How to Overcome PROCRASTINATION! (And do BIG Things) | Ed Mylett & Marshall Sylver

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and it's kind of like anything in life that most people just don't take big actions I think that that fear of a failing is so branded people that they just don't do anything you know they have a book inside of them they're afraid to read the book because what if I read the book and nobody wants to read it somebody said how do you overcome procrastination they said no rating how do you do that and what I said was do something yes just something on that task your procrastination do something you're procrastinating your book write down a paragraph yes you can't get a paragraph out and get out a sentence you can't get a sentence out write a word so do something good welcome back to max out everybody I'm ed my lad today is going to be interesting it's probably one of my more difficult introductions because this man's accomplished so many different things we talked about maxing out it's maxed out multiple areas of his life so let me tell you his name first it's gonna sound familiar Tory the man to my right here is Marshall silver and Marshall great to see you ed great to see you a pleasure thank you for being here so long coming man I know we've never wasn't try to get us together we finally connect here today and in researching you that's why these intros so difficult was is and was the world's most well-known hypnotist he's played on all the main stages in Vegas but on Letterman five six times all the late night shows and that's how I knew you it's from back in the day watching you do that and then he's parlayed that into an incredible career and all kinds of other venues so I'd call you you're an author you're speaker you're a personal development expert who calls himself a millionaire maker which he's done many many times over and over again I think you're a thought leader and but he's really a person that can teach you how to influence other people and because he's so influential and so you're talking about somebody who's had you know an infomercial is over 100 million dollars he said 200 million dollars in sales himself decided to retire and then started to have a family and so my favorite part about you though of that entire intro is the most impressive part is the way that you speak about Erica your wife my goodness your God and says that you love that ladies right in which all which are men referred to us and thought of us that way and then sterling Maximus and prosperity and sterling silver now together at a pointer sterling silver sterling Marshall silver like his father he had a little more refined Maximus Marshall silver and Prosperity Erika silver it's pretty awesome it's fun right and hid and that changed your life because that sort of leads us to today to some extent in that really the birth of prosperity tell them about just your life the little bit about your background what you had achieved and then what the catalyst was to sort of reengage on this maximum level you've been on now I was born on a farm in Michigan we had no running water we had no electricity we had no phone I have ten siblings and my mom pretty much raised all the kids on her own because of just father's coming and going and so very early on I realized if I was gonna get anything I had to get it myself the second home we lived in was a converted chicken coop we were homeless for a period of about two three weeks in the middle of a Michigan winter and they knew we were gonna die and so they converted a chicken coop and we lived there for four years and it was a great place for me at seven years old could the place have running water and electricity and no adverse side effects but uh it was great used to do magic shows and the barns and you know build them into haunted houses I love you when you're doing magic shows I started in magic when I was seven and then I discovered at ten that people would pay me to do what I loved I thought this is it and so I was a professional magician all my young years really yeah and when you say how do you think I'm curious because you've talked abouts with your own kids who we're gonna go in and out of different things here because I obviously today we both agree we want to really serve the audience and and you're just such a wealth of knowledge in all these other areas but I know a child's upbringing influences them you've talked a little bit like ton of ages zero through eight how their brains were so all of our programming is already done that's right and so how did that affect you and then what is would have what's been the contrast you've tried to do with your kids my father was very he was a hardcore alcoholic and a mean drunk and when he and my mother divorced I would call my dad on the phone to tell him I loved him and he'd say the first words out of his mouth would be you little sob don't call me and the last words out of his mouth were you little mf'er don't ever call me again and he didn't use acronyms and my mother though was the polar opposite my mother was Marshall when you grow up you're gonna be rich you're gonna be famous and then you're gonna take care of me so I think she was the person that would drive me to my magic shows she would sit outside in the driveway when I went in to do somebody's birthday party and the reason she wouldn't come in I was 12 years old the reason she wouldn't and she said no you were professional professionals mothers don't come into the show Wow stuff with your kids comes up in your content a lot interesting to watch before you've had your children and how much it was you know obviously you know hypnotism was a central part of it how did you get into hypnotism in other words were you hypnotize yourself as sort of the some of the trauma from your childhood or how did that all materialize you know growing up we were so poor I would wear my sister's clothes to school I mean seriously