How to (not) beat Fire Emblem Fates Revelation in the worst way possible

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revelation is the third and final route of fire emblem fates designed as a golden route where the protagonist unites both noir and hoshido to fight against a true greater threat it is notable for having an extremely large cast size and gimmicky maps that everyone loves to hate not to mention a comically poor story that everyone loves to clown on i'll be playing on lunatic difficulty with an iron man challenge meaning i cannot reload saves or reset the game and if i lose the run is over i create a female avatar named correlation with a plus luck boon minus speed bane and an apothecary talent my rationale for the suboptimal class choice is to obtain additional money by using the profiteer skill for the merchant class line come with me on this 20 journey through many classic maps such as ones where you shovel snow and another where you wait for the elevator i skipped past the first five chapters of revelation which are common to all routes by using a branch of fate and this allows me to keep my level 360 that i grinded 2100 turns for him chapter 5 many many months ago in chapter 6 of this revolution iron man the first map in this route corn attempts to stop her families from fighting by murdering their military personnel this map has a time limit of 5 turns that can easily result in instant failure but what kind of stupid mulan could possibly lose the first map of a firearm game certainly not me yeah definitely not me um shut up and clear the map by having a zero obliterate to the hoshide commander with a flick of the wrist and have core across the river to take out the norway commander with the dragonstone appropriately they both have 20 hp which is the number of dollars it takes to purchase this route any surprising twist fighting both sides does not endear according to anyone and both the norix and hoshidens reject her now that corn is homeless lilith shows it for the first and last time with his route to direct core into section 8 housing and then leaves to never have another spoken line ever again in chapter 7 of this revelation iron man corn and azura decide to lay low by jumping off of a cliff however instead of splattering their versera across the sides of the canyon they instead enter the hidden kingdom of vela now free of the pluck-and-trapped curse that kills you for talking about ivalo without paying twenty dollars azura explains that the invisible secret antagonist selling direct anonymous who has alzheimer's and is actually cory's true father has been orchestrating the war between noor and hoshido from behind the scenes all along though she neglects to elaborate on what she didn't mention this crucial detail in chapter 15 of conquest leaving everyone ignorant of the true threat in that route this map has two branching pads that are not exclusive and many false paths that do absolutely nothing at all aside from wasting your time in fact this map's entire gimmick is more or less about tediously backtracking through the same recycled assets to get all of the stuff which is an apt analogy for the content of reuse strategy across the multiple routes of fire emblem fates once you get near the boss you recruit gunter who in this route does not die of starvation like he does in the birthright route his stats are and he's unable to support any character even korin suspicious don't you think truly a mystery to ponder over the chapter closes off with azura saying that they must hurry to unite nor hoshido to stop anon coast because the entrance to vala will soon close even though it has been open for decades this is surprising because the timeline of fire emblem fates is world building and lore is so lacking that everyone could have been spontaneously created last thursday with fews and no differences in the story in chapter 8 of this revelation iron man coron heads to fort jinya to attempt to convince the hoshides to join them in fighting anonymous but they are extremely hostile because koren is a centrist which is worse than siding with their enemies the map is nothing to write home about just a smattering of irrelevant low-level grunts to bash your head against for free xp after clearing the enemies with little to no difficulty saizo decides in true hoshide fashion to perform a kamakaze attack and blow himself up for minimal gain however sakura shows up and informs him of korin's non-lethality and how she hasn't killed a single defender coryn attempts to explain that the true enemy is not king garen and all of the recent tragedies have actually been orchestrated false flag attacks masterminded by an ancient reptilian with dementia hidden inside a different dimension only accessible by diving into the bottomless canyon and the proof of this is um trust me bro seizure rightly dismisses the schizophrenic conspiratorial nonsense and tells him to off chapter 9 of this revelation iron man reuses story elements from birthright and map mechanics from conquest and the quality of the combination is somehow strictly worse than the sum of its parts the story where coryn accidentally assaults when tribe villagers disguised as faceless is identical to chapter 8 of the birthright route except the dialogue is slightly modified to more