How To Never Die In Minecraft Survival/Hardcore - Defeat Creepers, Lava, Wardens, Fall Damage & More

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it's incredibly annoying to die in Minecraft losing all your items experience and dignity but no worries because in this video find out the most common deaths and how you can avoid them so that you never die in Minecraft again now the most important thing to know about dying in Minecraft is what the most common causes of death are and a fact that you may or may not find surprising is that for almost every player 75 percent or three quarters of deaths are directly related to being killed by mobs and of that three-quarters of deaths that are attributed to mobs about one-third of every single death in Minecraft is because of her good friend the creeper so in that case let's start with the creeper the most common cause of death in Minecraft how do we avoid ever seeing this screen again well obviously we need to First find out what makes creepers dangerous that's pretty obvious it's their explosive power that explosion can kill a player very very easily and so it makes them a mod that can kill you in one hit let's say you're in the situation right here literally no items on you we can still make this creeper blast a lot less dead deadly and the trick is is making it blast where we want it to let's say we go over here on the other side of a block and the creeper explodes right there because that block was at our feet we only lost a very small amount of Health you see the way it works in Minecraft the vast majority of explosive damage occurs on only the lower half of your body and so because of that if there's just any block between you and the lower half of your body even let's see being beneath that creeper the explosion's effect is still going to be a lot more voided however another great method of not getting killed by creepers is so simple just put a shield in your off hand hold up that Shield even if the creeper does explode next to you zero damage now that is kind of half the problem with creeper is that they can destroy blocks on your base maybe even opening up a wall to allow other mobs in the solution to that is to explode them in a place where they can't destroy anything and that place is water so simply get that creeper into water push it a bit further in hold up your Shield that creeper will explode and it will not cause any damage to anyone no mobs no blocks nothing let's say though you actually want to Kill The Creeper you don't want it to explode well here's a couple tricks to killing them so that they can never kill you run up to the creeper and as you're running with it hit the creeper you see if you're sprinting when you hit the creeper that creeper will have a lot more knockback than if you're not running one trick later game that of course makes this much easier is to Simply throw on the knock back one or better yet knock back two enchantment on your sword this will mean that whether you're sprinting or not that creeper is going to go flying away from you and so because of that even combined with the Sprint you can get that creeper so far away it will never explode next to you when you're hitting it also if you're enjoying this video make sure to press the like button subscribe to see more content like this and turn on the notification Bell so you never miss my new uploads in the future but enough about Creepers let's move on to the next greatest cause of death inside of survival which just so happens to be the risk of not looking where you're going and dying of ball damage now most of the Fall damage deaths in Minecraft are obviously just from falling to your death but there's a second type of them which comes from the improper use of elytra in fact many many players late game will die just like this from using their relator wrong I'm going to show you how to easily fix this much more environmental cause of death so the obvious trick that everyone knows about to reduce fall damage is to use a water bucket placing down that water bucket before you hit the ground is not super difficult and it's a pretty easy way of getting yourself that fall damage to be completely stopped now the one problem with this is that obviously if you do it incorrectly you can very very easily die one thing you can do to make this a little easier if you want is to place down that water bucket before you jump and then simply to ride down on this convenient flow of water which will give you safe passage to the bottom another method that works really well but just be careful this only works in Java Edition is to Simply place down a boat and have yourself a very easy ride all the way down that mountain we can even hit the ground not even necessarily water and will take no fall damage but let's say you don't have those items what other items can you use to do an MLG jump which is basically a jump where you save yourself when you would have died from the blocks that were naturally there well these blocks are twisting Vines scaffolding sweet berries as well as powdered snow slime blocks and one of the best being Ender Pearls and I'll show you how to use all of these scaffolding is the exact same as a water bucket you just have to hold down Crouch when you're doing it so just Spam right click when crouching you're going to be safe with that the second trick you can do if the block beneath you is one that can have blocks planted on it is to use sweet berries seems kind of stupid but we can play sea sweet berries down and take no