it was seriously and this song is killing me right now some things you could think about it is it just came to my high school and I got up on stage and flapped his arms up and down and he said when he said the words Sonny Boy I would stand up for my seat the audience I'd walk back to the stage I'd fall on my own but I'd rolled my pant legs up above my knees I'd climb on his lap I put my thumb in my own mouth and I'd say sing it again daddy and I don't ever go back to my scene the audience all my peers are there all the other students are there and I'm thinking to myself there is no way in the world I'm gonna do this not gonna do it and he says the words the Sonny Boy and I felt like a magnet was pulling me back to the stage walk back to the stage I'm on my ball rolling on my pathway to go I don't need to do this I'm doing it anyway Wow and I get on his lap I got my thumb in my mouth seeing it again daddy knew and I left and I went home that night and I was thinking was I actually hypnotized or was he just doing what he told me to do really and I thought what if he had told you to be confident marshal what have you told you to get off drugs because at the time I was smoking pot and I said what if you know what if he had told you to go be a multimillionaire and you did it just because he told you to do it because he told you you could you knew that you would and and it profoundly impacted me at 17 years old I had done some research and i hypnotized my first subject it was a woman that I was in love with except as a young man I wasn't smart enough to stay out of the friendzone so I was her best friend and I counseled her whenever she broke up with her other boyfriends and I hypnotized her she was my very first subject and after I hypnotized her she wouldn't leave me alone I mean just was all over me would not leave me alone so I kind of got to look that hypnosis in there but i hypnotized two more people with great success and then the next three people i hypnotized didn't respond well okay and sorry I didn't really understand and I thought I'd lost my mojo yeah and then years later I was attempting to figure out what I wanted for my life not just for my job I wanted to know what my life was gonna be and so from 21 till 23 I went through eight jobs at eight apartments in two years he got to a point where my own family wouldn't help me move and I had been doing some temporary DJ work with this other guy we were gonna pay 250 bucks for four hours worth of work each okay and one one day he's not showing up anymore and I gave him a call I said did what he what are you doing he said it became a stage hypnotist I said really how that happened he told me I went study with this guy he said I said how's it working out he said well I don't work for hours for 250 bucks I worked one hour for $2,500 I know what that's for me yeah and so I found the guy I went to study with him a five-day course 10 hours a day and when I went to study with him I sat with him and in the first half a day this is the best in the world okay and the first half of the day I said I know this stuff already if this is what it is I was on the right path and so I was up in LA I left LA I drove back down to San Diego where I lived the next morning cold called this nightclub chain called Carlos Murphy's yes and I cold call that Carlos Murphy's and went in the next morning and talked to their entertainment director the moment I walked through the door he said oh my god I've been looking all over for years this marshall sylver well he hadn't looking for me because I didn't have a good bottom show yet but he booked the show four nights a week the show that I didn't have he booked it four nights a week come on I got back in my car drove back up to LA to walk into the second half of the second day the the teachers this guy named Gil boy and I always called him Yoda cuz he looked just like Yoda okay and he's cursing he's cursing me out as I'm walking through the door you have no discipline you don't follow through you come in late you left early what do you have to say for yourself and I said Gil I was so inspired yesterday I left your class in the afternoon I cold called this group in the morning I just booked the show that I don't even have formed yet four nights a week and without missing a beat he says and he's the exact reason people succeed in this business there are eight and as they say I've never looked back it's just been an amazing ride let me show you so you had this sort of flipped up switching you where you took massive action though yeah right that's that's been there what is hypnotism so we say this word I think we're all isn't what happens when I'm being hypnotized and why is that relevant to personal development peak performance thinking etc it's not enough to learn a skill set you've got to become someone new so kind of like in the area of wealth I tell people it starts with you acknowledging that you are a multi-millionaire even if the money has not yet been deposited in your bank account I don't know what your upbringing was I don't know you know how your youth was we were dirt poor so in the time that I was searching for Kraft macaroni and cheese money in the couch and the kid that lived in the house with no running water during those times I was a multi-millionaire whose money had not yet been deposited in my bank account and I think what hypnosis does so powerfully it takes us from the place of gosh I sure hope so to a place of certainty I think that that fear of a failing is so grand in people that they just don't do anything you know they have a book inside of them they're afraid to write the book because what if I read the book and nobody wants to read it then I'm a failure as long as I don't write the book I could have written a book that was a best-seller yes and it's kind of like anything in life that most people just don't take big actions you know you and Tony Robbins you're great friends