unequivocally portrayed cordon's violence as explicitly non-lethal corrin tries to bala kill fuga on her extremist alt-center ideology but fuga isn't based enough to recognize her plot-mandated moral superiority hostilities commence on a map that is identical to chapter 20 of conquest except most of the enemies are unpromoted ground units and you have basically no fires making the map a painful tedious slog fortunately my level 36 azira saves me from dying of boredom by clearing the entire map for me severe cranial trauma and multiple macro concussions have caused sufficient brain damage to chief fuga to convince him to cooperate by indoctrinating him with koran's dragon whistling apolitical pseudo philosophy chapter 10 of this revelation iron man is the famous snow shoveling map where you must individually dig out 3x3 chunks of snow to find every single unit on the map so you can get all their valuable stat boosting items similar to the experience of looting corpses at the mountain crash site of a passenger airplane the story of this map is that koran ventures to azumo to seek archduke azana for advice however azada is being impersonated by zola who uses a frost bomb to cover his escape when his ruse is discovered the enemies are weak and you fight them one by one but in some cases you might uncover several at once in my painstakingly thorough charge to the snow i accidentally do this and get mozu and kaze killed after completing the map zola tries to hold sakura hostage but then gets 360 noscopes by leo izana is freed and he informs us that the prophecy is stored in the balls he ponders his orbs but strains a bit too hard and suddenly dies from an aneurysm caused by oracular torsion alas we could have saved him if only we didn't pay 20 dollars in chapter 11 of this revelation iron man saizo sends up a spoke signal that indicates that he is in danger since korra wants to die she heads straight in kotoro the daimyo of the mokuju clan has captured kaguro which strangely happens in every route in this map you can recruit sizo orochi and reina if you get to them in time however since this was my first time playing this map i didn't know how to do this and rochi gets killed on turn one saizo also dies soon after and reina ravages across the map as a green unit unfortunately the only way to recruit her is to talk to sizo which i cannot do because he is dead reina goes out in a blaze of glory as she kamikazes into the boss and is erased from existence by an enemy archer with a 69 hit chance in this run i have paired coron to jacob to grant him the mechanist class jacob is able to get the replicate skill to clone himself much earlier than other units because he is technically a promoter unit fun fact characters duo struggling with themselves as the pair up will obtain double weapon exp i have jacob pair up with jacob to take down kojiro in the following cutscene all of the misunderstandings about korin's loyalty are cleared off by acknowledging how incomprehensibly stupid and illogical the entire situation is in chapter 12 of this revelation iron man our protagonists take a ferry to head towards chief to meet up with ryoma however on the way flora uses her ice magic to freeze all the boats in place in this map you are stuck on boats for five turns before dragon veins pop up that allow you to create walkable platforms the enemies consist of a mishmash of unpromoted grunts and a few promoter berserkers that will push your in so deep that it comes out the other end your forces are split across several boats and are unable to reinforce one another something that i was unaware of when i did my combat preparations this directly results in my gun counter more than doubling in size from 6 to 13. the severe damage to my roster convinces me that i should probably read the chapter objectives fortunately this is a defeat boss map which isn't too bad with a level 37-0 with a capped combat stats azura flies in to defeat flora and ends the map in the following cutscene floor decides not to burn herself to death like she doesn't birthright because uh i don't know flora proceeds to go into hiding with the rest of the ice tribe and will only come back after chapter 23 but only if you build a level 3 fire orb in your inaccessible pocket dimension that has no plot relevance in chapter 13 of this revelation iron man the crew enters arkenzia only to find it in ruins xander and ryoma both blame one another for the destruction of this neutral territory but korean tells them that it was actually caused by a false flag attack orchestrated by invisible purple ghosts masterminded by an insane subterranean water dragon in response xander and ryoma temporarily sees hostilities and ally with the invisible men to defeat korins together presumably because spider emblem fates engine does not allow for there to be multiple opposed enemy factions this map is a defeat boss map with a small gimmick where you can use obstacles to block enemy movement which more or less gives you complete control over which enemies you have to fight overall it is just an easy chapter i slowly creep up or warm the sides and slay the commander to complete the map upon the battle's conclusion the conflict continues but azura uses her singing to make everyone stop fighting because the power of her song is to do whatever