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confronting fear why confront fear because fear is not biblical and fear is not also politically correct is an adversary fear is an enemy fear is a higher assassin fear is a higher than something fear comes to kill to steal your self-power and confidence and self-will fear comes to incapacitate your faith fear comes to disadvantage you and that's why from genesis to revelation between the hebrew scriptures and the new testament it's mentioned fear not the word fear not has been mentioned and captured 366 times in the bible fear not fear not tell somebody fear not please come with me to the book of 2nd corinthians chapter 10 chapter 1 verse 10 second corinthians chapter 1 and verse 10. ii corinthians chapter 1 who delivered us from so great at death and death believer in whom we trust that he will yet deliver this is a foundational scripture it's a rock it's an everlasting rock and if i'm speaking of confronting fear and encouraging you not to be afraid is not some wishy wishy kind of statement or some kind of proud statement i derive my confidence and audacity from the scriptures and from what is written for it is written the glass witness the flower faded but the word of our god shall stand forever it is written again search ye the scriptures for none of the teaching none of the things written darren shall fail it is written again heaven and earth shall pass away but the word of the lord abideth forever if you believe it put your hands together shout yes [Applause] and it is written again forever oh lord thy word is settled in heaven the word of god is settled in heaven where spiritual assassins spiritual hijackers spiritual and robbers cannot access and break into forever o lord thy word is settled in heaven if you believe it put your hands together shout yes the god who did deliver us from ebola who does deliver in him in whom we believe that he shall yet deliver oh come on i said he shall yet he said yet he will deliver us one more time tell somebody one more time one more time he will deliver us one more time ladies and gentlemen in times like this we know those who just talk and those who believe and you see that you believe or you don't believe there is no middle ground is it that you believe or you don't believe confronting fear we live in dangerous times one of the things that we need to pray into this whole situation of this virus is this that the enemy will not complicate the whole thing to take an effect it shouldn't have so that at the end of it when it disappears which it will it will disappear for it is written be sure of this that to everything there is an end and the expectation of the righteous shall not be cut off i declare an end to this virus i declare an end to the corona virus across africa middle east asia europe north america south america and end to the corona virus in the name of jesus open your mouth said coronavirus come to an end come to an end come to an end disappear in the name of jesus disappear [Music] in the name of jesus amen second timothy three one no this gnome also that in the last days perilous time shall come dangerous times fearful times troubling times trying times shall come in the last days ladies and gentlemen this kind of plagues pestilence and virus shall keep coming and i show you from 17 20 1820 1920 and 2020 that every hundred years some of these situations that human comprehension and capacity and reasoning and logic and philosophy cannot make sense of does happen to show men and the scientists of our days that the heavens do rule in the affairs of men that the logic and the philosophies of men are limited they are limited the bible says as the heavens are above the earth so are my thoughts and my ways above yours say yes in the last days perilous times dangerous times and fearful times shall come and as we go ahead i will show you the importance of praying for our leaders because you see some examples in the bible where plagues came upon the state of israel and how leaders took certain decisions and made choices and if we are not prayerful and if we don't pray for the leaders of our countries and the leaders of the nations the fear of the virus the panic and all the different logic and philosophies that are flying all over the place about the virus can compare leaders to take decisions that can at the end of the day cause sufferings for the masses and at the end of the day will cause a lot of economic crisis for nations for companies and for communities all because any time there is an epidemic a hurricane a tsunami some kind of a natural disaster political leaders nation leaders of nations are always blamed and are always compelled to be called politically correct and right and those things bothers me it does bothers me i understand that leaders must care they must care but we have to be very careful that everything you blame leaders everything leaders are blamed for by moving forward i want you to put some things down number one fear is a spirit fear is a spirit number two fear is not biblical number three fear is not of god number four fear is a higher assassin number five fear comes to incapacitate your faith number six fear comes to steal your confidence and to kill your joy matthew chapter 24 verse seven and eight marty twenty four verse seven and eight four nations shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilences underline the word pestilence that's what we are dealing with and earthquakes in diverse places all these are the beginning of sorrows all these at the beginning of difficult times they are the beginning of dangerous times they are the beginning of trying times he didn't say all this at the end he said is the beginning it stands to reason that there will be more place there will be more pestilence and challenges ahead of humanity and all of this is allowed so that men would turn to their god and be a creator however in the midst of all of these people will still not tend to god men and women will still lean on the arm of flesh and will still put their trust in systems of men if you look at second timothy 3 the verse 