Ossiarch Bonereapers vs Seraphon Age of Sigmar 3rd Edition Battle Report Ep 193

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hello and welcome wargamers to our age of Sigmar battle report today Luca and scari here from miniwargaming.com bringing the new seraphon against the Ozark bone Reapers today sorry for the delay everyone I was busy with all the other armies that were also coming out in age of Sigmar it will be 2 000 points so sit back relax and enjoy the show as we stumble over our new rules [Music] thank you we play and call it work mini work aiming's age of Sigmar battle report let's take a look at the Ozark bone Reapers first it'll be 2 000 points 1950 to be precise we'll be playing the mortise praetorians today now the idea is I wanted to run a list I would commonly run in second edition to see how it plays in the new book I love everything in this new book this book is outstanding in fact I'll do an in-depth review before we even get into the game for all those who have been missing those reviews but for now we're gonna go with our old build and see how it plays the grand strategy will be the scales balance which is the same as the white dwarf just keep uh one of your unit that it's starting strength uh that started in the game uh we're gonna have our leader be a leech cavalos and I should note we are in the new OCR bone Reapers Battalion called an OCR cohort so it's just a battle regimen but you could take more monsters and artillery but there is a stipulation where every unit in the Battalion has to be near two other elements of the battalion but you get that one drop all the same and a little bit more of a flexible one so I just wanted to give it a shot and this way I don't have to worry about too many artifacts either at least at first now leech capitalists will be our general and we are going to Christopher Lee him and give him the command trade show superiority uh his artifact of power I had a hard time deciding this one guys this was difficult uh we went with marrow pact with uh motorsportorians I think I have not really an in-depth combo but he's gonna be fighting a lot in and out of the game and I want him to be able to heal as he's gonna be scrapping quite a bit we're going to be running a couple of support characters we're gonna go with a bone shaper that's going to know drain Vitality he is unfortunately our only Galician Champion not in love with that but we're gonna try and make it work I'm again just trying a second edition build see how it plays here uh we're gonna give him fueled by Gersh as an aspect of the champion and then we have a soul Mason so he's a little bit more expensive than the other wizards but he's a level two wizard and he knows every spell in the Lord now which is uh outstanding I'm gonna give him drain Vitality otherwise he's very similar I didn't onto our battle line yeah well you guessed it it's more Tech guard they're a little bit more expensive than they used to be but uh understandably so we have a 10-man squad with natural blades and one Soul Cleaver and then we're gonna be running two reinforced units of more Tech guard making them 20 strong and there will be a pair of Soul fevers in them one will have Spears and one will have blades just because what's what we have in our collection and then I have a pair of gothazar Harvesters as behemoths in this Battalion as well that's right I can bring two behemoths in this one drop Italian however uh the weapon options on them don't matter anymore thankfully so uh don't have to worry about that anymore and then I was just everything in this book is like crazy expensive like it used to be so nothing's actually changed there uh the Army just feels more powerful to represent that which is nice I am going to run a couple of endless spells just to fill out the rest of my points and I still have the 50 points to kill afterwards I could have ran another character I guess but I feel like these well would have had a little bit more of an impact I'm gonna be running the solstice dealer carry-on as well as the nightmare Predator both only 40 points both quite good and uh we're gonna have quite a bit of fun with it oh and last but not least I almost forgot about them we are going to be running some more gas archive now these never would have made the cut in my last second edition list but they have some potential especially with the carry-on in the list you want something fast so the archive are going to be filling that role and they're going to be running with Hal Birds uh 1950 points and I will begin the Triumph against scari and that will be bloodthirsty to reroll the charge rule welcome to the new dinosaur age I'm just kidding that's beautiful I do that really well thank you Luca so I'm playing the coalesced lizard Army so seraphon coalesce coatal's claw now I have basically doing exactly what Luke is doing we're on the same page here I'm taking my old seraphon list and bringing it back into the new battle term so I'm really excited to see how the list has changed how the dynamic has changed now seraphon lost a couple of different bats battle Scrolls like they lost some of the Scrolls added some new ones some of the things changed so the list looks very similar but it doesn't have as many models as I did in the last list I've also lost my saurus sunblood that's no longer in the um the Army book so it's now just a Soros scar veteran on foot but he has some really cool abilities allowing himself and a unisaurus to fight at the same time in the combat phase like directly one after another and he can give them plus one attack and plus one a wound some really cool stuff that I'm looking forward to trying out also of course I've got my scar veteran on the carnosaur and he I believe has gotten a glow up let's see if he can actually kill things more consistently so let's dive into the full list I do have the old blood he is of course my Galician Champion with the stubborn as a rhinox then we have a scar veteran on carnosaur he is my general he has the prime War Beast command trait and a blood rage pendant giving him plus one attack on all his profiles I do have a star priest a skink star priest with Heavenly frenzy which is one of the new spells of the coalesced spell list for skinks which allows one of my units to run and still charge which should be really fancy I am running a brand new block of 10 Source Wars look at how beautiful they are thank you Steve for painting these they look so good then I have 10 skinks with blow darts and little little clubs I've got three crocsagor not war spawned yet but crocsagor and five raptodon Hunters with their little throwing spear Javelin things then I am running a new pastelodon with a an engine still on engine um not as many attacks but much more consistent with a Rend of three it's gonna be pretty good at range and two stagedons to round out the list bring my total to 1995. so I don't get my Triumph however time to stump the death almost robots today's Mission will be positioned over power this one has four objectives one in each player's territory as you can see and then two on the far edges of the battlefield and they're going to be called flank objectives we will be deploying along the long table Edge but only in the middle half of it then that'll be also nine inches away from one another now scoring victory points is simple you'll get one point if you have one objective one point if you have two and then one if you have more than your opponents now the little trick to this one is you'll score a victory point if you have any flanking objectives off on the sides there that are also contested by a Galician champion and then of course Super Battle tactic and three points at the end of the game for completing your grand strategy if we're able to do so now the twist to our mission because there always is one is the Lost in the landslide something is happening to the flanking parts of this battlefield where those objectives will be removed and essentially not worth any value uh after the fourth battle round so in turn four they're removed and we're only fighting for the middle too it's like they're they've been in this case they've been plundered we'll go with that hey guys just a little warning for this battle report I got a little silly scar you did too and I did yeah we had a little bit of fun with this when we were counting Dice and uh luring our armies together so if it seems like we're being a little goofy it turned out that way it wasn't planned this way so keep that in mind when you watch this battle report a lot of like brain dumping as I usually do so sorry about that down below viscari and this here folks is where we will settle our grudges this is a table War battle mat with printable scenery terrain if you want to go check them out that's this whole set of pieces here they're all I mean you can tell which are from that set they're all very similar we're using this is like a backdrop that objectives were the battlefield ends we're playing on this 60 inches of the battlefield if anyone's curious because the minimum recommended board size we have Games Workshop kits here from the old uh ruins uh Actually I don't even know if they're still available they probably are maybe they are we got some green Loop train in the back corner there uh our objectives are gonna be these uh trap doors or these greats they are going to have valuable Treasures as you can see inside of them and thus these ones on the flanks are going to disappear once they are appropriately looted of all their magical goodies as uh agency Mars very high magic setting so pretty much Everything You Touch Is Magic that brick right there on that magic probably magic a couple things uh scary and I Are Gonna Roll Off two pick sides we got a deployment Zone over here we got a deployment Zone over there on that objective uh am going to get a two glorious two scary's Gonna Knock over my treasures and roll five would you like to how many drops do you got um three I got one oh well it doesn't matter then I'll let you drop first Fair absolutely yeah this is the first time I've ever actually ran a one drop really first time ever in all of the history of ever running age of Sigma games I actually think it might be really I don't like the idea okay this is a this is a job for all of you out there watching in third scour no no no no no no no no you said that I'm more confident about saying third I played a lot of second edition first edition which was just like uh like fever dreams like they're like those are just like out there games I don't even know if they ever have what you're saying is you lied Luca I may have fit I may have been a little overconfident in my statement and now I am buckling distracting it giving up a little bit well you're gonna choose who goes first or second which is gonna be interesting yeah I'll probably go second yeah I know so anyway let's put our terrain pieces down I got some deployments we got some terrain to go down we got some deployment to go down we're going to show you what that is then I'll give you my in-depth review of the bone Reapers after we're done deploying and uh voila our forces are deployed after we spent like 20 minutes talking to each other about our like random rules are I know because we're like what about this because all of you at home tend to tell us exactly what we missed which is great so we try and lower the amount of things that we miss as much as possible I'd like to watch you guys play a game scrutinized by thousands of people and see how many things you get right hold on and play 50 different factions exactly and like 10 different game systems that's why uh that's why I haven't played too many bone Reapers they're one of my favorite armies in the game but Blades of corn came out Soul blade grave lyrics came out uh the Gloom Spike gets came out they needed to be covered and then the slaves of Darkness came on they needed to be covered so now I finally have the time to allocate the bone Reapers and try and figure them out yep and then all that fun stuff and you guys have been giving me Flack recently about my die rolls and sigma that my dice are cheating it might be newer viewers saying this stuff but uh I this is a pattern I go through all the time I'll have like 10 games in a row where I just lose and like whatever it is what it is and then I'll have 10 games in a row where I win and it's usually because I don't know what force in the universe is controlling that but that's just how I play and when my world of averages brother exactly I never have like I'll maybe every now and then I'll have like a a win or a lose but it's just a long long streaks of horrible horrible experiences and then great great wins where I just seem to roll uh really well on my dice so you've all successfully made Luca go on a giant rent I have I have it was like I don't mind every now and then but like the last two videos there's been like different people saying like I'm cheating and I we should disallow my dice on the channel I'm like being a little extreme there so I'm gonna go to the extreme of this battle report and I'm gonna keep track of all the ones and all the sixes I roll not gonna call it out every time but it's gonna be near the scoreboard you can always see it and I'm gonna try and keep it keep it honest and try and remember here and there and you guys will see that I'll probably roll pretty close it's like no matter what when you're playing a game of 40K or Sigma you're rolling so many dice you're it the curve curves is You're Gonna Roll Just as many ones as you do sixes it's a matter of where and when you roll correct that's what luck is exactly that's so that when it comes when I make a bunch of board saves on sixes you might think wow those dice only roll sixes well I rolled sixes where it mattered you ready Luca absolutely six Ah that's a three I did finish the playing first with the cohort now the chords unique where you have to have every unit has to be near two other units when you deploy so luckily with this deployment that was damn easy like everything is like this is like the limit of my deployment here so I automatically fall within those parameters so I've got my harbingers or archives and my more gas over here the goth is our Harvester the blade reinforced unit the spear reinforced unit and the hanger back here we have our soul Mason our general our leash who has a show of superiority our bone shaper and our other Harvester and I will note uh that I oh no you know what it doesn't really matter he can't take the cartoon I was gonna say that but this old guide is the cartoon Soul I'll get the tangent I'm not gonna go on big tan just like into the silver game what do we got over here um new unit of um I think that's wrapped it on Hunters yeah they're like a really cool I love how they look that's where they need a freaking fun model man there's steg basilodon with a solo engine my uh scar veteran Soros my realm shaper engine which is now different depending on whether you take starborn or coalesced in a coalesced army all monsters wholly within 12 get to use their full wound bracket no matter how many wounds they've taken okay which is really good and I get plus one to my bite rolls if I'm holy within range of it as well which means that I'll be doing mortal wounds after they fight and since I'm also coalesces plus an additional one to my bite rolls so my saurus and my crocsegor get really nasty around there with their bites which is cool okay I was gonna say another thing people are freaking out about that stuff for seraphon it's okay for armies to have cool rules guys yeah it's it's like the bone Reapers have every sixth hit with the weapon is two hits because everything's a natural weapon now which is nice not just these guys but the mouse don't count because they're not forged weapons I mean they're kind of forged but they're not forged like a weapon is you know anyways uh sorry to interrupt forging The Narrative uh the crocsagors are not war spawn the Israel the clock scores I've got my uh star priest over here then I've got little you know skinks with blowpipes another stegodon and my general with his uh carnosaur which I'm ah they they gave him extra Rend and stuff on his attack so I'm hoping that we see him be more Kaylee than he has been because he's got lots of attacks like he used to but now he has rent yes would you lack that before I didn't have Ren before so I'm excited to try that out and then yeah going to like a little bit of like brain dumping before the game bone Reaper still struggle against Monsters because that because of Roar mostly because a lot of things are based on orders but luckily the orders are a lot more relevant in the other phases and you get a and the command points are all different I'll go over that later but uh I can't remember what I was going to say now dang it Luca it happened well bone reapers are relatively points that's what I was gonna say points you actually reminded me of what I was gonna say thank you very much my points haven't really changed because bone Reapers I always felt were a little overcast in the previous Edition I think a few things like obviously the more Tech guard went up a little bit of points like one point per model effectively and The Goth is our Harvesters maybe 10 more points in the characters a little bit more points here and there but that that definitely goes in line with the Third Edition books where things like that carness or over there is probably like 80 to 100 more points and like everything's a lot more expensive for every third edition book these days especially the big like kind of scary monster things the prime