the writers needed to do in chapter 14 of this revelation iron man xander and leo stumble upon garen laughing maniacally and ranting about his evil plan to destroy both noor and hoshido this of all things somehow managed to convince them that their father has gone insane this chapter takes place in the poor tent of dia meaning that it reuses the map from chapter 10 of conquest except instead of being a well-designed defense map this is a route map featuring reinforcements as far as turn 38 turning it into a waking nightmare this is the map design equivalent of discovering that your friend has been killed and replaced by a genetically engineered ape wearing his skin like a jumpsuit it takes me roughly an hour to slowly crawl all over the porch and defeat all of the enemies somewhere along the way subaki dies but just like tsubaki that is of little importance upon the map's completion the plot has not progressed aside from obtaining six characters that you probably won't use because you get ryoma and xander the next few chapters anyway in chapter 15 of this revelation iron man we played the rainbow stage map where two characters join us nyx who was hilariously under leveled and shura who was hilariously overleveled the map is reused from his instances in brother and conquest and is pretty much the same as it is in the other rounds there's not too much to talk about here we just fight small groups of enemies one by one before taking on the boss and it's a good opportunity to train your units i recruit nyx and find the hilarious that in this round she is perhaps one of the worst units in all fates which of course means that i am morally obligated to train her i also recruit shira whose entire storyline has been resolved without his knowing so he decides to join because he has nothing else to do sadly you cannot kill him for a pair of boots in this route i take advantage of the boss's heel staff to milk as much xp as physically possible from the promoted enemies and manage a level of mix 8 times i even managed to feed her as a boss kill but her personal skill counter curse activates and steals the xp because you can only get xp if you attack and counter curse activated and kill the boss before they happen you get nothing in the following cutscene we finally meet the rainbow sage and ask him about a dragon it turns out the rainbow sage is the dragon and he imparts his power to upgrade korin's yatta with rgb lighting 16 gigs of ram and an nvidia rtx 3090 however the monetary expense of this causes him to have a fatal heart attack and he dies in chapter 16 of his revelation iron man ryoma finally comes to the correct conclusion that corrin was right all along because he was secretly jealous of the leadership qualities of a toddler korin's party advances towards the bottomless canyon to demonstrate the truth of the aquatic apparition conspiracy on the way they stopped by the lava field which apparently are a thing on this map walls of fire regularly appear and disappear to create walls that restrict movement and redirect enemies in this map your deployment slots are limited because you get 5 new characters including ryoma who can more or less solo the game scarlett who will be available for exactly two chapters before dying in a story cut scene and hinoka azama and setsure who all kinda suck and spend some effort training nicks and promote her but don't bother rounding the map 4xp hans shows up and you kill han this chapter then continues directly to chapter 17 without a break limiting your ability to marry a scarf before she dies in chapter 17 of this revelation iron man the fight to reach the bottomless canyon continues and we get six more characters xander who can more or less solo the game leo who sucks odin who sucks harry who sucks and is also a serial killer lazlo who sucks and niles who sucks and whose ability to capture units for recruitment is completely useless for all the remaining story chapters because you will exclusively fight valet soldiers that cannot be captured in this map you can either go left to fight armor knights and get flanked or go right and fight cavalry to have a much easier time there's also enemy siege weaponry which is more or less completely harmless iago shows up and you kill iago ryoma proposes a truce between the two nations and xander accepts they then proceed to tell nobody about this and then decide to jump off of a cliff azura congratulates coryn on uniting both of her families even though she is not related by blood to any of them in chapter 18 of this revelation iron man you have a brief opportunity to marry scarlett before she dies in the cutscene if he grinds the poor's inside chapters but unfortunately i cannot do this because this runs koran is female coryn tells everyone to jump off of a cliff into the bottomless canyon but cannot provide any justification she considers sacrificing herself to the valid curse to tell everyone the truth but ryoba and xander say that they don't care because they will blindly follow whatever the main character tells them to do and jump off without abandon scarlett pins on a flower which is a plot point for some asinine reason and then jumps off with corin in the following cutscene she is killed by a fireball in the map you must activate eight separate dragon baits to reach the