Curved Concrete Countertop / Bar Top
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Michael Builds
Views: 632,122
Rating: 4.9529533 out of 5
Keywords: concrete countertop, concrete counter top, concrete countertops, curved, round, rapid set, mortar mix, concrete bar top, bar, outdoor bar, diy, how to, advanced, 1 hour, diy concrete, kitchen countertops, cement countertops, home improvement, concrete table, do it yourself, modern furniture, how to make concrete countertops, coffee table, diy concrete table
Id: 6dfFwagmklk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I love the countertop, but I am not a fan of the pallet base.
My knees would be killing me after all the kneeling he does in the video. I don't know if that sort of cinematography is his style or what, but I found it distracting.
Are we all going to pretend that he didn't just put Transformers logos on that counter top?
Why do you use the nail-string-sharpie rig to draw on cardboard, cut it out, then trace the cutout onto the board, instead of just drawing on the board directly with the nail-string-sharpie?
I'm a pretty big novice when it comes to diy, but isn't that a pretty sketchy way to mount the under sink?
Is that the Transformers logo?
Pretty neat, great vid. Great edits, great build and from your first vid you got 30k subs. Thats insane!
Cool projects, good edits.. but starting to veer on the super cheezy size with all of the different types of music, woosh sound effects and strange camera angles.
Sure itโs fun to experiment with all of that, but there is a fine line between tasteful and overdone.
Is that the decepticon logo?