warbeast actually does give his mouth plus one attack because that's specifically to that there you go so they all have plus one attack next that works oh do you get cool Mount traits you probably do right no no oh you're looking they lost the mound traits yeah or they have I guess it's a lot but like they were like on the white dwarf to like bring them up to speed but a lot of the stuff that was a Mount Trade became like a spell or an ability that's exactly what happened to these guys a lot of the white door stuff just got folded into the book so don't think you lost it it's still there just kind of tucked away like changed it's like slight correct so this guy here I had a hard time picking his command trick because this guy has dark AC light the first spell he cast cannot be Unbound that used to be a really powerful heroic action first spell in the game every turn oh my God it's super to kill it but he's not a Galician champion no no no that's the command trade I was thinking about taking oh as opposed to the other one Superior so I was I was hard-pressed on like there that was really good yeah they're both that'd be really good against like techless or something but yeah no matter I'm getting this and the spell off I'm getting this feeling it's really powerful yeah so it used to be heroic action they don't have a unique heroic actions anymore uh and then okay that's enough for the brain dump gonna go you know what I'll go into my in-depth bone review you guys have been asking where your reviews at right here book is dope I want to play Everything hopefully that was insightful and uh generally that's what you'd get with most reviews uh if you want to in depth of review all the numbers on everything you could find 100 of them online that's right now we're going to go ahead and play this game I get to dictate who goes first it will be scary we want to see what they could do on the first turn man we want to see what they're capable of pulling off I'm gonna I'm just gonna chill over here and uh relax and acquire some command points now the way the command points work for bone Reapers when you get your starting command points every battle round you gain extra based on how many models you have on the table and they all stack which is nice so you get when your army is big and numerous you get lots when things die you get less [Music] let's take a look at the abandon war games score sheet I'll be using here in this game so I am going to be the enemy on the right I gain nine command points that start the game as bone Reapers because I have more than seven units and you have two and then um I'm gonna use these to keep track of my ones for anyone who's curious uh don't look up there if you don't care if the reds are gonna be the sixes the blues are the ones Blues are sads the reds are hot so battle tactic will be um desecrate there Lance I'm gonna pick the big tree in the middle which is directly in the middle of the table yeah that's right so it's in your territory and my territory uh that'll be my battle tactic as for Heroic action I will go ahead with a um command an inspired leadership gotcha I will do it on my carnosaur generals uh well bone Reapers have no unique heroic actions anymore which is fine I guess I will go with leadership on my liege cavalos and again it's just uh you just gain command points now they've they've simplified it it works to save as it did before but without jumping through hoops so we gain an extra command point on him so we're at 10 kind of but he has to use this this turn and the nice thing about phone repairs now you can use all the generic command abilities in addition to the seven unique bone Reaper ones the main difference is you can duplicate and or you can use the bone Reaper ones more than once per phase but you still have to follow the same rules of a unit can only be ordered once per phase any unit can only order issue in order once per phase that stuff's still the same my star priest is gonna pick uh the uh carnosaur in case you double turn me and like tag him in combat somehow so that uh any sixes to wound or we'll do a mortal wound in addition to normal damage oh okay gotcha serps half Buffalo Magics again like I said everywhere is Magic play the grass magic so he is gonna go ahead and do a spell I'm gonna cast a um so there's three spells I gave him I gave him a coalesce one for run and still charge he has one where he can make one of your units worse I think it's minus one hit one of your units within 18 and then uh Arcane bolt Mystic Shield as well so I'm gonna go ahead and try Z level two or level one he's just level one gotcha just level one Mystic Shield is 12 inches yep holy within 12 for Mystic Shield so I'm gonna go ahead and do a um I'm gonna try and cast in Mystic shield and it goes off on seven I believe I'm gonna I think I'm too far away I'm just gonna roll see if I think you are within you're good you stopped it because yes he 30. that's yeah I was gonna roll then measure that's that oh he's out of third that's him right there so yeah no denies okay we'll be putting Mystic shield on my old blood old guy out front he's older than 12 understood that'll go on the old one there okay so now I guess I go into the movement phase you have your superiority thing so every command ability I use will cost extra on a five up oh that's annoying that's the show's superiority that's the that's the Christopher Lee on a horse there that's him uh he is uh that's a nasty command tree that was hard pressed being dark act later that one and there's a couple other ones I kind of like but they're way more situational those two are like always good so I'm gonna start with just a run roll with them I'm now in my moving face I don't think I have any more hair face stuff to do it's pretty straightforward right so they get plus one so they go plus four out of twelve they go 16. so quick Clickety clackity Clickety they're just gonna be annoying and uh take this objective yeah yeah I expect it to lose some objective control here going uh second but I don't want to get hammered by a double turn I want to dictate the first double turn so those Stakes moving less than eight and he's gonna just stay outside of nine of them I could potentially another thing is stegodones now count as 10 models when holding objectives which helps a lot when trying to desecrate your land they are thick boys that's right very excited about that so they're just gonna move up like so and then I'm gonna move my car my these guys as well absolutely wild scar is doing that more of a brain dump I am so in love with these new OCR bone Reaper rules the design team for them is like I don't I didn't like I only looked at the stuff I've played in the past I haven't looked too far past that uh the I don't have the new model the awesome Factor who could take the Cartouche now uh this guy this guy's this guy's Relic is a freaking meme man it is hilarious so every time he casts a spell his little Throne gets an extra attack and it's just one attack threes and threes run one damage but he can technically cast five spells a turn that's crazy so he could get quite a bit of attacks that's nice um so I'm gonna go ahead and do um I'm gonna get this Soros uh old blood out there let's run him see how far he can go oh up to 10 inches there's no point in being shy about where he's going oh I see he's just gonna be aggressive I'm gonna yes yes that's just a that's just a character I guess on his own well he's he's gonna set he's gonna bring his uh his source with him so they get plus one to save if the contesting objective or holy in my territory which they're both yeah I'm actually gonna move him maybe just a little bit back oh that's kind of cool I can they have to be contesting an objective for plus one to save or or in my territory holding in my territory I could some of the now say you're outside of the territory and I can summon the burden takeaway that rule for me yes that's kind of funny yeah no more so that's thesaurus they will go 11 12 actually yes hello yeah well might as well you know let's let's get stuck in let's just have a good time let's play some games absolutely let's do this let's just have have a good time together and uh and I I'm gonna just run at you let's let's go lizards lizards have no chill either Mr Dinosaur only moves five so he's relatively slow but that proxycles don't move very fast now so I'm Gonna Run them now they go eight they used to move a lot faster oh this tree is gonna grief with the uh focus on this camera yeah but it looks cool though it looks cool yeah and then he's just gonna you might as well gonna move up stay within an inch so you can't like range attack him in case yep oh and anyone uh this guy here is not a champion I only have the one Champion he's on a mountain so he's easy to shoot and kill and this is an army that does have a lot of shooting sadly seraphine I always have a lot of shooting so I'm a little afraid I'm not sure what I want to do with this skink so skinks move eight inches right so I would need a uh one two I need to roll a four to get within range of that objective okay now uh skanks can roll two dice and pick the highest when they run or when they redeploy which is pretty cool that's kind of cool uh that's a new rule that they got so I can either roll two dice and hope for four or all out add the double them and then maybe you make me spend two command points for this so because I do you like the do you like my command actually because it's annoying it's immediately annoying it is it's only a five immediately annoying uh because of the fact that I'm already getting a hold to hold more yes I'm Gonna Roll it right knee into that you absolutely need to get to it so let's see how far these skinks can go oh sticks nice nice That's pretty good that means it'll go there 14 and they're just gonna hello skinks stay inside of this terrain and uh get some covered get some cover and then yeah we're just playing the area terrain this cover we're just kind of put like random things on the represent their stuff there yeah then it's one of the nicest ways to take advantage of that rule because there's no other real ways that you can no you would need you need like nice area terrain pieces to get access to the plus one to saves as well let's just get this staggered on yeah you guys can do stuff like that at home you just have little walls you put around the footprint or whatever representing ruins it's not a bad idea so this is he's gonna go on a daring flanking maneuver and I will run him as well I am pretty worried about all that as much as the bone repairs have a bunch of cool rules I've always been afraid of a monster match the seraphon have it's always kind of scary just going around the plan blank let's see if my if you know because he can get pretty spicy and then I will be running the little skink priest as well and he goes his full distance so he's gonna go his 13. and he's going to make sure he's holy within 12 of my you don't really have any shooting like long range shooting not really these guys have 18 different shooting but it's negligible okay so other than that maybe some spells right that you can kind of do but he's going this way essentially going to try and stay outside of like deny range or like extra range of that and then stay holy within 12 of my car and store and then I can potentially cast the ADV run and charge on him so the flanking maneuver actually gets off or whatever so yeah if you're really good as well I got to protect these guys I don't want them getting uh lit up like they're both I want a lot of pressure on them I can think of rally them now which is nice that's always that that's cool yeah but it's a sex so like yeah yeah but it's time to shooting okay so I'm gonna go ahead and shoot with my bastillodon first and he's gonna shoot his Arc his uh super Sun cannon at your more sharks uh they're more gas more gas archive I believe because they have the armor plate they have the they have the board save nothing so they'll be the more guests and then I will be using a um all out attack all right shows superiority on a file gotcha too that'll cost you nothing hooray question one exactly yeah yeah one command Point left which means now it's now I have two well I have the the free the leadership one yeah do you want to use that one always too far okay gotcha do all of Defense from the leadership okay on him they can do now so now it only has three attacks yeah um it's hitting on fours normally with The Arc uh sorry not with The Arc with oh so Legend hits on threes oh it's hitting on twos two twos to hit a one and threes to wounds and these are rent three now so we go to a six step save because and there's three damage each it's not terrible I get no saves on that one is that six damage in total yep and the award saves uh five up because they're holier than 12 of a hero I will make hey look a six and a 150. I'm gonna go three wounds left on the back guy I guess they're Elite so it doesn't really matter we all the agents take it on over here so eight inches of javelin's out of range because uh but I will be shooting the meat uh this the Big Sky streak Sky streak bow giant mounted crossbow where's that going that into the same one he's gonna shoot over here oh three is to wounds there's only red one and once I go to e or up again which I will make a six the same thing with this guy yep over here so three's to hit as well and three is to vote that's only one this time five would they survive the shooting and they're gonna come back to life I just D3 boots at the end of the movie okay I'm gonna declare a charge here charging let's see what Mr stegadon can do number nine at least no would you like to read I'm not going to because I need to try and keep one in the bank so I have at least two in the bank okay yeah so that part for uh some sort of uh yeah some sort of play okay uh so that's all I got I will get my battle tactic I will hold one hold two hold more and Five Points that'll be a five-point turn for me as we move into bone Reaper's turn how many Champion you just have the two Champions eh I have two Galician Champions I've got this one and I've got this one okay yeah more than you I only have the one I was actually I added him thinking he was a champion that I found it afterwards he wasn't but I was already kind of locked into the list I I really I like him he's a little expensive but I think I like him I don't know if this season though we'll find out we'll I'll play a few games we'll figure it out together everyone together on to my turn one go for a desecrate their land on that piece of turret over there I'm gonna try and take that one from you just to change it up a little bit so you can choose the same thing plus you got a couple extra models over there and then as for my heroic action well let's why don't we go for a leadership I sub pose because I can't think of another one I'd want to do and four up haha oh yep I got it oh six I guess I'll just go in the liege I'm not too sure what else I'd want to do with him anyways uh we are then uh gonna go ahead and do some magic I guess let's go with a Mystic shield from our level two wizard now he is 40 more points in other words but he knows every spell from the OCR bone Reaper warp which is kind of cool yeah I know what I'm gonna do with them we're gonna start with the Mystic Shield these guys are gonna be in the heat of it so we're gonna try and get that off on them got a six and a five got two offer scarier heroic action willpower I will willpower on my source but you don't want to stop the Mystic shield no I'm not going to stop the Mystic Shield I'm waiting for some of those endless spells they're really annoying I well I'm in a I'm in a pickle right now where I don't quite know I actually want them all to cast a spell which is gonna be uh clutch I kind of want that's tough because I could do I give up for a board save against Mortal wounds which you have quite a bit of especially if I'm going to engage you near your piece of terrain I don't quite know what I would like to do six Shields obviously very important that endless spell would be quite nice though too so I think I'm gonna go for for a reinforced construct on these guys here uh that is a four and a one that's a five sorry we'll let that go as well so they're gonna have a four board against that and then the Mystic Shield that's him done casting but at the end of the hero phase he his thrown cast soul guide several times maybe it's a random and then we're gonna go to our bone shaper here who would very much you guess one cost one cast that's it so I can either drain Vitality on the stake down reducing his Saves by one as well as his to hit rolls or I could try and get the on the spell the table I'm gonna go for the other spell I want to go for the nightmare Predator I believe uh because those guys still holding your territory yes yes I can't take away their save with the bird so I might as well go for the nightmare Predator I guess that's a three week fail okay that was easy I think that'll somewhat conclude the hero phase we have to resolve the Thrones uh Soul guide ability so I roll a D6 on a two plus I cast his built-in spell soul guide I believe it's still if I roll a six I cast it d three more times but I'm gonna cast soul guide once a five and a two but we got it on a seven that's my last cast we might as well try and stop it The Willpower guy needing an H six all right so we get the spell that can only target Vortech guard or the the death Riders it's plus one of window I will give plus one to wound to anything holding within 24a let's go with let's go with them