How to paint Warhammer the Old World Tomb Guard | Duncan Rhodes| Tomb Kings

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hey everybody in this video we're going to be showing you a fantastic method of painting a tomb guard of the Tomb Kings of kemry for well depending on when you watch this either Warhammer fantasy or Warhammer the old world from Games Workshop now the tomb guard are the Elite foot troops of the Tomb Kings Army so on these Miniatures you have quite a lot of detail in the form of lots of gold lots of bandages but everything else in the Miniatures are actually really common across all the Infantry and even some of the Cavalry of the army so if you're looking to collect tomb Kings this is a video you definitely want to watch hope you enjoy it let's get to [Music] it when it comes to painting the vast majority of Tomb King's Miniatures a great starting point to go for for a primer is to use the appropriately named xandre dust so that's exactly what I've used here from Citadel great sorts Sandy color to get things going and with this miniature what we need to do first of all is pick out all the bone details but at the same time we can also address an issue with these models and that the bandages that appear on them can be quite complex and confusing when it comes to base coating them so what we can do is dry brush the bone col onto the mini chure and what this is going to do is catch the bandages as we go which sort of keys them out it means that when it comes time to base coat them it's actually much much easier to see exactly where they're going and what shape they are so that's why we're going to start out with this so what we need is a medium bone color and we're going to dry brush it onto the model so what I'm using here is some skeleton Legion and to apply it I've got a small dry brush from Citadel what we got to do is just get some of this onto the brush and get some tissue and work it into the bristles whilst also removing the excess paint bringing it down to around about this point here so it's going to be a fairly strong driver this one now as we apply to the miniature the main thing we're looking for are the bones so for example around his head want to start brushing it on like this working it onto the model so getting that ligh color really building up on the exposed parts of the bones just there you can see on his face are some of those bandages so I'm dry brushing over those too to and it's going to help key those out a little bit same is true as we get down to the body you can see on the back here if you look at the back of the legs there's a lot of bandages down there but there's also bones in amongst them so just going to dry brush at these making sure we get those bones and also bringing out the bandages as we go along once you finished dry brushing that bone color onto the miniature the next thing we're going to do is start painting one of the most eye-catching colors on the tomb guard which is the gold and for this what I'm going to use is some Dragon gold and to apply it I'm going for a size one brush this time for some accuracy because we want to be careful as we block this in just looking for any metallic detail at all on the miniature and painting with this color so don't worry about Silvers and things cuz that doesn't really appear so much on Tomb Kings instead we want to stick to this gold for all these metallic Parts which are going to largely appear on the shield where actually we've got quite an open space at the moment because most of this is going to be metallic with a few of the colors picked out later on but also there's lots of decorations around the rest of the miniature so look out for little bits of scale armor such as down here for example and also we got the crest going across the top of his head [Music] here we have the miniature with all of that gold base coated and I just want to quickly point out take care when you're doing all the scale armor because it's quite easy to miss some of the parts of that but once you have got all that gold what we're now going to do is add another tone of gold onto it specifically on the blade of the sword just to give the impression that it's much more polished than the rest of the gold on there so as to hone it towards a sharpened Edge and so for this what we want is a paler gold I'm going to use some glistening gold here and to apply it going for that same size one brush because this is just a little base coat on a particular detail as ever just make sure the paint's thin down and ready and then we can start looking for this area and it is all the actual flat part of the blade going along here so all the way up to The Cutting Edge all along the flat all the way down to the hilt now that we've got that variation there on the sword it's time to move on to the next selection of base coat colors and here we're going to start out by base coating the bandages and we want sort of medium brown for this so I'm going to use some Ancient Forest then it's time to get some color on here and we're looking up for that class classic Egyptian look so a turquoise and red so for the turquoise I'm going to use some cursed blue and then for the red I'm going for sanguin scarlet but first of all what we need is that Ancient Forest and to apply this I'm still going to use my size one brush and it's time to start looking around the miniature and picking out all the bandages that are on it now in the case of Tomb guard there are quite a lot you're doing other troops like archers or anything like that there are far less to worry about here but basically what we're going to do is just work our way around the body looking for all of them so you can see there's quite a few on the back of the legs