How to Paint a Seraphon Saurus Warrior for Warhammer Age of Sigmar | Duncan Rhodes

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hey everybody in this video we're going to be showing you a great way of painting a saurus Warrior of the seraphon for Warhammer age of Sigma by Games Workshop and what we're going to be doing is painting it in the color scheme that they appear on the box so this is that classic sort of turquoise bluish green color and it's really nice color looks great on the battlefield and it's really fun to paint too so we hope you enjoy it and we'll see you at the desk [Music] thank you [Music] when it comes to painting a saurus warrior in this color scheme what we need to do is start out with an undercoat color that works really well for all the colors I'm going to apply and in this case either a gray or a blue undercoat will be great the initial color that we need to use now in this case I've gone for gray so the color I picked out is standard Gray from the color Forge and what we need to do is start out by painting the main color for the flesh all across the body of our Soros now the color to use for this is so Tech green and to apply it I recommend you go for an older rough base coating brush that's exactly what I've got here this is my old medium base brush here from Citadel and with it we just need to get some of this ready on the palette just making sure we thin the paint down with just a little bit of water as usual just to make sure it's nice and smooth just being careful not to overdo it with a brush like this because it does absorb a lot of water very quickly once you have that paint thinned down to about this point we're ready to start applying it onto the miniature and we're looking for all the flashing scales at this stage don't worry about anything else because we're just neaten that up as we get to it but definitely make sure you apply this color as two Thin coats because it can be a little bit weak in some places so just make sure you apply that thin coat across the entire miniature then once it's dry go back and apply a second coat in the exact same way foreign apply those thin coats until you've got a nice even finish to that bluish green color and all the scales and things too and with that done we can now move on to applying a wash onto this minute should start to get some definition in there and we again want a sort of bluish green wash here so clearly a green shade is a great choice for it however this shade is quite strong straight out the pot so what I'm going to do is dilute it with some Laramie medium just take the edge off it so it doesn't overwhelm the model and make it too dark now we're looking for about a 50 50 mix here and so what we need to do is start out by setting that up on the pallets to do it what I've got is a monster brush here from the Army painter so a nice large brush good size to the sort of thing that we're doing here we're going to do is start out with the color just so you can clearly see what I'm doing with three brush Falls there of that color you see just what I mean about how strong and how dark this particular paint is so what we then need is that Medium so one brush full and two and then three and then it's just a matter of mixing those together and so what we're looking for is a wash of about this sort of strength here you see so no longer as strong as it was straight out the pattern with that prepared you just need to load up a generous amount on your brush and then start applying it to your Warrior we want to paint it all over the scales and flesh once again so it's just a matter of applying it like this and letting it settle as it will in the recesses just being careful to make sure that you don't overdo it and start letting it pull too much so for example if I got a lot on my brush just here and we put it down on the hand you can see how it can really start to pull and create blobs and things on the extremities where it hangs off now if you spot that happening just use your brush to soak away the excess and then just redistribute it elsewhere around the miniature until you get to about this sort of strength across the various details once you have painted it all over give it plenty of time to dry it's going to take around about 45 minutes before you can move on to the next step foreign [Music] the wash is now completely dry and so what we can do now is move on to the next phase which is going to be to start to lighten up that skin tone and for this what we need to do first is return to sotek Green only this time I'm going to dry brush it onto the miniature so I'll start to pick out the texture using this technique now for it what I've got is a small dry brush here from Citadel so good size the kind of thing we're doing here though any sort of driver show about this size would be absolutely fine with it we just need a small amount of this paint on the brush and then get some tissue and use it to work it into the bristles whilst also removing the excess paint we need to work our way along until getting about this sort of appearance on the paper here so we start to get a little bit well faded almost that's the kind of thing that I go for with that prepared then we can start applying it to the body once again and so again we're looking for all the Flesh and scales the trick this time though is just to be a little bit lighter with the motion on the back which is going to be sort of a flicking motion like this just gently back and forth to mostly catch the edges of the texture as we go along but as you get around towards the front it's getting a little bit heavier with it so on the chest start doing a rounded motion like this almost buffing it because this way the curl be stronger here and so we start the process of the model being lighter on the underside on the valley and darker on the scales on the back [Music] once you finish that step you're then ready to take it a little bit lighter and so now what we're going to do is move into some Temple guard blue and again to begin with we want to dry brush with this using the same sort of process as before being quite light on the back then getting heavier on the belly I'm going for the same dry brush here it's the same small drivers from CDL and just make sure it is completely dry before starting this process because it's not you can get quite streaky appearance so definitely