How to Paint your Warhammer 40,000 Aeldari Striking Scorpions! | Duncan Rhodes

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hey everybody in this video we're going to be showing you a fantastic method of painting an eldari striking scorpion for Warhammer 40,000 by Games Workshop now these guys are one of the iconic units in the alari army with that really nice striking bright green color scheme and in this video what we're going to do is show you how to paint that really nice bright green so your models pop on the tabletop but it's worth noting that if you want to go for a darker tone you certainly can do following all the same stages in this video so we hope you enjoy it let's get to it [Music] when it comes to painting your striking scorpions the first thing that you need to do is decide what tones exactly you're going to use for their color scheme because whilst that iconic schem is going to be green with yellow accents the actual Shades you go for here can vary quite a bit cuz different temples will use different shades so you could go for a dark green if you wanted to now in our example here what I'm going to go for is a really bright green I'm going to be using some ethereal green and I'm I know this covers well over a gray undercoat so for that reason I've used standard Gray from the color Forge now you might want to go for one of the brighter greens from Citadel such as moo green but bear in mind if you do want to do this mot green is quite a weak color so it's a good idea to go for a green undercoat in this instance instead so it just varies depending on what you want to go for really but as I say what I'm going to use here is ethereal green and all we need to do is start out by painting this all across the miniature so what I've got is my good old rough base coating brush medium base brush here from Citadel that's definitely seen better days but for our purposes here is perfect as usual I'm just going to get a bit of water on there and mix into the paint just being careful not to overdo it with a brush of this size and with that loaded up it's then just a matter of painting it onto the miniature and at this stage to begin with I'm not concerned about any minor detail or anything I just want to make sure I get this green all over it so I'm just going to apply it working it into all the nooks and crannies as I go along once you have that even finished your green of choice the next thing to do is to put a wash on there to get some shading and the wash you use will very vary depending on what sort of shade of green you're going for here so for example if you're going for a dark green I'd recommend a black wash in our case though what we want is a nice emerald green wash so I've picked out some orc flesh wash for this and to apply it we want a nice large brush to apply a generous amount onto it so I'm using a medium shade brush here from Citadel what I'm going to do is load up a good amount there on the brush and then start applying it all over the model and what we want to do is to get it to settle in that recess detail but where possible avoid having it settle too much on the flat area so as not to stain them too dark so you can see whilst I started with a lot of the paint what I'm doing is pushing it around and getting it to go as far as possible and it's giving us that nice shading but I'm keeping an eye out for areas such as this pectoral plate where we've got quite a bit of a blob appearing there it's going to move away the excess and just redistribute it around the miniature now once you have painted this all over give it plenty of time to dry i' recommend around about 45 minutes before you move on to the next stage with that wash now completely dry we can move on to the next phase of painting the miniature which is going to be to apply some base coats on here on smaller details and what we can do is look for all the colors that can share the same color wash in this case a black wash because then it's a nice efficient way of shading them all at the same time so to begin with we're going to look for the black details and if we base coat them with a super dark gray what we'll be able to do then is shade them down with a black wash later for some depth and definition so for that reason what I picked out is some death Reaper and to apply it I'm going for a small to medium siiz brush what I have here is a size zero from artus but if you want to go for say a citadel brush for example I'd recommend going for a medium layer here and just switching to a small layer when you get some finer details such as the face plate but with this color you just need to make sure you thin it down with a little bit of water just bringing that water into the side of the paint just there like that just mixing it so we got that nice thin paint to draw from and just make sure you haven't overloaded your brush that you have control over it bringing the bristles to a nice point then we can start looking for all the details that need to be black so it's going to be things such as the face plate in here where we just want to make sure we're really nice and steady under control so that there's no shakes going on so we can just very neatly start blocking this area in we just want to color it in entirely and including the ey lenses at this point also we got this Crest coming out the back of the helmet that we need to get at this stage and don't worry about the little yellow Parts just paint it all in black at this point so there like that then there's going to be the weapons so his pistol and his chain sword block it in entirely again at this stage just base coating the entire thing smoothly as possible then keep an eye out for any ribbons that are going around the miniature and there is one going around his arm just here so we want to get this at this stage as well once you found all of that black detail the next thing to do is to apply two more base coats on there before we move into that black wash and we'll start out with silver in this case I'm going to use some Ciro silver and then what you'll need is a colder dark brown so I'm going to use some scorched Earth here but first of all what we need is that silver and so what I'm using is some Circo silver applied again