1 says very last time shall come i was thinking that because perilous times shall come that the next verse will say therefore people would turn to god but he said men in the midst of perilous times shall be lovers of themselves self lovers of self selfishness and selfishness is the womb and the mother of all sins and look at the next statement after lovers of self lovers of money lovers of pleasure than lovers of god amen yeah lovers of self if you take your time it's 18 points there you don't go through all the 18 points you can take your time and go through the whole thing after lunch so leave it alone but there are three things men will be lovers of self money pleasure than lovers of god and then you go coverage boosters all those things are there but i thought that in perilous times men will be compelled to turn to god but not so in the mix of the difficult times people will be lovers of themselves all do think about itself and pleasure and money but that is for another day but here jesus said all of this is the beginning of sorrows which stands to reason that there are difficult times ahead of humanity and as never before all of us need to turn to god like never before and those of you who have not accepted christ this is the time to do so and for those of us who are born again we need to turn to god and his word and the rock of our salvation like never before say yes as we confront fear let's look at where fear comes from and the purpose of fear second timothy chapter 1 verse 7 for god has not given us the spirit of fear for god has not given us the spirit of faith for god has not given us the spirit for god has not given us the spirit of fear so ask somebody where did you get it from yeah ask somebody else who gave it to you who gave it to you yeah who gave it to you for god has not given us a spirit say a spirit say a spirit say a spirit or fear say fear is a spirit it's a person without bodies and it it works through your mind and your emotions it will attach itself to your mind and to your emotions and the bible said i said man think it in his heart so he is so fear will come to project things in your mind give you mixed feelings and mix emotion to demobilize you incapacitate your faith and to get you to execute his beings and his wishes and desires fear is a spirit and god has not given us a spirit of fear it means fear comes from somewhere it comes from the adversary of man not from god let's look at the things god has given us that don't concentrate on that of power and of love and of a sound mind we never talk about the power given to us and we don't talk about the love of god shared abroad in our heart and we don't talk about the sound mind that god has given us we don't concentrate on the things god has given us but we concentrate on the things the devil has given to us in luke chapter 10 verse 19 the bible said behold i give you authority authority authority supersedes power the adversary has power but he doesn't have authority because you can't have authority unless you are under authority you can't let if you can lead if you haven't been led you can't teach if you haven't been taught behold i give unto you authority to trample to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy the adversary and nothing someone said nothing say nothing means nothing nothing nothing and nothing shall by any means shall buy anymore no i'm not telling you don't follow instructions please do wash your hand with soap as many times as you can use the hand sanitizers i'm told that we have some special hand sanitizers at the clinic so after service you can pass by and pick it up and i'm not telling you to shake hands yeah and if you want to cough follow instructions america doctors will tell you what to do but not withstanding all of this have faith in god you didn't hear what i said i said against all contradictions have faith in god and somebody have faith in god wednesday i'll be talking about courage courage and by wednesday we'll move some of the chairs and put a distance between you and others who do all that all that is good and great but ladies and gentlemen let's have faith in the word of god psalm 91 he that dwells in the sacred place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty i will say of the lord you are my refuge and my fortress my god in him will i trust psalm 91 verse 10 there shall no evil before thee leader shall any clerk come now thy dwelling do you believe the word of god believe and doubt the word if you do put your hands together shout the ass if we are not careful the fear of the virus and how it's been magnified can even kill you before you get the virus because you see we are talking about how the virus is killing and is deadly but we are not talking about those who have survived it do you know in the midst of those who have died some have also survived it you'll be among the survivors if by any means you catch it you will live and not die if you believe it put your hands together and shout i'm a survivor i'm a survivor the bible says for god has not given us a spirit of fear but of what power somebody said i have power talk to me say i have power over the virus say i have power tell somebody you have power you have power use it so use it engage it exercise it deploy it apply it you have power scream tell somebody i have power tell somebody i have love i have love i have love that's why i have a sound mind i have a sound mind doesn't mean my mind is not all over the place i have a sound mind see i have a disciplined mind say yes and hear me number seven you can conquer what you don't confront you can't conquer what you don't confront don't ignore fear it's an enemy you must not ignore come from fear confront it all kinds of fears traveling all over the place and it is my prayer that we pray for the leaders of nations one of their leaders at wall street said last week that the effect of this virus and the way things are going with the stock market it will require god and prayer it is biologically proven that patients who go to the hospital and depend on prayer and allopathic and alternative medicine heal faster than