make sure it's completely dry then just like before you only need a small amount of this paint on your brush and the tissue start working it into the brush whilst moving it along to to see how you're doing that and what sort of level of paints left on your brush when you get to about this point here of this style strength you're then ready to apply it and just like before on the back of the miniature first of all we're looking for that light flicking motion just to stop to pick out the texture of these scales so just very gently like this so you can see the colors catching those corners and edges all the way down here like this then as we get around to the front it's time to get heavier so again it's that buffing motion just a little bit lighter than before just to gradually build up that color so you can see we're starting to get that lighter blue appearing on the belly all right I finished building up that dry brush now and you can see how I've got generally that light color on the front now and it's a little bit darker on the back but we do have that color there showing us highlights and so now what we're going to do is just accentuate that a little bit more still using some Temple guard blue but this time we're going to apply it in a more traditional way and for this I've got quite a small brush I've got my size double zero here because we're both going to highlight and lay it at the same time with this now what we need to do is just get some of this ready on the palette and thin down so it's nice and translucent so just add water to it to really bring it right down to about this sort of level here we can test it by just spilling out the palette see there it's just a little bit see-through so that's the sort of thing we're going for just now just a touch more water to it there we go and with that prepared then we only need a small amount and with this first of all what we need to do is just strengthen the color that's on the front of the model so this part that we got on the chest and the belly I'm just going to thinly lay it onto the middle of this area now so just smoothly applying it across the middle like this thinly applied so the color beneath shows through just being careful to avoid the recesses as we go so largely following the pattern that's been marked out for us by the dry brush now what this will do is strengthen the color but you can see how I'm just focusing towards the middle it means a softer color remains on the outside so it just fades it and blends it into the surrounding dark color as we go around the back of the miniature the same is going to be true to go further down the chest here just look for the muscles and just go for the more raised areas avoid the deeper recesses and leave them dark as you work your way down now meanwhile we need to do this on the face as well so we're looking for areas such as the front where we want to pick out this almost horn that we've got with quite a strong bit of that color follow it around there and start to pick out these raised features of the face but as you get around towards the back in this case it's more of a highlight that we need to do now and we're looking at the more obvious ones like these spines I just want to Edge highlight these so it's just a quick flick of the brush just making sure using the side of it following along that sharp edge on the spine so we've got a nice highlight on those parts same on the sides and just turn the model C comfortable as you do this again just angles are using the side of the brush just gently skim across these areas to help them stand out there like that with that done you can see the light color is now stronger and a bit more consistent on the front of the miniature and we've also got that sharper detail standing out nicely on the back and so what we can do is now move on to a final highlight and for this we're again going to use some Temple guard blue but now we need to mix a bone color into it so here I'm going to use some vampire fang now I need to set this up on the palette first of all and I'm still using my size double zero brush for it and we can see we've got the two paints next to each other what we need to do is just start bringing them together in the middle so we're looking forward to begin with a roughly 50 50 color to get a really nice light blue there like that and once you've got that mixed up once you thin it down that water as usual just to make sure it's nice and smooth so it's ready to be applied now if you want to you can take this a little bit further just setting up here by mixing a slightly light tone and we'll come back to that in a moment but what we're going to do is start out with this one just here and what we need to do with it is first of all start highlighting on the front of the miniature so we're looking for areas a bit more defined and are standing out so for example this part of the neck just going down here we just want to follow these raised up areas just to help them pop out a little bit and and also what we can do is just make sure it's nice and thin and start applying it onto the lighter parts of the body underneath here just a bit more Focus towards the middle just very gently applied like that so we get that brighter color appearing in the middle of the body just getting more narrow following that part of the body as we go around the sides just there then we'll get to the muscles a bit further down we can follow those by looking for the more raised up areas and just picking those out now on the back of the body we need to be a little bit more subtle here and instead we're now looking for the sharpest most defined features so on these spines it's really going to be another Edge highlight but Focus towards the tip of each one so along there for example you see using the side of the brush skimming along that sharp edge and just picking those parts out to make them look nice and sharp on the face is the same sort of thing where it's a fine highlight now so we're looking at things like the front of the spine or right at the front of the face just there again using the side of the brush we can go around the side of the mouth as well so picking it out around here we've also got the crest going up here going around the eyes this sort of thing all these sharp edges and once that's done if you want to we can then grab that slightly lighter tone that