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in this video i'm going to give you lots of valuable tips on how to get the highest score possible in part two of the speaking paper of the b2 first cambridge exam also known as the first certificate or the fce okay let's do this [Music] welcome to to the point english with me ben gill where every thursday i release a video on the cambridge exams and every sunday i release a more general video on grammar pronunciation vocabulary and motivation tips so hit the subscribe button if you think that's interesting to you but today we're looking at the part two of the speaking exam for the b2 first certificate um so what do you need to do in this part of the exam well this is an individual long term well you'll need to speak about two photographs like this but in the exam the photos will be in color and you'll need to speak for one minute about these photographs without interruption and answering the question above the photographs which the examiners will also ask you and then you will have to respond to one extra question about your partner's photographs so you must pay attention to what your partner says about his or her photographs so what do the examiners want from you in this part of the of the exam well who better to ask than the cambridge assessment exams and this is what they say the focus is on organizing a larger unit of discourse comparing describing and expressing opinions so you need to compare describe and express your opinion it's that simple it's not that simple though because you only have one minute and you don't have time to compare describe and express your opinions so what you need to do is describe the photographs by comparing them so it becomes one action both comparing and describing now the photographs will always have something in common so i recommend you start by comparing the similarities so what what do the photographs have in common and you can use this type of vocabulary for that you can say in both photos there are or there is or in both photos we can see both photos show okay and then i recommend you go on to focusing on the differences between the photographs there will always be differences so some useful vocabulary you can use here is while or whereas so these are good words for focusing on the differences between the photographs so you could say for example in the top photo there is whatever whereas in the bottom photo there is whatever while and where whereas in this context mean the same thing so you can use both just to to avoid repetition and also we can use in contrast or simply but and however so in the top photo we can see this but in the bottom photo we can see this okay and then we move on to giving your opinion and you're already answering the question above the photographs here so some vocabulary simply you can say i think or i don't think in my opinion i believe i would say so that's more than enough vocabulary you can learn before the exam for this one minute long turn that you don't need to learn more than that don't make it too complicated for yourself and then of course you'll have to respond to a question on your partner's photographs so make sure you pay attention when your partner is speaking and look at his or her photographs uh it will just be a 30-second response to an extra question so yeah make sure you don't switch off and and start thinking about your lunch or your dinner or the football match of tonight um so just just pay attention now i just want to share this paragraph from cambridge assessment english this is from their official handbook so i think it's very very interesting and very relevant they say candidates have the opportunity to show their ability to organize their thoughts and ideas and express themselves coherently with appropriate language so that's what they really want you to do that that paragraph says it all so you really need to think of this as an opportunity this the whole of the speaking part of the exam it's an opportunity because of course you will be nervous um but it's an opportunity it's it's a chance to demonstrate to the examiners face to face because the rest of the exam you're just writing on a piece of paper and you hand it in at the end but this is a face to face it's a huge opportunity to so think positively about this part of the exam so let's just quickly look at an example just so we can use everything we've learned in practice so first this is what you should not do what you must not do do not do this so in one photograph we can see two people sitting on the floor the woman is touching the man's leg he is a football player in the other photo there is a policeman talking to a woman in the street she is wearing glasses they are looking at a map okay well first of all that was too short of course it's better to speak too much than too little in this part of the exam you can it's okay if the examiner has to interrupt you when the one minute is finished that's not a problem if you have said everything you need to say a bigger problem is if you don't say enough and the examiner is asking you to continue because it's very difficult then to think of new things to say so say too much rather than too little but also in this example the candidate didn't compare the photographs they didn't use impressive vocabulary and they didn't answer the question of course they didn't give their opinion about the question so let's try again with a good example okay in both photographs we can see two people a man and a woman and one person is helping the other person in in both photographs in the top photograph there is a football player sitting on the football pitch and the physiotherapist or the doctor is treating an injury whereas in the bottom photograph both people are in the street on a corner and the policeman is helping a woman with directions as they are both looking at a map the top photograph is perhaps during a break in a football match whereas in the bottom photograph the woman has probably stopped the policeman to ask for directions i think in the top photograph it's important for the physio to help the football player with his injury because it's important for the team that he can recover as soon as possible and get back into the match whereas in the bottom photograph it's important for the policeman to help the woman because she may be lost in a new city which she doesn't know and it can be very scary okay so you can see the difference there's more impressive vocabulary in that example and comparing the two photographs focusing on the similarities and the differences and answering the questions with my own opinions okay i hope that helped you as i said i have many more videos on the cambridge exam so check those out and my other videos and i'll see you very soon for another video thank you for joining me bye
Channel: To The Point English with Ben.
Views: 1,055
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Keywords: fce speaking part 2, b2 first speaking test part 2, fce (b2 first) speaking test part 2, fce speaking part 2 tips, b2 first speaking part 2 tips, how to pass fce speaking test, how to pass fce exam, how to pass b2 english exam, how to pass cambridge english exam speaking, b2 first speaking test, b2 first cambridge speaking part 2, fce speaking tips, como aprobar fce, como aprobar fce speaking, b2 exam tips, cambridge english exam tips, cambridge english exam preparation, ingles
Id: 84zPZo2z9vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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