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[Music] jesus we give you faith in jesus [Music] oh for who you are [Music] we keep jesus jesus say somebody let your voice [Music] [Music] [Music] is for who you are [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we is story [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] his body was broken his body was [Music] is [Music] is [Music] we can see [Music] [Music] i'm so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i'm so bad is is [Music] oh [Music] is sun your light too much [Music] [Music] to save [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh oh oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] the resurrection the resurrection [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we standing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] holy name [Music] holy [Music] is is [Music] [Music] [Music] lord [Music] god [Music] time your holy days [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] left your hands let me so so sorry i am so so sorry so so sorry [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry [Music] okay [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] let's worship in the atmosphere [Music] you may please be seated in the wonderful presence of the lord [Music] mm-hmm [Music] jesus [Laughter] [Music] i just want to speak the name of jesus [Music] [Laughter] cause i know there is within your presence [Music] i speak jesus [Music] i just wanna speak the name of jesus [Music] till every dark addiction starts to break [Music] there is hope and there is freedom [Laughter] i speak jesus name is power your name is [Music] break every stronghold shine through the shadows i just wanna speak the name of jesus [Music] depression i speak jesus i just wanna speak the name of jesus i just wanna speak the name of jesus [Music] [Music] depression [Music] i speak jesus [Music] shine through the shadows your name is [Music] [Music] shout jesus from the mountains jesus over darkness and over every enemy jesus jesus called my family i speak the holy name jesus [Music] oh [Music] shout jesus from the mountains [Music] jesus christ jesus [Music] oh [Music] your name is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] heaven's anger all around my delight is falling away that you wear the vectors around you're my hope and my defender you're my savior and my friend by your grace i'll even bring to worship you have a mention of your greatness in your name i will bow down in your presence first island for you where the victor's crown let your glory fill this temple let your power overflow by your grace and leave them breathe to worship you hallelujah you have overcome you have overcome hallelujah [Music] [Music] as the laws become [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you are jesus the messiah [Music] oh hallelujah [Music] my is it must come broken [Music] [Music] you can do better [Music] he has overcome i said he has overcome jesus has overcome and because he has overcome we have overcome hallelujah if you believe jesus has overcome put your hands together hallelujah before we get right into the word of god it's good to be back home [Applause] where god lives you didn't hear what i said i said where god lives [Applause] and just before we get into the word whoever you are wherever you are will you reach out to somebody send text instagram send information around tell them to come right now or tune in and for those of you online reach out to friends and loved ones tell them papa is back he's home i'm here with the fresh oil and fresh fire to touch somebody's life if you believe it say yes now with your hands lifted up say heavenly father we have come from different backgrounds and different works of life with different needs at your feet master speak in a language we understand as individuals speak to us love all across the nation speak let it be clear let it come with clarity and understanding without any misunderstanding in the name of jesus we break the yoke of oppression and declare that no warlock no sorcerer no diviner no witch or wizard from anywhere within or way down shall be able to hinder your world from coming forth and shall be able to oppress to exact upon or to sit upon us in the name of jesus right now by the power of jesus name as we put our hands together we command the enemy's power break over us break over the atmosphere in the name of jesus break us in the name of jesus thank you lord now right now i want us to pray thank you lord thank you where is mr kwame never tells he's not around let's pray for him let's pray for mr freda worry do lucky to kapha sita let's pray wait wait wait let's pray for let's pray for those who are not in church for whatever reason and for those who have traveled for whatever reason wherever they are anyone under any kind of attack or danger let's pray for their protection and deliverance right now open your mouth put your hands together pray pray for your deliverance pray for further worry pray for crime in our tales the wife the children the grandchildren the entire family the household in the name of jesus we lift our prayers we pray for mrs honor any in the name of jesus we lift up prayer we make intercession we make atonement for every loved one for every member of this house whom and abroad wherever they are we cover them in the name of jesus amen well put your hands together you may be seated [Applause] it's good to be with you just one more thing before we go ahead just open your mouth and just pray for me right now and ask the holy spirit to enable me to speak as i ought to speak open