Curved Concrete Countertop / Bar Top

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what's happening everybody today we're talking about curved concrete countertops how about a curved bar top let's make something cool [Music] adding curves to your concrete can add a dramatic yet elegant look so we're gonna just jump right into making this mold so we're gonna start by talking about the material we're gonna use so the key to this project is gonna be using a material called white board it's similar to mail me what's got a nice plastic finish on it but instead of being a particle board substrate it's a hard board substrate making it nice and flexible you get those smooth subtle curves for our mold [Applause] [Music] let's cut the base to a more manageable size then rip to strips at an inch and a half of it we need to make a cardboard template and I'm going to show you how to do that simply by using a nail and a string I'm going to show you guys an old trick first you're going to tie a little loop on the end of your string you take one of these really cool clamps you're gonna clamp it down at the end of the table right at the edge you're gonna draw your line along the bench [Music] now we can hang our tape measure right in the end and then we're going to make our two marks where's our inner and our outer radius in this case our radius is three foot six inches 9/16 our outer radius is two foot five inches and eleven sixteenths insert a 16 penny nail through the loop drive the nail into the ground and this will be our pivot point for the string then position a marker at the marks you made and draw their arc [Music] [Music] also don't go leaving nails in your driveway simply cut the template out with a razor now that we have our cardboard template cut out in our base cut all we have to do is trace our template now that we have our template traced I like to start by attaching the straight ends first that will give our flexible pieces something to attach themselves on to I like to use a pilot drill with a countersink and drill one inch deep [Music] then screw an inch and a quarter SPAC screw into the base clamp the other side down and repeat now we're going to make several anchor blocks made from your scrap [Music] place the blocks just behind the curved lines about a foot apart and attach them however you want [Music] I know you're watching me do a lot of tedious steps but I promise the juice is worth the squeeze rip one and a half inch strips of the flexible hard board and attach them at both ends using brand nails or screws but do not use Brad's or screws on the anchor points we're going to use rapid set flexible construction adhesive to secure and seal the hard board to our anchor points instead of using mechanical fasteners this will avoid any nasty holes on the inside of our mold turn the mold around and repeat I promise this is all totally gonna make sense in the end [Music] that's pretty much it we have our sides secured we have our flexible sides sealed and secured it's pretty much ready to go at this point but uh I want to take it just one step further we're gonna get all Pinterest e up in here we're gonna make our concrete countertop just a little bit more visually appealing we're just gonna give it a little more it's just by simply adding a little trim so let's go to our local Home Center and let's go check out their molding I'll check out this aisle there are a hundred different profiles to choose from check it out [Music] we're going to use polystyrene Cove molding for our project but the cove to one side of the mold and temporarily clamp it to the edge using spring clamps and mark the cut run a bead of rapidset flexible construction adhesive and clamp in place spring clamps will save your life in the only cost of dollar piece [Music] for the side we just want to tack it in place because we're going to remove it after the first pour I cut a cove joint at the end of this piece I'll explain how to cut Cove joints in a later video [Music] who it is cold outside it's about 19 degrees outside I made sure that two of these bags stayed inside overnight to warm up a little bit got myself some warm water [Music] spray them all down with wd-40 and wipe off the excess [Music] if I plan on using a design I will either print or draw my design on a sheet of paper laminate it for durability and cut it out with a razor now just sprinkle dry sanded grout over the design the wd-40 will help the design stay in place for detailed instructions on how to mix rapid set mortar mix just click on the link above or watch my how to make a concrete countertop in one hour video [Music] don't forget the flow control this is gonna make your life so much easier [Music] pour the mortar mix in a spot that won't disturb your design and be ginger about it the nice wet mix will flow right over the grout if your mix is too thick it'll push you to design all over the place and don't forget to tap those bubbles out depending on temperatures you should be able to take your concrete countertop out of the mold in one hour [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] now we got to get this cleaned up and ready for pour number two since we're going to make a mirror image of the first lab remove the Left Cove molding [Music] then cut and attach a new coat base for the right side for the sink knockout we're going to cut 2 pieces of 3/4 inch melamine at 12 inches by 9 and 3/8 of an inch and sandwich them together [Music] I used a drafting compass to mark my one-and-a-half inch radius on all four corners I used a drum sander to see in the corners down but this would have been much easier with a belt sander let's make these rough edges nice and smooth with some packing tape [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] normally when I use rapidset cement I don't bother using any kind of metal reinforcement or rebar but with that being said you want to use your best judgment for instance in this project we've got a very skinny piece here and a very skinny piece up here so we're gonna put a piece right here and we're gonna put a piece right here I bought myself a four-foot piece cut it in half making to 2 foot sections [Music] [Music] tap the rebar down about three-quarters of an inch but not all the way down to the bottom surface [Music] [Music] [Music] our next step is to mount this sink in order to give us a more streamlined look we're gonna under mount it instead of mounted on the top the way it was meant to be but we can't use the hardware that it came with instead we're gonna get anchors meant for concrete one-inch fender washers animation or any drill bit this technique is going to save us several hundred dollars in undermount sink would cost anywhere from two to three hundred dollars in a probably special order and it won't come with a faucet hundred dollars and it comes with a faucet don't be intimidated this is gonna be very easy and I'm gonna show you mark the depth at 1 inch with blue painters tape and don't drill past the tape [Music] I ran a bead of clear silicone on top of the sink before setting it into place now just insert your screw through the washer and secure the sink in place on all four corners [Music] [Applause] [Music] I cut a 15 degree bevel on all the pallets and just screw them together [Music] rapidset flexible construction adhesive is like hot sauce to me I put that on everything [Music] [Music] seal the joint with rapidset non-sag sealant and [Music] [Music] [Music] guys thank you so much for watching my video I hope you got something out of it if you did hit that like button and if you haven't subscribed already think of subscribing I promise you won't regret it I only open my KBS's up on special occasions and what better special occasion then 30,000 subscribers in only two months with one video thank you guys so much Cheers and I'll see you and the next one it is way too freaking cold to be drinking cold beer Who am I kidding it's never too cold to drink cold beer right [Music]
Channel: Michael Builds
Views: 632,122
Rating: 4.9529533 out of 5
Keywords: concrete countertop, concrete counter top, concrete countertops, curved, round, rapid set, mortar mix, concrete bar top, bar, outdoor bar, diy, how to, advanced, 1 hour, diy concrete, kitchen countertops, cement countertops, home improvement, concrete table, do it yourself, modern furniture, how to make concrete countertops, coffee table, diy concrete table
Id: 6dfFwagmklk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
Reddit Comments