and I share the stage with him on a lot of occasions yeah and you know Tony works a lot more that guy's works a lot and I gotta tell you I don't like working that much right I mean I love my work I don't work at all I love what I do yes except I really love this kind of time you know I had our beach house with my kids and my wife I really like that yeah and so years ago I mentioned it previously I went into retirement oh yeah my babies were born at home in the bathtub by the hypnosis no drugs no doctors no pain and what I caught sterling in my hands in the bathtub and I cut his umbilical cord and made its perfect little belly button I thought the moment I saw in his eyes I said I'm retiring I'm done and I've made a couple hundred million dollars I've lived this amazing life I'm done right and then Maximus was born and I caught him in the tub and made his belly button and I'm looking to his eyes book yeah boys just the two of us and mommy we're gonna travel all over the world could be great and then my daughter prosperity was born earn my hands in fact we live streamed prosperities birth because we wanted women to see that they have an option my wife was wearing a bikini top and we were in the tub you know so shooting above the tub I was topless though we got a great happy ready so I caught prosperity of my hands and and it was instantaneous the moment I looked at my daughter I don't know whether it was my upbringing my mother raised her sons to be chivalrous to take care of women you will you hold the door open for women you do whatever you need to do to make their lives better and so for me with my boys I knew I was gonna train them to take care of themselves with my daughter though the moment I looked into her eyes I said little girls are really expensive I should get back to work that was the battles like the work it was and I didn't know what it was when she was born I just knew I wasn't done yet I think what it was was I never wanted my daughter to be impressed by anything your son has Wow I want my daughter to take care of herself I want her to be able to do that anytime you talk about it on my show anytime a male and female issues come up it's always contours somebody doesn't like something somebody says about a man or woman but I think both his father's we know we love our son yes and every father listen to this will attest to this this isn't this isn't a sexist you know it's different with your daughter yeah it's this different there's this part of you I think that wants to I don't know provide or protect for your daughter in a way that is just it's unique and special it is innate and there's nothing wrong with that address that too because you know I'll tell people that story in my seminars and I'll say I don't care if you think I'm sexist I really don't I'm right right that's your stuff that's not mine right except you know if it's sexist for a man to want to take care of the women in his life right they would be guilty right kill me right because III assume that there's a hole but you would love to take care of the men in their life absolutely and vice versa yeah that has the deal that Erica and I have right Erica takes care of me I take care of everything out there you go yeah and it's not to say that a woman couldn't take care of herself or a man couldn't take care of themselves that's the partnership that's the whole point yeah I agree 100% with you totally agree with you so there's so much here and so what I want you to know just to step back for a second as Marshall teaches all different levels of influence of certainty and all the way up to a master's level doctorate type level in today's program we're gonna stay it's sort of the elementary school level but I want people to have a flavor of some of these things too because I feel like I practice some of the things that you and there's little things you did earlier for those of you that are listening to this audio wise when he was referencing earlier so the story when he met Erica there were some gestures you made with your hands that were suggestions right what can you tell everybody that's one take a term and you explain to them what it is what's an embedded command and embedded command there's there's a number of different types of embedded commands there's geographical embedded commands which means a an object will expand to fill the space that it enters would be an example yep this is perfect so I say to you something like delicious refreshing satisfying what is delicious refreshing and satisfying the water water yeah when you're right you're right I got you to come to that conclusion when my hands up here your brain is saying refreshing delicious satisfying what's he talking about when the water enters the space you answer the question the other way I could have presented that was delicious refreshing satisfying and your brain would still say prove it hmm it's kind of like if I'm standing on stage and I'm talking about characteristics and Anna pointing at a space there was this man I met him years ago he was amazing he was intelligent anything he was selling I determined I was buying and then I step into that space I take on those attributes whereas if I said that about myself people would resist it if I say it about this imaginary guy and then step into his space I take on those attributes so that's a geographical embedded command a direct embedded command would be something like me saying to my kids of course you can't know your piece you're not old enough that's a direct man to know your piece so this guy's this is the stuff that when you watch people that are professionals of these things it's seamless and you don't notice them but the great influencers that I know have some level of understanding all the way up to that doctorate level of how to communicate effectively how to transfer certainty to people and so one of the things you talk about that I love is how important is know that have