we're gonna put it on those guys there I think at the plus one wound go to the moon phases where we're gonna use up a lot of our Command points we are all 11 of them I don't I'm gonna use quite a bit of them we're gonna go ahead and do Unstoppable Advance on both of these units uh they're gonna order to themselves he's gonna order to the Harvester then over to this side I'm gonna I don't really like I might as well use them off right because I'm not going to be doing too much more I'm going to use it on they're gonna order themselves oh no because they have to um they have to heal so they're not going to take that order we're going to increase the movement of these guys they're gonna order themselves and then we'll have our leech cavalos order the the monster to do it as well so it'll be another but that'll be the leadership one I want to hear so I'm down to seven remaining kind of hard to remember who ordered what and who's gonna over to where uh the last thing I'd like to do is I guess that's kind of it let's go into moving they're going to order Rena constructs on themselves after they finish moving they have to be outside of three the enemy and that's at the end of the move phase you order it let's do the before and after for moves we're just gonna move that way and we're gonna reform kind of here yes we're going to bring these guys over here I think I'm just going to give up that objection I don't want to fight for that I want to try and make up you don't want to come fight my carnosaur do you no I'd rather make up I might I'm going to give up a little bit too many Victor I think I'm gonna give up too many victory points in doing so but the Army is meant to kind of like like well if you double turn me you get like a good position in the center board that's what I'm hoping I'm kind of hoping to kind of break through the middle and do a lot of damage to the middle there is what I'm trying to aim for put a lot of pressure on it essentially I'm a little too slow to get over there but I am going to start moving that direction as well and uh okay we'll be right back everyone well dang this is kind of where it ends up I rolled everyone this is where everyone moves I'm gonna use an order they're gonna order themselves during the constructs so they're gonna heal D3 wounds allocated to them I'm gonna heal one and then that just means zero up to four I want to say that Luca calculating how many ones and fives and ones and sixes he's rolling is hilarious it's off camera it's off camera you'll see it you'll see later but like I just got I gotta you guys gotta realize though but we're the dice land it's not like these are some fancy dice Central that's funny that only real sex is that doesn't count that's not for anything ah it's proof I roll the one on that guy's okay it's over there not that he needed he just kind of lingered back there anyways so you did just roll another six so you better no no that doesn't count it has to be forgetful what are you talking about game effects whoa whoa whoa right now we got a nice actually I have more ones than sixes right now you do Glory except for that one tie it up that does technically tie it up but it's not for a game effect uh shooting they both ran so it doesn't really matter we're gonna go right to charging not in love with some of these but we're I don't like to charge the phone Reapers I'd rather be charged more of a reactionary kind of horse but I wish a couple things to note this list does not play this scenario very well I should have had death writers in the list had I dropped the endless spells I would have had points for for the death Riders and I would have had to reduce him to a lower tier character but the death writers would have been clutch to go for that right now that would have been outstanding so without them it's gonna be a little tough so I think my only plan is just to try and break through the middle and hold on this flank we're out of charging come at me bro let's go with the uh one charge I want over here they're gonna go they get plus one because they're in it that's a nine actually so we got the triangle of power protecting the bone shaper in the back there that's our committed charge let's go with ah these guys charging as well plus one okay they go 11. nice tell they're gonna have to charge I hate doing stuff like this but that's why death doesn't like the charge even so like gravelers they'd rather be charged because that way you get to stay within all your auras so just keeping that guy within three there for Lookout serves keeping these guys here near the Harvester uh just in case I can uh they can eat up the wounds and then he could poop them back out again and then up there leaving a gap for the cavalos who will then declare charge he'll go also eight nice and he'll charge it he rolls eight dice for impact hits nice on modified charge Rule and then every five up is a more wound that's pretty good all right let's see here these are okay that's a lot of sixes and then one one that's five more wounds on the charge we just crush on in there that is it for charging we're just gonna keep these guys in the back here to uh hang out for now and that well I want to see where everything else before I commit them can I roar at you now you got all yeah you got your mind okay no Roar interesting sad I don't think I have anything to do so we're just gonna go right to my pick here pulling out a fight first over here yep they are I think they're gonna bludgeon I think they're gonna try and just push through that armor I'll try bludgeon out plus one to hit could be better but that extra rent could be nice too can he order himself or do you need a hero nearby uh he cannot order himself I do not believe I really need a pile of mint they have the extra reach with the spears as long as you're on Base to Base contact with the Target and then the two other friends they get to fight in three ranks so we got six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen of them attacking though two of them are soldiers should be a 20 right and there's three that are not original yeah 17 do I say 16 yes oh I mean 17. yeah 17 are attacking two of them are so Cleavers yep book levers are two attacks each hitting on threes no sixes and wounding on threes normally but Soul guy gives them plus one that doesn't really matter we have two of them going through it run two because of bludgeon use multiple damage two damage each down to one sixes nope down to four there's one more oh you said three you said two so I meant three I meant three yeah okay so it's six damage in total do you not reduce it by one I do that's three damages here's 15 attacks the first half uh they hit on fours because they're Spears sixes are natural right so they hit again so if I all that attacked it would just been one more okay that doesn't really matter then I got this one as well look at that even and the wound roll had plus one uh two more ones I'm getting two on the first half here's the other one these are fours to hit and threes to wound uh we got one two three four seven in total seven in total ready two sixes nope all right seven more down seven down two four remaining they almost got him one go that bludgeon was quite good we are gonna go to the old blood that's right and because of the predatory exempt lock I will be able to fight with both units at the same time basically yeah he'll fight together and then they'll go after that yeah so I'm gonna go ahead and uh do some I have somewhat of a rule like that I have to issue a command though so like he has to the leech capitalist attack I will be issuing them an all-out attack as well which um which might cost me two it does and that's a six nice nice because it's coming from the old blood I do get plus one a hit and plus one to wound on the source it's quite nice so we'll go ahead and uh fight you through the old blood first heck yeah no he doesn't I get to pick the ordering with chicken oh that works that way gotcha that's cool okay okay so eight of them attacking twos to hit and twos to wound thanks to the old blood near I I'm not gonna lie that's pretty good that's spicy I forgot to order them something I am they're currently Mystic shielded so I will shield wall which is now it reduces the rain of attacks against them by one okay yeah so it's one of my commands so it gets the order themselves choose to wound try and save some face so that'd be four eight twelve fourteen at red one 14 saves they are currently a three up with Mystic Shields and then they ignore the ren because of Shield wall so just threes and then that is going to be four going through yeah I'm gonna take the four from back here they have a six award because they're deaf and then those three that die on a four up they uh come back to life so two so two of them are actually dead because it works the exact same way it does in second edition with moon allocation one model at a time kind of thing yeah okay I will say these two die I suppose and then I'll do my bites the bites four UPS it's normally sixes plus one for coalesced plus one for being within range of that so four UPS to bite four more ones Mortals well they do have the reinforced construct so they have four aboard against Mortals and then that guy is gonna die he's gonna join the inner again right there cool and now the old blood can go yep five attacks from the old blood threes to hit and three stone that's two round one two at round one they have the shield three up that's two damage two damage that's two damage so far I was put in the pool boom that's it there's six on board safe which they'll make neither and then uh these guys die so now you go to the wound allocation step and then boom they get allocated wounds and then because they were allocated wounds and slain within six of him uh one of them comes back up let's see you do I guess something like that it's a six inch or now instead of three inch cool three bites from the old blood on fours now one four up because they have the spell ooh they ignore it this guy's gonna die and then he's dead okay that's it okay then they will fight okay I only got the one model left within six of them now so can't really juggle the moves that much anymore so we're gonna go ahead and fight with them uh I might as well commit to fighting uh because I only have the one model so might as well get that many more attacks and I suppose we'll go base with you you'll get the soul Cleaver in there these guys won't be able to fight well maybe one little guy in the back there's not fighting so we have these 15 of them are swinging two of them are so Cleavers they'll do the soul Cleavers first then we're gonna go for they all hit on Android weapons go to every weapon in the game except for mounted ones and these are threes to wound these are run one so five of them cool and then you have bonuses to your save it's actually two bonuses to your statement no only the old blood has the oh he's got the basic show that's right there right over yet uh but I'm okay that's really good that's a really good and these are threes to hit with their blades because the less reach we got a couple extra hits in there these are forced to him because they do have soul guide on them these are Rend of one wanna run one seven around one and I will lose one two and one takes a wound so one two and one will take a wound all right so leech kabulous gonna attack the character he's got five attacks for this Commander's blade greased hit uh got two hits and threes one wound one run just two damage cool uh three up so three up no damage there and then we have the mount the mount threes the sixes don't matter here for natural weapons though they matter for the pool I suppose even though those sixes don't do anything yeah uh threes and threes that's four and one one damage uh oh four sorry this Mount has red one oh that's pretty spicy one damn one dimash that's that is it I got the stake it on here good old stick it on so massive horns three stitch it uh the grinding Jaws three step and there is the words that's round one five up save on them oh we make it then three crushing stops three set threes to earned two at round one two round one back to fives making another two damage four damage in total and uh is that it that's it fix the board reward one three dimes gonna pick the three within six of this guy and we're gonna get uh only one in the back so we'll say these two die okay I lost six models they're not too bad I still don't like this charger I think this is a throw but if I get priority I'm okay yeah it's not terrible um I lost four and they I believe bravery nine so I'm bravery nine I did lose four and they are okay okay they're eight but plus one because of the banner they get plus one now instead of reducing Yours by one oh that's much better in this one absolutely okay uh that is it for my turn I don't I do take this what was your battle tactic oh the file that square really that was in my territory oh I guess that was it's half in your territory the same idea right either and I'm just outside why can't I have ten models on it but you have five plus them yeah so you're good should be good out of the way there and that means uh I get three points because I control one objective so I am taking a points hit here uh and then this this did give me some good insight and I kind of figured with these new missions Mobility is key if I had to readdress the Bone Reaper list it would definitely have death writers because they're they're also much better than they used to be too so yeah all right I guess we'll dive in to battle round numero dos and we got a roll off here we do yeah I want to try I win ties so I need a six you want to add that to your pool that does definitely go my pool that definitely goes in the pool there do I hold on to it oh close but no cigar I think I have to take it to reinforce and like shove things up this way yep makes sense you get him in the middle of all that with that it'll be bone Reaper's turn number two you ready to do that all again it's time for the fun dead gang to have two turns hooray all right so pet around two I get eight command points for the Relentless discipline I get six from the Army roll plus the two for you know going first in honor Steve I could see no I win okay now granted I did get the priority there but I don't love the position I'm in against this coming in here so I hope they hold as I want to push through here and hope they hold that is what's going on here and I guys I I am so excited after playing one battle round I've already seen how I want to redo this Army and I kind of want to like just throw it off the table like all right this game's done you're gonna make me have an aneurysm I know we got to do that first and then we go to the next game where I just I stop it Luca stop it it's just a cool build in mine for the next game anyways didn't get to explain I'm at 23 ones and 29 sixes so I'm technically skewed towards sixes which makes me uh doesn't really help my argument too much in one battle round rolled about 50 you know fives sixes and ones yeah that's not including the other hundreds of dicey world yeah so the two threes fours and fives are probably around 20 also everybody in this room has been repeatedly told their dice a lot of crazy things happen yeah you're fine Lucy you're fine oh I'm fine I know I just gotta thank you yeah enough of enough of you guys have left comments to shake me so now I've got it three times I know because it should be two so this is current command points discipline five to three though for me nah it's Askari and then uh I got well I got to pick up points too and I think I think I'm in a losing position but I can if I do well here I can push through only because of like the the other four turns that scariest to play to crush me with these guys so we're gonna hopefully push through here and then hold here and that's it that's my game plan the bone Reaper plan turns out bone Reapers haven't changed they walk to the middle of the table and they grind until the end of the game and hopefully win uh all right so I have to do a tactic the leave and I don't like it uh I I think if I do lose this game it's gonna also because I didn't read any of my Battle Tactics and I didn't bring any of the units that work well with my Battle Tactics oopsie doodle I have to try and kill either a hero or a monster with a gothazar harvester or go for this one's in mind for my general and have my general killer unit with an attack and I kind of got it these are all like very not great the position I'm in here so I'm gonna go for this one's mine I'm gonna hope my general kills uh your old blood I guess try that one there I think I'm gonna go over this one's mine I'm gonna have the gonna go for the old blood and then actions I am gonna go for a leadership because I don't really need finest Hour on them yet I don't get that stuff for Heroic willpower oh willpower not finest Hour okay he already has Mystic Shield up true August that would still help a little bit but yeah I'm trying to do I'm trying to get you down to like one wound on the charge my guys can fall back in charge yeah so I'm gonna hopefully get impact hits and then take them out there that's what I'm hoping but I have to attack them I have to like get a killing blow with the models you do so we're gonna go ahead and do that that's all done the bone shaper is gonna heal three wounds on this unit you'll simply add these bad boys right here because why not we're only missing two if anyone's curious so go to spells uh we are going to attempt to cast Mystic Shield again from our Mason got it out of five it works though he's