ANGELS & THE WORD: How Angels Minister To You Daily🔥|Prophet Lovy Elias

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God bless everybody this is Dr prophet loie elas and I welcome you to this amazing amazing afternoon or morning depending on where you are in the presence of God and I believe that the Lord Jesus is going to bless you elevate you and you are going to see the goodness of God like you have never seen before amen I am so grateful to God for the opportunity that he has given us to be here right now amen and uh I know there is something special that God is ready to do for me and for you in order for us to achieve every single thing that God has called us to do amen so I want you to uh share this as many times as you can and uh by sharing you're letting somebody else be blessed and you're allowing their life to be transformed by the very word that you're also receiving amen um I want you to be blessed I want your life to transform and I want the display and the Splendor of God to be revealed through your life amen amen uh I want us to understand today that uh I'm going to speak about angels and the word amen now a lot of people want to understand what is the role of angels when we pray or when we pray how do we incorporate the activities of Angels in our prayer amen now this is important to understand because there is nothing that God does without his angels okay and anyone that is ignorant of the Angelic realm is ignorant of their spiritual life Wow Wow hey hey teach us I'll say that again anyone that is ignorant of angels is ignorant of their spiritual life it means they ignorant of the kingdom of God it means they are not aware of how the spiritual World Works mhm so it is absolutely incredibly important for every Believer by the grace and the mercies of God to comprehend how this mighty God we serve operates one of the names of God is the god of hosts he's called the God of angels or the god of the Heavenly Army it means this God operates with other beings that he created okay wow yeah so if you're not aware of the Angelic activity in a believer's life you are robbing yourself of the ministry of angels wow hey there is no Deliverance that God ever performed on the earth got it without Angels wow there is no breakthrough that was ever brought on the earth without Angels there is no healing that has ever happened without Angels there is no protection that has ever happened without Angels so it is absolutely important it is absolutely important for a child of God to understand the place of angels how they operate and how you can cause angels to be even more active in your life what makes my Ministry effective is because I understand the work of Angels in my life I comprehend it amen the reason why God has given me the grace to prophesy deep is because Angels help me yeah yeah mhm the reason why Deliverance is so easy in our church is because Angels help me there are so many things that God desires to do for his children but the thing that slows us down is the misunderstanding and the and the miscomprehension of the things of the spirit and because you don't know the things of the spirit you cannot benefit from them wow so true teach us he if you notice let me go to the other side for a second mhm if you look at any demonic thing if you look at the other side and if you look carefully if Christians see a man of God performing Miracles that they have never seen or they can't do or they see them prophesying their first answer will be they're using evil Powers they're using demonic spirits they're using Marine Spirits or whatever they want to call them that's true that's true but they know that it is impossible to do any kind of Supernatural thing without the aid of Spiritual Beings right yeah that's true so they can point out that this is the work of evil spirits but when it comes to a Believer doing the same thing if it is not the holy spirit is the devil yet the holy spirit is God right yeah God is involved in our lives but God is not involved in our lives without Angels oh that's good I I feel like uh maybe you're not understanding me children of God are you are you getting me yes yes are you getting me are you getting me so so understand me by the spirit of God try to understand me by the spirit of God try to comprehend this by the the holy spirit amen and my prayer is really that that you you really get to understand this in in such a what's the word I'm I'm I'm thinking of I want you to get the depth of this to understand that you don't want to be that believer that has robbed themsel of everything that God has designed for them yeah okay you see if you look at the children of Israel when they left Egypt mhm Moses said God shall deliver You by a mighty hand God shall do Great Signs among you but what the children of Israel could not see was the angel that was with Moses ah okay actually okay break it down break it down there was an angel that functioned with Moses and he's the same angel that he met burning in the tree right yeah that same Angel is involved in everything that Moses is doing that same Angel is the same angel that stood in the midst of the Red Sea as a cloud that followed them even after the Red Sea it was the angel of the Lord in the cloud when the children of Israel had crossed over the angel of the Lord actually appeared to the Egyptians yes true tells you that yeah let's go to Exodus does do let's go to [Music] Exodus okay this will be in Musa the encyclopedia uh okay it is it is uh in Genesis no Exodus m uh it should be 133 if I'm not wrong 