using my size Zero Brush but for this one I do recommend going for smaller brushes generally so if you're going for Citadel go for a small layer what we're looking for is some select details on the weapons so just make sure your paint's under control on your palet and nicely thin down then we can start looking for them and on the chainsword what it's going to be is the teeth of the blade so around here just want to very carefully move in and just start picking them out along here whereas meanwhile on the shuriken pistol it's this Central bar that goes across it so we're looking at just in here want to pick this out as well with the silver done we can now move on to picking out some leather details and here I'm using some scorched Earth and to begin with what we need to do is base coat The holster around here and then all the straps that come from it so there's one that goes up the leg along there then it goes around the back as well and it becomes the belt for his grenades and ammunition just around here in addition this is a great color to pick out the grips of the weapons too so we got the one on the chainsaw just in here for example and also on his pistol there's one just in here with those base coats now applied it's time to move on to putting on that black wash and this is going to be painted over all these new colors that we've introduced since we did that green so what we need to do is pick out a black wash to begin with now I'm I'm going to go for some Oblivion black wash for this and to apply it I'm going to stick to my size Zero Brush but this is one of those cases where you should just change brush size as you need to depending on what part you're doing whatever you're comfortable with really because we just need to keep this wash only on these new parts and off the green so for example if we start on areas such as the blade of his sword just here what we want to do is just apply it all the way over evenly so that it doesn't pull up too much in any one area but does give us that shading in the recessed area so particularly on the teeth just going around there making sure it works into nooks and grannies as we get further down as well now the AR cases where you do need to be really careful about how much you're putting on so for example when we get to things such as this little belt just around here so when you're doing this just make sure you don't have loads of wash in your brush and you might just need to remove some off on your pette and just very carefully apply it just over this area just to focus it on this detail now that wash is completely dry we can move on to picking out some gold details and the reason why we've kept the gold separate from the other colors is because we're going to use a different color wash nice warm wash here to get some War warmth in that gold so what I'm going to do is start out with a base coat of dragon's gold so nice medium gold here and then we need a sort of chest nutty color wash for it in this case I'm going to use some flesh wash but first of all we need the gold so I'm going to use some dragon's gold and I'm going to fill the same brush once again that size zero but and feel free to change as you need to for these details and it's a good idea to have a small one on hand because some of these parts are quite small basically it's any sort of decoration on the miniature so what you need to do is just start looking around for such things such as the decorative Parts on the hilt of his chain sword here and it's a case of just picking out things such as a cross guard as neatly as possible being really careful of all the surrounding colors as you go along of course don't forget to get details such as the Vandable guns as well these little Mandy blasters just around here when you're doing these just very carefully move in and just gently work across them just to make sure you pick out that detail without catching the helmet or the shoulder guard once you finish base coating all that gold it's time to apply the wash over the top and what you need is a warm brown color here so I'm using some flesh wash and we just need to neatly apply being really careful not to overdo it and just keeping it on those gold details with that wash also now dry we can move on to the next phase of painting the miniature which is going to be to do a little bit of layering just to clean some things up and brighten some things up before we move into highlighting and the most important thing to do here is going to be that green armor so in this case what you now need to do is go back to that original Green that you chose so in our case that's going to be some ethereal green and once that's done we can then do some layering with the gold two to make it nice and shiny and decorative so here I'm going to go back to dragon's gold but first we' got to return to our green so ethereal Green in this case and to apply it I'm going to use the size Zero Brush again but go for whatever you're comfortable with here because what we're aiming for is generally quite large flat panels we want to be careful to avoid recess details which is why really it's important to have a fine tip on your brush so what you need to do is just make sure you paint as thin down as ever on your palette and then twist away the excess to bring the bristles to a nice point now so you can see we've got that accuracy there and then we can start applying it to the model and the idea is to look for the flatter raised areas so for example on the front of his helmet just here what we're going to do is apply onto this flat area like this so we just reestablish that nice bright green but whenever we get close to a recess such as just around here cuz you've got this little bump on the side that little node there what we want to do is just go around it so not quite to the recess next to it so we retain the definition there but then we can skip past that dark part and just pick out the node itself there like that and so it's basically this process across all the green armor just take any time to make it nice and bright once more once you finish doing that on the green it's then time to do the same thing on the gold details so here I'm back to dragon's gold and because these details are all really