Astonishing NEW update on Fico 10/T. Changes are coming Soon!

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[Music] all right guys welcome to the credit game you know my name is mike i come to you every single day monday through friday and the reason i do that is because i want to keep you accountable to make sure that you're understanding credit because remember credit is a game just like the laws a game and when you learn how to play it like your kid plays fortnite you'll be a master at it in no time just watch my videos pay attention and you'll get better and better and better each day that's why i ask you to subscribe take the time to hit the subscribe button make sure you turn on that little bell notification because if not then you're not going to get the videos every day every day i'm bringing so much content and value to you guys it's unbelievable you know what we're here to help you uh my dream and my goal is to raise the national credit average and i'm here to tell you that i will do that if i continue to push and drive and push you guys to do better to make sure your credit is better to not live a life on somebody else's term to live on your life and have options by having leverage on credit so i'm going to really quickly do this video this is a short video quick short and to the point okay you guys know that fico 10 just got adopted okay if you didn't it did fico 10 just got adopted this month that being said it is very important that you pay very close attention what i'm about to tell you right here okay what's going to happen over the next six to eight months is lenders are going to start adopting this new model what that means is lenders will start using the fico 10 and the fico t10 which means they're going to start looking back 24 months what lender in the world would not want you know to be able to go back 24 months to see somebody's payment history to see how they've been acting over 24 months whereas currently there's no option for that right now fico basically the fico 8 and the fico 9 doesn't have an option they have what they call a screenshot so you can literally repair your credit it could look beautiful and then when you go to pull your mortgage or you pull buy a car whatever they see a 790 score they don't know what happened before in the last 12 months for 24 months excuse me now when these lenders start adapting this new fico 10 t what's going to happen is they're going to have a screenshot of everything that happened up to the last 24 months okay i can't imagine there's any lender that wouldn't want that because they're gonna be able to tell okay cool well this guy just wiped off his whole credit okay or this person added trade lines whatever there are secrets around this okay that's the good news the good news today i'm bringing to you there are secrets around it because this is what i study day in and day out so fico don't let it scare you okay it's just another credit monitoring it's not the boogeyman it's not god it's not going to kill you but what it is going to do is you have to realize that the people that have bad credit are going to get affected a lot worse the people that have good credit okay and they're talking about people that have over a 650 credit score are actually going to benefit more from fico 10. people under 650 credit okay across all three bureaus are actually going to be affected more so for those people that i'm talking to that are under a 650 credit score okay what i recommend because of the fico 10 okay here's your first tip of the day because of that if you have credit card debt that is going to weigh highly okay they are taking that big into consideration the revolving credit they're also taking into consideration revolving meaning credit cards installment meaning one payment so your cars your houses and your loans are installment payments means the payment is the same every single month whereas a credit card the payment can be different depending on how much you use okay that's the difference between revolving and installment debt okay so a revolving credit card is usually a credit card line of credit okay that payment can change each month it's called revolving accounts installment accounts are houses cars and loans typically okay because they're fixed payments they're the same every month okay now fico the new fico is taking in consideration people's debt really heavily on their score for you people that are under 650 here's my recommendation i would be looking at getting a personal loan called a consolidation loan the reason for that is because number one they're taking really really really really high consideration on revolving debt meaning bad if you have high credit card debt that's not a good thing but the flip side to that is they're actually praising you for having more installment loans which would be a consolidation loan that being said i would be looking into companies okay i'm gonna give you a few today that will really help you what that means is you can pay off the credit card debt using this loan okay so i'm gonna give you two companies i recommend payoff company number one it's called payoff okay now with payoff basically they'll give you a two to five year loan at 5.99 interest now i don't care what credit card you have you're not getting a 5.9 percent interest rate okay not even i get that i've getting eight nine percent at the lowest and that's with my local credit union and most credit cards are going to be 15 to 25 credit card uh um as far as like your interest rate you're talking 15 to 30 percent so what'll happen is you can go and it doesn't even cost you anything to go to pay off okay a company's called payoff it's a consolidation loan specifically used to pay off credit card debt okay you could use it for student loans as well but a lot of people use it for credit card debt i recommend doing this for people that are under 650 because that is going to take a huge impact on your credit score in a good way when you pay off the credit card debt using the loan from payoff number one number two is going to save you a lot of money because your credit cards are 15 to 30 interest and that's going to pay off those credit cards and put it into one payment making it very convenient making one payment versus all your credit card payments okay so let's say you got multiple credit cards and it's a pain of to go in and make your payments every month sometimes you could forget whereas now you get one payment consolidation loan and now all your revolving debt turns into one installment debt okay and that is called uh uh basically a consolidation loan payoff is one of the best ones in 2020 that we have found that people with average credit uh or slightly lower can get approved for them okay so look at that company number two company that i would use is called upstart okay they have a seven percent interest rate but they have a loan that is from three to five years so they give you a little bit longer to pay it off okay you have three to five years to pay this off okay and they'll give you a little bit more they'll give you up to 50 000 versus 35 000 on payoff okay so the company payoff gives you 35 000 total whereas upstart will give you 50 000 and give you a little bit more but it's one percent higher basically 5.99 um on payoff that company and then upstart is seven percent interest which is still significantly better than any credit card you have uh and they give you three to five years to pay off and up to fifty thousand dollar loan okay and you can check it doesn't cost you a penny and it doesn't affect your credit score at all by checking it so i want to come to you guys to value you today give you so much damn value that uh this is what i would do right now i'm telling you this just got adopted this month fico and lenders are starting to go out there like crazy right now and start adopting this there's not a lender in the world i don't think is going to say you know what no i don't care what happened the last 24 months i want to