14 19 it's 14 19 149 okay there we go let's see this uh okay okay no it's actually 14:19 mhm is that what you said yes okay here we go I was reading 13 okay now look at this and the angel of the Lord this is ex US 14: 19 mhm and the angel of the Lord which went before the camp of Israel removed and went behind them and the pillar of the cloud went from before their faces and stood behind them so who was controlling the cloud he was an angel an angel and it came between the camp of the Egyptians in the camp of the Israelites that's verse 20 but I want to show you something verse 23 are you ready mhm and the Egyptians pursued and went after them to the midst of the sea even all Pharaoh's Pharaoh's horses and his chariots and his Horsemen and it came to pass that in the morning watch the Lord looked unto the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and of the cloud and troubl the host of the Egyptians but now this is weird because one minute it's saying there is an angel in the cloud and then the next minute is saying there is the Lord in the cloud so people conclude that the Lord is is Jesus in the cloud let me ask you a question a prophet is a spokesman of God yeah right yeah or even pastors and evangelist anybody that speaks Divine words of the spirit is speaking on behalf of God so if I stand and I say I the Lord will bless you I the Lord will increase you is it Prophet Loi speaking or is it the Lord it is the Lord speaking that makes sense so when the angel is that makes sense do you understand it now yes remember nobody can see God yes that makes sense ah okay I don't know if somebody got it maybe um I'm I'm saying too much no you did I I I need to to slow down I don't want to make some people um uh lose their minds a little bit make us lose our minds so there is no manifestation of God I'm not saying God doesn't manifest himself yes he does but when you say the Bible says the angel of the Lord Encompass them that fear him so who protects you when you sleep the angel of the Lord is said the angel of the Lord yes who protects you when you're walking around it's the angel of the Lord how do we know this in Psalms and this is the same verse that the devil used against Jesus and he will give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways so the one who is keeping you in all thy ways is his angels by the order of the Holy Spirit true true true true so the more aware you are of the Angelic realm the easier it is for you to function deeper and better with God am amen teach it it's like going to to the justice system and you're trying to seek Justice from the president or the Supreme Court which is not impossible but the court is representing the law of the land in whatever capacity you go to and when when the case cannot be solved in this court then they push it to the higher courts it's the same thing with the spiritual World there are things that can be handled in the human level there are things that can be handled in the Angelic realm there are things that can be handled in the higher Angelic Realms and then there are things that can be handled by God himself oh wow so there's levels so it goes in levels it's 100% levels so anybody that doesn't understand what is happening will misunderstand everything when Elijah prayed this is something I'm going to teach at a certain point amen when Elijah said The God Who Answers by fire mhm a lot of people did not understand what Elijah was saying help us a lot of people didn't understand even what Elijah was praying for when he says say The God Who Answers by fire let me ask you a question have you ever prayed and God answered you by sending fire no how is fire solving your prayer request Lord I need a job he sends Fire Lord I need a breakthrough he send Fire doesn't make sense somebody doesn't understand yet it doesn't make sense doesn't make sense at all mhm but if you leave read in the scriptures the Bible says there's a group of angels called siraf burning ones wow oh wow yeah so and Moses was saying The God Who Answers by fire when when when when Elijah was saying The God Who Answers by fire he was requesting an angel from the presence of God the angels from the presence of God called seraphim because they the only ones that are the burning ones so he's saying The God Who Answers by fire he saying the God will answer me through the S sending a okay so when the angel comes down he consumes the he consumes the offering and the angel remains with him you notice anybody that is challenging him is consumed by fire exactly yeah yeah hold on let me show you something whoa hey this is good let J hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on let me find this let me find this he just came to my spirit take your time oh Jesus uh are you ready Second Kings 2 Kings chapter 1 begin from verse 10 to 15 yes Dad 2 Kings chapter 1 from verse 10 amen to5 listen to this children of God listen to this but Elijah answered the captain of 50 if I am a man of God let Fire come down from heaven and consume you and and your 50 MH then fire came down from heaven and consumed him and his 50 MH again the king sent to him another captain of 50 men with his 50 and he answered and said to him oh man of God this is the King's order come down quickly but Elijah answered them if I am a man of God let Fire come down from heaven and consume you and your 50 then the fire of God came down from heaven and consumed him and his 5050 yes again the king sent the captain of a third 50 with his 50 and the third captain of 50 went up and came and fell on