gonna go ahead and try and unbind it oh thank God oh I got lucky there that's good that's big for me that was a stressful role and his second spell let's go with hmm I definitely need the four of protection against Mortal wounds I'm gonna reinforce their constructs got that on an eight yeah you can have that so it'll be the same combination of Buffs on them and then we're gonna go to our bone shaper over here who's gonna cast the endless buzz and try and catch the Predator uh that's a five that's a fail so you cannot cast that spell is that the bird no the Predators the nightmare Predators though where isn't that good yeah oh you're right the bird is six thank you would you like to try and stop it oh I gotta fight oh you got six out of one and then uh the end of the hero phase are our our uh Soul Mason is gonna cast soul guide one more time and he's Gonna Roll a four he's gonna fail that okay we're gonna go two movement phase movement so we are going to issue to themselves uh Unstoppable advance I gotta see if I can do that while I'm within three of an enemy they're just gonna Retreat this turn but they can't get them with their movement of four I can't actually Retreat I believe and stay outside of three because a few of them are a little over committed you guys know what I mean so I'll have to increase their room to seven then retreat it's how they're going to retreat with their Unstoppable Advance does work if you're within uh engage range of an enemy and then uh that's that order finished we're gonna move a few of these other elements we're just gonna put the Harvester like right up back there make it so it's like uh quite obvious what I'm trying to do with him yep keep that flank alive we're gonna try it Phalanx alive yeah I don't think I have any any justification to try and push for that objective so it's going to hold here to protect this make it layers here and then see what you commit then decide to commit afterwards Plus for more spray taurine so if you charge me one way I can charge you something else it's hard to catch them off guard we keep all of this stuff in combat but this guy is gonna move into like there he'll just move there essentially this guy's got to do something because I just can't bother fighting for those objectives I just don't have the list for it so this guy is not even gonna bother we're just gonna fight when we're here yep he's gonna straight up give him up I want to make sure that it's like the unit is also unkillable ideally unkillable yeah the I I don't I guess I'll say one last time I don't love my list build so I immediately don't like my second edition list for these new missions this isn't the only Mission that's like this there's quite a few others there are a lot that require you to move stuff you need to build a bone Reaper list that doesn't heavily rely on so many ores you can just have like one big block because like an anchor and then be able to kind of move yeah I would do one Harvester with one brick of 30 Spears and then the rest would be 10 man bricks or death rider the death Riders are amazing I would like to run a lot at least a couple units of them with that guy running around these guys are fast they're very good uh the other things are fast and good so I think you'll see a lot more varied lists in the future going forward for bone Reapers which is ideal because every list of the second edition was just this which is the very saving stuff so kind of boring okay well that's it that's all moved there these guys are gonna stay still I will I'm gonna Retreat this guy's gonna order himself to reform ranks I believe it's called in the movement phase that's one of his commande so he can Retreat and still charge this turn that's pretty fancy so I am going to move back just a little bit would you like to read a play that guy you're just going to stay just outside of three yeah which is smart because if you go any further back I can block with the source yeah and you don't want me to do that however I could make sure that he tries to go further back and make that hard now mykashi two command points it could it might but uh if anything and then you could potentially they could still move afterwards and they'll fly yeah you wouldn't be able to move both of them in that block uh area I don't think it all depends on how a redeploy goes yeah um no because of the three so yeah just there and you'd have to be incoherency so they can't move in front yeah they'd end up going behind him okay so I will be spending it because if I can thwart your battle battle tactic that would be the best thing for me so does it cost me extra it does so that cost me two out of my three on a Rita play and that does increase my sixes unfortunately by one and my saurus old blood says gonna back it up a little bit there just a little bit okay that means I am going to move these guys they're just gonna go bloop right to there and then this guy's just gonna hang out I guess right here yep I'm gonna be a little aggressive with it in this turn because I need to get some kind of slapping power going somewhere I believe that's gonna be the end of my movement phase they're going to order themselves to re-knit their constructs so they're gonna heal D3 moons and try and get back up to full okay there's six yikes all right one more cool thing you do with the bone Reapers if you remember not to over commit your mortex guard espec if you're running smaller units you can just Retreat and then renit constructs to get when your battle packaging is done pretty easily too in this case I can't because I did Unstoppable advance to like make sure they get far enough back yeah we're gonna go ahead and do a little bit of his shooting attacks into the source death death's head ma it just shoots out like bone shards uh threes to hit threes to wound oh nice actually happy to see the fast any ones keeps it keeps it the same roll thanks Luca make a point yeah my boy I don't care about winning or losing I play eight million games but I gotta prove a point okay uh that is it for him this guy's gonna try to do the same thing he did not advance I take one it's down to three remaining we're gonna get them I didn't get any Soul guys off hey look I got the same Buffs up and that's okay that's the only difference and then charging let's go ahead and try to charge with these more gas archive they have a rule at their own unmodified eight on a charge to get the strike first rule not that it matters too much but more like talking out loud there's a nine nice the Grim opponents rule they just if they roll high on a charge against the striker so Grim very the grimaced let's go with our leech Catalyst declare in charge I need a high roll on him it's not flat six okay suppose I will take it here I guess you could re-roll it if you wanted to I could I don't know if I really want to we'll just go there we'll declare him is the Target and we're gonna throw six Dice and we're gonna deal one two three more wounds that's a damn good roll two more oh sorry two I don't know why I counted that two more ones I'm sad when they see sixes what do you got on there four remaining wounds eh yep okay so that's it that's it for charges all right so I more guests uh yes so yeah let's go with the more yes I'm gonna carve up something yeah they have to go first they strike first that's true I am going to try to bludgeon you yep they have three attacks each on threes uh we got an extra hit on the six because in Android weapons there is a monstrous Rampage over there we'll do in a second that's gotta finish these attacks here uh that is going to be three at Brand three three okay six ups and they're two damage each but not three the three oh three yeah nice sixes so two damage so two so that'll kill that'll do four damage in total yes so one two three and four take that I'm Gonna Roar at you here just to try and nope nope nope no Roar no more maybe a maybe a slight squeak no Roars today uh this Commander I just wonder if they it's tough to do the math on it because like bludgeon is good but this guy could have given them an extra attack I think he's gonna go ahead and attack the old blood just to get out of the way because I'm not too concerned about this over here I'm really not concerned about the old blood though either No No in fact I will attack over here first I am going to go ahead and pylon be 20 of them attacking keeping it nice and simple and oh I do I'm gonna pilot a little bit with the guys inside too thank you very much here are the nadrai weapons I don't know if it's safe to use all my command points here or no I'm not gonna do anything he's got like what three wounds left yes three ones I'm just gonna chill I'm just gonna go these are the soul Cleavers they hit nice they wound two of them red one five UPS that takes one down two damage only one damage snap yep download and the first half of their spear attacks Excuse me while I have to separate these into several different piles and sixes ones and four ups and that one twos and threes the first half here are the force two and we don't get the plus one anymore one two three four five so far look at all the ones yes I run one yes okay you kill it yes next event though yes it does should I roll the other half for the skew one no it would be the same it's gonna be the same odds yes you know what I'll do it for the skew I'm gonna do one roll for the skew I rolled four ones there I should in theory roll kind of a bunch of sixes to kind of keep it even but these attacks don't matter all right I got yeah you're right good call Steve I got three sixes and three ones it's the same and the wound World Casino oh no no five to one for sure they give you PTSD every time I see that attack on like it says Steve's or only no that's Steve no no Josh's beard dice everybody no they no they they actually but me me and Josh actually actually make each other so mad when we play against each other you you guys never hear it on camera but like I'll roll the six and now right just two rooms of course you got the sticks why wouldn't you get the sex I'm like and then I'll say there it is there's the exact rule you needed to work yeah we uh we conflict a little much oh okay well you know what where I can contact now we recommend you stop this experiment right now no it's I it's I my ones pulled the head for a hot second until that stupid wound roll I'm playing a different game this is work for me I played the funny I roll ones and sixes game over here on this side Luca like that game it's like Farkle it's very fun Luca that was a fun game Farkle is a farkle's one of my favorite games it's a fantastic yeah uh that's you can't find out yes wait what did I fight yeah fight sorry go ahead okay so I'll fight with both of them yeah how many wounds on your big guy ah seven wait wait big guy or that big guy these guys that guy that guy yeah he's got seven one's in the three up save yes and a six upward six upward they have a five upward six wounds each yes you know what let's do this he's gonna apply then let's do this gonna go around [Music] three steps three sets are you gonna use any come on abilities nine okay three step nice can I start counting it's fun what a red one one around one yeah four yes not a six or a one also a success I like it and then you stay outside of three of your uh what are you afraid of fighting my no I just don't want I don't want to actually oh yeah because they could Pile in no I don't want to fight them oh I'm just gonna just fight them oh he could jump you chop that's two Mortals two Mortals I guess I'll take them I'll take the tubes two one two three four sword Swords by the way money absolute money I'm loving these two wounded chunky swords well they're they're so good they're doing a really good job of making the main battle line a lot of the Army's like terrible like Blade the voice of corn blood blood and threes to wounds uh rent one so B3 rent one three run one against my big guys yep uh fail two make a six make uh three more Mortals three more Mortals all right so I take uh two plus three five in total five Mortel wounds eight five up because we're near a character we take four guys two is left on uh Jimmy Bob there let's go with yeah uh I took five right no I made a ward oh you did make one the six there we go let's go with our leech capitalist he is also going to order himself to bludgeon the enemy to death uh I'll go down to three command points from my like nine or ten ahead but commanders play blade nice we got all hits out of six and a six sadly I don't like to see the sixes because I've tried to prove a point here guys threes to wounds it's on twos I got the six triggers the hit sorry yeah yeah so I have three when he hits that run two I won uh so he goes to a tour up before oh he takes four damage two damage two damage he's got one left he has two wounds left oh he had four gotcha uh Boop the mount uh do you do not get natural weapons no why can't you be it's on threes I need these to do rather well for me oh the one all right two rent two run two again yes four reps I got him you did I got him just this that's my battle tactic finished if I didn't get that battle Factory I think I just lost the game oh he also he heals two wounds uh because he um because he himself did too not the mouse bone Reaper things he's got marrow Wren the sword oh sad I needed one for up there but that's see can I count how many ones I've rolled today well uh someone you know what if a keen viewer has extra time we'll conclude my turn I don't believe you have to take a barrel check for losing two dudes nope that's all I killed and bravery nine so they're fine and that will end it is my turn turn two for the seraphon let's go and then double turn and then we'll win that would probably actually that would that is the pace against see this game go give you about around two updates I have scored three twice because I'm not fighting for the flank objectives I've decided my list can't do it and then five points are scary on one turn so I'm up by one point in two turns uh 42 command points and I've rolled 45 ones 56s battle tactic eye for an eye you're just gonna have to try and kill something oh actually it's fair I was gonna say you probably could damn yeah yeah I want to try kill like they have to die right like they're just in combat I've decided to be either him or them I don't want them anymore so they can die yes so eye for an eye will be the battle tactic because in this game I feel like I have a leg up on Battle Tactics oh wow you got I think you got me on like all I think the Battle Tactics in primary so I'm gonna be up on score so I need to press that advantage and just kind of positionally support that yes I'm just gonna keep fighting in the middle roll dice and I've given up uh getting victory points I'm just gonna kill things that makes that makes sense so separate stuff is gonna go on my consort to give him uh ones uh sixes two wound will do Mortal in addition okay just to do some extra damage yes sir and then I've got a single spell right and then I have a single spell okay so the key is what single spell do I want to use I could use a run charge would you like to roll two dice and then I'll roll two dice and you just kind of pick whatever you want to get no I want to make the choice and then I'm going to roll the dice to see if I cast it and then you can decide if you want to stop it I'll even let you pick the spell based on what you roll no fine all right I'm just gonna free online I got a seven I'm gonna Mystic I'm I'm trying Mystic Shield oh you got it yes excellent I think I'll do here I guess I need to do a heroic action oh you haven't done your dad yet what do you want to do well I get plus one to wound when I charge so I'm gonna go ahead and do his finest Hour this turn just plus one too wound as well is it no it's not to hit is it it's too weird so that doesn't matter okay um do I need to do anything else I'll go for an additional command Point all right on him just just in case case something goes weird no one no Italian there I'm gonna go same idea oh yes I guess I get to do movements now yes sir excellent I don't think I have anything to do to mess with uh you know what let's send this this but still at all I'm just gonna yes send it the other mod monster we're gonna do we're gonna I really do want to read a play cool I think we're okay yep you guys keep saying like what kind of Crocs ago are they is there like how many options there's just the crocsagore normal and then the war spawned which are like specifically created to go and like like stroll like the new ones yes well they're both the same kit yeah yeah but you have ones that are just like kill kill ones and ones that like the regular clock support that help build stuff or like laborers yeah but she can sometimes you can spawn some for war and there's like a little bigger a little tougher not represented the rules at all well rules wise like they have the same bravery same save they have one less attack basically um they have an extra rent they hit in about the same um and then they get minus one to wound with melee weapons so it's hard to take them out with melee weapons because they're spawn for war that's Range Rovers though range weapons yeah yeah I meant yeah range so it's like they have a little bit extra defense against range to get them into combat but everything else is pretty much the same I don't know which one's better than the other they're different but they definitely the same that's a lot of that well it depends like I guess it's well one's only five points more than the other two or four It's Five Points it might be ten it's 275 and 180. more