How to Organize 30 Spaces in 30 Minutes!

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if you think organizing your entire home is going to take you forever I'm about to change your mind organizing your entire house can feel really overwhelming like who's got time for that you have time for that because the truth is I'm going to show you 30 different spaces that you can organize in under 30 minutes each and for under 30 dollars some of these are even free one of the most important spots to organize is called a drop zone it's basically your entrance way if you want to come in and have a place for your coats and for your purse and your backpacks and your shoes but it doesn't have to be fancy or expensive you can get Dollar Store bins to kick your shoes into inexpensive hooks hung right on the wall even an inexpensive shoe shelf give it a home but the best thing you can do is store your off season or rarely used things somewhere else so this space never feels cluttered organizing your memories your special sentimental things doesn't have to be overwhelming and it's super fast make sure you have a memory bin for each family member you want like a large tote and then just sort into it don't overthink this and what I really recommend is having also a bin somewhere in your home preferably your entrance way that's kind of like Memories to sort later so if your kids come home with artwork or a report card or you have an obituary or a special card you can just toss it in your interim memory bin and then you only have to sort one day a year organizing craft supplies can be super fast and easy when you have the right container and I especially love these Bento Box style whether you're doing small things like beads or even big supplies these big boxes are perfect they stack but don't buy them at Michael's go to your local hardware store even your dollar store has a lot of these Bento Box style containers on a budget and you can organize everything from your vinyl write down to your pom-poms organizing books doesn't have to be overwhelming you just have to create a dedicated home it doesn't matter if you put them in rainbow colors or you organized by categories the only thing that matters is you give them breathing room so make sure you're decluttering the books you don't love or that you would never read again and make sure you have a dedicated bookcase or shelf for them to go the secret to organizing toys is called the sorted Toy Bin system and you want to have containers that are about this size I feel like one square foot is perfect it's small enough for kids to handle without being too heavy but it's large enough to macro organize the real secret here is sorting into big macro categories and make sure you're adding a picture or a big word label if your kids can read this way they're never overwhelmed they don't have to dump and make a mess and toys are always staying organized the tip to keeping your purse always organized is something I don't do which is emptying it out on a regular basis it is meant to be a trash bag with handles it is filled with junk so make sure every week you are making time to empty out your purse butt to keep it organized the one thing that I do do is keep all of my important ID and like credit cards together and keep all of my gift cards or Star cards separately so that way no matter what size purse I'm using I can always quickly just swap out the important stuff and I'm never losing anything one of the most important areas that you have to organize is your important paper action file this is really easy to do honestly if you are like me and you just kind of want to hide it a simple file box like this throw in all the things that need to be signed or paid or filed and if you're visual going with an inexpensive magazine rack is like so fast and easy it's all about giving it a home but the real secret is every single week making a reoccurring date with yourself to empty the paper and deal with it the secret to organizing your junk drawer honestly any drawer is heading to the dollar store and getting some of these little drawer dividers get as many as can fit snugly into your drawer so take a little measuring tape and then organize into the bin like make each little drawer divider a different category one for writing or office one for tools whatever you have in the drawer this is the fastest and easiest way to organize any drawer and you could do each one for under ten dollars you can organize all your food storage container in minutes with this really quick tip the first thing is take everything out and match every bottom with a lid if you have an extra lid or top those have to go now you have two options with what's left you can store them like this with the lids on stacked together but if you're like me and they're always a little wet another option is to have a bin that you put all the lids into so that way everything's contained and organized and you just need to pair the lid with the bottom when you need it the best way to organize a freezer is definitely to have like the right container and I love these containers they're just 5.99 each but because they're so tall and skinny you can put all of your veggies or one for steak one for burgers organize each category into a different bin and they're never gonna crack so it's keeping everything tidy and it's really visual too these are great bin for organizing your freezer you can organize your fridge in about 10 minutes with these two quick tips the first thing you want to do is contain your condiments so gather your Mayo your ketchup mustard and make sure you're either having like a drawer like this in the door or one shelf or all of your salad dressings sauces keep those contained and the second thing that you can do is designate every shelf for a different category so one for dairy and cheeses or one for leftovers or one for fruits and vegetables this is how you organize a fridge fast it's not about the fancy containers it's all all about function Pantry organization doesn't have to be all rainbows and gorgeous containers it's really about just creating homes for everything and like like items so I like using big bins Dollar Store bins are great for categories like pasta or rice because when you're using a container you can stack a lot higher so you get way more stuff in your pantry you also want to make sure to take all of the pre-packaged things out of like the bigger box so any snacks granola bars cookies all of those things you're going to save a lot of space take