your mouth put your hands together just pray say holy spirit help papa help the archbishop to bring forth the word of god unhindered i'm not feeling your prayers come on somebody come on somebody in the name of jesus amen i want to talk to you there are so many messages on my heart so many messages on my heart and since i've been away i've been in different cities and different atmospheres and atmospheres are very very critical and you need to understand that atmospheres determine the outcome of the circumstances of people who live within that atmosphere is a if it's an atmosphere of heaviness you find out that the people who live in that atmosphere always come across us oppressed people defeated depressed mentally and emotionally tortured harassed physically or bodily a free atmosphere produces happy people confident people and people who rise to the challenge no matter what and where they are atmospheres are very important when i left here i was in new york for a few days then i went to washington dc and then went to virginia then from there i flew to miami to spend some time with our friends and my son uh in miami and spent some couple of days in miami then from there i drove and went to orlando spent on time with pastor paula white from miami from orlando i flew back to washington and i went to virginia after that i went to new york for a couple of days and then from new york i went to connecticut and spent some days in connecticut after connecticut i drove for about an hour 45 minutes to new jersey and spent the night in jersey visited some families one of my sons was there with the whole family so i spent a day with them and checked into a hotel and spent a night in jersey and i took the asella train from jesse to washington dc and then to virginia and went to maryland held some meetings in maryland in the rockville area with one of our branches in silver spring then from there i went to baltimore and then from baltimore i flew to london and i spent some few hours in london dealing with some issues over there before i flew to ghana and i'm telling you this uh to understand why i'm speaking on this subject for all these places i went to i felt fear fear fear fear worry worry lots of anxiety lots of uncertainty uncertainty and three a lot of people were double-mindedness a lot of people were double-minded double-minded about taking the vaccine or not taking the vaccine and whether taking the vaccine is faith or is unbelief or whether not taking it is foolishness or lack of wisdom and whether taking it is common sense wisdom faith or unbelief and if you took it does that mean you don't have faith or you are applying wisdom lots of fears bottom line the whole thing is controlled by fear but it has many many many many heads and i intentionally paid attention wherever i went to there were people who were wearing the mask trying to be careful and compliant and there were others who wouldn't wear their mouths and we're just three i don't care whatever happens let it happen that kind of mentality and it differed from one place or the other but it was the same spirit that was manifesting itself in the different places and atmospheres i went to and i paid attention and observed carefully and the bottom line is that we are being manipulated and controlled by a very intelligent beast which is a spirit the other thing is that i felt strongly after coming back home that we are talking about the corona virus and all the crisis and the problems it has brought to the nations of our world to families to communities and to cities and how it's breaking governments and economies all across the nations and back home here and ghana the killings the murder uh taking place here and so many other places across the nations of the world the bad weather patterns uh the destruction of the flood and the rings in louisiana and in new york city where i spent some days there recently and places like pennsylvania philadelphia the killings the flag the destructions of human property human life and all that is going on it looks like for whatever reason the world is in trouble there is unrest everywhere and the major thing that stands out in all of this is fear and the fear is not just a specific fear there are different types and kinds of fear depending on what you are dealing with or what is confronting you or what you are confronting from your family to your own health to your finances to domestic life situation naming politically economically financially socially on the religious scene you name it so she asking there are too many issues but there are different types of fear but one of the fear that really stands out apart from the fear of the corona virus and the fear of premature death or sudden death which is also being used by the powers of darkness and people who operate in the occult and things projecting people's death projecting in wheels and wishing and thinking and projecting and imagining the demise of others there's one fear that stands out and that is the fear of the unknown so people are just afraid of what they don't do but they are free they are afraid of something but they don't know what they are afraid of but they are afraid because the spirit of fear is dominating the spirit of fear is dominating and it's because of the lack of faith on the earth jesus said if the son of man shall return shall he find faith on this head that's a lack of faith and i wanted to talk to you because when i look at what is here now and if you read matthew 24 and many of the scriptures the hebrew scriptures and you look at the different things that was prophesied by daniel and ezekiel jeremiah