his knees before Elijah and intreated him oh man of God please let my life and the life of these 50 Servants of yours be precious in your sight behold fire came down from heaven and consumed the two former captains of 50 men with their 50s but now let my life be precious in your sight then the angel of the Lord said to Elijah go down with him do not be afraid of him so he arose and went down with him to the king so who was who was the burning people verse 15 and the angel of the Lord said go with him but nowhere in Elijah's Ministry you're seeing the angel of the Lord until Elijah offers the offering to God um so was that was that angel that met uh monoa Samson's dad in the garden was that also a seraphim yes amen yes he went up in the flame he touched the thing and went up in the flame yes yeah the truth is a lot of the great prophets worked with seraphim amen Moses also amen okay amen so when in church I say somebody shout fire now you understand what we doing we are asking father God to send more of them that's what it means ah so now comprehend this you may have to delete this video that's good that's actually really good hey really good we're safe because remember God is is the consuming fire right so the Bible says he who makes his his Min who he makes his angels ministering spirits and his ministers a flame of fire ah so there are group of angels that are fire and there group of angels that are just ministering Spirits teach me how do I use them how do I talk to them okay I need answers now so now now now now let let me let me take it to where we we need to go amen take me D please so so so capture this by the spirit of God capture this by the spirit of God try to understand this by the spirit of God yes papa try to comprehend this and I pray that this enters your spirit amen amen receive am you cannot do anything with god without Angels it's impossible yes it is 100% impossible and the impossibility is not that God cannot it's that God is God you're expecting the king of glory to leave his throne to come and serve you if just understand that logic you already understand that that's not how it works wow and it because if God has to leave everything to attend to you then what is the purpose of angels wow even on Earth there are things that Angels don't do because we have to serve a purpose right right right so there are things that we have to do as men that angels will never be involved an example is an angel cannot go and preach the gospel right is not their Duty so he gives human beings something to do that's why angels are called ministering Spirits they come to help you to do what God has called you to do helpful helpful so even though God says I will help you it means that it is him in essence because he's omnipresent right he omniscient is all powerful but it is not him technically that is doing it it is him doing it through his angels wow wow that makes it so clear my goodness you see we cut the middle man yet the middleman is is important wow absolutely wow wow wow we remove the middleman yet the middl man is important in fact God God says this for he will send his angels to take charge of thee do you know what do you mean to take charge it means there are angels that are responsible for you completely to keep you in all your ways do you know what it means to keep you in all your ways every decision that you will make they involved uhhuh wow that is to keep you in all your ways it doesn't mean when you go out of your house alone no to keep you in all thy ways if you see the devil tempting Jesus on the Angelic Ministry it means the ministry of angels is extremely important important yeah because he wanted Jesus to lose confidence in the ministry of angels right oh wow oh oh oh oh oh hey this is more up please please please please hold on let me show you something amen thank you [Music] Jesus hold on I'll show it to you right now take your time you thank me later I'm thanking you now please please please glory be to Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus [Music] M Mark chapter 1 amen verse 11 to13 amen Mark 111 to13 to13 and there came a voice from Heaven saying Thou Art my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased and immediately the spirit driveth drith him into the Wilderness and he was there in the wilderness for 40 days tempted of Satan and was with the wild beasts and the angels ministered unto him oh so Jesus wasn't alone in the wilderness after 40 days read that again verse 13 and he was there in the wilderness 40 days tempted of Satan and was with the wild beasts and the angels ministered unto him so Angels were ministering to Jesus so when you L when you read Luke 4 verse4 what does it say Luke 4:14 yeah read read it read it Luke 4:14 and Jesus returned in the power of the spirit into Galilee so what was the power of the spirit Angels Angels ah oh the reason why the fame of Jesus was spreading is because Angels were were were doing work really okay the reason why the Miracles were deep is because Angels were helping [Music] him I I don't know what the Bible you people read so when did Moses start performing wonders when Angels were assisting [Music] him oh wow okay make it plain make it I want to show you one thing amen it's so amazing wow wow wow I want to show you something power thank you Jesus thank you Jesus oh Lord Jesus I want to share something amen uh mhm thank you Lord [Music] MH Luke chapter 22 amen verse 41- 42 to 43 Verse 41 to 43 amen and he was withdrawn from them about a Stones cast and kneeled down and prayed