How to paint candy over flames / metallic base. Includes airbrush, candy, clear. Tips and Tricks

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hey guys we're back in the booth here for those that watched the previous video you saw how i did this flame layout i started masking it up i outlined it with a quarter inch green tape so this is the outcome once we airbrushed it so you can see all the other parts in here so what we're going to do is go ahead and candy coat these candy coat black metallic is what i call it basically i finish it with black with the silver flames and then i dust some silver flake over it and then we candy it but what i wanted to do is show you how i got this far so you saw the previous video where we where i did the flame layout and mask that up so what i did i left one bag lid to do so i'll show you some tips and tricks on how i do this [Music] this is what it looks like before i actually airbrush it we got three quarter inch of course i outline it with the 16th inch i uh outline the flames with the 16th inch then i outline that with quarter inch green tape and then we just fill in with three quarter inch and a half and masking paper so what we're going to do is i got a couple tricks that i can show you that might help you guys so basically what i do is make up two guns so i got that's just a little bit of bass clear with reducer in it usually i use a little i over reduce it you know usually it's uh one to one but i over reduce it it's just base clear not regular clear so it dries real quick this is just black so straight black it's a little bit over reduced not much so what i do first thing first thing this is black with clear sanded ready for the flames well you don't have to clear coat it first you can always do the flame job over the base you ask why did i clear coat it well let's say we got a little blow through blow through is where a little bit of the over spray when you're doing flames gets underneath the tape if it's solid black if it's base coat without clear coat on there you almost have to spray it off i spray the black again with the clear coat and sanded you can take a little bit of thinner and just wipe it off easy peasy done deal so it makes it a lot easier actually it's a little more work but it makes it easier also it makes the metallic lay nicer they always look nicer if you lay it over straight base coat the silver flames it gets a little grainy so it's a little more work but in the long run it's a nicer job and makes it easier so what i do is take the black and what i'll do i mean i just put a very light dusting you can watch it on the tape now you ask why i do that well the reason is is because when you do the sand scratches this is finalized in thousand grit so some of the sand scratches what happens is the silver on the bigger areas and the smaller areas they lay on the sand scratches and you can see those through the clear coat so what this does is gives it a new base it's a very light base it's not grainy it's just you can see how light that is so now if this was a non-black like a gray any color really that you're putting planes over i just go ahead and make up some basic base clear with reducer over reduce it just dust it on there and uh leave it be you don't have to let it dry or anything like that so i only left one part i it's a smaller part i was going to do it on the fender but there's more airbrushing involved and i want to get through this video as fast as possible and uh usually i wear a mask too and during this video i'm not going to do it so sorry so what we're going to do all you do is follow the edge actually it's pretty easy to do you want like a 50 overlap now since we're putting candy over this we want it to be as bright as possible so basically pure silver we don't want the silver to be transparent so it usually takes a couple passes depends on how you reduce your paint normally i reduce it you're supposed to go one to one on a normal base coat usually i run it uh probably about 70 percent better now if you wait till the end of the video i will let you in on a little secret on what silver i use this covers very fast eliminates that nasty edge that you normally get with some silver it's a nice fine silver this is my second pass once it's silver it won't get any brighter so you gotta stop there so two passes normally does it but like i said you might have to do three about 50 50 overlap good idea do a couple passes at least anyway because if you make a little little mistake usually the second pass will cover that air and by no means my claim to fame is not airbrushing so this is about my experiment if anybody wants mural type airbrushing anything like that we we sublet that out to a guy around here that does an excellent job we get it all ready for him and as an in-house airbrush guy same thing we get it all ready here brushes we clear coat it once he's done so anyway we got this all done as you can see this looks real nice in here sometimes you gotta watch that greeniness so you have to have the right airbrush uh pressure too so now this is where this clear coat comes into play this is the base clear over reduced what you want to do is just very very lightly just like the black just a light dusting what does this do this helps protect that silver just in case just in case you know it gives you just a layer of protection and also when you tack it off it eliminates you from dragging the metallic or scratching it real easy bringing it onto the black so now this one's getting metallic over the black anyway so but still you want to be careful and get into the habit of doing that so now what we got to do let this dry with nothing long at all that is base clear we pull the paper off we get it ready we'll spray the black metallic and we'll spray the candy over that we wipe them down real good it's a good practice not to use a cleaner uh even the fast cleaners like 330 or uh even for don't use 440. anything harsh not a wax and grease remover usually i'll take a little water something like that and on a white ball what i do is or actually we call them uh their crew 400. very little water on there and just wipe it across the edges so what you're going to do of course i got all these