and isaiah and you look at some of the things jesus said in the synopsis gospel and even in the epistles of the letters of paul it's very clear that we really live in truly the moments of the end time moments with past the years man decades we are living in the very moment of the end time and the bible says in the book of luke 21 and 26 uh read with me please luke 21 men's heart failing them [Music] shall be shaken so he said for man's heart and when he talks about men now god is not the god of gender and there is no female spirit and a male spirit we all have the spirit of god in us and the spirit of god is not male or female it's a spirit so women in the spirit have spirits men have spirits but we dwell in bodies with different functions and different make caps because of mandate and assignment of the man and of the woman and the original intent of god hasn't changed irrespective of all the things going on about all this gender equality and all that god's original intent has not changed and i think the key here is let men be men and let women be women period put your hands again say let men be men and let women be women and let women be the women god made them to be according to his original plan and let men be the man god made them to be according to the original plan and if we follow the original plan and the brood plaintiff we really don't have a problem so anyway he says that men's heart shall feel them and it's because of the things that shall come on the earth so there are things that will come to the earth apart from this coronavirus there are things that has come and will come and there's nothing we can do about it because these things came out of the mouth of yeshua himself yeshua hamashiach the lord jesus himself that these things will come on the earth and because of the things that will come on the earth the heart of men shall feel them now in order for us to confront the fears uh whatever kind of fear you are dealing with you have to just go beyond the place of belief to the place of being fully persuaded being fully persuaded is very critical and i want to talk to you about being fully persuaded somebody said i am fully persuaded i can't hear you say they can say i'm fully persuaded come with me to the book of job 25 19 25 job 19 25 i'm fully persuaded for i know that my redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth a lot of people including job's wife misunderstand job they didn't they couldn't make sense of job's trust faith belief and audacity in god and it's it's very important that you understand job and why he stood the test of time and he rose to the occasion and did not stagger in his faith or belief and trust in god to the extent that even when his wife the closest thing to him turn on him and compel him to denounce god uh looked at her and said baby there's something wrong about you you don't get it you don't know what i know but the word in the original language uh when you look at the hebrew scriptures in the original language or script when it comes to job 19 25 when he said i know for i know that word i know is a very very powerful way and that is what what i call being fully persuaded dwells on sits on stands on and is built upon you just can't be persuaded or fully persuaded by what you hear what you think or what you've been told you have to have a knowing and this word for i know this word i know it's a very powerful word and the meaning of this word i know is i have an experience or an encounter with him or of him when the bible said that in the garden of eden when the bible talks about an adam new if that word new eve was the same word here is the same word here and that is an adam new perceived and eve that way he encountered her he experienced her that is what it means you cannot be fully persuaded until you have an experience or an encounter with him for i know i know for i've experienced him i've encountered this god and that is the basis of me being fully persuaded somebody said i am fully persuaded i can't hear you say it again say it i'm not going to stop till you say it as you ought to say say it say it say it say it say it turn to somebody and say you must be fully persuaded you must you must that is what it will require in the times we live in because we live in dangerous times fearful times perilous times and you need and must be fully persuaded to be able to withstand the terror of the adversary the violence and all the measures and the dysfunction in societies and in communities uh all across the nations of the world the speculations the hearsays the lies you see a csc it's all over the place across the nations come with me to second timothy 1 12. ii timothy 1 12. for the which cause i also suffer these things nevertheless i am not ashamed for i know you see it's the same word it's the same way for i know in whom i have believed in the same way kn uw is the same word for i know i have an experience an encounter of this god go ahead and i'm persuaded that he is able to keep that which i have committed unto him so his persuasion or he been fully persuaded is based on the promise of dramas of this thing that i have a personal experience of this guy and with paul before going to the third heavens he had a special encounter an experience on the way to damascus when jesus intercepted him and he fell off the horse and he said who are you why did you do this to me you intercepted my mandate and jesus said i am jesus whom thou persecuted if anybody thinks they can attack and persecute the church of the lord jesus christ for which he shared his blood and go unpunished you are joking you better apart from reading