saying father if thou be willing remove this cup from me nevertheless not my will but thine be done yes and there appeared an angel unto him from Heaven strengthening him oh so when you say Lord strengthen me who strengthens you an Ang Ang those who wait upon the Lord he shall renew their strength who who is doing that an angel okay I'll end there for today wo wo wo wo you to use it wait and then we'll come back what's it called no no part two please so wow I want you to understand this when Jesus was about to go on the cross when they were about to crucify him what did he say he says don't you know I can ask my father for 12 Legions of angels and nobody will be able to touch me wow he didn't say I will ask my father to protect me he said I will ask my father for 12 Legions of angels but 12 Legion is so excessive Jesus because one Legion we are talking about between 3 to 4,000 right huh yes it's a lot no it's 3 to 4,000 soldiers 3 to 4,000 that's technically what was the Roman thing unless I'm mistaken but 3 to 4,000 soldiers 12 for some high priests shy that's deep they deep dang that's too much G so what am I trying to explain to you I'm trying to explain to you this truth amen anyone who is ignorant of the Angelic Ministry is ignorant of their spiritual work and is ignorant of what God has established to be a blessing to them wow that's good I 100% believe in the Angelic Ministry you see one of the issues that we have in the church is you see somebody asked a question my daughter June asked papa is it the angel of the Lord God who always strengthens us and not the Holy Spirit no I didn't say that it is God because the angels are not doing anything apart from God amen amen but who is the channel which God is using like right now if I prophesy to you and I pray for you you get healed or you get blessed obviously it is Jesus that is doing it but what is the channel That Jesus used to bless you makes sense do you understand what I'm saying yes if you are ignorant of the channel you will miss your blessing true true MH that's good so when people come if somebody comes and says uh and says uh I just want the Holy Spirit to speak to me well the Holy Spirit can't independent of of the of the person ministering to you so if you're ignorant of the person you have already told God don't talk to me wow that makes sense I a million per believe in the Angelic Ministry somebody said is there more Angels than human beings absolutely innumerable it's impossible for them to count them in human numbers that that is why also it seems like there's a lot of demons but in reality there are not many demons if you look at uh Revelations CH 12 it says and and the de and the devil took a third of the Stars so if you take a hole and you remove a third so two3 it's like the number of angels that are actually on your side overshadow anything that hell has completely but remember a third of the Stars you have to remember this third of the stars is not talking about all the Angelic hosts because you have to remember the word star doesn't it means a category of angels M mhm okay explain Papa explain please a third of that category it's a it's it's a it's a division of angels wow he's not talking about all the Heavenly hosts wow that is a Mis understanding completely that's wow and the star the Seven Stars that stand in the presence of God yeah yeah yeah okay so it's not talking about every angel in heaven that's not true no he talking about a division an area oh that's wow wow wow is deception they're innumerable so if they can tell you a third it means that that division can can be counted yeah let's use our brain for for a second yeah innumerable number of angels you can't count that's what the scriptures say right let me show you go go to the book of job are you ready M Job chapter 38 amen from verse 5 God is talking to job amen who hath laid the measures thereof if thou knowest or who hath stretched the line upon it whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened or who laid the Cornerstone thereof mhm when the morning Stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for Joy notice it made a separation between morning stars and sons of God sons of God yeah yeah he made a distinctions between Morning Star morning stars and sons of God yes there's a difference who are the sons of God now you have to remember the word sons of God is a term that human beings gave a certain group of angels how do we know this because the Bible says it like this God has never called any Angel son yeah he has never done that but human beings call them sons of God because this is a group of angels called Watchers Watchers have a similitude or they have a similarity with human being right if you read in Ezekiel he said I saw a holy one and a watcher so holy ones are different from Watchers and Watchers are different from morning Stars wow wow wow hey it's called choir of angels wow wow because remember in the dimension that Lucifer was in if you read is it Isaiah or Ezekiel oh Lucifer how you are Fallen you was even in the garden of the Lord in Eden Pride overtook you and you said I will rise my throne above the stars stars and I will raise it above the clouds and I will be in the Council of God even in the north he's saying that he's being ele he wants to be elev ated to another category or realm of Angels in the realm of the spirit right in order for him to be close to God Amen so that person is below how is he going to take people that are above [Music] him because remember the devil had not entered the r ranking of