher she can slouch a little bit if she wants to be a little lower in her back she can sit up kind of straighter and taller and then extend back over the chair extend back over the chair that way same thing spend about two minutes doing that one next we're gonna get back up on the table she's gonna get up there on all fours and we're gonna throw you guys have seen this one before this one's the cat cow or the cat camel don't ask me which pose is which I have my ideas you probably have yours but the idea is to get I'm gonna pull your hair over this way the idea is to get as much motion as possible through this upper back through where those knots are kind of occurring so to do that we enter want to introduce flexion and extension so to introduce the flexion she's gonna pull her back up towards the ceiling really trying to round all the way out she tucks her chin down into her chest just until she gets a really good stretch through this area right here she's gonna hold that for about a three to five second count and then she's I call that one the angry cat I don't know that's what it reminds me of the camel or the cow part of this is she's gonna go the opposite way so now we're promoting extension through her up her back and through her lower back right here hold that one for three to five and then again through the through the cat via the the cat pose flexion we're gonna introduce that one hold that one for three to five and then go back the other way she's gonna do that about thirty reps total is what I typically recommend with that one looks good okay so now let's introduce you guys to there's two more self massage techniques that I really like umm and so go ahead and sit down and so this is this is the other best friend here at the back strand house this is a theracane you guys this is a great tool for self mobilization or self massage I'm actually gonna have you flip around to the other side and what you do with this one it's got you know different handles on it and these different you know kind of nubs right here these different balls where you can actually find those spots on your back I'll give that to you so she can actually find those knots down here on her back between her shoulder blades you always go right to that one that's the one that's that's her spot right there right on that right side and then you can just apply pressure to that and typically what I tell people is as soon as you find that knot put a little pressure on and kind of lean into it a little bit and really hold that for about 20 to 30 seconds per your pain tolerance and what you should feel with that is that muscle actually release as that tension decreases in that area you'll feel that knot release then you can move on to a different spot and you can find another area to release okay cool so that's the theracane you guys again one of my favorite self therapy tools check the link in the description I've got a link to to one of these theracane so you can pick one up on Amazon they're pretty cheap they're like 15 maybe 20 bucks so go ahead and check that out now if you don't have the theracane available tennis ball works really well too she's just gonna need to stand up and she can put that between her back and the wall and then again right on that spot she can kind of you know squat move and roll and rotate to kind of get that tennis ball right on that spot where one of those muscle knots is and then hold it right there same thing about 20 to 30 seconds lean into it kind of put some pressure on it is a really great way a really great self mobilization technique that you can really hit that muscle not as well nice job babe okay so we've got one more if I can if I can get her hoppin he's thinking so we massaged it we've mobilized it we've stretched it we've shown you some different things there the last thing that I love to do and the last thing that I think a lot of people miss when we're talking about muscle knots is just strengthening the area especially between the shoulder blades we're talking talking about middle traps and rhomboids the stronger we can make those the less they have to work throughout your day and all of a sudden the more that knot melts away and so to do that what I'll typically recommend to people is just some rows and so go ahead and grab those I'll kind of be your anchor point right here okay okay so you would anchor this around something firmer than your husband and so and so a railing or a doorknob works well something like that and so then what she's going to do go ahead and do some row so you're gonna step back extend your elbows all the way up straight and then what she's gonna do is pull pull her elbows back behind her and then come forward your emphasis with this is I really want you to fill this between your shoulder blade I don't want you to focus on pulling the handles to your armpits I want you to focus the mental picture that you should have is pulling your elbows back behind your body that's kind of the visual that I want you should feel this between the shoulder blades those are the muscles that we want to go crazy with this and so Rose you guys about three sets of 10 you can even work that up into the 20 rep range kind of three sets of twenty is another great way that you're gonna really target those muscle knots in your upper back all right you guys so that's it from us how you feelin so just drawn amazing right she steers well no I hope you guys enjoyed this I hope that some of these techniques help you guys out if they do help you out hit that thumbs up button down below thanks so much for doing that in advance also if you guys have any questions or comments about this or any technique that we talked about leave those in a comment below also any suggestions for future videos you'd like to see from Tona titan leave those in a comment down below I'll get to those just as I can alright you guys hey this is a great chance to subscribe you told him tight and hit the circle right down below if you've got muscle nuts in your neck and upper shoulders that's the video that you want right over there if you've got muscle knots in your lower back that's the video you want in that corner we'll see you again next time here on toe no tight
Channel: Tone and Tighten
Views: 969,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: back muscle knot, best exercises for muscle knot, best treatment for muscle knot, shoulder blade muscle knot, muscle knot between shoulder blades, eliminate muscle knot at home, exercise for muscle knot, get rid of muscle knot at home, how to eliminate muscle knots, how to get rid of muscle knots, jared beckstrand, knots in shoulders, muscle knot, muscle knot massage, muscle knot release, muscle knot treatment, physical therapy, how to release muscle knots, trigger point
Id: 1CbUPfDyEtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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