gas are very comparable because you have the archive the harbingers the archive of five aboard if they're near a character the Arbiters can deep strike that's it that's the difference yeah if these These are even less so one pick so one has one less attack and one more rent is the main difference oh really yeah sausage we've all metabase then right everything's better based like I was gonna take the the that's what this game comes down to if people if you ever like again I put I I would have put a warning at the beginning of this video for rambling as Harry moves the stuff I haven't done that yet but uh I'm rambling I wanted to take the tyrants Helm on him instead of that Healy sword but I know that no one here ever brings units that the tyrantown would work again so I never take it so what to do uh you can't Inspire when you're within three of them and D3 extra guys run away good sword no no the sword that's the helmet that's oh well sorry it's a good Relic it's good it's good but like scari never brings like he always brings like minimum size like battle line units and then he skews into like Monsters not always but you may be worthless against bone not always but generally right and then like ignore that part of the game yeah yeah zombies that would be kind of okay actually yeah but I I so like Josh typically runs Elite things the guests don't typically run like massive hordes guys because you know why that's hard to transport so they typically bring Elite stuff so the tyrants Helm in my meta will never actually work but I think it's a damn good Relic for certain metas anyway sorry guys the carnosaur has approached the that guy that thing is here we already showed that they didn't move apparently and uh that's uh but what did I miss did I miss anything okay retreat Retreat [Music] do I want to redeploy off of that probably not I'm not going to really accomplish much on that redeploy much I could do on that read-a-play so I'm not gonna use the command points okay simple as um let's do some Shenanigans yes this is the part I'm scared again you got two big sh you got one big shot on a stegodon over there and then uh the big shot as well yes big shots that is a big is I like that one now the ren 3 is fantastic uh so I'm gonna go ahead and start with the little shooting I'm gonna put your more gas eating things uh yeah I am going to all the defense them here because they're gonna get kinda hammered by uh shooting and stuff I suspect and I have a lot of command points to why not Super Stop four set this is the character three suits brother the bolt spitters forced to hit this time they kind of flip them around and then fives to wound so that would have been two Mortals if I gave them the serpent stuff that's four saves at no rent there's gonna be three ups with defense got a six and one bless and then we have the five up board because we're near a character oh one nice that doesn't mean this guy dies thank goodness I tried to do that on turn one apparently that was not to be went to the hunters over here I suppose they throw javelins they have no they have their atlatals oh that's cool yeah nice Age of Empires heck yeah fours and fours and force wanna rent two that's into the these guys yes okay two is nice round two it goes to a six uh goes to uh six goes to a four oh I got him I got uh we'll see this guy he shot it [Laughter] all your defenses it's like that scene from Troy we're just like girls the javelin like like a hundred yards or something yeah it's a 12 inch range weapon but he killed the guy 18 inches away nice good shot okay let's do the Basildon I'm gonna shoot at your uh more gasps again threes to hit good for Easter words six UPS yes please well let me tell you this guy's annihilated let's go with he Wards oh he's alive he's got one wound nice you've got one wound left and then we have uh stick it on no little javelin got little homies fours oh fives rent one run one that's uh okay here we go five up that's a one into a six-up ward into a four I've come back to life hey it worked playing the dice uh you're gonna shoot Into Your Leader with the actually no we're gonna shoot into no because they're just gonna come back to life I'm gonna shoot it's worked yes I was gonna shoot into him he does get look upstairs he's near these that's fine and then I'm going to give them the javelins no stop Javelin not the Japanese of course stop it yes uh red one no no no red one yes oh one yes okay Ward yes oh he's dead I got him but I have evened up my sixes and ones the point the voice and now I can do eye for an eye into your general I'm sure yes right yes yeah oh look look at this one red one render one four up oh what yes what's the damage three three one we take oh yes three more ones oh he's going down and charging okay let's get uh him involved so I'm gonna go ahead and do the corner store six berm and tie him up there right into him okay then we're gonna go ahead and do Master no more respiratory things now can they declare charge if they if he ends up within 12 they have to declare it against him I believe it is way stronger than us to make sure that I'm outside of 12 of them yep so and on a two plus you take D3 mortal wounds because I charged at you you take one oh they're still good never mind what was that what was the thing you were thinking of oh I was I was seeing if I had to do a certain charge order after unit charges or if I can declare them kind of at the end it's like it's like I could do like um brace for impact kind of a thing yeah okay so that thing is going to charge yeah six I'm gonna make sure that I get I'm holding within 12 inches of this thing oh I see stuff uh actually we'll do it from that end like that because then it will uh something I totally forgot is I could have advanced the staggy to be within 12 to fight a full bracket that one time that it fought but it doesn't matter now uh and then the crocsagos we're gonna go there five okay I'm just gonna hop into here that'll be a fun time for everybody all righty I'm gonna I'm gonna except for Steve I'm gonna shoot a couple of orders I get to do ministers Rampages first time I have to do this order after you finishes the chart oh okay okay I think if I I could do this prop I could have done it properly if I fully read the rule but it's counter attack or counter charge under strike sorry it's it's technically cheating so you have to do it after you do declares of charge it's fine that's fine and they can't be within three inches of another that's my Loca that's fine my parents are charges in I they issue Counter-Strike to themselves so they get plus one in this following combat okay and then the stagon charges in that's fine and then the this guy charges in yeah and then I Counter Strike and then the Crocs that sounds fun uh let me just double check one more thing I am a little like it rules is written clear as day but it's it seems like the intent is to counter play by charging another thing in there but the wording on the thing is when something charges in so you can do it one at a time you just have to do it at the right time not at the end of the face Luca correct correct but so counter charge counter charge I have one command Point left yes and uh and I have two you get to do two monsters Rampages three three sorry you got three guys yeah yeah so I'm gonna go ahead and do my special ones I have no idea what those are nice nice so I'm gonna go ahead and um so I'm gonna start with the stegada is going to use a coalesce one so I'm going to roll a dice if it's uh under the number of models you have in the unit you take that many Mortal ones oh it's like a special bastillodon stump I take six nice excellent Ward I get a six okay I asked that question five five models are slain within six inches of the Harvester and four of them three of them stand back up and I roll two sixes and one nice we'll go you will crumble over and you're gonna crumble over okay it's your next Rampage okay so the staggeron can do one to make you fight last potentially but I don't think that's gonna be an issue to be honest um so I'm thinking of just stomping you and trying to kill you with a stone that is absolutely to be honest I just want to do D3 mortal wounds on a two plus okay one one more thing to check is he I didn't do it properly but if he's within six that could be good for me too that within six because he can Harvest his bones and bring some of them back oh bring them back but not him back no no thank goodness but I could bring back guys it's like yeah so on a two plus misteggy Peach is the steady does these three mortal wounds one oh all right six that's a thing he's Gonna Roar at them okay does he successfully Roar yes he does hey the first Roar nice all right I cannot Shield wall okay which is kind of scary I'm just gonna hope that I'll be fine I'm gonna lower the head against them absolutely and then I'm gonna go ahead and activate my stegana no don't kill him first my second's gonna go three inches this way and we'll fight you I got one command Point left I would love for him to live I don't know if he will but I'm gonna try and I it's definitely better to increase my save as opposed to increasing my ward save because I'll mitigate more damage with a successful safe so he'll issue all that attack to himself attack ah all the defense yes this is madness Okay massive horns threes to hit ah threes to wounds they're so massive one Rend one Rend one three hey oh no so the Stomps and the Jaws are exactly the same excellent except yeah they have literally the same stats why don't they just put them all together in one oh they do sometimes and eating threes to wound these are all red one as well that'd be four four of them eh how much damage to each two each okay three UPS ooh no damage unfortunately two sixes though I am gonna go ahead with the more Tech guard they're gonna Pile in next I suppose they're all going to Pile in and again if I do that counter attack thing wrong if like if they get within range of two things it'll benefit from anymore let me know but I don't think that's how it would work uh I have one two three not the way it's written at least the raid's written it seems very clear I'm doing correctly but there's no FAQ yet yeah foreign afterwards oh no that's three hits because the natural blades and then oh wow hey yes those were tooths to wounds I'm a little sad but I am glad to close that Gap Azure blade so they hit on threes pull out the twos uh Force tune but plus one because of the Counter Strike this is the old more respiratorian thing I believe and the second half roll that one in there as well twos blessed twos I have to count them and threes because Counter-Strike oh yes yes look at all this is another one good luck minus one four UPS ideal some damage you have done six okay image I assume that's not half Health uh nope was down to eight remaining okay you're gonna try and kill my Lord I definitely am well fine okay let's do anything anyways it looks cool so it's solid state weapon has five six attacks with the um with his uh uh artifact yep and then the the monster has four attacks with the jewels and three attacks with the Claude four lens okay so I'm gonna go ahead and do the Beast into your commander and then my scar veteran will be fighting your um more Tark okay oh your guard all right so let's do the celestite weapon so threes to hit is this six is a wound or hit that are good uh six is too wound to Immortal in addition gotcha two's to wound because I didn't charge so I'd be three plus Immortal three plus some more red one render one to go to uh they have Mr Shield so far sixes no so I have the Mortal wound which is a four upward because of the spell that and then the other ones are six upwards and then they die within six of the Harvester so they have a four board effectively oh we actually got all three of them hooray oh I gotta pull the three actually let's go with one two and a three will die there let's go carnosaur okay the clawed four limbs lash out at your general hitting on threes okay wounding on twos oh two Mortals and run two or three rent one round one yeah four UPS all make one that's two damage plus the two Mortals plus the two Mortals it's four in total he might come down this might as well do the other attacks he's probably gonna die to this but uh okay the massive Jaws hitting on fours oh nice and winning on twos these are two more Mortals that's six and four and then two at Rend two five UPS oh yes and that's uh ten damage he's dead oh oh that should roll them oh man they got a roll ball now no plus gotta do ten more of these only do one at a time for what one two one two three four the for the tally dude for the tally oh the tally there we go he's dead now okay now he does it's outside of six so he doesn't get gobbled up mattered what do you just I fight well then we're gonna go with these guys yep do 13 of them into there and then the remaining four and the end are gonna attack now that he's gone does that mean I can use command abilities normally now yes thank you yes you do so I will go ahead on the crocsagor and I will give them an all-out defense from my general perfect I'll get the attacks in the Bastille out of the way this is the soul Cleaver uh there's no negatives to hit him right now no no no negative two wounds at red one cool uh so two up goes so three up takes one damage one damage and the three Spears I'm gonna be hitting on fours because your Spears and uh the reason with the plus one so one over and one so back to a three up okay uh three up I do like the fact that it doesn't like lose its save as it gets worse it used to do that you used to have a one-up save that then got really bad now it's just a two up I was always curious why I did well that was the second edition thing I guess yeah it's so Cleaver and the Crocs that Gore oh nice that's two more hits not that it matters at all these are two windows plus one so run one is in the Crocs score yep so four UPS so just one damage yeah and the rest of their attacks on fours sixes are good and everything else doesn't really matter look at that threes to wound ah because of the Counter-Strike twelve four pluses thanks to my all-out defense oh good that's actually a bunch of fours that's a fantastic roll that was really good excellent that is pretty much it for my attacks all right I'll do the bestilidon first because he only has his little tail I don't have the Arc of uh uh chotec or whatever it's called our sotek sorry the Arc of sotek which is a really fun one to use I said it had 13 was left no it has 11. it only has a 12 wounds okay the legend entail threes to hit wait is this the end of the battle round after this oh no this is my turn so uh but it didn't matter at that point and then threes to wounds one friend of one that's close to a five up yeah they fail that D3 damage two damage so far that's it that's it what about the skinks that's it literally the only melee weapon he has six award then uh does that guy stand back up no he doesn't with the hammer so I'm gonna go ahead and do the mole first because you have more than 10 wounds uh models any six is two hits okay so they basically it's like you get that I get that okay so these need Force hit just one and needing three students this is Rend one two damage render one that's going to be a save a five cool and then these need threes to hit with this the hammer the hammer so that's three hits and now used to wound I see you also have an Android weapons right that's uh two at round one and these are three damage each that's gonna be six in total then which we're gonna try and Ward I'm gonna board one of them yep it means Five Guys Are Gonna Die you better believe those could be within six of that guy they are gonna get two of them back three are dead cool you technically pull all five and put two back but we're gonna stay ah and then I get three per crocsagor okay to do the bites bites needing fours they're within uh range of that not only four more Mortal wounds excellent six of board oh nice and then do those three stand back up uh two of them do one dies uh let's lose you I guess that's it that's all I got Luca not too shabby sir got rid of your uh General though so I did yeah very excited about that I would have liked to be lived but he's also staring down two giant expensive monsters so he should also he's what 150 points or something ah I think he's like 180-ish okay so he's decent that mortal wound charge was pretty good yeah it was full back in charge was also good I like yeah this is me kind of like my this is both of us let me know what these are capable of really I believe with that I successfully complete my battle tactic and I hold more objectives than you yes which gives me that was your battle Five Points kill something oh okay fair easy so you have five points you are at us you're already at a four point lead I don't see myself really getting too many more points but uh this is more about showing stuff yeah yeah now it's it the we're finding the interactions which is really nice yeah I'm really enjoying it however now we have a double turn roll yes however I would love the double turn to really stop you from healing which would be great so I need a one in three shots for the dinos to go again that'd be good because that would bring it to a swift end I've already seen enough no okay what I can't if I gave you the turn I'd be throwing so I will take the turn and uh see what we can do with the bone Reapers here I still have seven units left that means I'll get six extra command points for Relentless discipline and uh on top of the two for going first um I guess we do Battle Tactics and