just looking for these parts here and just pick out that texture there like that just working away around the minut looking for all of them here we have the model with all those bandages base coated and you can see just what I meaning that there's actually quite a lot of them but with that done we can now move on to getting some color onto the miniature and we're starting out with some cursed blue here so a nice turquoise color what I'm looking for is the main backing of The Shield so around these scarabs you can see I'm just going to be painting this region in between them just here if you do happen to catch any of the scarabs as you're doing this just NE up with a little bit of gold afterwards but also in the middle I want to get the background of it here as well as we get to these alternating Parts I'm going to have these alternating red and blue now what I like to do for these is start out by just painting them entirely with one color or the other so I'm going to start out with the turquoise here just painted the whole thing same's going to be true on the headdress that we've got up here I'm looking for these parts which I'm going to be alternating and also we got this one going around his shoulders just here and around his neck so I want to make sure I block these in at this stage too once you base coated that blue it's then time to start breaking it up with some red so here I'm using some sanguin scarlet and what I'm going to be doing is alternating these little segments that we've got such as around here but also going to base coat in the grip of his sword with those base coats now applied you can see the iconic color scheme coming through and so with that done it's now time to put a wash onto the miniature and for this what I'm going to go for is a brown wash to really tie everything together and get a nice earthy feel to it so I'm going to use some ble mud wash for this and because I'm painting it over the whole miniature you want to go for a large brush so I'm using a medium shade brush here from Citadel or you need need to do is just load up a generous amount on your brush and then start applying it all over the miniature so washing it all the way over so it runs into all the kns and crannies and gives you that shading on the miniature and also really helps Define all the detail on it too now as you're applying quite a lot of this do keep an eye on how it's settling because the nature of skeletons like this are lots of little fine detail and thin Parts can easily clog on things you can see actually it's happening on the shield even on a large area like this there's too much wash in an area like that so what you do is just use your brush like a sponge whilst it's still wet absorb away the excess paint then redistribute it elsewhere when it comes to clogging details do take care around the middle of the body around the waist and amongst the ribs because that's a good culprit for this sort of thing happening and also on any thin arms and things that are hanging off so for example on the elbow around here now once you have got this washed all over the miniature give it plenty of time to dry I'd recommend leaving it for about 45 minutes before you move on to the next stage the wash is now completely dry and you can see how it's really given the model a lot of depth and definition but it has made some things a little bit bit murky on those flatter surfaces so now what we need to do is just a little bit of layering to clean that up before we move on to highlight the miniature and for this we'll start where we started painting the miniature really with that bone color for all the bones on the miniature and in this case what I'm going to use is some skeleton Legion so going back to that original color but this time to apply it we need a fine brush so I'm using a size zero here from mopus now this time with the pains we just need a small amount on the brush and just bring the bristles to a good point and then on the bones where they're visible we're looking for the parts that stand out and are more raised up so if we go around its head there are some is in the way but you can see we got Parts showing through such as the top of the skull right here we're aiming for the flat Parts in the middle of these areas and just being careful to avoid recess details where more of that wash settled so you can see I'm just applying it here what I'm doing is just essentially reestablishing that color but I'm also retaining the definition we got from the wash same is true as we get down towards the face here we've got a bit of the brow showing through right in there and a little bit of the nose we're looking for areas like that also a little bit on the side of the eye socket right there then we' got the jaw line down here so again the same process we're looking for the flat Parts as the jaw just there but just being careful to avoid the recesses in between each of the teeth with the bone Parts cleaned up we can now move on to one of the most important colors on the miniature which is that gold and here what we're looking at first of all is the more Rich gold that we've used across the majority of the miniature so we need to go back to the original color we used so here is going to be some dragon's gold once again and to apply it I'm going to go for the same brush but for some of the finer details such as the legs on the scar designs you might want to go for a smaller brush the choice really is dos but the process is the same as what we just did with that bone and that we just need to make sure the paint is nicely thinned Down and Under Control a little bit runny as well a little bit translucent let's make sure you don't have loads of it on your brush too so it doesn't go out of