Genius Decluttering Strategies for 10 minutes Straight

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going from a cluttered overwhelming home to a paradise that is calm and soothing can seem super stressful but thanks to the decluttering Queens we have you covered now I think my very favorite strategy right off the bat from Don the minimal mom is it is not a clear yes it is a no so as we look through this stuff we are going to say is it a clear yes and if so I'm gonna keep it and if I at all waiver hesitate I'm not sure about it that means it's a no one of the reasons why this is so incredible is so often we hesitate when we are decluttering we are thinking through a myriad of reasons why we should actually keep something and we actually start to tell and make up stories for ourselves so for example I have this canner the thing about canning is this is not an immediate yes for me I can say well um here's the thing and as soon as I start getting into that well um here's the thing that right there is telling me that I am making up a story maybe I'm like well what if I have like a massive canning thing to do or what about this shirt that's missing a button now you might find that button one day but here's the thing nope nope that's a story and this brings me to such an incredible question to ask by the amazing Dana K white if I needed this item where would I look for it first okay the key word here is wood not should I absolutely love that Dana clarifies wood and not should because if we're thinking right away where would this go then we're like yeah okay I know exactly where I would put that like my vitamins I know where those go and shirts things like that but if we're thinking where should it go then we're starting to come up with ideas and that is how things first of all get crammed into weird places or lost all all together I know that I would look for my ice cream maker here this jar of pennies where would I put it uh nowhere where should I put it oh my gosh and yes yes I know I know I should be taking these to the bank but like the bank come on I'll get there I also really really like this method for those of us with ADHD but where will I put this to look for it first the whole point of like where would I look for this is huge and not where should it go but so often we lose things and we look and look and look and I have spent years of my life looking for things that are lost perhaps you should consider being like that is exactly where this should go from now on if you are just putting things in random spots all together I know that's a bit of an aside but I just had to throw that in there now Dana's next question really sums it up but let's say that you pull something out and you go okay googly eyes if I was looking for googly eyes where would I look for them first I'm feeling a little cold out if I needed this item would it ever occur to me that I already had one if I needed googly eyes would it ever occur to me that I already had googly eyes this is absolutely perfect yes it basically does not belong in your house if you can't think of where you would keep it it Harkens back to the idea that everything has a place and a place for everything now my children should be not putting these away here this is not the place for the glass measuring cups which is hilarious because they have been down in this drawer for a very long time that is the place for these things so back to should okay you are not at all organized you may need to work on that sure don't worry but I know that my mop is going to be with my broom in the broom closet that is one of the great things about knowing where things go so my food processor is going to be with the ice cream maker and the other small appliances but you might be like well where do I actually start when I'm decluttering well let's hear what Steph has to say about that I used to just have everything loose in here and I kind of like that but I thought it looked really messy and so I bought these inserts to try and get more organized just they come out like this and it actually worse and made it way more difficult and now it's like hard to kind of close the drawer and things stick up so I'm going to start here with this drawer I always like to start in the place that's driving me the most crazy and that would be this I mean yes unless it's a spot that is going to completely overwhelm you and then throw you off track like maybe your garage or even your kitchen depending on the state of things another option is what Mary Beth from at what cost suggests ripping the Band-Aid off with decluttering is kind of like starting with the easy stuff and for me it's going to be shoes because I have shoes here here here here here here here and oh yes I'm here too and you know which ones I always end up wearing these what I love about the whole shoe thing that Mary best suggests is because shoes are something that maybe it's not a super overwhelming space and even if it is we can still say okay I have not worn these shoes for a while or these shoes are actually uncomfortable and I'm probably not going to wear them again which can make it such a simpler spot to start especially if you are worried that starting in the garage or somewhere else is going to completely overwhelm you and throw you off of track this is the old one in one out rule I got a new green Blazer to replace this one now this one I got last year I got it second hand it's a bit too kind of heavy it's very very faded so one in one out so not only does this work for clothes but it also works for cookbooks which is totally my guilty little pleasure every year at Christmas and maybe a few other times in the air I'm just saying I indulge in a cookbook here's the thing I you use them and I love them but there tends to be a season for each cookbook and if you're only using one recipe well I just copy that one recipe take a photo and I put it in my phone and then I donate the other one so every time I get a new cookbook one has to go and be de-cluttered and donated usually it's because we're putting stuff up here and our own peace of mind and time and energy down here and so we need to flip-flop these did you know that having a tidy home is one possible predictor of Health also did you know that hoarding can cause physical pain that is exactly what was shown in this article from the Royal Australian College of general practitioners now one important thing for you to know is how important your environment is in your overall health and well-being and I'm talking physical health and your mental health I'm a registered nurse I see a lot of people who are struggling and if you you think about it food water and shelter are three things that we always talk about as like necessities of life so food you know are you eating food yes is it good food hopefully are you drinking enough are you drinking enough water and is it not just like tea and coffee although I mean I love tea but shelter shelter is more than just a roof over your head it's what you surround yourself with and how that environment makes you feel so keep that in mind when you are decluttering your house now another great strategy for how you are actually setting up your environment and your home is what Steph has to say right here babe I'm dividing everything by you so cooking utensils baking stuff prep stuff straws and then other I love this one and I actually have my kitchen set up so that my old most often used utensils are here right next to the stove but another good question you can ask yourself about what you should keep is this are they serving me like look at these these oh are they not so cute look at the little bow oh they're so cute but you know what I don't wear them anymore I actually don't even have the clothes that I used to wear with them seasons of life have changed for me look at the Dust is this item serving me no this might seem overwhelming in some ways but if it is something that you can without a doubt have a yes to you know where it goes and it serves you think about artwork for example it is totally serving its purpose there are a lot of things in our house where we're like oh my gosh I don't know should I keep this does it serve my purpose again this is like why we go back to Dawn's whole thing where she's like if it's not a yes then it's a no and you might be thinking well like what about artwork it's serving you like if you're enjoying your artwork and if it like adds an Ambiance to your house that you really like totally keep it and that brings us to a very important tip from Diane maybe you have Halloween decorations Christmas decorations any kind of Decor that you've been using for parties if you're not going to be using it again soon please pass it on to somebody else who will this can be kind of hard and believe me my eldest child my sweet little firstborn baby is graduating this here and it's sad yet I'm happy what are the things I really want to invite you to do is to feel the feels when you are decluttering when you're going through something in life feel the feels like if you're not using something like Halloween decor or kids costumes it's okay to take a moment and say like yeah that part of my life is done right now and I'm just going to pass those on and it's okay to feel a little bit sad what's not okay is keeping things in your environment because you have trouble letting go of the past and sure it can be hard but it's so amazing to have the opportunity to pass things on to others who might be at the stage in their life where they need those things and you are giving them this wonderful gift I absolutely love it remember you are not your stuff and your health could be a affected by that clutter around you so check out this video here for how to reverse this I'm going to go into how the Clutter affects your health but also how to combat it thank you to the amazing creators in this video I hope something good happens to you today and thank you so much for watching bye
Channel: Minimalist Home
Views: 156,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BC, Canada, How to, Friendly, West Coast, minimalism, simplify, adhd, minimal mom, dana k white, diane in denmark, secret slob, minimalist home, the minimal mom
Id: ubXYeSL-18k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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