the bible itself you must study history because if you become a student of history you will appreciate and understand that you don't touch the church of the lord jesus christ or god's anointed and go unpunished it is impossible you cannot go against history nor swim against the time you cannot jesus said i am jesus whom god persecuted and that was his first encounter and experience with the son of god the man of old the patriarchs of whom took a stand and had an audacity that the nations of the world and the emperors of rome and the hidden kings of their day could not understand or make sense of they walked into the dance of lions and were not afraid of the lions because they had an experience and an encounter they knew something that others didn't know some people know about god some have heard of him or about him and many have read about him but it's few that have experienced and encountered him and in order for you to be fully persuaded in the times we live in and to have the audacity that is required to confront the things that are coming on this earth ladies and gentlemen you must have an encounter and an experience put your hands together lift up your hands begin to pray in the holy spirit everybody begin to pray in the holy spirit for few minutes [Music] at [Music] keep praying keep praying [Music] don't stop just keep praying the spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] she's in pain 24 7 and she said she had a dream [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] uh [Music] throughout this crisis i've seen people with deep pockets with properties all over the place monies in dubai in the different canaan islands money is all over the place investments assets properties all over the place and yet in the midst of this pandemic and crisis they face and encounter situations where they are wealth money assets investments connections influence could not save them and they were at the mercy mercy of medical science mercy of the element mercy of man mercy of circumstances and that is to tell you that wealth and money power and influence access cars and wealth is to be used for good they are weapons they are instruments given to you not to hold it not to sit on it not to hide it and not to take care of yourself and your immediate family only but to help the work of god and to bless others my mama teresa said that a life lived without making a difference in the life of others is not a life worth living if all you are doing is taking good care of yourself and living pretty and taking care of you and your immediate family and that is all for you life is then you have missed the reason for being you are a disappointment you never came into this world you never leave the greek philosophy says in every society there are three kinds of people he said the number one people in every society is the one that is blessed educated successful but selfish self-centered into themselves care about nobody by themselves the third kind of people in every society they said is those whose whole existence is about their tribe tribal conflict it's about their tribe it's about their political party and it's about their religion for them they live and die for religion political party and tribe that is it that is all they care about and the third kind of people in every country is what you call citizens and the citizens are those who go past self try political party religion and care about country put country first before themselves political party religion or tribe they look out for the good of country they call them the citizens i pray that in our day in our time and even in the days of our children and they are children that will find true citizens in this country through citizens across the nations of the world who truly do care for country and for posterity say amen daniel 3 16-18 shadrach meshach and abednego answered and said to the king o nebuchadnezzar we are not careful to answer thee in this matter if it be so our god whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of thine hand o king but if not be it known unto thee o king that we will not serve thy gods nor worship the golden image which thou has set up this was an audacity and a confidence that was displayed by these three hebrew young men that it literally baffled the then king of babylon and the nations and the entire citizen of babylon in those days that what makes these three young men so confident and where are they deriving their confidence and audacity from let's see if their persuasion audacity and confidence can stand the test of the moment and they were cast into the very fire they were cast into the oven of fire put in there to die and their confidence audacity in god we stood the test of time but the reason for which they said our god is able whom we serve whom we serve whom we serve whom we serve that is where they derive their experience and encounter from we serve him why we know him we have an encounter we have experienced him somebody scream experience somebody say that he say experience say it say it say it say it say it scream it romans 8 romans 8 19-21 and being not weak in faith romans 4 19-21 thank you and being not weak in faith he considered not his own body now dead when he was about 100 years old neither yet the deadness of sarah's womb he staggered not at the promise of god through unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory to god and being fully persuaded what he had promised he was able also to perform being fully persuaded turn to somebody and ask them are you persuaded again again again again one more time are you persuaded and if you are if you