boss and while you can hypothetically split up to do this it is easier to just group everyone into one big death ball and beat the map that way which is what i do at this point in the game the enemy quality drastically increases and if you don't have enough strong characters you will die but this is only a problem if you have lost all of your brief rules for some reason fortunately all the reinforcements and promoted enemies are great for xp gains and make sure to grant them all out i fight the boss but while she is defeated she cannot fall here and will make her retreat to be a boss with two more maps in chapter 19 of this revelation iron man we enter vala which is both the void of any history or living people azura gives an exposition dump with that timeline for valo's existence makes no sense because literally nobody knows anything about it even the older characters who are clearly alive before it was destroyed this map is the same as chapter 15 from conquest but you have more characters this time you can either choose to rush to the escape point or clone your character to the bottom island to fight more enemies for a lot of valuable items of course i decided to get all the stuff things have been going well so far without any deaths for quite a few chapters so i figured i might as well try to snowball this advantage i clear every enemy and even manage to feed the boss kill to nyx who is actually quite strong at this point after this we rescue anthony a villager who is supposedly a page of a non-coast beginning one of the more bizarre but more importantly stupid side plots and all fire emblem and that is saying something in chapter 20 of this revelation iron man anthony attempts to trick cory's allies into falling off of a bridge which you think will be very easy given their zeal of jumping off of a different bridge only two chapters earlier but sadly nobody is hurt by this deception this map has multiple moving bridges activated by dragon veins however functionally this just results in you fighting individual islands of five or so enemies with some fires mixed in it doesn't require any particularly complicated strategy i experienced technical difficulties as the stream and chat crashed multiple times despite this i still cleared the whole map for maximum gains i get all the treasure including the water wheel which is an s reg naganada whose primary utility rests in being sold for five thousand gold this is generally the case for legendary escape weapons and fates upon the map's completion camilla notes that anthony was acting rather sus and xander moves to summarily execute him however cora defends him on the grounds that she does not understand the relationship between cause and effect in chapter 21 of his revelation iron man coron decides to trust anthony and follows him alone into the rear entrance of a non-closest fortress where he tries to kill her because it was trapped however korin's positively genius center-grade room-temperature iq master plan to account for the possibility of betrayal was to uh die in the ambush so her friends know that she was led into an ambush what the however literally everyone has followed corn because uh she is clearly incapable of independent action without a handler as punishment for his failure anonymous transforms anthony into a faceless because he can do that for some reason the gimmick of this map is that red tiles will cause enemies to provoke and become stronger while blue tiles will cause them to demold and become weaker this does not affect xp gain so there is no reason not to fight all the enemies when they are weakened unless you want to hurry to the map for very little material advantage azura's offensive capabilities have been falling off a little so i reclass her into a berserker improving her offenses and defenses by a significant margin as i grinded through the map by unexpectedly lose charlotte who i have been training to give nyx the fighter class for the h3 5 skill and soon after i also lose nyx to a master ninja who would double her unexpectedly the loss of the stupid meme character that i try to build a narrative around for the sake of this video makes me very angry and i decide to hurry and get the map over with i have jacob kill the boss to end the map in the following cutscene everyone but takumi and hinoka reaffirms their faith in corinth the conclusion and thesis statement of this three chakra subplot is that corn is too trusting and naive but that's a good thing because uh she is the protagonist and is perfect and can do no wrong please clap in chapter 22 of this revelation iron man the gang enters a mysterious forest that has no plot significance for what i believe is a failure chapter judging from the recycled tile set for the ninja forest map the relatively small amount of dialogue and the fact that anankos is using his control over the dead to use azura's dead mother as a reoccurring boss the gimmick of this map is that it is covered in dense forest or as the game calls it thick wood that groundians cannot cross you can burn these down using dragon drains to walk across these previously inaccessible areas there is roughly 15 000 gold worth of useless items that you can get if you want all the treasure but at this point you don't really need that much money if you're depending on