those who just depend on medicine without prayer it's biologically proven [Music] whistling churchill in the 40s when they were confronted with eminent danger by hitler's troop of germany he proclaimed a national day of prayer and said by some kind of divine providence the soldiers were delivered from the battle of danke and britain was spared of the imminent danger and he said a sign of true success is one that moves from failure to failure and still maintains confidence and courage ladies and gentlemen let us maintain our confidence in our god and courage in the face of all contradictions and in the face of adversity let us have faith in god for if thou shall say to this mountain coronal virus because mountains are stubborn problems and situation complicated situation if thou shall say to this viral disappear proceed no further go back to whence you came from and shall not doubt in your heart you shall have whatsoever you say are you hearing me somebody tell somebody i believe god i believe god amen say amen romans 75 verse 5 he talks about the love of god is shed abroad in our heart say i have love love god somebody i have love i have love i have love yeah you have love and love casted out of fear and he that fears is not made perfect in love isaiah 26 verse 3 thou would keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee thou will keep him in perfect peace thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is dead on thee ask somebody why is your mind yeah where is your mind you can't be focusing on all kinds of things and expect god to keep you in perfect peace it can happen there are rules of engagement there are protocols in life and the bible said if our mind is dead on him then god is on the obligation to keep us in perfect peace thou shalt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is still on thee because he trusted in you are you trusting in the arm of flesh are you trusting in the philosophies of men whenever there is problems like this virus all kinds of people become wise overnight and they become special counselors and advisors suddenly they get up and they have the cure to the virus mercy somebody shall mercy mercy mercy god will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is still on thee because he trusted in you like never before let me show you what trust is about sometimes rosa will watch a movie and will tell me you have to watch this movie and i said okay good then when the movie begins i'll answer when the movie is going on so what's going to happen next what's going to happen next i'm very curious i want to know the outcome and she'll tell me relax relax relax and i said but you know i have an appointment you know and i want to know the outcome before myself relax and watch it she's very relaxed why because she has watched it before she knows the outcome why am i not relaxed because i don't know the outcome you know what trust and faith in god is advance knowledge trusting in god gives you advanced knowledge trusting in god and having faith in god gives you the ability to know the outcome of a situation so you relax and you rest in the lord because you know that at the end of the day all things work together for the good of them that love god and to them that are called to his purpose tell somebody is working for my good it is working for my good. the reason why we panic and we are afraid i was telling somebody after the first service i said a winner i'm not saying that i'm not saying that the virus is not deadly i understand it i know it is deadly but it is also written yet though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i shall fear no evil for thou art with me thyroid and thy stuff they comforted me down prepares me a table in the presence of my enemies that anoints my head with oil my cup run it over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life if you believe the word of god put your hands together shout yes ladies and gentlemen i choose to believe the word of god in moments like this everybody must choose to believe something you can choose to believe whatever you want to believe and you are entitled to your beliefs and opinions i am entitled to mine and i have spiritual and moral authority to proclaim to you what the scriptures have to say about dangerous times and perilous times and jesus said this is the beginning of sorrows it means that there are more difficult times ahead of us but the bible said those that put their trust in the lord shall be like the mountains around jerusalem we shall never be moved is anybody hearing me put your hands together shout yes philippians 4 six to eight be careful careful for nothing be careful for nothing be careful for nothing for nothing means about nothing be careful about war nothing nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication we thank you that'd be everything with everything from committee meetings no now listen i have nothing against committee after the first service i met all the medical practitioners in the church and after second service i'm meeting them again i'm meeting them to get some information here and there to know in the event of this what do we do are we ready for this that i'm deploying them i'm engaging them and i'm talking to them having meetings with them but i'm keeping them away from me amen yeah just in case you think i'm not respond i'm not exercising early wisdom and human intelligence i do but i believe the scriptures and my human intelligence so i'm not saying we shouldn't have meetings and we shouldn't talk and we shouldn't exercise reasoning and human intelligence let's do all that but at the end of the day let the word of god have the preeminence at the end of the day the word of god supersedes the wisdom of man at the end of the day heavenly wisdom supersedes the wisdom of man at the end of the day the law of aerodynamics will override the law of gravity say yes but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving what be everything we by prayers and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto god yeah number seven and the peace of god the priesthood all understand