Sons of the he was not he had not entered in the ranking of stars he's called the son of the morning uhhuh is not called stars because you have to remember Jesus is called the Morning Star yes what does it mean demon stars and what does it mean when he calls Angel Stars it means these ones have become similar to the Lord remember every creation is trying to be like their father wow so Lucifer wanted to be like God but he did it the wrong way so he was kicked out just like any Christian who tries to be so much like Jesus that you replace Jesus and you make yourself Jesus you're in trouble I'll stop there for today whoa because I I I want you to to really be somebody that understands the importance of the Angelic Ministry because anyone who doesn't understand the the ministration or the work of angels MH you are immediately disqualified from benefiting from them how will you seriously let's really think about it let's reason together okay there's a time I think in one of the prophetic schools that actually taught on the on the ranking of Angels or the choirs of angels from The High Heavens to the to the to to even the earth sphere who changed Jacob's name an angel an angel said you will no longer be called Jacob your name is Israel H when Abraham was about to sacrifice his son and an angel called from Heaven said Abraham do not harm the lad for now I know that you love God wow so who told Abraham to sacrifice his son he was an angel wow Abraham was talking the whole time Abraham was traveling he was talking to an angel representing God that same Angel told him give me your son then when he was now about he said no no actually I am an angel representing God now I know for sure you love him wow wow you think Noah who told Noah to build the ark it was God but it wasn't Noah it wasn't God himself it was Uriel one of the chief Angels so anyone that is ignorant listen to me somebody asked do Watchers just watch and document no they do more than that they are very powerful actually [Music] extremely they are the ones that in Genesis chapter 6 are group of Watchers had children with uh human beings that became the Giants ah that became the Giants and and and Watchers are custodians of the secrets of the earth wow because they were there when it was being made and also Stars some cherubims were involved also in watching that is why the devil knows where all the money is ah I think I taught a message about this did I not teach about this Prosper H I said why occultist Prosper go and watch it you will understand yeah oh wow H gay gay so so so all in all what what I'm trying to to show you somebody asked the host of of Heaven remember Heaven is a big place people Heaven is not one place the Bible tells you Paul said I was caught up to the third heaven so if there is a third heaven it means there's a first second third fourth fifth it keeps going that is why you find that in in the book of of of of uh Genesis uh when when Abraham hears an angel calling from The High Heavens this Angel didn't need to come to Earth he could communicate with Abraham from heaven so people get really confused when they hear me saying and the angel of the Lord showed me they are confused why isn't the Holy Spirit showing him he must be from Satan is because they don't know the word of God is it God speaking to me absolutely MH is it the Lord communicating with me absolutely MH are you capturing me yes now you're you're you're not you're not listening we hear you hey we are I don't think youall are listening to me we're listening sir we are listening listening completely so so w so dang so even healing do you know there's an angel called Raphael and Raphael means the Lord my healer mm so when you say Lord Heal Me Heal Me Lord let healing happened you said Jehovah Rafa God who heals wow what you're invoking is you're invoking God to send Raphael and his friends those who serve under him to come and help you wow [Music] hey conf yeah he'll come you know what maybe we should release part of some portions of healed conference some people will be shocked you know we did a a a pool what is it what do we call it pool of Bela it was deep and and uh Raphael who was appearing also in Israel who would stare up the waters and people get in and get healed delivered lives changed he was right there he came and there's a point I said St at the waters and the waters started going like this everyone that had a demon enter that room got delivered amen amen so what I'm trying to explain to you is this so what I'm trying to tell you is this Daniel Prayed Daniel Prayed God spoke to Daniel and Daniel did not understand so God sent an angel to interpret what God had told him so when the angel came who was Gabriel Gabriel told him um so I was supposed to come but I was held back because there was some Challen challenges in the in the earth sphere of Babylon so what this is what I needed to do Michael came to help me in order for me to come and give you a message some of you you imagine if Daniel understood this mystery do you think he would have fasted 21 days no father as you send me interpretation I pray Michael will be released to pull down every stronghold ah the answer would have come like this but you don't understand that God put it in your scriptures for you to know but you don't know you're still not getting it yeah yeah yeah yeah some of you you saying God didn't answer me but God answered you long since 1905 20 years I'm just waiting on the Lord God is saying don't these people read the Bible wow then gross God if God feels Mercy then