fall damage finally things like slime blocks these will actually balance you up which makes it kind of fun the final trick is one of the best and most guaranteed in every version that's ender pearls if you're about to die and you're falling like this we can even throw this mid-air it'll go faster than us teleport us to the ground every time before we hit the ground we run into a bit of a problem though we're now inside of the nether Dimension and inside the nether Dimension a lot of things like let's say water buckets do not work but I would especially recommend is the use of twisting Vines they can be placed basically anywhere and stop your fall damage also if you don't have any fall damage reduction items it's as easy as just finding yourself a warped Forest a common biome across the Nether and in there break yourself a couple and get yourself these super useful twisting Vines the other trick which is really good is to bring a powdered snow bucket with you as this is a type of bucket method that also works inside the nether but now you've gone to the end and Beyond you have a lighter in Minecraft and you can just stop your fall damage by activating that elytra but the elytra introduces its very own fall damage related risks so here's how to get rid of those I would say the biggest trick to avoiding fall damage with elytra but really with any type of fall damage in the game is to use the feather falling for enchantment and this is one of the best enchantments in the entire game because it provides you a very large amount of protection against fall damage as an example this is a deadly fall damage height with that feather fall link for we did survive it the other nice thing about feather falling for though is it also helps reduce damage related to elytra another great way of stopping yourself from dying when flying with a lighter or really even fall damage in general is the end's very own chorus fruits you see if you take chorus fruits and you eat them they'll make you teleport somewhere around but they'll never teleport you into the air and what that means that if you are in the air it's going to find a location on the ground to teleport you to so if we eat this chorus fruit right here it's going to teleport us on the ground and even though we're flying we've made a safe travel all the way to the bottom of the ground there now this did not used to work for anything else other than the lytra but in Minecraft 1.20.2 it's now been changed that if you eat chorus fruit even when you're falling that chorus fruit is going to teleport you to the ground completely safely as you just saw there of course in terms of flying elytra in general the trick to not dying is not having sharp angles sharp angles equals Death the other thing that can cause death at the lytra is just going too quickly so here's how to slow down just spin in a circle you can see we went from going slow to barely moving at all let's say we're going down the ground we're about to crash and die we just spin look at that we're completely safe we hit the ground there was no issue another trick to this can just be landing at a very flat angle so for instance right here Landing close to the ground sort of like an airplane does we don't take any damage let's move on to another one of Minecraft's most difficult mobs though and that of course is the ranged weapon attacker of the skeleton skeletons pose the most danger early game and so you want to make sure to solve the problem of this mob as soon as possible because of that even though it might seem like a waste you want to use the first Iron that you get on Crafting a shield because once you have a shield even with just one item you can completely block all of those skeleton attacks now obviously the skeleton does not rapid fire arrows it has to have a bit of time between hitting them and so the trick is is let that Arrow hit your shield and as soon as it does go up to the skeleton and hit it then make your Shield go up again because of that we're hitting the skeleton when it's not hitting us now balancing this can be a little bit more difficult if you have two skeletons but it is still fairly simple now one thing that is important to know is that the shield does not block arrows the second that you hold right click to enable it in fact Shields take a little bit of time to enable that protection another thing important to know is that even against a very large number of skeletons you're fairly safe as long as they're all on the same side of you but if we were going to put ourselves in the center of this group of skeletons this Shield becomes much less effective that's because Shields do not block completely around the player they just block the area in front of you and here's where a large amount of skeletons becomes quite easy simply just get those skeletons to anger mobs and each other with their ranged attacks the only trick you have to do is simply walk in a bit of a circle around the group of mobs that's trying to attack you that way it's quite likely that that skeleton's arrow is going to hit one of the other mobs around it lava is definitely one of the biggest dangers inside of Minecraft especially since it burns up all your items and lava is not just an issue that is isolated to the nether when caving or strip mining dying in lava is also a significant threat so what steps can you take to not die from this molten rock well the first solution is fairly obvious and that's to bring a potion of fire resistance with you now most players may not always have