certain in your life about yourself but in terms of selling there's a lot of people here in fact everyone listening to this sells yep if there's a mother listening to this she's selling her children on up on time in the morning or getting to school on time or being good moral people in society whatever it is everything is persuasion and absolutely and so you talk an awful lot about in the selling space though product wise how how important it is to work on and acquire certainty yourself about your product speak to them yeah when you believe in what you're selling you have a moral and ethical obligation to sell it and I am a salesperson it is what I do I sell people on knowing being certain in their lives and for me salespeople we are the economy so when we thrive the economy thrives you know velocity is the speed and frequency economically in which money changes hands yeah so if I sell cars and you buy a car from me and you sell houses and he buys a house from you and then it goes full circle all that money in circulation is what makes for a good economy we are in right now without a doubt in my mind the greatest economy any of us will ever see in our lifetime we are on the pendulum swing that's gonna make this so good and I'm excited about that you know anywhere you go I see that our seminars or seminars have record numbers of people in them I see it on you know the car Lots they're busier than ever right I don't know on a weekend so let me ask you a question I'm curious about this so you're is there a balance between having the techniques of influence and you know the best persuaders I know there's certain there's a there's a real nisonger a heart to what they're doing how do you navigate the balance between the technical aspects of being able to communicate certainty with people transfer that and just but being present and being yourself how do you not be evil okay so what you're asking sure another way to say it sure you know it does come down to ethics it just comes down to who is the person there are there are ethical people that don't know how to sell there are unethical people that don't know how to sell there are ethical people that know how to influence there are unethical people to know how to influence and the end of the day for me at least I got to sleep with myself you know I've got to be able to know that I did good yeah and at the end of the day that's my legacy no amount of money no amount of anything will matter you know somebody watching this might say well you hypnotized your wife she could have come out of trance any time she could side and I wasn't for her at any time in fact one of the things with Erica that we did that is a part of my life is is a lot of times in relationship people will send their representative to the first few days they'll send the person on their very best behavior so you have two people who have sent their representatives the representatives fall in love and then pretty soon the representatives get tired of showing off oh my gosh doesn't profoundly true yeah and so for me I decided that I would do something I had never done ever in my history with anybody I decided to be a hundred percent honest with Erica zero secrets tell her the things that I thought would make her run away and I did and she didn't run away and so the more I told her the more she knew everything and was still in love with me I realized she was in love with me we have zero secrets she has the passcode to my cell phone has kin log on to any of my computers could read my journals and vice versa I mean probably what a safe Tiger Woods a few hundred million not rice saved a lot of people out of my that's such a reference Macedo they send their representatives to these yes by the way some people do it through their entire courtship get married and then the representative disappears without a doubt that's powerful that's really really are your question what influence you know when you believe in something you have a moral and ethical obligation to sell it you don't stop you know what the kids is an example if you're gonna sell your kids I'm having a healthy drug-free life you do whatever you need to do all is fair for me Erica calls me her lottery and there's a video online of me at Necker Island proposing to Erica and I kind of Branson Island right yeah yeah we were on the roof of the great house at ransoms Island and I tricked her I made her believe we were shooting footage for an infomercial and a bunch of students there had the camera set up row up on the roof I shoot this little piece and let me said hey Erica there's one more thing I want to do come over here and I got down on one knee or at least I thought I got down on one knee she told me I squatted and which I did actually I went back and watch the video the roof had rocks on it so I didn't wanna put my knees in the rocks so I squatted and then I asked her to marry me she later for me I didn't actually ask her to marry me I told her to marry me I said I want you to be my one true wife and again God coming back into the picture so they're videotaping while I'm asking - marry me - that I'm gonna give her a kiss this little bird flies right up in front of us right between us in the camera this little teeny tiny bird just hovers right there right at eye level just sitting there I had arranged for fireworks to go off on the beach after she said yes they got to did because that would have been embarrassing no I won't marry so we turn around the fireworks are going off in front of us and this little bird I kid you not that was right in front of our eyes we were facing this way flies around stays right there oh my goodness I looked at you could hear me say it on the video that's God he's blessing us right now that's who that is right there oh my goodness it was magic I I like this side of you I've not seen Utah view said God several times in this interview so I love that I because I think sometimes people think