blown off already just take it this kills any edges if you notice there's no gnarly edges on here that's one thing you really got to watch is make sure you don't get those lifted edges on there because they just look nasty so once it's silver stop so now if you were just doing ghost flames real transparent ghost planes probably over reduce that about 70 reducer and maybe 80 reducer and just one pass should do it and it's real easy to go overboard but for this we want a silver's pop possible we want that we want them to pop through the candy so we'll be spraying a coat of metallic on here now i used to do the black as a black metallic and then do the silver flames but if you have a problem let's say my prep guy sands through an edge or something like that or we have a problem something peels or something terrible happens i would be spotting in black with metallic on it here i'm just spotting it black once it's done and it's perfected and it's ready to go i'll spray a coat of metallic over this we're good to go it goes directly to the candy so one more segment after this what i'm going to do is clean these up all up take the paper off that one off the lid spray the coat of metallic i'll show you how to do that and i'll tell you how i mix it and then we'll be spraying the candy and clear so i'll try to get each step i'll try to get my gopro back on and i'll use the gopro to show you along the way there and by the way that silver that i used that's global i've used it for years and years and years global d769 is the code it's straight toner it's a very fine silver it covers better than just your typical silver because most regular silvers have a lot of binder in them which makes them more transparent which means you got to make more passes and they also are coarser metallic which means they won't cover as quick so the fine silver just covers real real fast so one thing about toners though they don't come with any binder around so what i do i just mix a little clear base clear in there so usually uh you know like 10 percent for ten percent of what you got of silver so that's all you need i've never had an issue i've done like i said in the previous video well over two thousand plane jobs and probably more than anybody in the country so hopefully some tips along the way here the previous video on laying out the flames and masking them up helps you out and tomorrow i'll even we'll be putting some color on here and really getting these things looking sharp so till then we'll see you okay i've already put the metallic coat over that i was talking about earlier instead of a black out of the sun it will actually look like a bronze color so of course the more metallic you put on the brighter the base will be so and i looked at what the customer picked the job he picked on our website and it was definitely a bronze color so i put quite a bit of metallic on here start to get a close up there you go over the black so what i'm going to do now is go ahead and put on the uh gopro and i'll candy candy this for you it's going candy tangerine so that give a bright deep can candy flames with uh the bronze base so i'll put on my gopro and we'll get this thing candy [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] on these outer fairings make sure you always get the edges real good you see those when they're uh when it's on the bike [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so okay first coat's done usually i just put a light coat on just in case like you saw i just had a little flaw in there [Music] just uh brush touched it with uh some black so here we go on the second coat by the way i'm using fast reducer it's about uh 60 out i believe down here in tampa so here we go with the second coat [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay we got the second coat on a stupid trip zillow i mean flexzilla hose these new flexzillas always do that i nicknamed them uh tripzillas so anyway i got one more coat one more coat we'll really bring out the depth so i'm gonna fill up my gun we'll go back at it do so this whole bagger as you can see almost took a full court actually this was already open so can't really say i would say probably three quarters of a quart pint and a half [Music] so usually on the third coat what i'll do sometimes i double coat it i want to make sure those flames look real rich you can see they're orange but not real rich looking you'll see a difference [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so almost had enough a little more one more part i would have made it [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] you always want to make sure you get the tips on all these tanks they're easy to forget [Music] okay there you have it got all the parts candy i'm gonna let these dry about 10 minutes and then i will uh go ahead clear them i'll take a video once i clear them and uh so you can show how glossy they are and then we'll wet saying them off them probably tomorrow so now you can see how this fender evolved from just a black canvas excuse me to the flames [Music] silver flames to the candy coated black metallic uh candy flames and everything it's coming out real nice so i'm gonna give it ten minutes i'll be using the camera to take the video the rest of the video and uh looking good i just got done clearing these as you can see they came out super super nice you can see what the metallic did to the base coat once it's candy so i took a couple of the parts and put them outside so we can run out there and take a look at them they all came out real nice you can see how dark it is out of the sun so let's run out here and we'll take a look you see it's extremely rich looking you can see how that front fender came out so anyway i hope you enjoyed this video uh thumbs up if you would please subscribe if you'd like i appreciate you watching
Channel: TAZattitude
Views: 31,998
Rating: 4.9521914 out of 5
Keywords: flame job, custom paint, motorcycle painting, candy painting, how to custom paint, how to paint, custom flame job, house of kolor
Id: xpb7o5dr5B0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 36sec (2016 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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