control and then we're looking to identify those gold parts and we're going to layer over them so for example if we take a look at the shield it's a matter of looking for these flat parts and just layering it on top of these areas so around here for example but remember as you get close to any recesses just take your time so we've got these little notches in the shield just here we want to avoid those recesses and leave them dark concentrating just on the raised up flat areas with that layering done you can see the gold is now nice and shiny once more and so now we can move on to layering some of the other important Colors that appear on the miniature and we'll start out with that sword blade again we need to go back to the original color here so that's going to be glistening gold and then it's time to do that turquoise and red so going to use some cursed blue followed by some sanguin Scarlet but first of all what we need is that pale gold so some glistening gold and I'm going for the exact same application here so still using that size zero brush as usual just need to make sure the paint is thin down and nice and smooth so we get a nice smooth finish to it on the miniature and with that prepared it's time to reapply it onto the blade of the sword and because it's quite a pale color already this will go nice and smoothly and easily but we're looking to be careful to avoid those recesses so you can see as I'm going here just being careful The Notches Along The Cutting Edge on the flat of the blade we've got this recess design here I just want to be careful going around it to make sure the brush doesn't fall into that recess part so it stays nice and defined with that shine returned to the blade of the sword we can now move on to the colors so starting out with the turquoise I'm back to Cursed blue here and still using that size Zero Brush we're looking for the parts that we originally base coated with this color but again just being careful to avoid the recesses so you can see on these segments here I'm just aiming for the flat part in the middle as we go further downto The Shield where we've got the Scarab designs just looking for the flat Parts just being careful not to go quite into the corners where it meets that gold design and then finally we can move on to sanguin scarlet and it's the same thing once again we're just looking for the parts that we originally base coated with red and we just want to reapply this color onto the flat areas being careful to avoid any recesses and with that the layering stage is now complete and you can see it's returned those nice colors onto the miniature and if you want to you could just leave it here do the base and your model's going to look fantastic on the battlefield especially in large ranked up units but if you want them to pop out in the battlefield highlighting is what you need to do and when it comes to highlighting you could do everything or just a few colors on there the choice really is yours but if you decide to do just a few you need to pick out the really important ones and when you're doing tomb Kings I definitely recommend if you highlight anything make sure you highlight the bone because whilst on these guys not that much as visible it is a key part of the army and on other skeletons like your archers and things there's quite a lot visible so it is an important one to do now for this what we need is a light bone color so I'm going to use some vampire fang for it and to apply it what you want is a small brush that holds a good point that's exactly what I've got here a size0 from ardus and holding that fine point is really important because it just helps that accuracy and that fine control as you're applying it to the model so to do this just make sure you thin that paint down with a little bit of water just bringing it into the paint at the side there just mixing it in just testing the feel of it until it's flowing really easily from your brush but not so easily that it's going out of controls it's bit of a balancing point to find see I'm just manipulating the paint and playing around with it until I reach that point just bringing in more pigment as I need to and I think we're about there now I've got quite a bit of paint in the brush at this stage so I'm just going to remove off some of the excess draw up a little bit fresh and then we're ready to go so for the bones what we're looking for are parts that stand out any edges any Corners things like that and a lot of it is quite obscured but if you look at the face there's definitely some in here to do such as the brow so I'm just going to dot in a little bit of this color just on there the top of his nose is right there so I want to make sure I get that and also you can see a little bit of the bone on the side of the eye socket so I'm just going to dot a bit of this color in just there then we've got the jawline here and it's quite a strong Edge going around the actual bottom of it there so I'm just going to run some of this color along that part there like that then dot a little bit of it onto the teeth as well so just highlighting it there finally like that and it's basically process across almost all the skeleton except for parts where you can see the top of the head now when you get to this part just make sure that you don't have much paint on your brush and make sure it is thin down with some water and just lightly apply it onto the top of the skull so just around there just so it's a little bit lighter towards the top where the light would catch it with that done to the Bone we can now move on to the next most important color which is going to be that gold and for this what we want to go for is a really light gold first of all for the main part of it so