that people that are very technically savvy sometimes don't rely on things bigger than themselves so I think it's wonderful that you share that well I don't say the reason I do in all things I asked myself the question what would be the best belief for me to have you know what would be the smartest thing for me to know to be certain okay if I'm gonna enter a business I shouldn't enter a business unless I was certain that business is going to succeed if I'm gonna get married like I did in my one true wife I should be certain of that and there should be zero doubt in my mind what if this doesn't work out because if you had that why bother doing it yeah so for me as far as my faith in God believing in God there's no downside there is a downside and not believing in God should there be one right there's no downside I love that and and there's four basic steps to total enlightenment and I and I call enlightenment living and enjoy living in truth living from a place of love rather than a place of fear four steps step number one is forgive everybody and everything especially yourself and not forget is we don't forget it forgive and choose to remember no more second step is that surrender that you know surrender to what's going on there's a reason whatever is going on is going on surrender and find your life perfect because finding it less than perfect is a waste of time it just is what it is and I know it's very zen but it is what it is step three is and this is a big one utilize the things and circumstances of your life versus just tolerating them hmm you go to the airport your flights delayed two hours long laid this is horrible no your flights delayed for a lot of reasons maybe a flock of birds was about to fly right in front of your plane and crash it maybe in this is what I always do anytime there's a delay I look around go Who am I supposed to meet Who am I supposed to talk to you know what's great about this and every area of our life is like that yes you know again I tell people Erica is my one true wife some some troll was online and they were trolling all that idiots been married three times I don't thinking being divorced twice uhm thing and how many times he's supposed to divorce number of times to be married until you get it right right till you do it right right and I am so glad that I was married especially the second wife that was so bad because I would never know the gift that Erica is I am glad that I I was born poor I made millions of dollars was foolish lost it all made millions of dollars again married the wrong person lost it all made millions of dollars again man Erica the economy took a big dip down you know over the last ten years and uh got to a point where my wife said I don't care I love you and I look back on that and I realized for me what that was my wife met me when I was rolling you know had a lot of money and we had two kids and then it wasn't quite so easy and it was really hard for a little while they're excited so much real estate holdings that were leveraged and for her to tell me I don't need this honey I love you that was another gift from God so thank you a confirmation hundred percent yeah yeah and so again but the third step is utilized versus tolerate the fourth SPECT the total enlightenment when you start doing that you'll have so much abundance there'll only be one thing left to do and it's what you're doing in this show it's what you live your life doing here serve others serve others yeah yeah that's so good brother work that's the part again almost every program somebody says something oh you need to rewind this and go back and write there of all of the gifts we've been offering you today that is absolutely a gem the other part of it too that I love it strategically too is go at a con fire go get that one fire I actually think that's true even within a good time and in others I think people underestimate how amazing their capacity is to master any area of life that they become obsessed with do you think so I mean somebody asked me seven over the weekend called turning-point I'm in San Francisco and somebody said how do you overcome procrastination and I joked I said I just put it off and they said oh really how do you do that and what I said was do something yes just something on that task that you're procrastinating do something you're procrastinating your book write down a paragraph yeah cuz you can't get a paragraph I'll get out of sentence you can't get a sentence out write a word so do something it's so true I got to tell you like I the more that's studying the people on my show and I'm even lately I've been in a state where I've been sort of observing myself a little more than I normally have my thoughts and my actions and I gotta tell you one of the main separators I see is what you just said it's like the people that I know that when have this capacity this habit of just moving and taking action I mean it sounds so simple but it's they just take some actions even if it's one that doesn't work out it's some sort of prog song is better than none yeah I love that I know my introductory talk is called take action now and I really give you a little more influence a little more insight what I do is when I come out on a stage I might have shared the stage with Tony Robbins or you or any number of people I'm there to sell things that's what I do I sell things it's good for me it's good for you it's good for the entire economy everybody wins when people sell things and when I come out on stage the first thing I tell everybody in the audience is I say take a clean sheet of paper take a clean sheet of paper and the reason I want a clean sheet of paper is I don't know what was on their paper from the previous speaker the previous speaker could have wrapped up and said hey write this down don't do crap don't do crap so now the whole time I'm on stage they're looking at do crap do crap Duke I don't want that I need a clean slate