Candy Marble Graphics

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hey everyone welcome to createx colors i'm chris arpan and we are going to do another graphics video and in this installment we are going to cover marbleizing so we're going to get right into it what you need to do marbleizing or to pull this off is your substrate your panel whatever it is that you're working on your project some saran wrap and you need a pallet so for this it's just a simple piece of cardboard with some plastic over it this is my pallet it needs to be non-porous so you can use a plastic bag plastic like this automotive masking plastic something that's not going to absorb the paint this is going to be done a little bit differently slightly different than traditional solvent marbleizing where you actually spray a marbleizer right on your project so that's why you need your palette so for this we're going to use our wicked aluminum this is a great color for a ground coat because what we're going to actually do in this is once we're done marbleizing we're actually going to candy this so a solid bright color for your marbleizing base is going to be the most ideal so i got paint my gun this is just our aluminum like i said the ticket is going to be to just spray your pallet put a nice medium wet coat on i'm not concerned about how even it is i'm more concerned about coverage in terms of having material so you can see that right so while this is wet we're going to start marbleizing so i'm going to put my gun over here grab my saran wrap now the ticket to the effect of the marbleizing is based on really the texture that you create with your saran wrap your plastic right if you just do this flat it's going to look flat it's like taking just a regular piece of paper and putting it over this so you're going to create that texture that pattern you can stretch this a little bit get a shape just kind of you can see i'm kind of just laying it into my paint allowing that random kind of a pattern to happen so you can let that sit for a second get some paint on there and then we're going to go right to our our panel so now this panel the other thing is now this is aluminum the panel is black it works best over black this is autoborn seal or black just one or two coats to get a nice background color and now we're going to take this you can see already i already have a pattern i already have that pattern that's already made from the saran wrap and we're just going to do the same thing we're just going to lightly let it fall and now because we're working on a flat surface gravity is going to pull this the saran wrap into this right it's going to allow it make its own pattern so you can just tap it down a few spots you don't really want to stick your fingers in it because then you're going to create dots so sometimes i'll take a paper towel or something just drag it but this is actually pulling down pretty nice so we're going to take that pick it back up and we're going to put it back in our paint and now you don't have to keep it the same every time you can actually change your pattern all right so i'm going to do a little bit different i'm going to drop this back into my paint create a texture create a pattern and i'm going to reapply it same thing you guys can see it just that static electricity kind of helps pull it down to the pattern pull it down your panel and create that random pattern so i'm just going to continue working up to the top so now you can see i don't know if you guys can see what we have so you're going to build texture that way so now you can apply a little bit more paint i'm just going to continue working my way randomly down this panel until i have everything filled in if it's not dark enough you can actually go in and darken up some areas with a little more paint and and create that the highlights the reason i like doing it this way is because you actually have a little bit more control on how concentrated or how weak your pattern is you can dictate you can come back and do it again and tighten it up if you're doing something obviously we're working horizontally right so we gravity is naturally helping us if you're doing something larger scale like the side of a car a side of maybe a two-tone stripe you have a two-tone separation for your graphics sometimes now you're working horizontally so gravity is really not helping you because it's going to want to pull it down so something you can do if it's only just you and you don't have a second set of hands to help you is pre-make your pattern right so now you have this piece with a couple folds and some reveals right you want to make it scrunchy but you have a little bit of masking tape on there all i did was take a couple strips of masking tape while this was down and now i have something that's repeatable so even if this was long really really big and harder to maintain that shape you can just drape it in the side and continue on moving down the side of the car and it's going to always have that random pattern instead of having that tendency to just want to hang flat so it's a lot easier than trying to go and reposition it every time you can work a lot faster because you do want to actually move fairly quickly because of the product drawing but the nice thing is you can just re-wet your panel here all right and then just continue on so what i'm going to do is continue getting this all textured do i want we're going to let it dry you might have to let it dry a little bit longer than our regular reco times because remember you're not spraying a coat of paint so sometimes it has a tendency to be a little bit thicker