CAE / FCE Speaking Part I

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hello boys and girls welcome to the video CAE FCA or FCC a speaking part one I'm going to go through exactly what you need to do to successfully get through this stage of the test is honestly not difficult when you know how and I'm going to tell you how let's have a look okay when you get in so you've just been yourself outside waiting with your partner maybe you know the maybe you don't you're getting in there sat down in front of the interlocutor the examiner in the background taking your marks so what happens you sit down and the examiner will say hello what do you like can I have your mark sheets please or like your names are blip a blur blur blur first of all we'd like to know something about you and then they start asking these relatively simple questions and it's called getting to know you is this stage of the test marked yes the moment you open your mouth you are being marked so what's your name look poor hmm my pronunciation of your name um yeah and so it really starts then what happens it lasts about three minutes they'll be like a simple question like what are your names again where are you from what do you like about living there or maybe how long have you been learning English then they have some more sort of topical questions like that you'll see here something like where do you hope to be in five years time what kind of music do you like listening to what makes a good friend kind of stupid little questions like this but the problem is most people have never thought about it I'll come to that later okay these are basically part one it is the examiner and you so you do not talk to your partner so the examiner will ask say student a finished student B finish maybe in other questions you can be an in student a but you don't mix all together like a threesome or something all right how to answer now this is the important part so really listen carefully this is so important length be relevant language grammar vocab don't repeat vocab from the question don't be silent and Hugh let's deal with those individually lengths you don't want your answer to be too short because when you give an answer always give a reason why expand your answer because your marks on this and by expanding your answer you show the examiner the English that you know so you'll give more folk apps and more grammar that's why by giving reasons you'll say a bit more do not try to talk too long because otherwise you could be just saying something irrelevant and pointless so maybe two to three senses is maximum and you're done okay I'll give you some examples in a minute let's say be relevant now I know this sounds stupid but you can't believe how many times when students are nervous they go off on a different track so I could say um could you tell me about the flat where you live yes I live in a big flat with three rooms with my mother and my father my mother is a proctologist my father is a zookeeper and I love my parents very much and sometimes we go to restaurants together whoa whoa why I didn't ask about that I asked I didn't asked about your proctology mum I asked about your flat I want to know what your flat is like so basically I am not going to give any marks because even if the English was good they didn't answer my question you need to be relevant so as I said in my get prepared video you need to have imagination but it has to be relevant crap relevant rubbish so to speak like a relevant lie so yes say what you want but you have to answer the question okay your language okay of course we need to really throw some nice grammar and vocabulary into our answer now of course in three sentences you might be thinking why can't say much but here's an example imagine if I say where do you see yourself in five years in the future I mean let's say this I suppose if I had to say so I guess I would probably be maybe receiving some kind of promotion working in a higher position where I currently work and receiving a much more generous salary finished finished perfect answer of course I said it in that answer was a really nice conditional some nice color Cajuns like generous salary that's exactly what they want to hear what they don't want to hear is this where do you think you could see yourself in five years in the future I don't know maybe a new job yeah I like cats maybe I will work with cats as a job yeah epic fail in fact I'm going to use two hands to facepalm absolute rubbish answer so you've got to get that vocab and grammar in there don't try to be too unnatural don't sound so scripted like you practiced it before they won't detect that and they will kind of punish you a bit for it okay don't repeat vocab from the question I hate this if you have a look at this question down here I'll give you an example now how important your sport of exercise in your life sports of exercise are very important in my life because it's good rubbish answer for two reasons number one you just basically repeat it all the vocab for my question you didn't show me anything new and you just said it's good rubbish vocab nothing years not even FCE so if you're gonna answer a question try to word it in your own way it shows your range of vocabulary so for example how important is Sport and Exercise in your life oh is absolutely vital I honestly can't be doubt it because I sincerely believe if you have a healthy body you have a healthy mind and that means I can work effectively everything I do perfect answer that's all you need even a CAA even CPE ok don't be silent say something so again this is a problem with imagination if you don't know what to say because most people really don't if you have a stupid question like if you had to choose between punching a duck or an elephant which one would you choose and