and so what I have them do take a clean sheet of paper and in big bold block letters write down the title of our talk it's called take action now why hypnotically I want the words take action now staring them in their face the entire time I'm on that stage and then I asked them how many of you watching this right now even are older than you thought you would be at this point of your life because it's a blank you know that it's a blank your kids are teenagers now I never realized how fast time went by until I I did okay yeah no question about it yeah that is uh one of the more profound things that I've heard by the way so you have them rip that that page out and then they're it's a blank sheet so what does that look like though and we're not too much more time it but I want to make sure that we're serving people one of the things you do better than anyone I've ever observed because I notice it because I'm decent at it is you frame well and I just want to teach this technique the elementary school version of it for people but about framing pre framing post framing I think tearing the sheet out and putting a blank sheet that is a frame you you framed points well people that I think everyone listen to this they'll give you the elementary version from me people that communicate very well help you believe what you should believe about what they're a boast about to say or what what they just said and so you're unreal at this and you do it on a level that is the best in the world I have an unfair advantage okay yeah hypnotic Lee I have an unfair advantage you know I've studied what the mind does at each stage of anything so much I just know I'll give you a good example sometimes salespeople say I have to how do I overcome their objection that's a good frame shift we don't call them objections we call them pieces of resistance and so the pieces of resistance if you look at it that way and you say all you've got to do is play with their resistance let them have their resistance it's not a no they're seeking validation and I want to go a little bit further even I don't call influence getting somebody else to say yes what influence is and I call it irresistible influence what irresistible influence is is getting someone else to a point where they beg you for what you're selling and have them believe this is most important it was their idea when they come to that conclusion was their idea like when I influenced Erica to ask me out on a date it was her idea like when I get my kids to change their behavior for my children all I do almost any time they're misbehaving I'll walk into the room and I'll say what do you suppose I'm gonna say next and they'll say stop running a house yeah what do you suppose I'm gonna say next clean up your toys okay when you're right you're right it's their idea by doing it that way what happens is you don't have to say it you walk into the room the next time they see you I'm cleaning up my toys or you the thought of you walking in now all of a sudden they're doing it on their own so frame control is the ability to take whatever it is you're selling and make it look like what they're buying it's taking whatever action you want someone else to take and frame it in a context that they come up to that conclusion and then follow through and there's very little resistance because it's their idea you know infra Lahti listens to I've been in multiple generations of consciousness in terms of persuading people at different times and one of the things that I've come to the conclusion of is that if you're trying to conceal the fact that you're there to sell somebody something you become immediately untrustworthy the reason is is people aren't stupid they know when they're watching an ad they know when they're being sold they know when they're being pitched and so I think the most important thing you do is state your intentions the stronger your intentions are the more clear you are about what your intentions are the more likely or to get your desired result concealing it hiding it packaging it biessing it is old school stuff well here's what happens you know if I walk out on a stage and I am there to sell first and foremost they know that right and and since they know that what happens is when a person walks up in stage the audience sits there like this with their arms crossed what are you gonna try to sell me what are you gonna try to sell me so when you tell them right up front and in fact when I train speakers I tell them when you walk out on stage in the first five minutes you had it you want to tell them what you're about to sell you want to tell them full retail and you want to tell them of course that's not the investment you'll make because people of authority are highly assumptive we don't ask we tell that's right you know kinda like when I forgive me Erica when I when I told my wife I want you to be my one true wife yes that's kind of a question yeah it's not yes and so when we know what we're selling is good we sell it yeah moment though you tell the audience the moment they realize he's not gonna be covert yes they relax your apps and just really access okay show me the offer so true I call it tell asking but I like how you call it the best influencers that I know tell people thinks yes people that are constantly just asking people think this old-school ideology I might say you shouldn't ask questions you should to elicit information but I'm telling you right now if you're a question asker you appear more and more uncertain every single time you ask a question and don't tell people you're giving away authority and you're giving away authority you know when you when you first encounter somebody what I call the persuasion equation maybe you're doing a presentation and you want to sell something the first thing you need to do is put the audience into a yes state and also get them used to following your directive because ultimately that's what's gonna happen