we just mixed and with this we just apply it just into the very sharpest Parts on the face so we're looking at just the tip of these Crest horn things up here and also the front of the mouth just around here foreign is complete and we've got those nice highlights there in the front and on the back of the body two over those scales and with that done what we can now do is move on to those other smaller details around the miniature because whilst we physically painted most of it without flesh there are lots of little details and all of these can be washed at the same time with just one wash so the most efficient way of doing this is to base coat them all together then wash them together so we'll start out with the metallics the first one of these is the most important to the metallics because it's the signature one of these guys what we're looking at here is a nice warm gold so in this case I'm going to use some dragon's gold now after that if you look on the shields in the Box while work you can see they have some other metallics on there for a bit of variety and you can use any you want here in our case though what we're going to use is some castellax bronze but first of all what we need is that dragon's gold and to apply it I've got my size one brush now because this is a nice large size for the larger areas but it's a good idea to have a smaller brush on hand for some of the finer details because these are scattered all across the miniature and they're all shapes and sizes as you go along but the key thing is to make sure that you've got that paint thin correctly and that you've got a fine point on your brush there so just use the pilot as you need to to make sure your brush isn't overloaded then it's time to start looking for these features now the most obvious one is the shield and at this stage I recommend you just paint the entire thing in so we just want to block the whole shield in at this stage just nice and smoothly like that to get a nice Shiny Gold but also as I mentioned keep an eye out for all the smaller features and these will appear in forms of things like Bangles and decorations so for example on the ankle down here you can see we've got this one just going around here when you get to details like this just really take your time and be as neat as possible so as not to get onto that blue flesh once you've found all that gold it's time to move on to your second metallic of choice and in this case I'm using some castilex bronze and that's for the shield here just to break it up because right now it is a very large area of gold so it's just a matter of looking for these patterns and just picking out some details and neatly blocking them in and to do this I've switched down to my size Double Zero Brush once again just for a bit more accuracy [Music] once you're happy with the colors on that Shield the next thing to do is to pick out a few other base coats on the miniature I'm going to start out with the club and here the main part of it is Stone so what we need is a dark gray so here I'm going to use some dungeon Stone gray and with that done it's then time to pick out all the leather straps we want a nice warm Brown here to contrast nicely without blue skin so what we're going to use is some boar hide for this but first of all need that dungeon Stone gray and to apply it I've gone to my size one brush once again and for this we're just looking to neatly base coat this in going around all those gold spikes that appear on it so having it up either way really helps out with working around those details it's nice and easy to get around them this way let's make sure that paint's nice and smooth and then it's time to start applying it in this area so what we're looking for is this sort of region here this main body of the club just want to neatly go up to that gold there like that just making sure it's nice and neat as you get next to it and then otherwise just block it in entirely all right once you finish with that gray we can then move on to a warm reddish brown color so here I'm using some bore hide and I've switched right down to my Double Zero Brush once again because now we're looking for all these leather straps and you can see they're quite delicate to get to just really take your time making sure your brush isn't overloaded and be as neat as you can as you pick these all out foreign once you've finished picking out all of those straps we've just got a few more little base coats left to do before we move on to that wash and that is all about painting the inside the mouth and also picking out all the claws and for the mouth first of all what we need is a burgundy color for all things like the tongue that sort of thing and so for this I'm going to use some sword help burgundy and then we need to pick up the teeth and the claws this will want a darker bone color so I'm going to use some Dragon Fang for this but first of all I'm going to go for that sword Hill burgundy and to apply it I'm using the Double Zero Brush once again for that fine control because this is all around the face really well all around the mouth so we need that control as we start working into there as ever just make sure you thin that paint down until it's nice and smooth and you're ready to go so we want to bring it down so around about that point there and then with that prepared it's just a matter of painting it into this area so what we're looking at is all of the tongue at this stage so I want to make sure we get this and also this little bit that's visible just next to the scales right there thank you once you've got the inside of the mouth there you're then ready to move on to picking out bone details so here we're looking at teeth and Claws and for this I'm using some Dragon Fang and we want to just gently move in and just pick these out as neatly as possible and with that we've now finished applying all those details that need that wash so it's time to put the wash on there and in this case what we need to do is add a dark brown wash over all these colors which will all benefit from at the same time so what I'm going to use here is some battle mud wash and to apply it I'm going to start out with my size 1 Brush for larger areas like the shield for example but definitely have a smaller brush on hand because you'll need that finer control in areas like inside the mouth because you must keep this off the