are where is your confidence and audacity and persuasion coming from what is it based on and where do you derive it from these three hebrew young men have audacity confidence they were fully persuaded abraham was fully persuaded because he had an experience an encounter ladies and gentlemen most of the men and women of all didn't have the bible they didn't have the scriptures like you and i have at their disposal they are personal encounters and by the personal encounter everything was okay and it was enough for them the encounter the experience they had was the basis and the foundation of their being fully persuaded romans 8 28. romans 8 28 and we know that all things work together for the good to them that love god them who are called according to his purpose you see the same word again k-n-o-w it's the same way experience the experience somebody say experience talk to me say experience it's the same way now paul says for we know for we have this experience that all things work together for good to them that love god and to them who are the call according to purpose for we have an experience for this we have encountered for this we know and for this we have an experience of that it doesn't matter what happens the good the bad and the ugly it is designed by the judicial determination of eternity that it would turn out for our good and then joseph said joseph said the other day he said you meant it for evil but god turned it for good somebody said lord turn it turn it turn it say 30 dog say lord turn it turn the tables turn the evil tide in our favor say lord turn it turn it turn it for our good i don't know what you are encountering and i don't know what you're dealing with i don't know your circumstances and what's going on with you but can i submit to you based on romans 8 28 that god is about to give you an experience you didn't hear me i said god through all of this is giving you an experience somebody stream experience he's giving you an experience that will give you the audacity and the confidence to confront things that are to come you see when david killed the lion and the bed that was his experience god said david you are about to face a good liar you are about to deal with the 24 assassination attempts on your life you are about to be pursued from one cave to another cave you are about to be kicked out of your father's house you have to run for your life until it is your turn to be king and therefore i want you david to have an experience you need you are going to need this experience to confront and to withstand the challenges ahead of you so david i need you to handle this challenge handle this challenge what was the challenge a lion and a bear two strong beasts of the animal kingdom came on the scene to take a lamb out of the sheepfold and god said david this is the experience you are going to need to withstand and to confront goliath and king saul and all the assassination attempts and all the challenges that shall come against you and so he said david this is your time this is your opportunity and i need you to i need you to rise i need you to rise to this challenge because you must have this experience what is about to happen to you david has never happened in the bible before i have no references for you david there's no example you are just going to have to have an experience to work with and so david tells with the lion and the bear when he met goliath and the king sent for him and said david come on you're a young boy give me an experience give me a point of reference tell me something i don't want to let you go down have you ever had an experience that can be a point of reference is there anything you can refer to that you have confronted before you face this giant this is not just an army general this guy is a giant there is a king i have an experience i have an experience i have an experience therefore i am fully pressed with it and this was the this is what he said he said the other day i kept my fathership full and two of the strong beast of the animal kingdom king a lion and a bear and attacked the sheepful and took around and he said something came upon me and i went after the lion in the bed and i rescued the lamb and he said i slew the lion and the bird then listen to what he said he said the same god the same god the one i encounter the one i experienced at the back side of the desert who enabled me to feed around the bed shall deliver this on circumstances into my hand somebody says yes somebody say experience somebody say experience my time is out psalm 37 verse 25 i have been young i have been young and now i'm bold yet have i not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread can you get it do you get it he's not just talking logic he's not quoting scripture he's talking based on what again again again shout it scream it that was based on experience this is not sense knowledge this is not academic intelligence or intellectual capability this is based on what experience he said i have been young i've lived themselves and i followed this god and i have a personal experience experience and an encounter i've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread so if you are worried about being forsaken and rejected and if you are worried about what will happen to your kids this is a promise you can base your confidence and audacity and persuasion up that it don't matter what's happening right now i may not have what i need to have i don't have any secret account or money anywhere i don't have assets and property like others i don't have connections and influence like others but one thing i have is this i have an