is you're gonna give them a directive and so when I walk out on the stage the first thing I say is who here wants more money put your hand into the air and say oh yeah there's so much power just that phrase number one who doesn't want more money and my me telling them put your hand out say oh yeah they just followed two directives putting their hand up and also saying oh yeah so I'm involving none kinesthetically and also audibly and though that's another question who wants a better relationship who wants more passion in their personal relationship with your hand up say oh yeah some of the people are in relationship some are so if I when they do that I say hey if you put Udyr here with somebody that you with they put their head up you did not you should be paying attention then I say who here is single and wants to create an awesome passionate relationship put your hand up say oh yeah and then I tell them to freeze freeze another directive keeping that up for a second look around the room see if there's anything you might be interested in so when you can start breaking it down and realizing that small commitments do indeed lead to large commitments and you can keep that directive going yeah and that's straight out of my hypnotic show okay you know in a hypnotic show we we bring the audience members up yeah a lot of hypnotist have a hard time getting people on stage because nobody wants to get on stage and act boofy yes at least not many people do yeah when I bring people up though I use a different frame just like what you were talking about I say at a moment I'm gonna invite you to stand up come forward and fill up these chairs behind me once the chairs are filled all additional subjects will line up directly behind the chairs number one I'm already creating the frame that all people are going to come forward the next thing I say though is what closes and I say the folks that join me on stage are the same people that are gonna make the most money over the next 12 months in their business or opportunity and the reason I link those two together as I say the same courage it takes to get up here and do something you've never done before is the same courage it's gonna take for you to get what you've never gotten before that's this is a freaking brilliant so okay I want to ask you something I know people are thinking about this and then woman see one last question I hate for the stand I'm having so much fun by the way I want to thank you because this is such valuable information it gives you insight that if you're getting this here imagine what you would get later if you participate long term with them so thank you for being so generous with the information on rolling back because you've literally like you I love people I know you do and it's your this giving spirit about you and I love the fact that I've learned these other things but I knew how brilliant you were and I and them and all these who wants to feel about this the sense of family and your faith woven into your dynamic really connects it for me I know people are listening this and I just want to help them just one little step further they're saying my gosh this is brilliant stuff but I don't speak in front of large groups most of my influence is gonna be one-on-one even easier okay so how does what you just explained transfer itself into one-on-one dynamics with people if I'm one-on-one with you yes and I say do you want more money and I nod my head like that just the act of nodding my head like that causes you to nod your head when we mirin matching of course it's a great way to gain rapport with people well a lot of people don't know is on the other side of mirin and matching is something called leading once I have reported with you once I start off by marrying and matching your behaviors your body language your gestures your words whatever they are once I know we have rapport and I can see that because you'll lean in a little bit toward me you'll smile a little more you might even reach over and touch my leg or you know once I know I have that rapport the next thing I can do is start leading I can start doing a gesture or do a move or even like lean over like that and you'll start responding to that so there's literally millions of people listening to this or watching it they say I met this season where I'm a little down or I'm off I'm not on my a-game I'm not certain maybe I'm not even sure on what I want I'm not completely sure and if they could get a cup of coffee with you they got a couple minutes they rented to you which would be an expensive cup of coffee but if they got a couple of minutes with you and they said what counsel would you give me I'm a good woman I'm a good man I love my children like you love your children you know I want to give to my family like you're giving to yours what would your counsel be to them there's two communication equals wealth and I mean wealth in a broad sense I don't mean well just in a monetary sense communication equals wealth and we communicate in two ways in two ways only we communicate internally through the 1,500 word per minute going through our brain telling us who we are we aren't what we can be what we can do what we can have the other way we communicate is to other people everything that we want in our lives that we don't have we're gonna get from other people so number one you got it falling well genuinely fall in love with people you don't to like people all the time sometimes people aren't likable you got to love them at the core though and then you must learn the skills of irresistible influence you've got to learn how to communicate to other people in such a way they would be inspired to want to give you what you want or carry you on their shoulders to wherever you're going and you know again one of the one of the things that we do with our kids and we have all these strategies and techniques is if the kid is throwing a fit first thing we say is are you