why okay they're not going to ask that in the exam but you understand don't just sit there thinking actually what do I really think what I really punch a duck on an elephant I don't know just say something like well of course it would be the the elephant because I would get much more satisfaction never punch elephants because that's cruel but it's just a imagination stupid example okay say something if you can't really think of an answer then you can say something like this for example ah I had an answer it was on the tip of my tongue no sorry fine that's a natural way of saying that you can't answer you'll get a perfect model for that or um would you like to kiss a forest animal and why uh what is it I I can't remember I I had it now it's gone sorry maybe another question perfect it's fine it's okay to ask for another question it's okay to ask the examiner to repeat if you didn't hear absolutely fine it's natural English that's what you want all right or for example where do you see yourself in five years in the future like oh well I've never thought about it I really have no idea I don't know what to say to be honest I'm sorry perfect it's fine now again use these carefully because don't try to use these in a false way because it sounds unnatural and I had a student once that did so for example hello how long have you been learning English oh that's a tough question let me think about it it was not taking my time five years no if you're going to use this you need to pause you need to sort of go oh that's a hard one let me think about it um I really don't know it needs to be like that more scripted okay humour can we use humor you can if it works or everybody knows the English humor is a bit strange I think my humor is fantastic what British you would not mind personally I didn't British she was fantastic but be careful because some people like to think that being racist is humorous if you are racist you are going to get disqualified and from the entire exam so don't bother just for 15 minutes don't bother trying to be funny I would say okay now let's have a look at these three questions and I'll show you some examples so we just didn't have important is sport an exercise in your life okay let's try to let's kind of are give a bad answer and then a good answer okay again so how important is sport and exercise in your life um it is very important because I need to be healthy and I like to have a good diet and then I think I can work well I mean the answer is not bad there's nothing sexy in the answer there's no like like maybe band four band five grammar no band four bad five four can be very probably a bad three for such a basic answer at FCE if i wanted a really good answer something like this how important is sport and exercise in your life it goes without saying that you know it is the most vital part of anyone's existence if i'm honest because you know healthy body healthy mind we know that if we have a healthy brain we can basically achieve anything we want any goals we can work efficiently at our job fine perfect so nice grandma some nice vocab what is your happiest memory or school this is where I shipped myself because I've never thought about it again like over it was when my teacher um gave me a special sticker to say that I was a fantastic student for one day and I won best boy of the class award for that particular week fine actually that answers not bad let's try another one what is your happiest memory of school I don't have one answer because the length too small didn't hear much English epic fail facepalm okay what kind of holidays appeal to you the most I suppose the holidays which appeal to me the most are the ones when you are at one with the universe and the space and the Sun come together to bond as one unit like the Stars and the Snowman how they love like a flower what are you talking about okay first of all you repeated become me from my question you try to get too philosophical I have no idea what you're talking about nice words yeah but they mean nothing together so your discourse management mod will be pretty bad right yes don't try to get too philosophical on is it be relevant okay so I'll give you three more nice examples or speak slowly I'll speak clearly how important is for an exercise in your life it's absolutely crucial because I'm a sportsman I love exercising and I honestly can't live without it because I it's a great way for me to recharge my batteries and I basically distress myself after a hard working day perfect what is the what is your happiest memory of school if I can recall which because I left school a long time ago it was the day I finished because I hated school because everyone hated me and so I just felt like I had a new sense of freedom so that was probably why I'll never forget it fine perfect what kind of holidays appeal to you the most oh god I really have no idea but I suppose if I had to choose one it would be maybe like an adventure holiday where I can go trekking through the mountains like the elves for example with a backpack because I like that kind of extreme side of life may be swimming with great white sharks off the coast of South Africa perfect answer some nice collocations I gave a reason for my answer I usually conditional in now fine that's what it needs to be like ok so I hope that was useful now I'm going to go and make the part 2 video ok please give a thumbs up subscribe all that stuff okay see you later my friends
Channel: Practice English with Paul
Views: 86,451
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Keywords: 'practiceenglishwithpaul', fce, cae, exam, 'fcespeaking', 'caespeaking', speaking, 'speakingexam', 'fcetips', 'caetips'
Id: 8rJsSbbLcsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2016
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