it out of the big box and put it in a bin instead let's talk about organizing spices the whole point of this video is to show you like good enough organization things that you can do without spending money without spending a lot of time to instantly make your space more functional and the trick for spices is to put it like in a tray system like this like this is a dollar store bin or even if it's in a cabinet to put them in like a shallow tray that way you can get to the stuff that in the back by just pulling out the whole container so yes I think decanting is awesome and I think you should make cute little labels but that's a more type that's a project for another day today it's all about fast spice organization so throw them in a tray even in their original containers it doesn't matter because this is going to make cooking every day easier definitely one of the best things I ever organized in my home is a household management binder I used to have a lot of things on the side of my fridge or in a drawer it was little pieces of paper like passwords and the login for my kids school and what time the bus comes and the number for their teacher or other things like our insurance information emergency information the number of the painter that I super love or whoever installed our flooring it's all the things that I use to manage my home including cleaning checklists all together in one binder I have a printable for you I'm going to put a link down below but creating a household management finder is something you can do in under 30 minutes and it's going to save you a ton of time the best thing that you could do to organize your kitchen gadgets or like your big utensils is to declutter them I'm being honest look how many spatulas do you actually need how many different ways do you need to peel a carrot friend going through and just eliminating duplicates you only need one potato masher making sure that you're not having those gadgets that only do one thing if you have a balled a melon it's time to let that go that is how you have an organized functional drawer in your kitchen it's honestly letting go organizing baking supplies is the one space that I think everyone should decant no matter what your organizing style is but you don't have to spend a lot of time or money just pick up some inexpensive bins and things like sugar flour all of those things when you're putting it into container like this it's going to keep it fresh and you're going to be able to go high with the stacking to take advantage of every square inch organizing pots and pans is like a total pain in the butt I don't have a lot of space so decluttering is step one if you hate the pan why do you have it but the second thing you can do is invest in a lid organizer this way you can Nestle all your pots and pans together have all the lids organized and this is going to save you a lot of space organizing under your sink doesn't have to be like a big nasty dirty job take everything out and then sort things into big categories all your trash bags together everything you use to wash the dishes together and all your cleaning supplies and when you put it back just put these things back in different containers you can these Dollar Store containers or you can go ahead and get these These are obviously my favorite right now these tall skinny bad boys just 5.99 each under 30 minutes and under 30 dollars you can have a super organized under the sink one of the first things I ever organized when I was like on my journey from Messi to clean was cords and cables I am not a detailed person here's the thing you just need a spot for it this could be a bin from the dollar store I just have these stacking bins grab all the extra cords and cables it doesn't matter if you don't even know what it's for you can wrap them or you can just throw them in this isn't about perfection this is about giving a dedicated home so when you do need a cord or a cable you know exactly where to look because everything's together and organized and that's what organization is really about when I organize office supplies I actually don't like keeping them in the desk I feel like your desk is for those high traffic everyday things so if you have things like printer ink or extra Staples all that stuff all these type of office supplies are best organized in stackable boxes just like this you can even find these at the dollar store it's not about spending a lot of money it's about containing everything in an e easy to label home and having them somewhere close to your office space but not in your desk when it comes to organizing your computer files this can seem really stressful and overwhelming but it's actually easier than you think because your computer can do all the Sorting for you so you just have to open up a finder window and then sort by either date or type of file you can even open another one create the folder you want and drag and drop the folders in in minutes like minutes you can have your entire computer really organized really quickly how to organize a dresser you can definitely invest in some fancy drawer dividers which will make things easier you can fold like Marie condo also awesome but if you're like me and you don't fold even if you do here's the real secret to keeping address or organized it's not having access declutter your holy underwear declutter your socks get rid of the pants that don't fit you having breathing room in your dresser drawers is the secret to keeping them tidy you can organize your entire closet in under 30 minutes and completely for free here's the real secret I like to sort clothing by category so all the short sleeves together the long sleeves together all the dresses together and then I just quickly color coordinate you don't have to take everything out to do this just take one thing out and kind of like move it where you want it to go before you know it your entire closet will be rainbow colored and sorted by category in minutes everyone's bedside tables are usually like kind of disgustingly hot messes it's because it's really easy to just toss things in the drawers or right on the bedside table the secret to keeping these organized is to eliminate all the excess the things you're not using every day store those somewhere else all those extra cords and cables not in the bedside table clean it out and if you're really visual put a tray on top because that's going to contain all the little things and make it feel less cluttered this is definitely one of my favorite ways to organize jewelry