we can actually use glistening gold here but then for that sord blade because we went for glistening gold as it's midtone we need to go even lighter than this so in this case I'm going to use some Platinum cray but first of all what we need is glistening gold and to apply it I'm going for the same brush here that size0 once again because it holds a really good point remember that's the important thing as you doing this technique want a really good point in the brush so you can get accurate fine lines with it now again thin the paint down so it's nice and smooth and with this color we're looking to follow all the sharp edges on the golden detail so for example if we take a look at the shield to begin with we want to go around the outside of it and because we've got quite a sharp angle here you can approach the side of your brush skim down it and get that brighter line following the edge all the way along same as you go over the Crest at the top I again using the side the brush and just gently following it around changing the angle of the model as you need to and making sure to skip past these little notches that we've got just here and this way we get a nice highlight along the edge really quickly and easily now when it gets to the parts on the interior of the Shield or more delicate areas it gets a little bit more tricky in this case you got to use the tip of the brush and to do this just make sure you brace your hand see nice and steady and just paint it on in this downward motion just using the tip of for the brush to follow the edge with as narrow line as possible to get a nice highlight on these parts with that gold highlighted we can now move on to a platinum color because we need that for the sword blade here to go even lighter so I'm using some Platinum Crown just looking to apply this in the exact same way as what we've just done for the rest of the gold and if you want to take the model a little bit further you can also use this color as a fine highlight on the gold you might just want to reserve this for the command group the choice really is yours but if you decide to go for it look for the sharper parts or areas that catch more light just apply a little bit of it onto the edges of those parts and with that all of the gold is now highlighted so it's time to move on to highlighting those remaining colors on the miniature and we'll start out with the blue for this I'm going to go for some ray gun glow and then for the red want a nice bright red here so I'm going to use some Demon red and to finish off we've got the bandages and in this case I'm just going to be using a little bit of wasteland brown but first what we need is rayun glow and to apply it I'm going for that small brush once again so the size0 here and with this it's a matter of edge highlighting again just like we did with the metallics but on the blue parts now so the segments things like that so make sure your paint's thinned and ready for the purpose and we can start applying it onto these parts and some of the Blu is quite easy to get to such as the bottom of the shield where again we can use that technique where we approach the side of the brush and just skim along to get a nice highlight on those parts but when it comes to the segmented Parts it's a little bit trickier because you just need to already make sure your hands are nice and steady as you approach these parts because what we're looking for is an outline on these bits so just a line there for example a line there and always make sure you're comfortable in doing this so just turn the model as you need to so you're still doing that downward motion and follow the other sides to complete it going around that segment once you finish doing that with the turquoise we can then move on to the red and here I'm using some Demon red and the application is identical to what we've just done with the blue so looking for each of these segments and just carefully working our way around each one [Music] and then finally it's time to move on to Wasteland Brown and this is going to be a highlight for the bandages and we're just looking for the edges again and when it comes to the bandages you don't actually have to highlight all of them but if you are going to do any of them be sure to do the ones around the face again just looking for any edges and just following along now once this is done the miniature is ready to be based and as usual it's entirely your choice what basing scheme you go for here but I am of course going to go for a desert base to represent the Sands of Nara [Music] [Music] and with the base now fully painted this tomb guard is complete and ready to arise in service of his Lord so as you see in paint these models is very straightforward but bear in mind with tombu guard there is quite a lot of detail in the form of lots and lots of bandages but also plenty of gold and the other colors such as the red and the turquoise that we put on here but bear in mind all the methods and techniques and even the full order that we painted this in can be applied to loads of other Miniatures in the Army really any sort of skeleton that you might want to paint so whether you're painting archers Horsemen even Chariot crew this guide will see through painting them so have fun raising your Legions and we'll see you on the battlefields of the old [Music] world
Channel: Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy
Views: 51,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Duncan Rhodes, Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy, Miniature Painting, Wargaming, Warhammer, The Old World, Tomb Kings, Bretonnians
Id: mBW0zk7wohI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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