heroic actions yes sir keep it simple let me go for eye for an eye I'm just gonna kill something hopefully I got well there's only six moves with a crocsagore there that guy's half dead I could probably beat him up pretty good I'll probably get this guy in there next I think he's kind of safe just to go into there's not a whole lot of threats there is but like they're all kind of tied up rehearsal and if he dies he dies whatever let's let's get him in the mix of things as what I'm saying yep so we're gonna go I for an i and then for our generals dead which means I actually have one less point I should say and uh I am gonna go for leadership I guess on my uh now it's on the two plus you guys there's another one however I do still have seven units on the table for bone Reapers which is the the cap for extra command points a one two three four five six seven which gives me six extra command points for my heroic action I will do uh his finest Hour finest hour he is in the thick of it he is my general and he definitely wants to fight and then I will be using one of my three command points to issue a rally to the Saurus Warrior rally let's see it say there's six Soros Wars that are dead can I bring any of them back uh the bone cheaper is going to bring bring back three of those models bolstering the ranks just a bit I got is the render tear apart um there's two so basically uh for every wound that was allocated which was three wounds I believe it was yeah I will do uh on a five plus I just do an additional mortal so nothing there but it just reminds like if I do like eight allocated wounds to that unit then I would roll eight Dice and he's like rending and tearing and does it matter if it's the mount or the guy doing it or just wounds allocated just any that from any unit that's not from this it's just like if one unit got hit that thing just goes in and does extra damage okay okay at least it's not specifically to the unit itself gotcha all right well then two casting spells I believe oh let's go with a Mystic Shield naturally I think I want to drain Vitality on the big guy from our so this Target semi teenage range is minus one your save and minus one to hit roll okay let's fail we need a six there it's not ideal 93 ones being updated on the score in a second here I uh okay so we are I I have a plan to deal with that over there and I think I know what I would like to do and it's going to be knocking in with none of those Buffs off I don't think I'm gonna commit to the fight I'm just gonna back up and heal them however we are going to attempt to summon an endless spell with this guy because I still would like to do that over I've already tried drain Vitality and I don't care about Arcane bolt so we got oh that doesn't matter in this game that's pretty good yep yep someone I forgot to call out what I was in someone's gonna be the number Predator I need the damage so we're gonna summon the nightmare Predator I'm gonna figure out where that Holy within 12 is he's gonna conjure it around here perfect yep and then he here he's going to set up so at the end of the hero phase he'll go clip them and back up a little bit for the uh move on him and then do some more wounds and try and then slash out one random Target there to try and do some damage that should conclude casting there we are gonna go with our soul guide our Mason bear one he gets the cast of d three times once I don't know why like why is it not just too fast though that is the six thank you to get Soul guide no he actually perils he takes two more wounds he's finished casting and he okay nice four left on the chair then we're gonna go to the end of the hero phase which is that also this isn't gonna move up clip clip clip clip and then back off something around there yep and then on a two up to both targets they take I'll start with the carnosaur yep uh nope that's the one and then the other guy takes D3 motor wounds nice death incarnate is the the last part of it is I pick a unit within one and roll the D6 on a two to five it's D3 on the six is D6 more wounds I'm gonna choose nice that guy zachana Soul spicy two okay down to seven and then that's a six for me we are then gonna go to the movement phase where I am going to not move a lot of things sadly I'm gonna have to hopefully kill something over there we're gonna tuck you ah we're gonna move you over this way stay outside of three we're gonna tuck you in just a little bit whatever three looks like as far forward because I want to get that's all within six that should be good yeah yeah and I you guys are probably the comments about this thing I have no plan on using it it's like oh wait we've completely forgot you have a thing it's like it's it's gotten it's almost identical to how it was before but it's uh harder to pull off the abilities so I haven't really been worried about using it at all because it wouldn't have affected anything it's like minus one to hit minus one hits only holy with an 18. I didn't want to put it too far forward because we have a lot again we play with a crap ton of terrain here so I would have just bogged my units down more and I don't care about the four up or three up capability of it so I'll put it there for the looks but I probably won't be using it much and I just forgot to say that earlier and uh that is gonna go to the movement these guys are gonna Retreat just like that we're gonna ship this guy forward yeah and then that should be about it for movement there that's about it for moving over there so we're gonna go with the end of the moon phase they're gonna order themselves to re-knit their wounds because they're more than three open then you're gonna get two of them back and put them over here and Ebola spells failed though this turn so that's gonna be no no mystic shield no nothing like that it's gonna be interesting it's a little suspect I don't like it I'm hoping you don't dispel him and he can kind of do some damage next turn yeah yeah because he's he's got a lot of that guy's got it for 40 points and a stick five to cash that's a lot of Mortals that guy does a cracked animal and then we're gonna go to shooting so we're just gonna go into the I guess crocsegor and this guy's gonna shoot to the Garden so let's do the corners for first yep I got four little bone Shard shots pew pew attacks that's a one nice bless uh oh no three saves that run one but yeah whatever you're saving the three yep no damage and then this guy's gonna try the same thing in the crocsagore yep we got ooh nicest one two ones and oh it all set itself there yeah that's kind of cool oh I gotta see I meant that reminds him I meant to check with battle line in the other lead I never looked yep I think there's like I think I don't know quite a few options skinks skinks are in like one of them I'm gonna put all the attacks on normally into the crocsagor and then we're just gonna whatever has to attack that guy which looks like that one Soul Cleaver will well a monsters Rampage of course of course of course so I'm gonna go ahead and because you picked Eye for an Eye correct yes yeah I'm just gonna do the Mortal woundy thing it's gonna stomp you with its giant like the pale different better stops you have to charge for that no that it's just it has to be one it doesn't do anything oh do ones always fail yeah so it's on a two plus you do a number of wounds equal to the rules if you're a tenant so nothing there all right well then you can go ahead I'll do the soul Cleaver and then I'll do all the attacks into the crossover I will be spending one of my command points to all that defend my crocsor try to keep them around absolutely I'm gonna bludgeon to get plus one rent on my attacks a soul Cleaver not really good against the cold last year but it's still something uh nothing there okay the one in the Crocs score oh four hits but also two sixes no and should be threes nice uh that is rent two though so you have defense that's one damage one die then all the Spears your fours well that's a good roll and these are gonna be forced to wound because I bludgeoned yep that's so far six and the rest what a what a miserable thing I've done to myself here's these ones and sixes guys twin commenters yet again you've got me again but that's a glorious role I like it I like it a lot and then on top of that we wound so three more three more wounds three three one three one three more right three yeah okay you're all five up okay okay I need to pass Five of these to survive let's go little Crocs ago any passes four four just dies I for an eye look we still get three victory points if the one had lived that would have been how many wounds were those bottles that four each four each okay so it only brings my model back uh but I get one back within six of the Harvester school no don't that rock score became a bone man no how dare he so I'm gonna I'm gonna slide activate him excellent he's gonna do this I'm gonna just do a three little attacks leaving on threes excellent okay and then wounding on threes at Rend one one at red one are we a five up okay ah okay that's turn that's all we got all right well that was a quick turn for me I pretty much feel though my spells killed the one thing I wanted to and my turn I get three points because I'm on an objective and I got my battle back okay so we are hammering well you know what we're down to points now we are officially losing after doing three successful turns my turn hold on hold on hold on I think there's a crucial mistake with Lucas uh counting oh yeah uh so tell me sir what did you see so um he's including all of the ones in the sixes okay he's showing me including the crucials that mattered in a role Oh They'll be they'll be like you know they'll be almost so you want the you want the bias right it's it's the it's the body it's like oh if I roll one year it's real bad then they were popular yeah exactly okay oh I need six is here oh my God he gets old so so you're saying Luca is lucky yeah I'm saying like the numbers are don't accurately represent the actual uh I I I agree with you sir back to the studio job so this is the current score uh 10 forskari at the bottom I had nine uh 115 ones to 98 sixes so we're taking a pretty strong lead on the ones here I guess it's kind of showing you do not gain a discipline point because my general is dead sadly okay so now I will do my battle tactic which will be a cutting maneuver oh yes easy I was just gonna go do that and then so far away yes and then I'm gonna go ahead and do a heroic recovery on my source to try and also gonna do here remember to match that oh and you're on your monster okay too okay so that's D3 back for two back up two nine welcome back my action is gonna be recovered on my general he's for every 10 naturally for death and we're gonna go back to full I am rallying next and I will rally too okay phone Reapers can rally now bone Reapers can rally they can knit and rally one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirty four oh we're only missing what four five six seven eight I haven't killed Annie from four models I'm not gonna bother I'm they've been fighting just everybody but they don't get bonuses to it no I'm gonna ride my uh saurus come on Soros rally to the coal yes two back two back a pre-dispel one two four what no he's using his house to get rid of that oh no that's what I would have gotten yeah what was your battle tactic all of that kind of maneuver that little skink is gonna walk two feet are you telling me you're gonna get five victory points yes again yes damn yes double ten so he's gonna just get within six inches to uh get his cunning maneuver cunning maneuver he's still cunning he's cunningly maneuver Ed they have rallied back from only three here they come they're ready to go back into the meat grinder Let's Go Dinos I'll show you the true meaning of fear uh comes that dinosaur whoa clickity sir clackity clackity clack knows that's a sound Steve yeah it's a sound dancers okay don't touch screen like the little Talons on the grass right welcome to uh many words come skinks it's serious time serious gank time it's serious I can't I can't even imagine what is possibly gonna happen Okay so I still have a shooting thing he has to shoot into this thing yes so let's start with that because he has no choice uh reduces the let me check something order themselves for impenetrable ranks they get a guy before safe three set hey three hey look there there you go and then javelin's my four command points three another serpent staff is going to go on to the I know actually it's going to go on to them yeah okay let's shoot something for us he's got a little magic stick he's got the magic stick let's go Force and fives two no rent no red is a fail fail cool uh now we go to a six up and then we go to a forum oh look one's dead all right so I'm gonna do this bolt into them and then all the javelins we'll go into the squad in front of him I'm going to how many shots did the bolt three three I'll although defense I got the uh they haven't ordered themselves yet someone as well so three set e oh three swoops oh these go back to a four up so fours matter if they don't three damage though that matters oh let's go to our six upward who got one and we have our Forum do they just re-knit themselves oh wow oh good job good job I had like images of like old school Warhammer fantasy like like multiple different ways yeah one two I kind of want him to kind of get in there little shots over here yeah so fours and fives one one yeah before a bomber good then my raptodons fours and fours oh like two misses nice fours again these are rent two though I like that that I like the fact that that rent two is really neat three six up oh and then we have the five upwards still there's a one in there eh oh nice as we know did they come back one does one does not yeah we're gonna jump into the carnosaur oh yes and yep good enough yep oh man if I had uh that one further yeah no they're the the the he was in Ranger would you like to all that wall them I will definitely Counter Strike they're gonna order themselves to Counter-Strike they get plus one to win this combat face okay uh the second Island's gonna jump in as well they are looking for Terrace and bombs stick it on Apex hits a flat dice that is one more to loot six come on Harvester ah two ones okay so the source plus one to this rule they go nine excellent pulled those two models forgot to pull they're gonna charge in and I will use the mortise praetorian counter charge not that it's not the count anymore because I'm within three of them oh that works too actually yeah I guess I have to stay where I am fine we got monsters okay I'm gonna go ahead and do bastillodon yeah oh it's only a a coalesced bastillodon awesome it has this monsters ramp ages he's like oh forward I roll one six and one one nice okay almost the perfect straight I really like all right we got five standing back Guppies three of them come back I'll take the it's pulled these I'll try to manipulate it a little bit here because I want to dare you I want to reposition some of my special things so these five die and then do you technically have to roll one model you're supposed to do one at a time so do you want to randomize it no I'm just gonna do it my way this is gonna cheat I don't care uh is it your turn to do one now I think it's your turn yes I'm gonna just attempt a roar yeah real big scary Gotham oh no your other two so I'm gonna go ahead and try and do a earth-shaking charge now this one I can only do with a stegodon when it charges and it is a coalesced um monstrous Rampage are there any non-cola monsters Rampages just the normal ones okay like yeah so not specific to the book gotcha so in a four plus they strike lost oh okay [Applause] hey nice all right make that makes my job easy I'm gonna start with thesaurus so that they don't take any casualties before they all get to fight oh we're just gonna Pile in and get nice and close here excellent kind of sweep around here hello here and see purposes and I'm going to give them an all-out attack I wrote that I can't do much I don't have Mr Shields apparently either four five twos to hit because of my all-out attack okay and now two um a collapse claw that charged and six is do Mortals thanks to my serpent stuff I am quaking so three Mortals and that's a lot uh 12 saves a round one of one random one five up oh so we're gonna save three of them I need a spawn of chotec in here what's a spawn so it's like this little salamander and it has a special like shooting attack where if it like does damage your armor save is reduced by one that would really help the Soros do some extra work that's kind of like the kind of like the vector dagony that I do with the little Bliss Barb Seekers that would be really useful in this that's what the trolls do for the gift you've got something they reduce their save and better yet they lose all benefits they had to their saving throws so the it counters Mystic shield and all of Defense oh that's even grosser real spicy that's nine fails and then these are the amount of mortal wounds I have to save against from the the poison the or the the staff yeah so six is here we'll negate two of them and then this is the amount of guys dying so I that's gonna kill four uh it's ten ten guys so I'm just gonna pull one two so one left there's one left one left so I'm gonna I'll pull them all except for the heck of toast I guess oh because technically you do kill them one a day it's one at a time so even if I kill the whole unit okay yeah yeah that's exactly there's no you can't like red neck around random encounter it makes sense so I'll get back one two three