How to cut a straight line like a pro

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hi my name is Jimmy Bedoya owner of expressions painting and in this video I'm going to show you how to cut like a pro the first thing you want to do before attempting to do any straight cutting or precision cutting is to fill your brush with paint and that's the step that we call priming the brush and to do so you just go in a corner or any way that you really don't have to be precise and do a couple strokes like this after a few times you'll notice that the paint has started to work its way into the middle of the brush and that's when you'll be ready to work in precision once your brush is properly primed as we just talked about that's when you can really start working in precision especially along edges of the ceiling for instance what you do is you first dip your brush putting enough paint on it if you have not enough paint the problems that you're going to be stuck working in small strokes and it's very difficult to hold a straight line when you're doing it that way you want to have a good quantity of paint but so that you'll be able to work in longer stripes with which makes you kind of nicer line the first thing is you want to spread the paint roughly on on the wall but the main thing is you want to remove the paint that's over the top of the bristles right here those are the bristles who are going to be giving you that straight line and you really want to work the bristles or let the bristles work themselves into the corner but if you have too much paint over them they'll end up touching the ceiling so you do this you remove the excess paint from the top then you go in continuous strokes and then you go back and forth when you've done the the cutting part here you want to fade out the bottom of the cutting this is very important want to do this at this point because the transition from the finish of the brush to the finish of the roller is not the same so you want to have a fade out from the brush and a fade in from the roller an important point I'd like to make here that is that perfection is not necessary on the first cut don't beat yourself up going over and over the same areas just to get that perfect line do your best but remember that there's a second coat coming on and that's when you straighten out any imperfections that you may missed on the first coat
Channel: Expressions Painting
Views: 2,127,980
Rating: 4.7221928 out of 5
Keywords: How, to, cut, like, pro, expressions, painting, remi, boudreau, tips, and, tricks
Id: YZhwh_ysp5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2012
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