thinner so you want to really let that dry up before you go on your next step whether you're just going to clear coat it or in this case we're going to mix up some candy we'll do a candy fade over this and and kind of highlight that so we're going to let it really dry we'll see you guys in a little bit and we're going to put our candy on hey guys welcome back our panel is all dry our graphic background is all done uh you can see i kind of went ahead and just i dabbed a few spots as well i didn't really cover that in the video but we can also just bunch up we could wad up the saran wrap just give a little random highlights if you want to bring some color forward and push it back so this is all totally dry and that's the key we let it sit for about two hours to really dry up uh and now i have some candy mixed i have i'm gonna do a teal and electric green um fade so this is our poison green and i'll put a couple coats of that down and then i'll do some candy teal up to the from the bottom into the middle of this panel it's going to give it a really cool effect so this is mixed four to one so we're going over black background it's okay to be a little more concentrated so i did four parts 40 50 to one part uh poison green and uh i'm going to put a coat on you guys let's see what that looks like hey guys first coat is dry i'm going to put my second coat on now i'm going to go a little bit heavier again the key is to make sure that everything is totally dry each coat is totally dry so it's been about 20 minutes we got about 75 70 humidity it's a little bit more humid today so that's why i'm going a little bit longer in between coats usually it's like 15 minutes or so about 20 and i'm gonna put my second coat on okay guys we're back i did three coats over just about everything and then i did a couple of darker passes just at the top to give a little bit of shading so now this is a again totally dry um it's been about a half an hour uh i said before it's really humid today but uh keep in mind we do have air movement very good air movement we're in a booth environment so you guys are spraying in higher humidity air movement is key or your dry times are just going to be increased a little bit longer so just make sure that it is dry to the touch that is key especially when spraying the candies because again you're using your 40 50 or again like we always recommend now the 40 50 with our candies so dry to the touch is key we don't want to do it wet on wet because it's just going to cause a lot of problems so wait a little bit longer five more minutes is gonna make a huge difference so now i have my tealicious uh mixed up i did the same way i did our candy2otlicious uh with four parts 4050. so four to one and i'm gonna do the same thing i'm gonna start at the bottom and work my way up kind of fade color in and and we'll see how that looks i'm going to put the first coat on right now okay guys coat number one is dry and i actually really like how this looks right now so i am gonna just put one more coat just to richen up that tealicious a little bit more uh and you can see in the middle where that tealicious comes into that poison green it's starting to actually turn in a little more emerald green so i'm gonna let that fade happen and stop right there and then i might just come up to the top here and spray just a little bit on the edges just to push that a little bit darker up top to shade it because i really like what's happening there so i'm going to do one more coat and do a little bit of fading in and let this dry and we're going to get it all cleared up and untaped so you guys can check it out okay guys we're back our candy is all dry and we untaped this i actually let this sit overnight just because uh it was it was really humid in the booth and and i just wanted to give an extended dry time because we did put a lot of material on here a bunch of candy mixed with the 40 50 so it has a tendency to go on a little bit heavier so i wanted these tape lines got a lot of sharp lines i wanted them nice and crisp so i did wait overnight just to let the let the paint really lock up so it would give a nice sharp line when i untaped it so we're at the point now where we're ready to put a couple coats of clear over this we're going to use a urethane catalyzed 2k clear over the top but i think you guys get the idea of how easy and how dramatic an effect you can you can give with this marbleizing technique with the candy over it there's really no right or wrong combination in terms of candy i could have done this all one solid color candy or do a blend on it like that and this is a great option to leave it just as it is or use this as a background for an artwork over the top so we're going to go ahead and get this cleared up and you guys can see what it's going to look like with some clear hey guys we are outside in the sun and we got everything cleared and this is a finished product so i think this gives you guys a good idea on how easy and how dramatic another background effect or a finished graphic effect you guys can create with this simple technique and there's really no right or wrong way when you stop it's really up to you in terms of how much and how little you apply for color and that mobilizing effect so thanks for checking this video i hope you guys learned something and we'll see you guys next time you
Channel: CreatexColorsCo
Views: 34,111
Rating: 4.9619451 out of 5
Keywords: Createx Colors, Wicked Airbrush paint, custom auto paint, kandy, marbelizing
Id: RARFm4fB73I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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