characters like ryoma and xander who have excellent personal weapons you can instead just walk around defeat the boss and seize upon defeating arete for the second time she retreats out of the sphero chapter so we can fight her again for the third time next chapter i don't know about you but i for one am on the edge of my seat anticipating what will happen next in this riveting story in chapter 23 of this revelation iron man we fight arete but this time is for real anyway the chapter begins with ryoma suggesting that the killer of charlotte might perhaps be among us and with surprising comedic timing are they sick scarlet at you like some kind of necromantic pokemon and you kill her without much fuss this map's gimmick is a bunch of moving platforms that you have to inflict upon yourself to reach the next small group of isolated enemies as long as you're strong enough to fight five or so bohe promoter units you're probably fine since i've had enough of revelations i decide to hurry towards the boss to lessen my suffering i clear the middle island and then go upwards to beat the map as it turns out revelation is kind of easy we defeat aratae for the third and final time but simultaneously begin a new series of three where your characters kill their beloved parental figures cradling them in their arms as a non-voice's control fades away for their final moments allowing for a brief heartfelt conversation where the parents comment on how much their child has grown and how proud of them they are before they dissolve into bubbles but only azera accord and hoshida royals get this privilege the norian royals get like one scene and six lines of dialogue total in chapter 27 and that's it in chapter 24 of this revelation iron man corn meets an apparition of her dead mother makoto who warns her about a maze of deadly traps this map has two gimmicks the first is an option to stealth your way through the chapter for bonus rewards and avoid most of the combat by staying outside of the enemy unit's movement range this is pretty much only possible if you use only one or two units and extensively look up walkthroughs if you mess up you will pretty much die instantly so it is unsuitable for iron man runs the second gimmick are choices between red and blue doors the correct door is safe but the incorrect ones will be trapped the idea is that you need to decide if you trust mikoto's advice but there is zero logic behind this decision because you're given zero actual information the correct door has never changed so if you have ever played this map before or glance briefly at the wiki the gimmick is ruined just pick the blue door every time since i'm not brave or stupid enough to try the solo celtra on a iron man playthrough i just decided to kill my way through instead this genius plan goes well until it doesn't i make the grievous mistake of allowing more than zero enemies to live to enemy phase and then punish for this drastic error when an enemy swordmaster attacks and kills camilla with a six percent crit i am more confused than anything else because i expected at least to die instead i managed to continue without much fuss but at the end the flood of powerful reinforcements nearly gets jacob killed but he gets bailed out by an unexpected shield gauge i defeat makoto and end the map corn and the hoshido royals then cradle makoto in their arms as an oncologist's control fades for her final moments allowing for a brief heartfelt conversation where mercoto comments on how much everyone has grown and how proud of them she is before she dissolves into bubbles korran also discovers that she has violent royalty but it has more significance for hypothetical incest jokes than the actual story in chapter 25 of this revelation iron man we finally get to play the legendary elevator map which is the pinnacle of all those stupid transportation gimmicks that are so common in revelation the opening cutscene features gunter attempting to sole discord by nearly killing coryn and blaming it on a traitor instead of actually just killing her suddenly the hooded figure from chapter 5 appears and surprise surprise it's sumaragi the former hoshidin king who is now evil under the control of a nun cause and holding the evil bomb sword that he used to kill his wife the objective of this chapter is to run all over the place and activate three dragon bands to reach the boss while this elevator map is possibly one of the more tedious variations of the transportation map gimmick this map actually poses a significant challenge because the enemies are now very strong and you'll be ambushed at choke points when trying to leave the elevator the elevator also doesn't move if someone's occupying the door so you can't really use it to run away i am forced to use my weaker units as bait to protect my more useful characters and this proves to be one of the bloodiest chapters yet as i go towards the bottom dragon vein i sacrifice caden as bait to protect my other units and as zama suffers a similar fate i get swarmed by reinforcements as i go over the upper dragon vein and azira narrowly avoids death with a coin flip dodge immediately after however fugo who i recruited off-screen is killed as i approach the final room to defeat sumaragi i push in with maruka as tactical ablative armor to divert one enemy