How to PARGE and SCULPT with Rapid Set Cement All (Part B)

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whoa welcome to Part B it's a two-part series of sculpting texturing and sculpting only this time we're gonna use the cement ah instead of the mortar mix so if you haven't seen part a linked up above go see that one first then come back to this video so it's gonna be a similar video to Part A where we're going to parge the wall but we're also going to do a nice big bump out over here and then we're also going to glue this brick to the corner of this wall an hour later we're going to take the bottom brick out and just watch the video so let's get to it and let's make something cool [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we want the same kind of prep as we did with the mortar mix we want it clean free of loose debris free of paint free of oils and greases and we want to make sure that we wet it down let's mix so how does cement all differ from four mornings it's the same as far as it can go horizontal it can go vertical without a bonding primer but the main difference is the aggregate water mix has a place and/or an all-purpose sand sized aggregate so it can only go down to about a half of an inch can't get to a feathered edge the cement all has a silica sand sized agate so you can go all the way down to zero oh we don't know a feathered edge with this guy up to four inches thick I'm gonna mix a half a bag today some of you were missing the captain morgans dance [Music] now I like to mix up the cement all just a little wetter than I would like it to be because this stuff is gonna set up as I work with it very fast don't be afraid to use the set control with this stuff either they don't buy you about 15 to 20 more minutes of working time per bag all right just like in the last video we use a 12 inch trowel and trusty bucket scraper go all the way down to the bottom draw it straight up [Music] again I'm putting my trowel directly over my knuckles like a little table top taking my material scraping it on [Music] [Music] now that I've got the well covered now I want to focus on smoothing it out and make it nice and even again just like in the last video I'm going on a nice shallow angle [Music] I'm gonna let this set up for just a little bit then I'm going to turn my attention to those two blocks that you've been wondering about [Music] I'm kind of working the material into the pores of the substrate [Music] take this block put some shims in there take this block and [Music] what in the am i doing you asked in one hours time I am going to remove the bottom block and this block is going to stand up all on its own on top of that I'm going to stand on this brick and it's going to hold up my weight true story [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wipe off my trowel real quick now I'm gonna go in for one last pass [Applause] [Music] it is very smooth at this point like like Skippy smooth now you probably thought this was taking it one step further no this is taking it one step further [Applause] [Music] I've got the product stiff enough now to where I can hang it vertically about two to three inches out without any kind of reinforcement no foam and no pens [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna be quite honest with you the people out there that are familiar with this kind of stuff you're getting nervous right so I'm like I'm actually starting to lose the material because it's it's setting up a lot quicker on me than I expected today I got the Sun beating down on me right now so I probably should have used the set controller but that's okay we're gonna do this see I'm just kind of rounding over again keeping that nice shallow angle all the way through [Music] got my trial just a little wet I'm cheating a little [Music] we are now at a good point where we could go ahead and rub this with a damp sponge and kind of give it a little bit of a very fine texture since this has a silica sand sized aggregate in it it's gonna be a very it's gonna be like a very fine sand paper texture [Music] see all these light spots that's already setting rocks out of them on me that's how fast this material is in fact it's already getting very hot so I'm gonna give us about 20 30 more minutes we're gonna take this bottom brick out and go from there [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] about 45 maybe 50 minutes oh god just I like a little bit of setting up to do over here in the corner but uh I think we can do this [Applause] whoa the walls gonna come over but the bricks not gonna fall not bad after only about 4550 minutes on no bonding primer no pins no metal reinforcement whatsoever we just prepped well and we use the rapid that product we we had our hiccups I let the material get away from me a little bit but I think in the end we we conquered right we had a nice silky smooth surface the sky is the limit with applications like this I want you guys to let your imaginations run free and and just run with this but I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do with a half wall in my backyard so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] make sure to LIKE and subscribe and I will see you in the next one [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Michael Builds
Views: 296,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, parge, texture, sculpt, mortar mix, rapid set, mason mix, advanced masonry, masonry, brick pattern, concrete, concrete countertops, concrete countertop, concrete counter top, cinder block, cinder block wall, mortar joint, diy concrete, do it yourself, advanced concrete, home improvement, do it yourself (hobby), how to install, Cement All
Id: kaB22ceIrqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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