small I've switched down to a small brush here I'm using a size0 what we're looking to do is again avoid those recesses and just concentrate on the raised up flat areas with that we've now finished the layering on the miniature and so it's time to move into the highlighting and what we're going to do is start out by highlighting that green armor and for this what you now need is an even brighter green than what you used before so in our case I'm going to use some Talisman green but if you've chosen to go for something like M Green from Citadel then what I recommend you do is just mix a little bit of a bright yellow into that to make a lighter tone but whatever you choose what we need to do with this color is pick out all the edges and corners on the miniature now to do it that means we should go for a really fine brush so I'm using my size0 here and the trick to doing this is to make sure we thin the paint down correctly so I've got my little puddle of paint just there what I'm going to do is introduce the water next to it and start pulling that pigment into it so where I'm actually drawing my paint from is going to be this region here and this lot is just a reserve essentially so this way what I can do is just adjust it bringing more pigment in if I need to or if I go too far I can grab a little bit more water and mix that back in and this allows us to find the sweet spot where we want the paint to be thin enough that it flows easily from the brush but not so thin that it flows out of control so I think we're around about that point there we can always test it by having a go up painting some lines on the pet and paint's going fairly easily from there so I'm quite happy with that so we can go from there and so with that prepared twist the bristles together to get a fine point and then it's time to start looking for all the edges and Corners that are on our striking scorpion so for example if you look around the helmet we've got the well the visor at the front here and we got this brow cross it so what I want to do is pick that out so I'm going to do is just stady my hands so I'm really nice and comfortable and with the side of the brush close to the tip of it and just going to skim along just making sure I'm at about 45° from the flat on the helmet there and that way got a nice neat highlight really quickly and really easily see I'm just going to turn the model now to make sure I'm still comfortable and carry that on again on the other side so just skimming along building it up and this way we get that nice highlight on that area now when it comes to lar Miniatures there are quite a lot of details you can do like this and around the face plate is certainly going to be the trickiest part getting these areas here just making sure you angle it correctly so you can get to those parts but if you struggle with this Edge highlighting technique then you can just look for areas that you can do with the side of the brush and just go for those ones and that way you'll get the majority of the model highlighted all the important parts will be standing out nicely then such as the shoulder just here if however you want to highlight everything then there are times where you'll need to use a tip of the brush that's a little bit trickier and that you got to make sure you're really steady so make sure you really brace your hands together and so for example this Edge along here it means we're just going to go in with the tip of the brush and in a vertical motion just follow that edge and if you brace your hands like this just to minimize any shaking it's quite easy just to get that edge then turn the angle around and follow again always making sure you're comfortable and this way you can get some nice neat straight lines so now it's just a matter of doing this across the miniature and this will certainly be the longest stage of painting the entire miniature but once it's done the vast majority will be highlighted and things get much quicker from then on in [Music] and with that highlight applied you can see now all the textures on the armor are standing out really nicely so what we can do is move into another important detail one of those other important colors on this color scheme which is to add that yellow and this appears on some raised up bands which is why we haven't painted it so far because now all we need to do is pick it out neatly so we want a nice bright yellow here I'm going to use some skulky yellow for it and to apply it go for your fine brush once more and back to my size0 because this is going to be a little bit like the edge highlighting technique and that really were painting some lines but these are all in these raised up bridges for us so it's relatively easy to follow them the trick is however as always just to make sure your paint is thin down on your palette so it's nice and smooth and flowing well from your brush but not so thin that that goes out of control so you just got to find that sweet spot which is around about there then just remove the excess paint off the brush and then we're ready to go so now it's just a matter of looking for these areas and we're looking at things such as these ones on the shoulders just here what we got to do is carefully line up and pick out that raised detail so just gently moving in looking for that raised band and just follow along like that just to build up that color and get that bright yellow line so this appears on numerous bands across the miniature on the armor there's also an optional detail of adding a band onto the chains sword blade down here if you want to do that you're looking at about 45 Dee line from the back of it to where it's flat so we're looking about there just line up and do a downward motion like this just to build up that line so just along there like that one of the final bit to get with the yellow is going to be the beads that appear on the crest on the back of the helmet here these round Parts all we need to do is just dot these to pick them out [Music] once you got that yellow marked in there we can then move on to our highlight for the yellow and at the same time we can use this color as an optional fine highlight on the green to make it pop a bit more if you want to and here what we need