hurt because if they're hurt scream away you know whatever it takes except that they say they aren't hurt the next things we say are use your words use your words and if people would just use their words and ask for what they want it would be easier you know it's that well again I don't care if you call me sexist it's that woman who really does just want her man to take care of her that's what I want yeah honey I want to take care of the kids will you take care of us my honor it would be my honor it's the it's the woman that doesn't want to be taken care of this has no you know I don't want that I'd like to have this or it's the guy that has given up on wanting what he really wants because he's afraid he'll never get it and that that hurts and so they settle into a mediocre life just barely getting by and paying their bills and so for that person I say savor the wanting as much as the having you know you've got this amazing view here I won't drive the Rolls Royce um but I have in Vegas I won't drive it unless there's ballet and the reason I won't drive it is because I don't want to walk out and see a key up the side of my car yeah I Drive in the world's Royce and eight out of ten people pull up beside get the light you know this they pull up beside you they go hey nice car the ninth person pulls up and flips you off and you know and I'm thinking oh my self I might just be the driver this might not even be my car are you flipping me off it's that 10 person 10th person though that pulls up beside you and they roll the window down whatever you're doing would you teach me be number 10 being the number-10 be certain that number one whatever funk you're in no matter how many times you've fallen down you can get up number two realize it's knowledge that's gonna get you up those that faint never knows that labor you gotta learn you got to do exactly what this show does you got a hack you got a hack other people's systems and processes and say ok again the reason why I reveal everything all the challenges that I've gone through being attacked by the government yeah going through two marriages that weren't the right marriages having a fortune losing a fortune having a fortune losing a fortune is ultimately everything's temporary and I think that's the the thing that will give peace to people everything's temporary wealth is temporary broke is temporary enjoy the moment don't be too attached to either side of things when my bride tells me she loves me forever I know what she means she loves me forever today and tomorrow I gotta win her over again same thing with my children I I do not want a day to go by they haven't heard their father say many times I love you I'm proud of you you're amazing you're the greatest gift I've ever had and I think that when we when we find a certain community which is what you've been so great about creating you know on your podcasts and on your on your social media you've created a community of more certain people when you find that certain community our job is to pour into each other our job is to edify each other our job is to lift each other up because in anybody's life it's a bit of a pendulum swing you know right now we're living these amazing lives I know you've had ups and downs Tony Robbins our friend is it has ups and downs and everybody does here so you're not in this alone find a certain community find like-minded people who expect you to measure up because not expecting somebody to measure up is an insult you know I expect my kids to behave if they throw a fit in a restaurant we're gone we leave walk out the door it's not fair to everybody else I expect my wife to be a good wife she expects me to be a great husband and again it's about being certain that all this too shall pass right that wisdom is unreal you know I love most about today I knew you were brilliant I know you this big brain and I knew you had this gift to communicate a big head I do you know you're smart there's a larger brain in there for sure but I didn't know how big heart was and I'm a man I just felt that when I just said it like I really have told you today man I really I like you and I'm from rooting that for you to influence even more people in this great season of your life thank you so much that's right on behalf of our whole audience I mean sincerely this was special today thank you so much really I'm grateful too we're gonna put this up on the screen on YouTube for those of you that are audio though which your instagram at marshall sylver out marshall sylver my lder you guys hey listen i know you enjoyed today's program we got to spread the word we're the fastest-growing show in the world but I need you to share this with more people I need more people to get access to these incredible that are maxing out their lives one of you is gonna win a coaching call with Marshall the rest of you can be following him on social media follow me as well remember every day the two-minute drill on social media everyone god bless you and max outt hey guys thanks for sticking around if you'd like more click the videos right here they're exactly what you need to see next and if you're new here hit subscribe and become a part of the max outt community and tell me what you think about the videos in the comments below I read all of them every week and I select winners to get all kinds of prizes gear coaching calls with me make a comment
Channel: Ed Mylett
Views: 250,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ed mylett, mylett, marshall sylver, marshall sylver hypnotist, marshall sylver hypnosis, marshall sylver turning point, marshall sylver passion profit power, marshall sylver hypnosis show, how to hypnotize, how to hypnotize people, motivation, daily morning motivation, morning motivation
Id: hvZ3YND4ggg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 20sec (2360 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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