experience oh come on somebody say say it say come on somebody say it say it say it say somebody's dream experience shroud experience now i'm going to stop you because of my time but i want you to hear me i want you to hear me and hear me well whatever you are encountering whatever you are going through no matter how difficult how hard and discouraging and frustrating as it may be like may i submit to you that at the end of the day and at the end result you are coming out with an experience i said you are coming out with an experience somebody extreme experience all right okay i'm going to stop you i'm going to stop you i'll continue next week sunday experience scream it scream it shouted shouted says one more time one more time now hear me write down these dates 23rd of september to 31st of december we are embarking on 100 days of prayer 100 days of prayer and it's going to be done and i need you when the information came on the screen i needed to go online and register and this is how it's going to be we are going to pray according to the four watches of the day and the four watches of the night the four watches of the day begins at 6 a.m and then every three hours six am nine am two afternoon three pm six am it continues then 00 am we go on to 6 p.m 9 p.m 12 midnight 3 a.m 6 a.m it continues for 100 days within these hundred days it is my fate and belief that everyone that will register and pick a time and a day to pray it's just 30 minutes of prayer 30 minutes of prayer if you come on at 6 a.m 9 a.m 12 noon 3 p.m 6 a.m throughout the seasons of the day or the night it's just 30 minutes and my commanders and i will be online and on dominion television during that time leading you into prayer as the lord gives us the rhema word for every occasion and we will stay on it until we see a performance of the word of the lord now wise wise i was in america the lord spoke to me and said son watch what's going on and i started paying attention he said pay attention and all i was hearing was what the coronavirus is doing the delta variant and all the things that were happening and all the bad things and churches are still closed down in many parts of america and the world and this is the issue god said do you see what's going on are you praying i say yes sir he said my church my people are not dealing with the issues they are not dealing with the issue they are not dealing with the corona virus or the dead delta variant all they are doing is to argue and talk about it they are arguing and talking about what the coronavirus has done what is doing they are following the scientists they are following the news but they are not listening and following my voice and what i have to say about the situation then he said the politicians the scientists can't handle this they don't have the mandate to cast out devils they don't have the money to bind and lose it is my church that has the monday to bind and lose and i said lord lord give me a scripture give me a scripture give me a scripture upon which upon which i will derive my audacity and persuasion from and he said go to second samuel chapter 24 verse 16. there was a plague when david number the people said 70 000 people died in a day 70 000 people died and the word of the lord came and said it is enough see it is enough somebody said it is enough come on scream you say it is enough so it was a coronavirus it is enough stay your hand and i added these two to it i added these two too say stay your hand go on a virus delta variant stir your hand proceed no further it is enough the killing is enough the distractions is enough in the name of jesus the fear is enough stir your hand proceed no further proceed no further stand down stand down coronaval stand down stand down in the name of jesus proceed no further put your hands together take care go on a balance bet of area it's enough stir your hand perceive no further stand down stand on your feet come on stand on your feet it is enough stir your hand hear me hear me within this hundred days we will proclaim this word it is enough whatever you are dealing with i declare to it it is enough any beast responsible for our sister in coma and our daughter struggling with help with the head that she can't take it when she calls me my heart beats my heart beats and i said you won't call me anytime even if i'm preaching i'll stop the preaching and i'll i'll pick up your phone i'll listen to you we are declaring within these hundred days whatever whether it's embarrassment shame whatever sickness attack family crisis i want you to open your mouth declare the word of the lord it is enough it is enough stay your hand proceed no further proceed no further proceed no further it is enough financial bankruptcy it is enough instability rejection threatens fear slander spread of lies it is enough stay in your hand proceed no further stand down in the name of jesus amen put your hands together i'll continue next week sunday thank you hallelujah please put your hands together one more time let's thank god for the life of our papa the archbishop it's so great to have papa back didn't we miss him so much put your hands together let's thank god for the life of our papa hallelujah you may be seated in the wonderful presence of the lord second corinthians chapter nine and verse eight the bible said god is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency will abound onto every good way god is able it's time for offering it's time for time bishop you see that scripture here you've taken one of my scriptures how did he know god is able how do you know god is able if you haven't experienced it somebody's