he just opens it up for you to get it oh teach us teach us how does this my goodness so how do we do it so a lot of time when people are teaching spiritual warfare me I'm very shocked because many of them can't see spiritually it's not that what they're saying is not true there is truth to what they are saying but the Bible says the children of Darkness are wiser than the children of the light true so true it's a bad thing that people in the Demonic world are cleverer than you and you're a Christian you know God you walk with the Elohim Jehovah is your God but you don't know spiritual things it's actually sad and it's so sad because you see some of them are so blind some some Believers are so blind that they can't even tell who he sent from God sad that Jesus has made it really plain they came they said ah Lord we saw somebody casting out a devil in your name and we stopped him Jesus said why did you stop him why did you stop him a kingdom you know if he's doing that in my name he's on our side he can't be against us M but they will see Prophet Loi casting out demons healing sick people teaching you to make you more intimate with God they will say he's a devil worshiper but do you know why it's because the level of knowledge you're being given surpasses what they were raised with so because it contradicts the doctrines they know that are manmade they are not biblical right and they're powerless 100% power they the Bible says in the last days many will depart from the faith and adopt theine of devils right what is the doctrines of devil forbidding to marry forbidding this forbidding that they will have a form of godliness but denying the power thereof somebody standing telling you telling you read the Bible for yourself yet Jesus sent you Apostles evangelists teachers and pastors for the edification of the Bible telling you read the Bible for yourself I'm not saying don't read the Bible but anybody who tells you that you don't need a pastor an evangelist a teacher that is somebody that there are devils that are using them complet amen completely they are not possessed but there is a doctrine of devils going in them I don't know if somebody can hear me go ahead ask ask your question ask so when we pray God increase our discernment we're really asking for an angel to help us See Clearly it is your spirit man too because what kills a lot of discernment is because number one okay this is this is a a double-edged question and I'm going to try by God's mercy to be able to answer it amen the difference between spiritual sensitivity and discernment somebody can be spiritually sensitive but he not spiritually discerning okay oh okay yeah what's the difference it's just like somebody having a better sense of smell than another or somebody who knows how to taste food than another wow we all say it's delicious but there's somebody who can taste there's garlic yeah there's there's this oh yeah that hint of ginger in there but me I'll just eat and say this was crazy amazing yeah are are you comprehending what I'm saying M yeah so there are people who are spiritually sensitive even in the world super sensitive spiritually ah I just I feel uncomfortable when that person is around they don't know why they uncomfortable but they know that they're uncomfortable because there is a spirit in that person that is not a good spirit somebody say can Papa can you expound on how an angel can be in you not today that's a different topic somebody asked 24 Elders who are they are they Angels no they are ancient beings they are called Elders for a reason it means they've been there for a long time some people say it's the 12 disciples and the 12 Patriarchs no the 24 Elders have existed even before the tribes uhuh they're ancient they they in the council of God they've been there for a long time mhm they're ancient I I okay what was I saying again discernment versus sensitivity so so so so now watch this watch this there will feel that oh that it's just uncomfort I want to do something with them just something is not sitting right but they don't know what it is that is being spiritually sensitive but it's not discernment okay m discernment is the ability to know something without processing it with your mind wow wow an example so is that directly connected to intuition no because intuition is also sensitivity yeah it's just intuitive I think I should do this I think I should go there that's these are functions of the spirit because you have to remember the function of the spirit and the and the and the and the the function of the spirit are many but sometimes people confuse the function of the soul and the function of the spirit right mhm discernment is to know something without mental processing wow or any opinion that is suggestive from outside wow intuition is based on something okay do I go left or right yeah I just go right that is still being processed that's good discernment is not like that so and people say read the Bible use discernment this person is fake you know they don't have discernment because they picking [Music] opinions ah you didn't get it huh did that make sense and Roses a little more can you give us an example like when you're like how I prophesy I was just about on Sunday there was a man was wearing nice suit nice beard amen and there was a beautiful woman next to him I looked at him I said sir I am seeing policemen chasing after you putting handcuffs on you and locking you up MH said he looked at me I said huh said that's true he lifted up his pants and what did he have on his ankle he