ladies and gentlemen the peace of god is not automatic the peace of god don't come to you because you're a child of god there are protocols and rules of engagement amen the peace of god which passes all understanding shall keep your peace of god to keep your hearts and minds through christ jesus excuse me you haven't even me amen foreign putting fear in you the peace of god is not automatic you don't have peace because you're a child of god you follow certain protocols you don't go about thinking about everything putting your minds on everything debating about everything believing everything and then you have peace no there are protocols you must follow and to follow those protocols you must choose to be different to follow those protocols you must be willing to be misunderstood misrepresented and possibly criticized because anyone who doesn't believe the world and doesn't believe in the scripture have a problem with this message i'm telling you there are people who have problems with what i'm saying problems with the scriptures because it's not politically correct but it is biblically correct it doesn't make sense they can't make sense out of what i'm saying they can't make sense out of what scripture is saying they are talking about facts but facts are not true you can have facts and still don't have the truth you can stumble on a man who was just short and you will see the gun by him lying in cold blood and the one that shot him just jumped over the window and you just stepped in there and you are trying to save the situation and the police comes on on you it's a fact that you were right there by him with the blood and the gun and everything and even possibly that you took the gun in your hand they saw the gun in your hand it's a fact but is it true i said is it true so facts don't mean and facts are not true are you hearing me i don't care what facts you have on your side i have the truth on my side say yes i have the word of god on my side say yes [Music] finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just you see whatever things are true whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure are pure lovely whatever things are a good report if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think of this he said if the things you are hearing even if they are truth does it edify is it comforting does it lift you up and build your faith i don't let things disturb me i call them external forces and sometimes domestic enemies and sometimes i call them third parties influence when i have peace inside of me and after engaging you i lose my peace and i'm troubled inside of me i know you were sent by the enemy you're a messenger of satan yeah i'm just being honest yeah there are some people they call me at some strange times and some of those people are put their numbers are put satan others have put an adversary third party yeah i won't put your name there because any time i go into prayer is the time they call me yeah what do you call me every time i'm praying or any time i'm stepping to feed the flock it's the time you call me satan you can look at me any way you want to look at me you can call me any name you want to call me you were entitled to your opinion i am also entitled to mine so there's no problem there's no fight i respect your opinion even though i disagree with you all and you also must respect mine say yes we have to pray for the leaders of our country and i'll show you why we must pray for them because the thing that we have to watch the most is not just the virus but it's the things that comes with it the interpretation we give to it the decisions leaders take as a result of the fear and the panic of the virus choices we make for political correctness and for political marriage mileage and expediency or experience we need to look at all of this because if we are not cautious certain choices and decisions will be made that by the time the virus disappears which it will a lot of damage would have been done and to be too much suffering nations will be financially bankrupt businesses will be incapacitated financially and so many people will go into all kinds of debts but i pray in the name of jesus in the midst of the panic and the fears that god will give to the leaders of nation courage and wisdom beyond their yes to make choices and decisions that will preserve economies of nations businesses individuals after the virus have disappeared in the name of jesus then we turn to me i want you to see a statement one of the wisest men that ever lived said this man was wiser than solomon and he was the great grandfather of solomon he was the son of belshiba and ahitophel gave birth to the father of belshiva so ahitopher is the great grandfather of solomon and he was also the son of david and he took out the bible said when you had a heat office it was as if a man has had the oracle of adonai the oracles of elohim and for 40 years his councils never failed that was how sophisticated the man was he carried debts he was no joke and here what he said about david who was a king a prophet and a priest he said to absalom when there was a conspiracy against the king the then president and head of state of the state of israel this was what he defense says the wisest man that ever lived number one he said i have analyzed the situation i have diagnosed your father i need 12 000 men to take your father one man he said it will take 12 000 men with me concentrating on your father to take him alone what makes a man so powerful that it required 12 000 men to capture him that was how fearful he was it was said that when david was in the field of battle he was like the lion he was fierce he was terrible in battle and a heater first say to tweak 12 000 men to capture your father but what an eye opener here and i had an inside not an outside but an inside look at it reach really look at something he said moreover he fell onto absalom let me now choose out 12 000 men and i will arise and pursue after david this night this night in the night i will go after him not during the day but in the night why because of the terror by night terror by night fierce