a potion of fire resistance with them but if you're in any area that could contain lava like let's say you're in the nether or you plan on caving you're going to want to have a potion hopefully an eight minute version of fire resistance on you say we've made our way into The Nether and obviously if we fall into the lava ocean here we're not really gonna have enough time to drink a potion what we can do however is throw that splash potion of fire resistance to save ourselves you see if we throw it it's going to hit us and we're gonna get that effect very very quickly and so a great safety precaution to take is to bring with you that potion of fire resistance so that you're just on fire but your items are not actually gone what the most dangerous ways of running into to Lava R instantly mining tunnels or even just mining it all in an instant way through nether rock the reason why is that the way that Netherrack generates there's actually supposed to be small isolated pockets of lava throated I'm not sure if this is for any particular reason or if it was put in the game to make it intentionally more difficult but it definitely does as you saw right there we just broke into one of them and there's now all this lava in our tunnel if you're just mining straightforward not looking in front of you you're basically guaranteed within minutes to run into a pocket of lava and lose all of your items so how do we avoid this well if you don't have fire resistance just put a block in your off hand then what will happen is when we're digging around in the nether like this upon hitting that lava we're in a lot of danger and with those solid blocks and are off hand though we can build a shield to protect us from that lava hitting us then eventually we can place down a block to just completely get rid of that lava although lava in the Overworld is slow and does not have a very big spread radius inside of the nether lava flows at the speed of and spreads at the distance of water and so because that if you run into lava that lava is going to follow you very very quickly which means if you get stuck inside of it where obviously you move quite slowly and it's already spread all the way around you you're basically guaranteed to lose your items that's why having these blocks in your offhand is good so we can just place down that and stop it from flowing towards us however what makes lava so deadly is the fact that it destroys items and that's obviously a terrible thing as it makes that death guaranteed to be much worse however one of the biggest defenses against lava is also an item that can't even be destroyed by it that's netherrite as you probably already know every single netherite item in the game cannot be destroyed by lava so what I would recommend any player to do is of course to try and get full netherite armor they reduce fire damage significantly but as well as that of course it cannot actually burn in the fire itself and if you want to make an even safer form of protection against that fire damage all you have to do is take those pieces of armor and throw on the fire protection enchantment lava as you can see with this fire protection four full netherite armor is not hurting us very much so those are some of the biggest tricks to not dying from lava and Minecraft and losing all your items this next very common cause of death is the Enderman now Enderman are not that dangerous as is the problem is is that most players have to kill a bunch of them at one point to travel to the end Enderman also have a fairly good amount of Health themselves and are quite large so how do we not die from this incredibly dangerous mob inside of Minecraft that can even teleport behind us and kill us if we're not looking enderman's biggest weakness is their size they're not a standard two block tall mob they're actually a little bit taller this mob would be a lot more dangerous if it was only two blocks tall the reason why is that all we have to do to defeat the Enderman is give ourselves a two block tall space that we can very easily fit in that airman's gonna run up trying to kill us but it can't because its feet can simply not fit through the door now that we have this Enderman close to us just shaking very mad we can simply hit that Enderman with any weapon you want of course preferably elude free sword and get ourselves those ender pearls and so by using that trick you can start collecting your ender pearls as early as day one and so by just digging a two block tall area into any part of the terrain or maybe even your base you can make yourself a safe shelter from Enderman in about five seconds in fact it's so good that we could even anger multiple Endermen at once maybe even angering more from our Viewpoint here we can have them all bunched up with all those angry Enderman and using a sword we can even hit multiple of them at once another good trick is to use water the reason why is that enderman's other biggest weakness is water if we make a bunch of these Enderman angry and they're all going towards us and trying to kill us you can see they're not actually going to go into the water because the water hurts them so we're also completely safe from this very dangerous hostile mob by simply taking a small bath but if you don't have for an example a big river here's what to do in the end let's say we have an angry Enderman at us well look in your inventory for a water bucket if you place the water bucket down get to the very center of that block that you place down you now have a safe radius