had a trucker he had he had an ankle Tracer he was yeah so that was no angel no that was just your discern no no no no because the realm of discernment functions with angels [Music] okay so spiritual sensitivity is just you and then discernment is angels in you angels in you you are operating with your spirit man because your spirit knows things without processing like an example what I'm teaching you I never studied it I just know it because angels have ministered to me amazing yeah so I am pulling from my spirit the reason why uh I can teach and teach and teach and teach and teach and he always feels like you think that he will never go deeper then he gets even deeper you feel like it it's impossible there's one time I was talking to this man of God he asked me what books do you read I said I don't read books said nah n n what books do you read I say I read the Bible that's really the book I read it's like no no no what books do you read there is no way you know these things like this is because you see so many of you have limited God to your natural abilities MH mhm that's good hey help us to you God is a physical being you say God is powerful but is limited to your physical capabilities my gosh teachers so that's that's a that's a big uh uh a big thing that was very helpful that's a huge thing so today I want you to really pay closer attention when Paul and Silas prayed God sent an angel to deliver them from prison when Peter was sleeping an angel came and delivered him he said now I know for sure that the Lord has sent his Angel to deliver me there's no Deliverance without Angels there isn't wow so oh Lord Jesus I want you to watch this again and let this sink in you to see your need for understanding Angelic ministration I remember I remember um many years ago I was traveling from Boston and I was with my brother Christian and when we got to the hos to the to the airport my passport had expired and there was something that has expired about my passport but his wasn't so when we about to go through the gate actually I was stopped Christian went through and he went and he was waiting for me but this Customs guy that was before I was a citizen took my foreign passport I was like wait wait wait wait because this this is not you can't travel like this I'm about to miss my flight we are on tour Christian is waiting for me on the other side and I stood there I said Lord help help me some man came out of the customs Office dressed like a person in customs dressed like a nice white man with a big mustache not skinny at all looked like a like a country man he came with my passport look this man is going that way I said Lord help me the man is coming from another Direction he G gives me my passport he says get on the flight Don't Look Back go quickly what when I'm going to enter into my flight right I am seeing them running to go and look for me Jesus thank youus Lord Jesus he's going another Direction with my passport the guy is coming from another Direction giving me my passport go don't look back just go get into your flight you'll be okay meaning that there are undercover Angels walking Among Us now this one just came this one just appeared there are so Angels listen that's why the Bible listen to this listen to what the Bible says he says it says like this be kind to everybody some of you have entertained angels without even knowing without knowing yeah yeah Jesus somebody say human Angels No Angels cannot be human they Angelic they are Heavenly beings that take the form of human beings there's a book that I'm going to start working on very very soon it's called lessons from spiritual encounters and experiences amen ah I'll tell you the first time I saw an angel the first time I saw an angel was physical was not spiritual physical physically like a human being it's later that I discovered that he was an angel and he actually saved my life then he vanished right in front of my eyes so hey we're speechless have you sat Jun Jun asked Papa have you sat on the Council of the 24 maybe so so spiritual words is coming out fast first and then and then uh fast and first you know I'm learning my uh American pronunciation first and fast is coming quickly amen and uh Alex Peter is a comedian listen to what he say imagine an angel take a form of your of my ex-wife I would have missed the bling God deliver him Lord [Music] Jesus so so I pray that God will help you I want to pray that God will activate Angelic activity around your life father I pray for everybody that has heard your word and I thank you Father that it is your great desire that we know the truth of the spirit your word says we shall know the truth and the truth shall make us free I pray that all your people will know the truth and that they will function from the realities that you have established father everyone knew that you are God no human being ever had a problem knowing who God is or finding God but it is only Jesus that revealed you you as father amen I pray that because of this grace in this dispensation that your children will come to discover the truth of the Angelic realm in order that many Souls will be saved even unto your great coming in Jesus mighty name amen listen I love you but Jesus loves you more and I will see you tomorrow sh hello
Channel: Prophet Lovy Podcasts
Views: 122,015
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Id: xkMQVqokUQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 27sec (3567 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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