in the night go ahead and i will come upon him while he is weary and weakened two things why he is weary and weak-handed you know when the enemy wants to hit us he comes at us when we are vulnerable when we are mentally emotionally physically spiritually weary and weak-handed and look at what ahitophel said very revealing and that is why the bible says fear not look at something he said here look at it and we'll make him afraid we'll make him work afraid we'll make him work afraid we'll make him what afraid and then when he's afraid look at what will happen and all the people that are with himself flee you see that as long as he's not afraid as long as he's confident his mighty man will be with him but as soon as he begins to demonstrate fear as soon as fear incapacitates his confidence and faith he will stop or cease functioning as he ought to he will become fearful and at that moment all his mighty men will leave him and as soon as they leave him me and my 12 000 men will strike him but even though i have 12 000 troops if david is not afraid and he's confident we don't stand a chance you didn't hear me i said you did not hear me what a hitopia was implying is this that as long as david has his confidence intact his men are with him and as long as he's and his men are with him me and my 12 000 troops and army we don't stand a chance the only way we can get to him is to make him afraid and when he's afraid his men will run from him and when they run from him me and my 12 000 men will strike him who's my team it means that when we don't allow fear in our lives we are unbeatable we are unstoppable we are dangerous we are dangerous we are unpredictable we confess any enemy it is said that the difference between people who go to the top and stay there and those who crash in the midst of crisis and under pressure is this that those who rise to the top and remain there are those who learn to survive on the crisis pressure enhanced harsh that they don't break they don't break that no matter what the pressure and the crisis is they refuse to stand down tell somebody i refuse to stand up i refuse to stand down tell somebody i have many enemies i know i have many enemies out there i know i'm not liked by many but the reality that didn't matter if god be for us who can be against us are you hearing me the other day jesus said he said they're coming there's coming a time when all of you will leave me but he that called me is with me that comes a time when leaders must learn to walk alone because you can be married and be lonely you can be surrounded by people and be lonely because loneliness goes with the path of greatness and if you want to be a successful leader seek not to be understood seek not to be understood be willing to be misrepresented to be misunderstood to be criticized isaiah 51 he said i called he said looking unto abraham your father for i called him alone and i bless him loneliness is part of the greatness of man it goes with the path it goes with the walk i've learned to be lonely i deal with loneliness every day in few hours from now every one of you will disappear and i'll be all alone by myself and the reason why leaders must learn to deal with loneliness is because you can be surrounded with people and your level what you are contemplating and what you are believing for they are not at the same level yeah you know the other day i was talking about lord's wife lord's wife lord was called to go to the mountains to flee from sodom to the mountains and the wife having lived in the desert for too long and relocated to a city and was very comfortable in the city had a kitchen had a bathroom and everything could get up and go to the mall she could recognize her life we might women love to organize things that's the way they are made they are detail-oriented men are general oriented and lord's wife had a problem her problem is having live in a desert and in a city now where am i going to a mountain mountain i haven't been there before it's not for me but lot was not worried lot had faith for where he was going even though he didn't know where he was going the wife didn't have faith for it so she looked back and she became a pillar of sword where god is taking you to not everybody can go with you i'm telling you there are many people in your life today who will not go where you are going because they haven't developed the capacity the revelation and the faith for the next level when abraham got to the mount of moriah he told the three armed men born in his house to wait for him at the feet of the mountain and he said i and the lord will go and worship and come back and the reason why he had to keep them there was because there was going to be an encounter and an experience on the mount of moriah that none of those three young men had the ability to manage it they would have interfered with the whole process because they haven't developed the capacity the faith and the revelation for what was to happen on the mount of moriah and even though isaac submitted to the will of his father those three men born of his house and in his house would have stood in the way and hinted the experience and the process so he said though you were born in my house and have been close to me and know the in and out of me this next level this next level this next experience you haven't developed the capacity yet you don't have the faith you don't have the revelation for that next level stay where you are i will face this alone not everybody can go with you to the next level and i was telling the pastors the other day i said anyone who cannot build with me right now cannot go where i'm going i'm going somewhere and in order for me to get to where i'm going i have to make some decisions i have to make some choices and if you're offended by the decisions and choices i'm making for the good and the better of generations yet unborn then you don't belong where i am and you are not part of my future i was telling them i said i am transiting and i am moving from founder to institution that things must no more run by papa and the archbishop it must be an institution that runs by