attack but at the same time shira is one shot by an enemy sniper sumaragi attacks ryobo and triggers astra but the lobster lord barely avoids death when his father misses twice and triggers one shield gauge ryoma dodges death again when an enemy great monk attacks and misses having successfully not been punished by needlessly reckless play a attack do meraki with jacob and kill him with azura korn and the hoshido royals then cradled sumaragi in their arms as an ongoing control fades for his final moments allowing for a brief heartfelt conversation where sumaragi comments on how much everyone has grown and how proud of them he is before he dissolves into bubbles korin also discovers that she is not biologically related to any of the hoshide siblings which has more significance for hypothetical instance jokes in the actual story before i take on the final few maps in this revelation iron man i decided to do paralog chapters to get some high level child units i recruit dwyer who is jacobs and coryn's son like every other parent jacob has yeted his child into an ultra dimension but unfortunately for dwyer merely living outside of time and space does not protect him from the current state of the housing market dwyer has to live with five roommates in a two bed two bath apartment despite having a full-time job just like every other millennial dwyer's paralog is famous for being extremely easy to beat is all you need to do is open the door to the left and defeat the boss i use niles as a dorky and just like all other dorkies he disappears upon being used i then kill the boss to beat the map giving azura her first level up as a berserker and the h3 5 skill dwyer inherits replicate from jacob so he can code himself to potentially double up on the inspiration skill which grants a damage to defense buff to nearby allies i only find out months later that multiple copies of inspiration in fact do not stack the second and last paralog i do in this revelation iron man is kana's paralog who is jacobs and korin's other son khanna's paralog is a great source of valuable xp and also is a fantastic opportunity to accidentally get your characters killed i immediately make a mistake on turn 1 activate the dragon vane cutting effie off my forces and leaving her trapped in enemy range effie's death not only recruits her to the skeleton war but also puts everyone else in peril the way this map works is that for each of the first couple of turns one group of roughly four enemies will attack while the rest will wait for their turn if you can clear each group right when they come in you can defeat them all one by one however effie's unfortunate positioning lured the upper right arches into attacking me early since i am now unable to clear the groups cleanly i am forced to scramble into a retreat snowballing the situation as more and more enemies attack khanna the neutral unit is killed but fortunately that doesn't actually matter i desperately fight on razor thin margins but manage a puzzle my way out of the snafu without further losses and once the bosses lloyd and the welding arrive i defeat them immediately ending the map before further reinforcements show up upon this map's completion we recruit khanna and also flora who has arrived because she has sensed that it is past chapter 23 and that i have built a level 3 fire orb in my inaccessible pocket dimension has no plot relevance wow i still have two more paralogs available shigure and valoria's i decide not to do them because the risk of further losses for relatively minimal gain is simply not worth it and you know me i only do things with a good cost of benefit ratio in chapter 26 of this revelation iron man i intentionally kill off characters for zero benefit the opening cut scene begins with everyone bursting into the throne room of vela where they expect a climactic confrontation with anankos only to find nobody at all suddenly everyone is attacked with fire magic except azura and turin and gunter uses this as grounds to accuse him of being the traitors among us he says that korin has lured everyone into battle just to kill them all in one place which does not even have the beginnings of making any sort of sense the other characters are temporarily made much stupider and act as if this is somehow convincing this contrivance occurs in order to add tension and to make corn look better when she figures out the murder non-mystery corinne uses the flower that scarlet pinned on herself in chapter 18 as evidence to prove the gunter is actually the evil one in an argument that still fundamentally ends up being no you gunter admits to the crime and has an ace attorney villain breakdown ranting and raving about how much he loves being evil this map is pretty easy the boss is gunter who was really weak there's also a map gimmick where azura and korin obtain an aura that heals and provides 40 avoid to nearby allies basically making everyone invincible this map is full of valuable treasure that i will not bother obtaining because there are only two maps left in this game i can hypothetically go and end the map by defeating gunzer quickly but i decided to take some time and do the good old traditional excellent end game experience by not having any characters left by the end of the game hinoka perry leo benny laszlo and silas all die