four five six we only actually kill five I only get back five no sorry yeah yeah I get you only get killed four yeah so that is ten that have been allocated to that unit so far oh how does how does he Target how does it work so at the end of the five face he gets to pick one unit within one inch and I roll a number dice equal the number of wounds and Mortal wounds that were allocated that unit and for every five up he does immortal yeah and because the way like because you technically have to do them one at a time I can't pull I can't technically pull them all from one area and put them all over here because I he could kind of annoy I kind of want to like pull away from him and stack them over this way but that's like that's the that's the kind of stuff you don't want to do because that's too gimmicky you can do stuff like that though guys this guy kind of makes the unit real janky don't skew into that stuff if you can avoid it I'm just gonna pull four first don't don't play bone reapers are already okay if you do what you want but if you want if you want opponents consider that do what you want what you really really want because he'll tell you what you want what you really really want I can't I I'm a little disappointed that GW kept the same rule on that thing because I it's way too easy to manipulate I am gonna fight with the Harvester Let's uh see if he can go climber climb or clobber and uh get some boys in here so these are gonna be run three attacks uh these are going to be threes to hit don't show twos oh hey I like ones though I'll take that natural right weapon so I get two more hits on there those are those are the hits I did forget my bites there's bites they're going to that unit right yes is that after all the attacks are allocated all the wounds are allocated So Okay so we've still done it correctly yes gotcha except it's only uh uh I think in this case let me just check I'm just gonna roll my wounds all right I got three saves yes three bites yeah so four uh normally on sixes fives because I'm not holy within uh range so only nothing from the lights system and you I did rude you three times at rent three I don't get to say two damage each down to one because so one that was already wounded and then one more wait so that's two rules so far but I have to do his tail uh threes nice uh oh nice one but no damage otherwise so I I kill I do the wounds I do the model and then he's gonna Harvest their bones and get back oh nice another bone Reaper don't turn my Army into your army Luca that's not very nice that's why he's so cool I was curious if they could have wrote his rules in any other way I am going to go ahead and attack with mysaurus attacks so six attacks with the celestite weapon hitting on threes and wounding on twos because I am frenzied and I already and I charged that'd be five at Rend one five around one I these are fives I make one oh nice so I get three attacks with the clawed four limbs because of his um uh special special stuff and two Stuart so I'd be three around one three so that's another two damage each one more okay and then we've also draw massive Joe these are these need fours though so two and they also need twos as well so that's two or in two sixes make one that'll be make neither ten ten more damage damn okay so what we have here is all the ward series I have which are sixes so I'll make three of them so that is 15 allocated ones so this is where I have to do them one at a time to bring the models back so I'm not gonna bother us and say they're all dead it's okay because it doesn't really matter because I think I'll be I'm gonna be throwing the towel at the end of this turn anyways because I can't get I've already I'm mathematically lost off the on the scenarios oh hold on well we'll never know how we want oh that's true that's true that's true we'll never know how many one's eye roll but it's looking pretty bad I think we have an idea of the uh so in this case like well I guess roll to see if because any fours like if you roll more than like 50 you can bring one guy back and then you could potentially bring them back right you'd have to roll one at a time because you can roll no Force until they're all gone that's why that's why you get through one at a time that's why I wish they could have wrote the rules because even though you did them like that correct secondly I could have failed because she could have rolled all these dice first yeah and then they die right yeah yeah usually you could do pools of dice when you have The Big Unit because you're not gonna lose the whole thing yeah but like uh I guess you could like do like look at it safe like I didn't roll enough fails to like fail the whole unit so that's kind of Lucky but I'd lose uh what was that seven eight there nice but you have your like you tear them apart or whatever no that's at the end of the oh yes yeah yeah Rendon tear something like that the Carnival end of the combat face and then yeah you do you allocated 15 plus 10. yeah so now that's five more wounds on average I got one guy left let me just do this quickly I'll deny my opponent rolling dice I board four and then he's dead look at that oh he's halfway there though that's where you definitely do one at a time because then you feel the person when he's out of here uh that is that's it they're dead there you push in which isn't bad I kind of wish I attacked with them before the Harvester I forgot about the coalesce thing which is nice the coalesce came up really big oh the minus one damage yeah yeah the soul Cleavers are the soul Cleavers got a heck of a nice glow up but fighting into the club will last it didn't matter yeah that minus that minus one damage just across the board is really good I really like the fact the realm shaper engine is a little different and plain coalesce feels very like aggressive you know you have to get stuck in and do damage yeah whereas it's not like the starboard where you're doing teleporting I will I promise everyone I will try a starborn list and I'll have like a salon and I'll do like the whole points and things like that as well the won't be chocolates though what did you get uh what was your battle you got your battle type you got your Five Points battle tactic is you not with holy within mine the uh sorry The Cutting maneuver yes I got my cutting maneuver got two objectives and I'll get another five so I'll just show everyone the score at the end of third battle around so they can see why I suggest if I can see okay this is the final score so I'm at nine to Fifteen uh the list I will I said in the beginning wasn't really well suited for this scenario but I wanted to see how it played all the same in the end I got there's probably I definitely missed a couple here and there but I got 136 ones and 109 sixes so this is definitely uh kind of against my argument where they would have been pretty close I actually wrote please keep on going there was there was a skew where you rolled quite a few ones so it kind of skewed a little bit but to be honest out of you know 200 ones and sixes over 200. it's almost it's pretty damn close oh yeah of course yeah I mean there's still technically two battle rounds left I could have just bombed a bunch of sixes right you never know exactly just that's only ones and sixes like there's all the threes all the fours all the fives we can kind of do the math right so if you take it you got about like 115 ish is the average so if like you between the two of them so if you had like 15 twos threes fours and fives rolled getting pretty damn close to a thousand dice in three battle rounds that's nuts that's crazy I think I'm I don't know if I'm rolling more because you're definitely rolling more dice because you have the third stage of rolling with your Harvesters yeah so like everything that I've done damage there has kind of like spilled over into the Harvesters as well yeah exactly yeah well what you thought jump into a post game we will let's talk about this and uh we'll it's time to decide something for next time and well yeah we're kind of we're discussing though kind of like a podcast about the armies thank you for watching this everyone stay tuned for more blabbering and in the mini board game be Vault paired with this Sigmar battle report you better believe we got more to go along with it this will be available to our YouTube and Vault members we've got John the KRON playing some dragons from the stormcast internals against Luca and the OCR bone Reapers in a 2 000 Point battle report if you're not a member and you want to check it out all you have to do is click on the link down below to sign up for a seven day free trial where you'll have access to it as well as the rest of our content and after you've watched everything you want to watch after the seven days well you could decide to stick around if you like or you know move along and go check out something else thanks again for watching catch you next time and enjoy the post game okay so let's talk let's talk real talk yeah sterifon bone Reapers here uh I'm I'm kind of familiar with the old seraphon rules and how you played them here and it seemed for me from I so I've never played them but I played against them a lot of times yeah and it felt very much similar but with more more Bang Yeah the the last time you played against the was your night haunt that would have been I played a lot and so that was like the first time I played them in a while but I used to play in Steve a lot and he played seraphon quite a bit yeah uh so as a seraphone general that basically ran this same Army um number one saurus Warriors are much better than they were yeah well they definitely should have always been two wounds I agree but back you know I had a 20 strong block of Spears and a 10 strong block with hand weapon and shield and just having one ten block instead of 30 was just felt really good yeah yeah yeah um so I really really like that the raptodons well they got they pretty much wanted the game of points early on who throughout yeah yeah having good stuff that has speed like the skinks were great for scoring especially in this matchup there is a battle tactic you can use where if you take into away an objective from your opponent with only skink units you can do the battle tactic nice so that's pretty cool like it's good to have skinks in your in your seraphon army for that but then again a stegadon has a skink keyword you know I mean like so there's lots of ways to get skink stuff um I love these the um the uh scar veteran on the cold on the carnosaur amazing I love that that thing is so good yeah he's quite good his durability seemed a little low he's coalesce he takes one less damage that's kind of nice in the Monster Mash from fighting well he went from 10 wounds or something to like 15 wounds like yeah he was like only 10 or 11 like he was or maybe 12. like he gained wounds and you know he's he doesn't heal or anything like eating stuff there was a his special Rampage is he can like kill models it's kind of like giant stuff in the bag yeah so you can kill like specific models and remove them from play which would be really useful against like sergeants or things like that like leaders and squads or whatever yeah he can do a rampage oh it's a ramp so he can do a rampage but he needed to Roar most of those times so you didn't get to see that you've got to see the bastillodon that Rampage was cool I like all this Rampage of like just going into a horde and just being like just swinging that tail around just you know pushing it's like a little tank yeah it's just so iconic that and of course the Stampede charge from a stegadon so I liked how I had to kind of play all the monsters so supporting each other yeah did you uh what elements didn't you like in the list uh these skinks with blow pipes are like I know I put them in there for you know because they're a cheap battle line and whatnot but to be honest if I could find a way to drop them and put something else in I would if anything I might drop them and them as weird as that sounds I like them both I like those guys they're so good I'd probably put in 10 more Soros I do like Source though yeah like the the way that this list is built I feel like I could 10 more stores would just be better in terms of the meat and potatoes of the list so anyway that's just my thought process I I like I like the lift there it's got a lot of monsters lots of monsters I didn't like a big monster build with like the three Rampages but now you have your own unique ones coalesced definitely feels pretty good people get to play the Monster Mash have a lot of fun with it and you have like a menagerial monsters too right there's even one other one you could take it's like the weird like I don't know what's called the skinks right he's got the yeah yeah trogladon or whatever the trogladon yeah it basically makes his Terror fear thing like a stench go more range oh okay I don't know what it does I haven't used them yet I should probably make a styrofoam list with all the units I just haven't used right force myself to play none of this stuff but I was learning the faction I just wanted to learn it so yeah I uh this is again this was my bone Reaper list I would have played in second edition uh with like the double 20-man break second the the previous seasons in second edition had a lot more objectives focused on the middle so this build made a lot more sense this Edition has objectives kind of all over the place and it's now bone repairs are pretty fast but they are it's it's hard to explain but like a unit doesn't with this build they don't operate well independently because I have a lot of points invested into keeping things in tight packs so this mission was a great mission that showed how well this build wouldn't necessarily work now granted if I could change up just a few elements it would be dropping one of these uh bringing that Squad to a 30-man brick maybe even keeping it 20 because 20 might just be good enough right I'd probably keep it up 20 or 30. well to be honest you had 20s here yeah and that was plenty for what you need it for I think so it was just like a move like if you spent more points than other damage dealing fast moving units that can flank one do big units sort of pin something in place right and then have everything else kind of go in the backfield and start killing things so what I think I'll do is I'll keep a 20 brick in the middle going up with one of these in this guy probably keep it like that that's not too much of an investment plus these guys are much better Fighters now uh as the they were okay but they're a little bit better now and then they have more um orders that could protect them luckily better Ward save uh and stuff like that and then they can all have defense which is really nice the I would split the other 20-man brick into another 10 minute two different ten minutes so I'd have three ten bands one to hold here and then one just to like screen and move around with because even a 10-man brick can hold obviously as you've seen yep uh it'll Buckle eventually but if it has the right support and then I would start bringing the the the the heavy calf which move quite fast and then they could play the objectives quite nicely I think I think once you kind of like dive into the book and read it a little bit more and you'll find some good combinations I really liked your uh Supreme Commander or whatever with the making me spend additional command points that guy I think would be in every one of my lists that really made it hard for me to like because I was like okay I've got three command points right now which means I can use one command ability yes no one I use one and there's two then I have one left yeah which means I can use one command ability next turn if my General's still alive that's taking no risk I mean so like I could guarantee myself only so many so it was very weird to play knowing like okay yeah I I only have one commodity I can use right now without like stretching myself too thin and I was very disciplined with that so yeah you did you did rather well with it I I so typically you would keep someone like him in the back and then just attack from safe angles but I always like to push the units to their limits when I first play them to see what they're capable of I can always read in theory what they do but I like to see practice because he's got that sword to heal now what I should have done is I should have attacked with him a little bit earlier because I think he no he died by quite a bit so it didn't matter because I was thinking if I did some damage to the tra the stegodon I could have healed up to some wounds back but then I think he died by quite a bit anyways because the big guy can't tore him up with the uh the Jaws there which is you know what you would expect him to do so that was that was kind of cool to see I definitely liked and then I'd say I'd save a lot of points and then so one of these would Dr I'd probably keep him because he's got quite a bit of utility but he's not a champion so I don't know how I feel about that do you have any foot champions that are like fighting Champions no there's none of this collection oh there's like I mean in the in the book no no okay so the only foot champions are we have are interesting they have three different Wizards that are champions so one is a mail okay technically one of them is a melee fighter and a level one wizard so one is a site he does pretty he's a really good fighter he's got a really good spell a better Arcane bolt essentially and then this guy is a Healer and then the other one messes with them he augments the monsters I like the