around you that Enderman will not go into the one problem with this method is that the Enderman do tend to walk into the water and then teleport away so it's not super easy to kill the Enderman from this vantage point but what is good is that it gives you a really safe and instant Shield of protection around you from this mob that can turn hostile so if we use this bow and arrow against the Enderman and it's in our way we can just force teleport it look at it anywhere but the head and shoot an arrow at it that Arrow will go right through it because if an arrow is about to hit an Enderman that Enderman will force teleport away from it but also the fact that if we want to get rid of them it's as easy as just telling them to go away with a simple arrow shot to their feet however here's something really interesting about Enderman yes looking him in the face makes them mad but what if you don't look away seriously let's try it let's try not looking away from that Enderman and what you might notice immediately is that Enderman has not attacked us yet in fact it is not moved it has not killed us as long as our crosshairs are still within its hitbox of its head that Enderman is not going to move at all and so if your really early game and you're just trying to sneak away from that Enderman to get into water sometimes looking right at its head can be your best trick to actually make it stop the warden is definitely the scariest mob in Minecraft but it doesn't have to be its most dangerous and it can be one of the ways you never die in the game the one redeeming quality about Minecraft's most dangerous mob is the fact that where you actually find them is very limited they're only found inside of two places that is the ancient city structure as well as any place inside the deep dark biome there's these things called skulk shriekers and if you make them shriek four times an a warden will spawn in the real thing is once that Warden has spawned in the game once that danger is there what do we do to make sure that we're not killed and all our items are lost forever so let's see this Warden has just come out of the ground here and it's gonna start chasing us it can't really see us it can only sense Us by sniffing what that means that as soon as that Warden spawns in if you literally just run away from it it will eventually stop chasing you if you can get far away in time and after after that it'll just despawn after a couple minutes so that's a really easy way to not have to deal with them the problem is is that a lot of times during this running stage you can make there be more and more wardens that spawn if you're going through a place with lots of those shriekers as once those shriekers have been activated four times every new Shrieker activation like you can see right here for an example gives us a brand new warden so you could be in the ancient city and have 20 wardens after you pretty realistically now wardens have two attacks a ranged attack and a non-ranged attack the non-ranged attack is not super difficult although it is quite dangerous because it's fairly easy just to get out of its range the problem is it actually has a second attack this is a ranged attack and that attacks range is 20 blocks so if you're 21 blocks or more away from the warden even if it can still obviously know that you're there it's not going to hit you with this ranged attack this Sonic Blast range attack is very very dangerous and let's say we just fall down right here we're still pretty far below but it hit us and we died from that attack so one of the best tricks if you're close to an angry warden in your late game and even though it might seem dangerous is to literally just fly away this may be into the darkness you may not know what's in front of you and you might even get a lot of fall damage from doing this but getting that large amount of distance between you and the warden is going to be so much less dangerous than any potential fall damage you might get this method of stopping the warden I find very hilarious because you're more or less just refusing it the ability of attacking you as soon as that Warden starts to spawn in we have to find where it starts to spawn in right over here dig underneath it then dig the blocks underneath it this might seem crazy we've just dropped that Warden that Warden can now not get out of that pit this is the method I tend to do if a warden actually spawns in the game is to trap it get that distance you can actually see it was about to hit me with a shriek there so you do want to be careful to still be far away from it let's say that you just by accidentally are gonna spawn a ward into the game immediately place down an observer an observer facing that a trapdoor and a run what you've basically done is just created a warden try crop those signals are going to make that Warden be completely distracted by it you can also build one of these traps really easily with a birch trapdoor and skulk sensors between it the wardens care about the Trap if there's nothing else interesting around them and we more or less have made this very dangerous mob completely passive the nether has a lot of other dangerous mobs one of them is the Magma Cube the big danger with this small is that there's actually no cooldown on it damaging you that means that if it lands on top of you it can basically go hit hit hit hit with no time in between and it can make you die very quickly without notice so the trick to make this not happen is to hit these mobs away from you get them out of