to meet the quota i send jacob to kill the boss but things go awry before nothing bad happens anyway and i killed gunter in the following cutscene gunter breaks free of anonymous mind control by killing himself but there are healers on hand so the dramatic moment end up being for nothing coren forgives gunjar for all of his misdeeds because it is all an uncle's fault and allows him to come back on board as it turns out the only reason gunter was kind to corn was to get revenge on king garen who killed his wife and kids and who will absolutely have more than five lines of dialogue before he is unceremoniously killed in the cutscene in chapter 27 of the circulation iron man we finally meet anonymous who is a masked lunatic that rants about his hatred for humanity drawing some uncomfortable parallels i refuse to expound upon korin attacks with the alpha yato but does zero damage because she is really weak in retaliation anonymous blasts xander ryoba and azura for unspecified but non-lethal amount of damage before cory declares that she needs more power suddenly the divine weapons of the norian and hoshide and royals glow granting the yato their energy even though their respective characters have not gone through their character arcs in this route leo and takumi have not overcome their inferiority complexes xander has not overcome his daddy issues and ryoma has not gutted himself like a fish regardless cory's weapon has been upgraded into the omega yatso which will deal additional damage to another codes compared to other weaponry but i will to use it because korin is horrendously utter leveled and useless in any combat situation this map is easy to beat in one turn i simply use rescue zabs to teleport characters near anonymous and defeat them i send in jacob who lands three strikes with the brave lance and then azura who defeats the non-coast once and for all just kidding anankos declares that he needs more power and summons garen who has exactly five lines of meaningless dialogue before nankos eats him in a cutscene the norian royals only get six lines regarding this two of which are about to surprise at his appearance and four of which are their shocked reactions to their father being bored by a geriatric cave lizard in the final chapter of this revelation iron man we first need to watch an unbearably long cutscene every character except corn gives up all hope specifically so accord can look good by giving a rousing speech in this chapter you must defeat the silent dragon by hitting his hands and then his head and then finally his balls his singular one ball he lost his other one in the war it is well known that for dragons their true power is stored in the balls reinforcements trickle in at the rate of two enemies per turn but they are relatively trivial to deal with in most normal circumstances i find that i have failed my side objective of killing off all of my characters as the final map has a lower deployment limit than the previous chapter forcing me to leave some living characters on the bench regardless i kill off elise arthur keaton xander felicia khanna ryoma laura and dwyer leaving only azura and jacob left alive not to mention kaguro selena and odin who were left on the bench my inability to achieve the greater victory troubles me upon reaching anonymous final form i recognize that korra can actually deal some damage at a low hit rate at the risk of being killed in retaliation i consult chat and decide whether or not it will be fun to risk the entire run on a coin flip chat agrees and i oblige i send in corn who has not seen combat for half the game to attack anonycos she misses and is obliterated by the encounter attack game over the end thanks for watching this concludes my first ironman playthrough of fire emblem fates revelation if you're disappointed by the final chapter being cut short then uh oh boy i think you'll be even more disappointed if you read the actual story i'll use some footage from a later playthrough but if you must know all that happens afterwards is that while anonymous dies with no further dialogue everyone says congratulations and corin is crowned the new ruler of vala a country devoid of any living subjects infrastructure or government calling into question what's being king or queen even means xander and ryoma declare a vow of peace and that's that whole hub everyone lives happily ever after the end this playthrough may have ended in failure but i'll try again i will restart the game this time as they kill my unit challenge run where viewers can kill off my characters live on stream by super chatting i have high hopes for this i had a relatively easy time going through revelation the first time around and i think the additional restrictions will add some spice anyway if you like this series please subscribe to my youtube channel i put a lot of work into my videos so if you want to support my future projects consider becoming a youtube member contributing to my patreon or participating in my streams thanks for watching and see you all in the next one
Channel: Excelblem
Views: 115,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bRfXXp0MV_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 12sec (2112 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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