blue and just on those new colors that we've introduced since so use the palette as you need to just to gauge how much is on your brush and when you're ready it's time to start applying it onto these features and so for example if I start on the shield what we need to do is just paint it directly over all these areas so that it stains a little bit and settles in the recesses giving us that shading and definition thank you allow that wash to completely dry and then you can see we've got that nice shading settled in on the miniature however on that gold it has dulled it down quite a bit and one of the distinctive features about seraphon is having really bright shiny gold equipment and so what we need to do just spend a little bit of time now just returning that shine before we move on to our highlights so what we're going to do is go back to some dragon's gold first of all and layer this onto those gold areas and what we're looking for is nice thin application of this color so really we'll bring that shine back but don't lose the depth of color that we've just gained from that shading so what I've gone for now is a size Zero Brush so a sort of medium to small size brush just here on the palette we just want to bring that paint down to around about this consistency you see so a little bit translucent and with that prepared then let's get a small amount on your brush and then we're looking for those gold features once more but this time rather than painting it entirely over them we're just looking to avoid the recesses where more of that wash settled so for example on the shield just on the front right here looking at applying it to these sort of areas just here making sure getting that flat part and just bringing it around there to get that shine back but you can see I'm just being careful not to fall into that recess just it meets the rim just there so just skip past it and Carry On Again on the other side and this way we retain that definition but you can see that our shine is returning to the gold and with that all that gold detail is nice and shiny once more however we did do that other metallic color on the shield remember that castlex bronze that we did around there and you might have done the same color or a different metallic but if you have done this then also it's a good idea just to spend a moment layering that too just to make that shiny as well so we're going to do that quickly now going back to castelax bronze and to apply it I'm using the exact same brush so still that size zero for this one and we're just looking to quickly lay out that path that's visible there so again looking for the flatter area towards the Middle where there's no recesses and just gently applying this over the top of the thin coat and avoiding those Corners so we retain that definition from the wash so with that paint prepared for the purpose we're looking at areas such as around here and it's just a matter of very carefully working in towards the middle of these zones just being careful to leave that darker line where that recess is where this color meets that gold and there we are we now have that shine returned to the darker metal too and so we can move on to the next step which is going to be to return to that yellow or gold and exaggerate that a little bit more because remember this is one of the key features of this Army to have that very clean very shiny gold and so what we need is a lighter gold and I'm going to use some glistening gold for this and the idea here is to start to glaze this onto the flatter Parts the more raised up parts to really emphasize that shine on those areas so to do it what we need to do is thin this paint right down the palette and quite a lot too and I'm using a small brush for it I've got my size double zero once again and what I'm going to do is just get some water there on my palette next to the paint then start bringing it into it to create that very thin version of it and we're looking for something like this you see so it's very very runny then the next thing to do and a real key thing is to make sure you don't have loaves this on the brush so that surface tension the liquid doesn't pull it away from where you want it to be so I'm using tissue to remove excess and I'm just going to drop a very small amount so I'm not very much Eye Brush at all there with that prepared then we can start applying it and what we're looking for are flatter areas such as the shield once again where we layered it earlier which will thinly apply this onto those flat parts so very thinly there like that just sweeping it round and gradually building it up so we're starting to really bring that shine forth even more so just areas there like that so you can see it just makes it paler and paler the more I apply now in addition at this stage we want to make sure we bring this right up to sharper edges because we're going to highlight on those later so for the actual rim of the shield we want to make sure we go around this as well and just take it all the way around remember on these parts that are flat around this center part here we again want to glaze this color onto it so just thinly apply it like that so we get that cleaner gold on that area yeah with that now done and all that gold we can move on to highlighting it and for this now we need to move to an even brighter color so we're going for a platinum color here what I'm going to use is some canoptech alloy and to apply it definitely go for your fine brush and I'm using my double zero here because now we're looking to highlight these details and really then it's a matter of just picking out all the sharpest features and edges so Edge highlighting essentially on all these parts this will include all the gold including all the little Bangles and details that appear on the club now the trick to it is to make sure the paint's correctly thinned just for that smoothness so it's going to flow well from your brush it's this sort of point just here it's a little bit translucent but you can see it's a little bit runny too but it's not so runny that it's just going out of control for my brush so that's really good there then just make sure you haven't overloaded it using some tissue as you need to to remove excess paint and then you're ready to go so we want to pick out all the edges and for the shield it's actually quite easy to get a large part of it