your range and try and hit them with ranged attacks even if that doesn't quite seem like the right procedure this mob is much safer the further away you are from it as you can see we got close there and we died a really big danger in the nether is the hoglands as they can attack you with a lot of damage and have a lot of HP another big problem with the hoglands is that they are actually quite large and so because of that you can't just trap them in both this does not work to protect you from them however there are a couple tricks the first one is if you have nothing really nearby stack up a little bit you want to go three blocks high at least in fact from exactly three blocks high you can hit the hoglands but they can't hit you now the other trick to dealing with hoglands is even easier if we just place down this warped fungus right here something you might notice is that these mobs are scared of warped fungus and so because of this if you're in a biome with hoglands and you want to protect yourself place down that fungus you'll notice all these hoglands are running away from us five super dangerous mobs able to kill us instantly running away that's the secret of hoglands be sure to leave in the comments below what you find to be the most deadly part of the game and what you've suffered the most deaths from I would say for me personally it's mostly fall damage and creepers another Fortress also has in it some very dangerous mobs specifically the wither skeletons as well as the blazes now the one good thing about dangerous Wither Skeleton mob is that they're actually pretty easy to deal with all you have to do is physically block their their way of getting to you this is the exact same method as the Enderman just place down some gateways that need a two block tall mob or player to go through instead of three blocks tall that way now that we've surrounded ourselves on every side with this this Wither Skeleton can try and get us but it actually cannot reach and so because of that it's really easy if you're being chased by a bunch of these just as you're running to place up in the air this little block another good trick as well can be when you're going upstairs like this just placing a block on the last stair that will also stop mobs from chasing you now there's unfortunately no way in Minecraft of making blazes a completely easy mob there are two tricks though to make them a lot easier the first one is using a shield and treating them kind of similarly to a skeleton they could just for an example shoot three arrows at once so when this Blaze is about to hit we'll hold up the shield and those will be blocked by our shield and then we can just hit it they do have a melee attack so you want to be careful being too close to them and of course if you do get hit by lava you're gonna die a powder snow bucket will save you so if you're on fire fire and you use a powder snow bucket that will actually save you but it will break that powdered snow it might not be the biggest cause of death in Minecraft but a significant danger is also drowning if you're caught underwater with no way to breathe it can be very difficult to get to the surface in time and usually the player will drown now the most obvious way to avoid dying of drowning is to Simply drink a potion of water breathing the problem is that you don't have access to this potion until a little bit later in the game and so there's two tricks to not drown underwater even if you don't have this effect now placing down any door under water will provide you an air pocket but only inside of java Edition so if you're inside of Bedrock Edition there's not really a block you can just place down to give you a literal pocket of air that you can just go inside however there is one more method that does work in Bedrock and in Java and that is magma blocks if you place down a magma block anywhere on the ground and you just Crouch to make sure you're not hurt by that magma once that bubble column appears above the magma blocks you're going to start to get a lot more oxygen a lot more air bubbles and so because of that what you can do as long as you don't get hurt by that magma is just go from magma block to magma block and of course also enchantments like respiration or having a turtle helmet will also give you a lot more life underwater before you start to drown and you can even see under here an example of some naturally generated magma blocks right next to this copper or vein that's giant which will give us some error without even having to make our way into the nether first anyway no one likes dying in Minecraft so that's how to not die in Minecraft the most common deaths and some more tips and tricks if you enjoyed this video make sure to like it subscribe to see more like this and I will see you in the next video goodbye foreign [Music]
Channel: Eyecraftmc
Views: 976,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Never Die In Minecraft, Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide, Minecraft Survival Guide, Minecraft tips and tricks, minecraft facts, minecraft hacks, minecraft secrets, 19 ways to stay alive in minecraft, 13 common minecraft deaths and how to avoid them, Minecraft how to survive falling into lava, Minecraft how to survive any fall, how to actually survive minecraft hardcore, HOW TO Survive Your First 100 Days In Hardcore Minecraft, How to survive anything in minecraft, Minecraft
Id: e9mKZoYCMD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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