systems but we laid down procedures not by archbishop or founder he has to function on his own without aggressors and without funder for the sacred future you know one of the problems we find in politics and in leadership at every level and at all level is people whose is connected to the leader and feel like without the leader they have no relevance so they must do everything to make the leader believe even when his time is up that he's still relevant because the only way they can be relevant is their connection to the leader when it's no more in office they are irrelevant because they haven't learned to build anything and to become anything on their own and that is the reason why people stay in power in most african countries forever because sometimes they even want to go and there are people tell them don't go you are christ you are the savior as if they are the only wisest people in the whole country very sound and it's the same thing that happens to leadership in the church if you are not careful your loyalists can tell you papa if you transit this thing to systems and an institution none of us will be relevant anymore even you you will be really bad i don't want to be relevant anymore i want the institution to be relevant not me i want this thing to outlive me and in order for it to become an institution i must detach my emotion and myself and let it become an institution and that is what i started doing from january i'm making changes that in the next 10 years this will no more be at bishop duncan williams church or founder's church it will be an institution on his own governed by rules and policies and not everybody is in agreement not everybody agrees with me but you were not there when god called me you were not there when i received my matching orders you came to help me you came to help me you didn't come to lead me and to direct me and to instruct me you were helper play your role i will listen to you but at the end of the day i will subject your counsel to wisdom that supersedes the wisdom of man say yes so he said i will make him afraid let's pray that the leaders of our countries will not be afraid by the epidemic that they will make decisions out of fear and panic a hedonist said i will make him afraid you have no idea the fears that leaders live with and deal with that confronts them on daily basis every day one leader or the other is confronted by fear the fear of the people the voice of the people the interpretation of the people and that's why we must pray for leaders that their decisions and choices in moments like this will not be based on fear or panic but it will be based on superior wisdom advanced knowledge come with me to psalm 56 verse 3 and 4. time i am afraid i will trust in thee what another translation any time i am afraid i will trust indeed i'm not saying you will never be afraid fear will knock at your door ladies and gentlemen every now and then fear will knock at your door but don't let it in and david said anytime i'm afraid i will do what trust in thee our trust in thee yeah so it stands to reason that every now and then fear will confront us but let's have faith in god tell somebody have faith in god have faith in god go ahead in god i will praise his name his word in god i have put my trust i will not fear what flesh can do unto me i will not fear what man can do unto me panics clutterings of men the manipulations of men in the mix of difficult times yeah i'm told that certain commodities like the hand sanitizers there was one that was about seven eight cities they are selling it now for 50 cities people are making money this thing called money it's a serious thing that in the mix of people dying others are also making money as if they will live forever and they won't die so what do you do and after you collect people's money the virus hits you what are you going to do with the money you've collected let's pray that the enemy won't take advantage of the virus to complicate our pain and crisis say yes i want to show you another scripture come with me to 1st chronicles 21 and 1. and satan stood up against israel and provoked david to number israel verse 14 and 15. so the lord sent pestilence upon israel at the pharaoh of israel 70 000 men and god sent an angel onto jerusalem to destroy it and as he was destroying the lord beheld and he repented him of the evil and said to the angel that destroyed it is enough stay now thy hand and the angel of the lord stood by the threshing floor of onan the jebusite say lord scream say lord it is enough stay thy hand say in the name of jesus we speak to every evil virus it is enough proceed no further stead i hang over europe africa asia north america south america in the name of jesus the middle east it is enough it is enough say a corona virus it is enough spare thy hand proceed no further from thee three [Music] hey [Music] stand up for jesus [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] south america say let the strong man behind the corona virus be vanquished in the name of jesus open your mouth and say vanquish vanquish vanquish [Music] now one more prayer tell somebody one more prayer one more prayer let's look at george's chapter six you may be seated judges chapter six verse one and verse three of judges chapter six and the children of israel did evil in the sight of the lord and the lord delivered them into the hand obedient seven years the lord delivered them to who media the hands of media for how many years seven years listen if you look at the verdict of the sentence it was very clear that they were delivered to the hands of media for them to become their master to oppress them afflict them impoverish them incapacitated them for seven years look at verse three and so it was when israel had sown that the midianites came up and the amalekites and the children of the east even they came up against them listen where was the children of the east and the amaleki in the vedic they were not in the vedic whenever you are vulnerable whenever you are down whenever you are in crisis whenever you are in trouble people will always take advantage of you we want to pray a