I love the countertop, but I am not a fan of the pallet base.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 111 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/Islanduniverse ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Feb 24 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

My knees would be killing me after all the kneeling he does in the video. I don't know if that sort of cinematography is his style or what, but I found it distracting.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 69 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/bhasden ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Feb 24 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

Are we all going to pretend that he didn't just put Transformers logos on that counter top?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 105 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/Poo_Canoe ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Feb 25 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

Why do you use the nail-string-sharpie rig to draw on cardboard, cut it out, then trace the cutout onto the board, instead of just drawing on the board directly with the nail-string-sharpie?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 38 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/dlgeek ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Feb 24 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

I'm a pretty big novice when it comes to diy, but isn't that a pretty sketchy way to mount the under sink?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 73 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/Z0mbiejay ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Feb 24 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

Is that the Transformers logo?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/JustJakkiMC ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Feb 25 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

Pretty neat, great vid. Great edits, great build and from your first vid you got 30k subs. Thats insane!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 16 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/redkulat ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Feb 24 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

Cool projects, good edits.. but starting to veer on the super cheezy size with all of the different types of music, woosh sound effects and strange camera angles.

Sure itโ€™s fun to experiment with all of that, but there is a fine line between tasteful and overdone.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 42 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/sonar_un ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Feb 24 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

Is that the decepticon logo?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/alicebay ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Feb 25 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies
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