I went to the Dollar Store and I got some cork boards and some Dollar Store push pins and that was it I did cover it in fabric but you don't have to I just hang all my necklaces here I stuck it with 3m strips on the side of the dresser it ain't fancy but it works so for about three dollars you can organize all your jewelry one of the biggest things that like makes a bunch of mess in your bedroom are all of the clothes that you've worn once since they're are like jeans they're not dirty enough to put in the wash but you don't actually want to put them back so you put them on the chair or the floor or the top of the dresser just giving yourself some really cheap hooks behind your door solves this problem seriously I want to see this in every bedroom because this is literally one of the best organizing things you can ever do hands down the best way to organize your bathroom is to create a little caddy system for your everyday get ready products so everything you use whether it's deodorant or makeup or face wash put it all in a little container like a caddy or a tray and if you're visual leave it out or have it on a floating shelf right beside where you get ready and if you're hidden you can just tuck it under the cabinet this is going to save you a ton of time and keep you super organized in your bathroom you can organize all your medication or your vitamins in seconds by literally just Gathering them together get rid of anything that's expired and then create homes for the medication personally I just like one big bin labeled medicine but if you're a detailed person you can use a turntable just like this and have one little category for pain reliever one for allergy one for antacids this is going to keep you organized and keep everything super tidy when it comes to organizing your Linens yeah this is how I fold here my sheets are a hot mess sandwich but if you fold or if you don't organizing them is the same way what I like to do is keep each set inside a pillowcase this is the wrong pillowcase don't judge me but both pillowcases four pillowcases whatever you usually use the bottom and the top sheet keep them all together inside the pillowcase so it's always together and organized this looks like a meatball yours probably looks nice the last thing I think you should organize and probably the most important is your time organizing your day and you can do this by every single day writing a short to-do list you can meal plan every week have a grocery list right beside your fridge so that you can check off things as you run out look at creating a more functional and streamlined Life by doing a little bit of organization right now so thanks so much for watching let me know in the comments below which of these spaces you want to organize today I promise you under 30 minutes stop procrastinating get up and take action right now and I'll see you guys next time wait a minute also if you could do me a solid and give this video a thumbs up that is actually important like YouTube likes that and they think wow people must like this video I'm going to share it to other people which is helpful for me and also if you haven't subscribed already maybe you might want to because I'm I'm a nice person also I just bought a brand new house we have a ton of really awesome organizing content coming soon thanks so much and I'll see you guys next time hey guys thanks so much for those of you who have stayed to the end so it's time for story time are you ready for this this happened a couple of days ago I went out with friends to a party I left my children in charge of Penny I got a photo a couple hours later of dog poo everywhere because they didn't take her out and then I facetimed her and I just hear screaming she's rolling in it she's rolling in it so I drove home the next day I'm busy we're busy all day we're packing we're doing stuff I'm out with Joe and I'm stressed and I haven't eaten and I start seeing lights like little flickers and I know that this means a migraine is coming by the time we get home Penny's eye is swollen like quasi-freaking Moto it's dripping goo she looks it's in it's a thing so I have to race her to the vet the vet is like hold her head I'm gonna take her temperature where the sun doesn't ah Penny's not a fan of things in her rectum I'm not some people she's not a fan so she bit me she's never bit me she was scared her eye was inflamed it was a thing so she just like bit my head it didn't hurt but my I was like so stressed I immediately went blind true story friends like not blind blind but uh my my or like the flashing lights just became bright light like I couldn't see I could kind of see outlines but it was just like a bright light in my eye so I had to call Joe to come and get me and get the dog it was 400 for eye drops guess what the problem was she got poo in her eye from Rolling In Her feces the day before because this is my life friends and I'm in the back of Joe's truck and I'm hurling into a garbage bag or just like a like a grocery bag hurling it's dripping out the bottom the dog's eye is dripping this is and Joe just comes in there and he's like it's every day like this and it is and it is but the point of the story is I'm curious if you've ever had these type of migraines before not all the other stuff these type of migraines it starts with flashing lights then I usually go completely blind or like partly blind but still no pain then comes the hurling after the hurling it's daggers in my head for like maybe two hours and then I'm completely fine what is happening is this a is this a normal migraine experience let me know in the comments before below if you've ever experienced this before it's weird friends and afterwards I'm always like did that cause permanent brain damage because that is not normal anyways thanks so much and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Clutterbug
Views: 331,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to organize, clutterbug, organizing tips, ideas, home organization, organize, clutter free, how to organize fast, cheap organizing ideas, how to organize for free, how to get organized for free, how to organize your room, how to organize your closet, how to organize your life, 30 spaces in 30 minutes, how to get organized, how to organize your home, how to organize kitchen, organizing ideas, fast organizing ideas, organizing tips for adhd, home organization videos
Id: 8Q9-nk_cT_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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