prayer today that the enemy will not take advantage of this virus to complicate the solution and to oppress people afflict people are you hearing me somebody in the name of jesus any demons and powers taking advantage of the virus to create hardship and difficulty so that after the virus has ended the effect will still be upon men greater hardship and difficulty today by the power of jesus name we forbid the amaleki and the children of the east we block them in the name of jesus we deny them the power and the right to take advantage of this virus to afflict the human race stand on your feet open your mouth pray against manipulations pray against anything anyone that will use the virus as a way to disadvantage us manipulating the human race manipulating leaders of nation by this virus lift up prayer take authority block the enemy telling we are not ignorant of your devices you are not proceeding any further with this virus in the name of jesus say something open your mouth pray against the children of the east pray against the amalekites who take advantage of the sufferings of people of the difficulties of people to impoverish people to afflict people hear me listen i want you to pray one prayer just one more prayer the amalekites and the children of the east are spirits that take advantage of nations and take advantage of people and institutions at the time of eminent dangers at the time of trouble when you are vulnerable when you are down they take advantage of you i want us to pray a prayer that the enemy will not take advantage of any nation of our leaders and of us as a result of this virus that by the time it disappears that you and i will not be impoverished that we will not be hung up that we will not be in any kind of situation beyond what we should bear tell somebody it is enough stay thy hand o angel of the lord say stay your hand in the name of jesus say corona virus proceed no further stay in your hand it is enough say it is enough more luck open your mouth somebody and pray that prayer that the enemy will not manipulate and take advantage of our nation the leaders of africa europe asia the middle east south america north america that our leaders will not be exploited and taken advantage of by the spirit of fear and punishment [Music] now lift up your hands lift up your hands above your head say i proclaim on authority of the holy scriptures that me and my hands and them that concerns me will not be victims or a casualty of this virus say i will not contact it and if by any means i do i will not die i will survive it see i will not die prematurely but live and declare the works of the lord in the name of jesus if you believe it put your hands together give god praise hallelujah [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] tv [Music] is [Music] [Music] from there [Music] yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] everybody one more time [Applause] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] know let us [Music] that he'll be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me i am the lord that died for you [Applause] foreign [Applause] i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] now do you know i know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sunday morning and you don't know the lord the 14th of march in the year of our lord 2020 you are not sure your name is written in the book of life the bible said all of us shall appear before the judgment seat of god and anyone who you say preacher i want to be sure my name is written i want to be sure i don't have that assurance if you want that assurance lift up your hand right now if your hand is lifted right now come to me come quickly come to me at the front let me pray with you if your hand is lifted come if you don't have the natural hands please come anybody i don't have that ashore is there anybody i don't have the assurance i want to have it please come please come please come come [Music] please come do you know that is your savior [Music] [Music] do you know that jesus is your savior [Music] let us pray for them say heavenly father today i acknowledge that i am a sinner and that i need a savior lord jesus i come to you i acknowledge you i accept you before having a net as my lord and savior write my name in the book of life i don't want to go to hell i want to spend my eternity with you lord jesus you are the savior you shed your blood for the remission of sins let my sins be remitted forgiving wash me in the blood sanctify me against the day of your second coming amen thank you for coming congratulations now listen i have some gentlemen and ladies there if you turn around go to them to give you some gifts from me and you can come back and join the service will you do that for me please go with them put your hands together for them as they go are you clapping blessing ashore yes yes yes yes yes jesus [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] peace this is my song god [Music] is [Music] please come forward with your tights the tithe is a statement that you acknowledge that god is your source and it's also a statement of honor god said i will honor them that honor me and those who dishonor me i will list extinct so whenever you tithe whether it's corporate or personal it's a statement you are making one that god is your sons the source of your business and two you are honoring him and he said i will honor them that honor me bishop of buddhism did you receive that word okay why don't you say something so i can hear you
Channel: Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams
Views: 37,785
Rating: 4.7598629 out of 5
Keywords: ArchbishopNick, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams, Archbishop, Archbishop Duncan Williams, Archbishop Duncan-Williams, Nicholas Duncan Williams, Nicholas Duncan-Williams, Duncan-Williams, Papa, archbishop nicholas duncan-williams, archbishop nicholas duncan williams, nicholas duncan williams
Id: ll-5FRKuHPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 4sec (4744 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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