Healer like take one Healer for your big block of 20. yeah with this and you've got like a nice anchor so you can anchor Like Your Flank on one side or the other or down the middle right and then you have your Cavalry that can go and harass and then you should have like your damage dealers that can go in and do some other stuff like your commander and all that stuff that can pick a spot and kill it so I would definitely and then the the cab the the Cav with the leash cavalos would be an excellent addition to the list because then he could order himself and them to fall back in charge every turn because they ordered themselves he orders them he himself and they just keep clearing up and he just keeps healing so I already imagined a much better build and then to unlock and then I didn't look at any of the Battle Tactics I didn't want to sway my decision on my build I wanted to stick to my guns and play what I played last Edition the Battle Tactics do not work for this at all now if this guy kills a monster or hero that's a battle attack that's something I could have done and that was always an option it was coming up that's nice but if I have one these are these are called the mortisons they're Wizards for them if I take a bodyguard unit which is I don't know if you've ever seen them they're kind of big on a like they have the halberd The Shield Yep they're way better now they're really good so if you bring them and one of them and you just stand on an objective somewhere down your territory it's a battle tactic nice easy so that's an odd so I would and they're the same points as this guy so I'll drop him for them and then that's a good unit I've added a very Killy unit and it protects I would do with him because he's not a champion so he can't be protected but they take the hits for him so that that so it protects them from like getting lumineth or something correct so that that would be good that would unlock a Battle Tactics that's right swap there and then I'd free up some points to add one death oh death rider unit in here as well probably dropping down the spell so I do like the Predator but I think that's what my next build will go I like the mortise praetorians counter charge a lot because it kind of forces that you like your faction specifically that's what I the so that that kind of forces the opponent to commit to charging well not only that but if I charge and I'm within 12 or something else you could mess up a charge I was planning to get like impact hits or something like there's some really cool really good anything that's out of phase tends to be very powerful there is a uh command ability to them considering for my list on my carnosaur which is uh in the hero phase if I'm within my territory I can pick my uh my hero my general and two saurus units to make a move ah there he goes I'll just just rip out of your dreams Amazon right away that's okay but in this kind of thing would be great because my my my um my territory is quite big all the way up to the half of the table here what was uh yeah that would have been really good what was your commentary in this game I can't quite remember so my commentary in this game was plus one attack to the mounts that's just like Prime beast or something and then his his uh which was not bad actually having those extra attacks on the on the jaws and stuff came in handy to do lots of damage so yeah I liked it through yeah I like I liked playing against us I thought it was I it just reminded me of playing as a seraphon I would like in a list I like lots of infantry so I would definitely like to see a lot more Source because they're good they're not bad they don't feel bad to bring that's cool the monsters are pretty good too everything is generally he seems pretty good I don't know about the seraphon book if you did you skim through all the uh I Look To be honest I would want to bring more of the Cavalry like the Soros Cavalry I don't think they're released yet so you know once they're once they're like they're not released so like we there's no models for them yet so if not I'd like to get a secondary unit of the other ones of these because they do combos where like if one charges they get to shoot oh really and then the unit that the unit the charge after they shot get a bonus okay and it's like they combo really well together anyway so it's like it'd be fun to try it and see how like mechanically you know useful that would be or if it would be too clunky to pull off multiple times in a game yeah yeah yeah yeah I like that I like that a lot that's that's really cool I would uh ah would you okay what'd you think about the bone Reapers would you on like honest opinion honest opinion it was a grind yes like it was a it was a mentally taxing game yes because of the fact that it didn't feel like I was achieving much even though I was like I had positioning and things like that like when I was killing the squads usually you hit a squad maybe it takes you one or two combat phases or it's instant and then the squad that you're fighting dies right didn't happen this game for three almost four battle rounds and they're fighting some pretty impressive Fighters too they're fighting so uh coalescent those are damn good Fighters yep then they just weren't going down yeah that's so something I would with the the Harvester it makes it one of the more durable units in the game I'd say I would say very much so yeah that uh that re-knitting ability with the little Harvester at the back oh my goodness is that frustrating so I could see how someone could just like like Steve you blow a cap see he left he he totally left he was like I'm out well it's just it's just it's a weird it's something I found with Sigmar and I've noticed it more with fantasy and death in general necrons all that stuff it's like you could the opponent could be winning the game but they're mentally taxed and they're they're frustrated with how the game is going so I'm finding that more and more which is a little discouraging but I like death armies oh like it was it was taxing but at the same time logically the amount of points you invest to make it happen or very chunk of points you're paying 2 000 points and each one of these is a 300 block yep and then you've got 210 plus a supporting character which is like 100 something right so you're looking at 210 120 that's 330 300 that's 630 points per block almost twice yeah that one's more expensive right so then you've got like that's 12 almost 1300 points of your Army in just like two kind of interesting sort of like and it's it's chunky but you can only be in that part of the table yes because once once they split up a lot of those points are wasted correct and then you're not getting the efficiency it's all about the synergistic nature of it now if you would have for example in this Mission specifically put one big block here boom and then have the other block move up this way that would have probably been I think better I thought I wanted that's what I wanted to do what I was gonna the idea was to go here and there but the deployment was weird because I put this thing here I'm like okay well whatever I'm gonna have one unit kind of I was gonna I didn't know where because I had to do the one drop I was gonna have one unit hold against whatever flank had the monsters and the other one's gonna try and push through but as much as I'm durable I was having a hard time pushing through yeah so I was hoping to put that stegadon lived with three wounds it was like just enough to live you know after the the double turn yeah which then meant that I was able to correct plug the Gap again as much as the double turn was nice to have I knew it wasn't going to get me anymore because it was all gummed up everywhere well it was the reason I kind of layered it right so I put like the first layer and then I had a second layer and I'm like okay if the first layer holds which thankfully thesaurus did and the the a scar veteran on foot did right and I was able to hold the line correct and then that's what yeah I was hoping for that and it worked it worked so that's like a good that that and that folks is how you play against double turns you have to make sure you have units in your list that are going to be able to hold the line against generally anything in the game right now there's some pretty nasty Kelly things out there but those are just mashups that's all match up based right this is all based off well depending on the matchup you want to put different things up correct like if you had like a like an orc molar or something like that like one of the cauliflowers of death oh yeah you know I would have probably put my stick inks up front because they're gonna die as fast as a universe and then the second line would be like thesaurus if you double turn me okay then I'll sacrifice it's all about identifying essentially the rock paper scissors mechanics of like what's good to screen what's not good to screen with in this case you pick the right things here uh my guys are pretty Killy but they're not more Killy than anything else they just have like it's like I don't they're like Canada very versatile oh yeah they are and the fact that you can be like Oh I'm being charged okay I'm gonna get better at striking you back oh I've got a shield wall oh I can fall back in charge oh I can get extra movement so it's like whatever you need at that one point in time you've got like something in your back pocket it's a lot it's a lot of thank you for them because they are the professional Army for the undead and it shows yeah I love it it's like a Roman it feels like a trained Roman legion exactly just going in their little like lines of cohorts it's literally the cohort yeah the Italians the cohort it's the uh yeah that's like uh like a one-tenth of a legion or something I can't quite remember but uh it's pretty good it's pretty freaking good I had a lot of fun playing I knew I was gonna have fun going to it no matter you know what I feel would be really fun okay hear me out listening okay so this is you run 10 squads of 10. oh you want me to make it you want me to make an actual cohort right yeah so 10 scores a ten okay and then you and then you do them in the in the checkerboard pattern deployment yep and so when they charge you whatever and then you can fall back and charge in with your next unit and then fall back and charging with your next unit and then ten points that's so nice that's not bad I like where your mind's at with that right then you could literally recreate a Roman legion oh I only have 60 so I need four you would need the catapults though because the catapults on the back and they like I know you hate them but I know I know that was my next talking point Luca where's your crawler the crawler got a lot better stay the same caught I always hated how many points a crawler was it's 200 points for something that has no melee capability no moving capability and shoots four shots how many true units of inventory can you put in one of the cohorts is it five or is it five it's five okay so you could do you have to do a double drop that's cool whatever yeah two drops and you put your whole arm yeah that's not bad actually probably more ideal actually because you get the counter to play a little bit you'll be like okay I'm gonna put this flank and then depending on what your opponent does you could be like okay now I'm gonna double up on this flank or put everything on this one that's 1150 points in mortec guard that's less than that's about half your points 850 incredible that's 800 more so I could do 40 no no no sorry you have to do eight nine units and one unit would have to be the guys with shields you need your first cord that's like the yeah exactly yeah and they there they were usually a little bit bigger than the regular chord so you could make it 20. yeah if you wanted to I actually I rarely enough I just sometimes I'll just like watch random Youtube videos about like yeah off but like history exactly how big it was it was like all 3D rendered on like Unreal Engine everything I'm like oh this is actually a lot more faster than I thought it was gonna be awesome so it's reminding me of that so it'd be 1100 points and then maybe a couple definitely a couple Harvesters uh maybe one maybe two because depending on where your opponent's gonna hit the line you can kind of make sure the Harvesters around that area to support it um you could do two I think you just need one I think one because then you'd have the proper points for like the the officers essentially of the uh of the cohort yeah you need the Cavalry which are the light Cavalry the equitase or whatever so yeah literally yeah yeah no two two units two units of five because you could do on two flanks 170 each that's 340 for two of them okay and then you have the leech cavalos okay so that's that okay and then we have the monster and that's kind of our list I think we have room for one wizard a wizard or two or you need the catapults if you can fit them I can't fit them in that one okay there's no way so maybe just one Cavalry unit but like I'm saying you know maybe you do eight units you do eight units of ten you know whatever anyway I'm just saying the theme would would feel cool I would play that that would be so much fun oh man you're making me want to do oh but I have so many guys with Spears so what yeah they had auxiliary troops that's true yeah they had auxiliary cohorts of auxiliaries with like random weapons well you know random can I justify getting 60 more more Tech guard with the answer to that question is yes you can just to do that funny list a couple of times you could literally do a whole YouTube video on how I made my bone Reapers Roman legion damn that's the that's the I like I like rewind that with that one because they are this they've done such a good job with this Army that like I know I don't have to play in that second edition form anymore and I am so freaking thankful and uh I actually want to do something like that like 10 man units I have a lot of staying power they can hold yeah that'd be really good especially the the amount of command points you have you get lots of command points you give them all orders at the time you have lots of different orders going once you can double charge oh I charge the 10 man you've got three other ten men like jumping on you the front line the front line Advance everyone move seven everyone else repositioned behind it yeah oh come on let's go let's go I know it's cool I hate it and I love it and then you just have the one guy with this Crown every time you do a command just five up you lose it yeah be like I'm a tactical genius oh Rome like a superior and anything breaks line is like ah fine okay I do need to order a couple models maybe I'll just throw in a casual extra 40 more Tech guard yes do it do it just to play it one time Luca I might do it more than once that sounds really fun yeah if you do that I'll play like beastman or something and we can do like oh [Music] I like where your mind's at and I'm gonna go waste a lot of the company's money to do it I guess that's it hey hey Matthew's not in this week it's oh boy yeah well I guess that'll sign this one off I'm okay with that I like that whole battle report and uh I'm sorry I have a whole YouTube channel if you haven't already check it out you know I do I do collaborations here at mini wargaming but the link should be in the description or somewhere and I do mainly 40K dark yellow battle reports but I do a lot of tactics and stuff so 10th edition is coming up make sure you tune in because I'm gonna be doing a lot of teaching and if you like it head on over to the YouTube channel subscribe and watch some of the videos excellent coach right here oh and I'm Steve from Mountain yes and where are you from I have a different YouTube channel and we don't we don't do any Sigma right now but I paint up a lot of it you have yeah you have a lot of how much all the seraphon all the seraphon on this table were painted by Steve mostly most of it oh I think I now one more thing more than the studio that's right how many games the thing might be played does that mean you're gonna get me all the Beast Man third I played one you play the game today oh this whole Edition played one game yeah no no no no we played the beginning I played less than six okay probably five different sigm armies if not more but whatever that's not why you're coming in about Miniatures coming for the old school horror fancy you've probably never heard of yes right I also work over at Mountain Miniatures where we play a lot of old fantasy that's the kind of it's like a passion project but if you're interested you also do streams yeah if you're shooting like maybe Asian Sigma on the stream there's a couple of guys here I can maybe like make work with a regular Asia Sigmar stream oh gonna like uh we're looking down on that one it was like a Wednesday night stream just like literally charge here Wednesdays too right yeah Wednesdays are Mondays no Wednesday night stream maybe we should not talk about this song maybe once in a while what does the panel says regular uh only regulars that's why we eat our fiber that is Happy war game bye everyone
Channel: MiniWarGaming
Views: 47,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniwargaming, miniature wargaming, minis, tabletopgames, miniaturetabletopwargaming, warhammer, warhammer40k, 40k, ageofsigmar, warhammer40000, horusheresy, gamesworkshop
Id: fwH-vk9PQ_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 43sec (7963 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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