keep my fico 8 i just want to see a snapshot of what this cred person looks like now i don't care what they've done the last 24 months i don't care if they've added all these trade lines to boost or credit score i don't really care if they've just removed everything off their credit report in one day uh you know i don't really care about all that what i just care about is just what what i see right now no one's gonna do that okay that's why they created fico but the people that are over 650 keeping your credit card utilization at two percent the magic number is two percent i keep my credit cards at two percent utilization if you can get your credit cards down to two percent utilization on every one of your cards you will be praised significantly and your score is actually going to go up and you'll be benefited by fico 10 uh new model versus penalized if you're over a 650 credit score okay so look at those two companies again it is a soft pool they can check yet they can tell you if you're approved uh without affecting your credit score it's not going to cost you a penny to check but anything under 650 i would definitely recommend getting a consolidation loan versus keeping your credit cards at high utilization now if you've got the money to pay your credit cards right now while it's early enough i would definitely not go the consolidation route these are for people that don't have the money to pay off all their credit card debt that's when you go in consolidation loan if you've got the money to pay everything down to 2 get it down to two percent as quick as possible because then they're going to be able to see that you've made your payments down to two percent remember it's a 24 month look back but if they start to see that oh okay cool this person is actually making payments and got it down to two percent then they're a good borrower okay and that's what we want and if guys if you don't do this and stop waiting and procrastinating like you're you're going to end up getting smashed by cred this fico 10 is going to smash so many people and that's why i've been saying this for the last six months since the first of the year i've been telling you guys every single like two three times a week i'm telling you guys about fico 10. and you know what some people are gonna take advantage of it and some people are gonna forget about it and you people that forget about it are going to be the ones that are getting smashed now i created the credit game for a reason i talk about the fico 10 i show you how to navigate the fico 10 i show you how to get around the fico 10. i show you what trade lines to put on that will actually benefit you while fico 10 is here not just random ass uh picking different trade lines because you have no idea what you're picking okay i go all through that in my credit game series i show you what consolidation loans to get the best ones to get best on based on your credit score this is the credit game i created the credit game for myself when i was at a 505 i'm now an 827 score this was created for me so i put everything together based on if it was my credit okay and i've added a lot of different modules like where i'm talking about fico um what do we do here how do we get our you know score to increase the fast what is the magic number how many trade lines should i add should i do a package what are the credit limits what are the ages if we're going to add authorized user trade lines how do we remove the negative hard stuff that most people think is very easy to remove but they don't know anything about codes or the the numbers that they're supposed to be looking at or the proprietary letters that i actually give you that has worked for and brought my company dating figures um using for the last seven years okay i give you all that credit game so if you guys need help i'm here to help you that's what i'm here for okay this is what we do we help people i've helped thousands and thousands of people literally the last 60 days and i want you to be one of them if you want to do yourself i want to make sure that i come to you every day to bring value value value value so i can help you that's what i'm here for okay when you choose and you say you know what i've had enough i'm sick and tired of trying okay what i find most people this problem is they try they want to try and then they are calling me because they're like you know what i've tried everything and i don't know how to do it and that's fine we weren't taught it in schools and we weren't taught it by mommy and daddy so somebody had to create something that was effective and that's what the credit game is about okay you're going to get to a point to where you're like you know what i can't do it okay i got other things i got to focus on i got to focus on work my kids i've got to covet out there i've got all everything that's going on in the world the last thing i want to do is focus on my credit why don't i have somebody help me and trade my money my my money my resources to have more time so i can actually have and start leveraging and getting a better home and getting a better vehicle you guys are paying 650 for a credit you're paying 650 uh and 300 on an uh insurance payment for a car you should be paying 300 for why because you've got bad credit right and then you can't get a home or you have to live in a bad apartment you can't get credit cards you're getting denied everywhere how much is this costing you not fixing your credit you know what it feels like to be able to have great credit it's amazing i walk in a place i'm like this is what i want that's what i want that's what i want i don't have to think about the money side of things i don't have to think about can i get it can i do it what i don't think about that kind of stuff right because i've leveraged over a million dollars in credit okay that's why i'm able to do it i'm gonna show you guys all the tricks and secrets but the first thing you gotta do is pick up the phone if you want the help give me a call at 904-427-772-904-420-7772 i am here to help you okay i'll give you a consultation okay 10 minutes absolutely no obligation if you say hey you know what mike i want to work with you let's look at your credit we'll take a look at your score we'll take a look at what's going on if we can help you which we know we can because we've seen thousands and thousands of cases literally in the last 60 days we pretty much have a tried true like system that works if you want to help we'll move forward if you don't you want to try it yourself great try it yourself all i can tell you is that time is running out and that's the biggest commodity in the world and with fico coming out that's about to be adopted if you guys don't make a move now you're going to be hammered and you're going to be paying cash for a long time and not having credit cards and not being able to do things you want life okay if you want more vacations with your family and you want more time off and you want more leverage on credit cards and maybe you want some business credit cards and maybe you're trying to start a business and maybe you want a better vehicle and maybe you want a better house then this is for you the credit game is for you so i'm here to help you guys okay so take a look at those companies other than that i love you guys thank you give me a thumbs up and cheers to everyone fight goes on its way if you need help 904-420-7772 mike from the credit game you
Channel: The Credit Game
Views: 22,865
Rating: 4.9368834 out of 5
Keywords: The Credit Game, Credit Secrets, How to Boost My Credit Score, what to do when you have bad credit, how to get more credit cards, how to get Credit cards with bad credit, what credit score do i need for a car, what credit score do i need, how to make money with credit, credit game, credit education, mike singles, credit repair templates, credit dispute letters, fico 10
Id: bmsp_8EhDTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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