is a really pale yellow so I'm going to use some Craven yellow for this and to apply it I'm sticking to my small brush my size0 once again because we don't need very much of this we're looking just to accentuate the parts that catch the Light the most now on the palette just make sure it's quite thin just adding that water to it again a bit thinner than what we' been doing for those previous highlights and the reason is because we wanted to be a bit translucent so the color beneath shows through this so with that thinned out and ready then we can start looking for these areas and when it comes to the yellow Parts first of all looking for areas that would catch the Light so on these bands and the shoulders for example where it Peaks up in the middle it's just a matter of applying a little bit this color to that part there so on that side and then just a small amount going down the other side so just very gently there like that now if you decide you want to use this as a fine highlight on the green you're looking for parts that catch the like the most such as the points here on the the shoulder plate and just skim a very thin amount of this on that area so just very gently there very gently there another great example be on the brow just a very very small amount just on that point there then turn the model to make sure we're comfortable on the other side too and just generally working around looking for all parts like this and with that the green and the yellow are now complete and so we can move on to highlighting some of these smaller details and what we can do is start out by highlighting the black and here we need a dark gray so I've picked out some dungeon Stone gray for this with that done we can move on to the metallics so you'll need a bright silver for the silver first I'm going to use a mythal blade here and for the gold you want a nice Shiny Gold here so I'm going to use some glistening gold finally we need to highlight that leather so we want a nice mid Brown here again a cooler one so I'm going to be using some ancient forest for this but first of all what we need to do is highlight the black so I'm going to use some dungeon Stone gray applied again using my size0 brush and the application here is going to be the exact same technique as what we just did with that green armor so we're looking for all the edges and corners on want follow follow along each one so once you got the paint thinned down so it's ready and nice and smooth we can start looking for them and it's going to be things such as the chains sword here where it's nice and easy to approach the side the brush and just skim along to get that neat highlight going along there just being careful of the little bit of yellow that we've got around there remember if you can't quite reach detail with the side of the brush it's time to use a tip of it instead such as this little band that goes around the leg just here in which case just carefully move in and just pick out the edge next up we can highlight the silver details and for this we need a bright silver so I'm using some mythal blade and again we're looking for the features that stand out such as the edges and corners and so for example with the teeth all I'm doing is just touching the side of my brush to the tips them like this just to help get that nice shine on the sharp points on the end once that's done we can then move on to highlighting the gold with the same technique and here we want a nice bright shiny gold so I'm using some glistening gold and again to work your way around all of those edges and corners and finally we just need to highlight the leather so here we need a nice medium brown I'm using some ancient forest for this and once again we're picking out any details that stand out for example these ridges just down here and the corner just running along here and once that's done all those details are highlighted so what we can do is move on to a few little finishing touches which are going to things like the ey lenses and the gems and there's two tones here what we've got is red and sort of turquoise blue and so we need to start these out by base coating them now for the red we want a darker red so I'm going to use some asmodus red but then for the turquoise ones we want a darker turquoise so here I'm going to be using some sentient turquoise we'll start out with asmodus red and to apply it definitely stick to your small brush here cuz all these details are tiny so you don't need very much of the paint and you definitely need to make sure it's under control on your palette so make sure you thin it down and once you're ready we can start looking for these features and so for the red to to begin with I'm looking for the eye lenses so just going to make sure really nice and steady and carefully move in and just run that red into the recess of the eye so we're looking at in just there so there we are just want to block that in there like that then for the gems we've got a few down here just going around the waist so we want to get these ones in here and just a word on gems not all the bumps that appear on eldari models are actually gems so for example these ones on the arms just here the ones that are gems are the ones that have a little setting in so this one does you can see the little gold setting around it same with this one just here one final bit to get with the red at this stage is going to be the lens on his pistol which is just hidden away under here once that's done we can then move on to the turquoise gems and for this I'm using some sentient turquoise and it's the same process here where we're just looking to pick out the stone of each Gem and with that base coat applied on both of those gems we now got a nice solid foundation to build upon as we go further with the effect the next stage for painting the gems in particular is to put a black wash on there to darken them down in particular areas so here I'm going to use some Oblivion black wash and this is just for the gems of both colors it's not for the ey lenses nor for the targeting lens that appears on the pistol so what we got to do is load up a small amount of this onto a fine brush I'm still using my size0 for this just make sure you don't overload your brush