dream experience hallelujah it is by experience this god we serve he never feels that is why he could say in malachi chapter 3 verse 8 he said bring all that then he said put me to the test try me and get an experience for yourself please come forward with your tithe this morning you are permitted to put god to the test and get a personal experience that god is able to make all grace abound towards you hallelujah he's good and he's he has power to turn all things in our favor he said that tithe belongs to me so when you take of it he said you have robbed me today you don't want to rob god he said some have robbed me in time and in offering some in booth you don't want to be a part of that so give unto the lord what belongs to him amen and know have an understanding that he is able to make all grace abound towards you that you always having all sufficiency in all things will abound onto every good work amen hallelujah begin to pray by your tithe prayer by your offering speak over it speak over it speak about it speak over it in faith we are not giving carelessly we are giving with understanding we are very deliberate about what we are doing yes please pray about it as you come down speak about your ties speak about your offering let us pray lift it up before the lord father we give thanks for this opportunity to give to sow our seed and to honor you with our tithe and with our offering for everything we possess belongs to you anyway as we give we are that he will bless us bless the work of our hands and make us a blessing to your kingdom let new treasures be released unto us let every devourer and waster be rebuked as we give our as we pay our tithe and let the heavens of the windows of heaven open that new treasures and blessings will come upon us in jesus name amen please drop your tithe giving it shall be given first fruits on the altar don't crowd just respect the protocols give people the chance to drop this and then you can drop yours also we have drop boxes around the altar also so they're still free i mean this will be your week of financial blessings and miracles for those of all those of us online and those here who want to give by the electronic means the details are on your screen you can follow them god bless you let's welcome the choir [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] give us [Music] [Music] it together [Music] [Music] [Music] shake it together [Music] is [Music] is [Music] when you give [Music] hallelujah thank you so we also have a much offering for our brother roland who is giving thanks for god bringing him this far he's 70 years old it's our brother roland in the house roland john jesse are you in the house could you please stand kuda labata happy 70th birthday may the lord bless you with many many years of fulfillment and joy and peace in the name of jesus live longer and flourish in jesus name amen put your hands together for the big man 17 good years of god's faithfulness the family of the late uh mr psycho dear ado also want to thank god for the successful burial of the father may the lord continue to protect the entire family and keep you in jesus name amen we want to acknowledge those who are here for the very first time today is your first time worshiping with us you are special and we want to get to know you if you could kindly stand that would be a great blessing anybody here for the first time thank you so much god bless you god bless you god bless you could you please do us a favor could you please come forward if today is your first time we have a special message for you please come forward or maybe you visit for a while and today you've decided i want to join this church please come forward also and then while you hear the word some of you realize that i don't even know this god i haven't experienced him yet i want to be born again i don't want to go to hell i want to know this god for myself please come forward also you want to be born again give your life to jesus today it's your first time or you want to be a member of this church please come forward please come god bless you god bless you god bless you don't postpone that decision don't say out give my life to jesus next week there is no promise of next week today if you hear his voice don't harden your heart give your life to jesus and allow him to make you what he has purposed to make you amen put your hands to your love for my sister she comes from the third level thank you thank you out of respect for her we will wait thank you i'll put your hands together for her one more time let's encourage here on behalf of the archbishop the father of the house we welcome all of you to the service and we pray that the week ahead will be your week of testimonies and blessings in the name of jesus may god do something new in your life in jesus name thank you so much for choosing to spend this time with us if you turn around have a brother behind you in a black suit please go with him he has some information for you and then you come back into the service now you're welcome god bless you please put your hands together for them as they go and less quickly just before that for those of you online especially if you want to give your life to jesus that pray this simple prayer with us say heavenly father i believe that he sent your son jesus to die in my place i accept jesus today as my lord and my savior help me lord to live for you from this day in jesus name amen we have numbers on your screen call those numbers and you will receive help amen let's turn our attention to the screens that receive the day's announcements this is aci news your source for the action at action