How to paint walls. How to paint a wall using a roller. Best Technique.

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[Music] now today I'm just going to do a demo on how to roll a wall now these walls are basically in pretty poor condition basically I'm just going through and recoating it because it's a rental house now when you're doing the wall the first thing you'll need to do is go through and cut it in now as I said this is a pretty bad condition and actually when they painted the green last time they took the green onto the under edge of actual cornice so I've actually gone around and just painted that green as well just so when the walls finished it looks nice and neat so the first thing you'll need to do is go through em cut it all in and then start rolling now generally when rolling make sure you have your roller tray close by you don't want it on the other side of the room I've seen people sort of walk around a room and leave the Royal tray in one position you need to actually have the roll tray close by at the end of the job it saves quite a bit of time so first thing to do is to give the roller a good dip now normally I use 14 inch rollers but I know a lot of people out there only use block 11 inch so I'll do this with an 11 inch roller so you know what you're doing now when you start always start away from the edge if you start right in the edge you'll end up with a big thick a lot of paint right in the corner and you won't be able to actually work that paint out so stay away from the corner go up go down now that's taken a fair bit of paint off the roller I'll go into the edge and then come back down then I'll just work to the sides now when I fill the role of getting dry I'll stop now at this point I haven't gone all the way to the bottom or all the way to the top because every time you roll you when you stop you'll leave a little bit of a buildup of paint and you don't want that build-up right top so when you're rolling don't roll all the way to the top all the way to the bottom straightaway once that's done I'll go back through and this time I'll take it all the way at the top and all the way to the bottom now while I'm doing this I'm basically back rolling the paint so here you go taking that to the top I'll roll over the fat again in a minute but I'll do another dip so once again I'll start away from where I just rolled I works and paint out this way first and then I'll work in back into what I've just rolled and once again I'm not going to the top nor to the bottom now that I feel this sufficient paint off the roller I'll back roll over this again now when I say that this do lots of paint in there and if I want to force it all out but you don't force all the paint out the roller so I'm starting from the bottom again I'll go up at the top come back down from the bottom again up to the top back down so again I swap sides and I'll go see a little bit better so once again I'll repeat the same process plenty of paint on the roller start away from where I'll finished red the paint out all back into what I've just done keep spreading it so now I'll start back here again so go the other way you may see better from the bottom to the top and back down bottom to top back down so I'm again now I've done that I'm still going to go back over the whole wall in a minute now when you have power points or light switches in the middle of the room or middle of the wall I find sometimes it's better to actually cut around it just before you roll so silly me left the paint on the other side of the room so what I'll do is I'll quickly cut around this now you can tape the whole thing but I generally just cut around the lay it off lightly and now I'll roll that now once again I'll load the roller but there's not quite as much wall to roll so I'll put a little bit less on the roller and hopefully I'll have enough so once again with the pain well he made the role goes between the PowerPoint in the wall oops this time I went to the top which I shouldn't have but I did this role dip hasn't got as much paint on it as a previous one because I don't want to have too much paint there now around powerpoints I would suggest your role as close as you can to leave it nice and neat so once again I'll go from the top bottom sorry to the top now here's the awkward sometimes when you're doing around powerpoints etc you bring the roller down and then it's best to actually paint again either side so the rolling when you're rolling it you don't leave with a stop mark with a roller just there what if I come up the wall and stop there'd be slight mark there so what you should do it just do that first that first then go either side oops either side you don't hit it like I just did either side of the light switch or PowerPoint aha okay so now that's done I'm just going to go quickly go back and lay the whole wall off now depending on whether on a hot day you want to do this probably roll half a wall then lay it off being a little bit cooler this should be fine now I'll start from the bottom once again go up and come down and what this will do is it will smooth to finish off slightly now every time I stop I take the roll off the wall slightly to the bottom it's taken off up top back down take the roller off and each time I'm still overlapping you must overlap when you're rolling off when they see I'm doing it's reasonably quick actually have a thoughts appointment in about five minutes so I've got a hurry so that's how you lay the wall off so what you'll find is weather conditions etc it will vary when it comes to that laying it off but if you look at the wall now it's got a more solid finish to it so hopefully that will help next time your role in the wall now also down there if you're a bit unsure you haven't gone low enough you can also get the roller and go sideways like so but if you do that you do it before you lay the wall off so in this case I'm just going to blend that back in this is only first coat so it's not going to matter so much so there you go that's just been a bit of a demo on how to roll a wall [Music]
Channel: howtopaintinfo
Views: 1,513,676
Rating: 4.8277111 out of 5
Keywords: how to paint a wall, how to paint walls, how to roll a wall, how to roll walls, paint with roller, painting walls, rolling wall, painting tequniques, how to roll, rolling walls, technique used to roll walls, how to roll paint on walls, painting interior walls, rolling interior walls, paint exterior walls, painting, painting a wall, 'how, to, paint, with, roller, painting techniques, best painting technique, the best way to paint a wall, interior, exterior, wall, rollings, technique
Id: YXa8qsC5xws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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