because it's very easy to lose control of the wash as you apply this so what we should do is pick a gem at a time and apply the wash over it then pull it up to the top right so on this Spirit Stone just here for example going to run it over the whole area so it settles around the outside then I'm just going to pull it up towards the top right there and then remove my brush like that and the result is that more wash settles in the top right and makes it darker in that area now this should be relative to how the model's standing when I say the top right so if we think about this one just here still means a top right up there so again I'm just going to apply it and then pull it up into that corner right there and it's just a matter then of doing this on every gem including both the turquoise ones and the red ones with that wash dry we can now move on to highlighting both colors of gems and we can also be doing the ey lenses and things but we'll start out with the turquoise ones and for this what we want now is a lighter shade so I'm going to be using some cursed blue first of all followed by some rean glow and what we want to do is start out with the Dark of the two so some cursed blue and to apply it go for your small brush once more I'm using my size0 for this again and what we want to do now is apply some of this color on the opposite corner from where we pulled up that wash earlier on so making the contrast here between darker and lighter so once the paint ready we can look for those regions and if we go to the stone that's on his chest what we're aiming for then is this lower left corner we want to do a kind of Crescent shape going around it so just a bit on the side and a bit on the underside just there the same is going to be true for all of these turquoise gems with that done we can now move on to a lighter turquoise and with this we're looking for another fine line in a crescent shape but just a little bit further Focus towards that lower left so I'm using some rayan glow for this and again it's a fine line just in this area and when I say lower left remember that's relative to how the model's standing meaning that depending on the angle of the gem it might be a different position such as on this one right here with that done on those turquoise gems we can now do the same sort of process on the red gems before we do a final touch to finish all of them off and now we can do those lenses at the same time too and so what we now need is a bright red going to use some Demon red here and then we want a bright orange so then I'm going to use some orange flare with this done well then need a pure white so in this case I'm going to be using a little bit of white star but first of all what we need is that bright red so it's some Demon red now again applied to that fine brush so still my size0 for this when it comes to the red gems we're looking for the same kind of process as what we just did on those turquoise ones so again that Crescent shape in the lower left hand corner relevant to how the model is standing so they're quite small in this case but there's some down here so we're looking at that little area down there now when it comes to the ey lenses instead it's almost a line towards the front of each one so in this one that means very care carefully just applying a bit of this color into there just bracing our hands so nice and steady on the other side is the exact same thing but again towards the front of the model so just change the angle as you need to to make sure you're comfortable and just go in and just dot that little bit of color in that area right there finally we've got the lens that appears on the pistol and in this case all we need is just a bit of a brighter red just towards the front middle of it right there just to help it stand out a bit we're now ready for that bright orange so here I'm using some orange flare on the eye lenses it's going to be a small dot now right at the very front of each eye so just in this region right there tiny tiny amount just apply to brighten it up at the very front and then when it comes to the gems it's going to be a smaller amount in that little crescent shape again further towards the corner so on this one just a little bit down here finally what we need is a pure white so here I'm using some white star and this is for a specular highlight on all these details so we're now looking at the opposite corner from where we've been highlighting so just right there on the gem and all we need is a little dot of that white finish off when it comes to the eye lenses is a tiny little dot of white at the very back of each one which is a bit tricky but just brace your hands and just go in there as steady as possible just to get that little bit of white in that back corner there now this done what you need to do is apply the transfer onto the forehead of your Warrior and then it's time to base the miniature as ever it's entirely your choice what basing scheme you go for but I'm going to be going for a desert base [Music] and with that base now fully painted this striking scorpion is complete and ready to do his part in the defense of his craft world so when it comes to painting striking scorpions the main part is of course getting that green on the armor and you can go for all sorts of different shades here but just remember to make sure you pick an appropriate undercoat color for the shade that you use or indeed the paint that you use to make sure you get that nice even finish before you move forward and painting the model now eldari Miniatures always benefit from a neat and clean painting style so remember this especially when you get into your highlight on that green armor just really take your time to make sure they're neat and sharp as you can possibly get them so have fun painting your scorpions and we'll see you again very soon
Channel: Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy
Views: 26,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Duncan Rhodes, Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy, Miniature Painting, Wargaming, warhammer 40000, eldar, Aeldari, Games Workshop
Id: CiFXjye9S2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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