we published for the second time the bands of marriage between brother alex qabina ofori atta of the prayer cathedral and sister francis asi quan sima quanza of glorious liberty outreach church hawashi anya accra on saturday the 18th of september 2021 at glorious liberty outreach church abushi anya accra at 12 noon if anyone knows of any just cause or impediment why these two persons should not be joined together in holy matrimony you ought to please declare it to the head of family life department on or before the set date members are to note that there will be a child dedication in the second service of sunday 26th of september 2021 parents who wish to dedicate their children should contact the church secretary at the administration for the necessary formalities before the set date parents who do not go through the necessary formalities will not have their children dedicated both parents must be present on the day of dedication our dear bishop edmund kwaku arthur has gone to be with the lord file past is from 8 00 a.m on saturday the 11th of september 2021 at the prairie cathedral followed by the pre-burial service from 9 00 a.m members are encouraged to share with these families in their time of believement attire saturday 11 september black sunday the 12th of september black and white dominion christian academy located at the aci prayer cathedral premises is enrolling students from preschool to grade nine for the 2021-2022 academic year the singapore uk u.s and global curriculum will give your child an educational advantage in today's competitive environment and your child will be safe within the walls of the prayer cathedral visit the admissions office or email us at dominion christian academy gh you can also call on plus 233-542-458-430 for assistance and inquiries do you know that there are ways to achieve vitality and be free from chronic illnesses and premature death at the center for health and rejuvenation we provide you with the very best that functional medicine offers contact us on zero three zero two nine eight five eight two two or zero five five eight six five eight nine eight four to book an appointment alabasta laboratories action chapel international spintex road provides the following services beginning september 2021 covered 19 testing pcr and antigen testing pcr covered test certificate for travelers covered 19 home testing services please contact us on zero three zero two nine eight five eight two two or zero five five eight six five eight nine eight four members are encouraged to be part of our home sale meetings held every saturday kindly call zero five five four nine six nine zero nine seven for assistance in locating a cell near you kindly join us throughout the week for exciting services and prayer sessions early morning prayer meetings mondays to fridays 5 30 a.m to 6 30 a.m noon prayer mondays to fridays except for thursdays 12 noon to 1 pm mid-week service wednesday 7 p.m to 8 30 p.m dominion are thursdays 10 a.m to 12 noon friday night prayer encounter fridays 7 pm to 9 pm all department members and judge workers are to be present [Music] and now in the name of the father of the son and of the holy spirit i officially in the name of the lord jesus by divine authority commission alabaster love international [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] say with me my present challenges and circumstances is going to give me an experience that i will need to confront and face the things that are coming on the earth i will have the audacity i'll be fully persuaded because i will have an experience through what i'm going through right now hear me what you are facing whatever it is please trust me on this i've been doing this 45 years pay attention the outcome of what you are facing right now it doesn't matter how terrible it looks like please believe me and hear me just one thing it's going to lead into a testimony say i receive it is going to lead into an experience say an experience you are going to need that to live long you're going to need that to be around for a long time you're going to need that to tell the doctor i don't receive it i disagree with you you are going to need that in the face of adversity when everybody is predicting your demise to say no no not so somebody said not so not true not so somebody say not so name of jesus so pay attention is not to your death whatever it is it's not going to kill you pay attention it's for an experience lift up your hands quickly i shall not die [Music] one more time everybody online everywhere [Music] heavenly father as i walk from these holy grounds to my dwelling and to whatever my destination is i command engage and deploy the mighty hand of god and the ministry and angels the warring angels the hand of the lord upon me and everyone and everything that concerns me that those who devise my heart and demise shall be put to shame shall be put to shame they shall not prevail they will not prosper they will not proceed any further but as for me and my house and this house my country and all that concerns me will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living until tonight you are blessed see you tonight sit down follow our protocols sit down my soul [Music] you
Channel: Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams
Views: 6,868
Rating: 4.8222222 out of 5
Keywords: Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams, Nicholas Duncan Williams, NicholasDuncanWilliams
Id: Y9fJQbg6X5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 45sec (6645 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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