by just using the side of your brush and just skimming along a bit like when we're highlighting some of those sharp scales earlier on and this way you can go all the way around just turn the model as you need to to make sure you're comfortable so you're always approaching in this way so you have that control as you put it on now there are times where you'll need to use the tip of your brush really and that's going to be areas like this pattern that we've got just here in this case just make sure you're nice and steady really brace your hands together and then gently move in with the tip of the brush and apply the paint in this downward motion just carefully following that edge just taking your time so this way you get to highlight this area as well [Music] and with that the metallics are now all completed and so what we can do is move on to highlighting those are the small details that are scattered around the miniature and we'll start out with a stone in the club but this need a nice lighter gray to highlight it so I'm going to use some wizard gray here and then what we'll do is move on to the mouth we'd start out with some glistening gums to highlight the tongue and then for the teeth and the claws we need a light bone collar so I'm going to use some vampire fang here finally I need to highlight those straps on the body and for this what I'm going to go for is some fur cloak but first of all what we need is that gray so I'm going to use some wizard gray here and to apply it I'm again going for the size one brush because for this I'm just going to be doing an edge highlight again and it's nice and easy to get to this because the edges are so well defined for this detail so all you've got to do is just make sure that paints there's thinned correctly and not overloaded on your brush once you've got that prepared you just need to look for those edges and what we're going for are things like these sharp edges along here where using the side of the brush we just want to skim all the way down in so all the way down there in addition if you want to you can highlight any designs that appear in the middle such as just here and this case it's going to be another Edge heart again but just make sure you use the tip of the brush for this feature so angle so you're painting that downward motion and just carefully follow that edge all the way down [Music] once that club's done we can then move on to the inside of the mouth with some glistening gums and here we need to highlight the tongue first of all so to do this just on either side just follow it just way down here going up to the tip and also we've got this little bit of Flesh visible right here which we just need to highlight with a lion and chest running down there [Music] next up we need some vampire fang and with this we're looking for a highlight first of all on the teeth and all we need to do is just very carefully dot them just to help them stand out so along here for example and if you want you can also use it just to highlight the tip of the tongue so just a little bit right there now in addition there are the claws to highlight at this stage and here we're looking for the sharper ridges on them so if we go to this one on the foot down here that means just highlighting across the top of it so just a line running down there and then a little bit just underneath it right there all right and finally we can move on to highlighting these leather straps and for this I'm going to use some fur cloak and here we're looking for the edge just running along the length of it and it's just a matter of gently following along so just here for example and just along here [Music] and with that we're now ready for the final detail which is to paint in the Saurus Warrior's eyes and for this what we're going to do is first of all pick it out with some yellow using some skulky yellow now you can leave it there if you want to but if you want to take it a little bit further you can then add the pupil and if you want to do this you'll need a pitch black so in this case I'm going to use some Doom death black but first we need that skulky yellow and for this you definitely want to go for your finest brush because of course it is the heist they are very small now on the palette just make sure you've got that under control so the paint's nicely thin so that it's going to go exactly where you want it to go just bringing it down to about this point here so it's a little bit runny and then remember the key thing remove the excess paint off your brush with some tissue just to make sure it's not overloaded let's get a small amount then and then we're ready to go and so what you need to do is just make sure you're really steady and really braced so really brace your hands together like that so you're not shaking just gently move the brush in from this angle along the length of the eye and just run it into that detail right there so we just pick it out with that yellow right there [Music] and then finally you can add in the pupil as an optional step using a little bit of a pitch black so here I've got Doom death black and we just want to very gently go in at the eye like this and it's all about just painting a little straight line right in the middle of that yellow so we're looking at going right in there like that now with this done the miniature is then ready to be based and as ever it's entirely your core what basing scheme you go for but in this case I'm going to go for a swamp base [Music] thank you [Music] and here we have the completed saurus Warrior ready to do his part in enacting the great plan so as you've seen when painting these Miniatures what you need to do first of all is just spend a bit of time painting all that flesh and just playing around with the tones until you're happy after which point it's just a matter of painting in all those smaller details so have fun painting your saurus Warriors and we'll see you again very soon foreign foreign
Channel: Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy
Views: 81,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Duncan Rhodes, Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy, Miniature Painting, Wargaming, Warhammer, Age of Sigmar, Seraphon, Lizardmen, Saurus Warriors, Painting Warhammer
Id: YDG9yqh6TEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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