Never Do This in Minecraft

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don't play your crops like this that grow faster than rows and don't grow your sugar cane on Sand or dirt use mud instead and these are 29 Minecraft things you might be doing wrong but first we've got a problem YouTube tells me that no one has ever subscribed to the channel using their knuckle so to be the first fist bump that red button below it's free and it all set a ton stop using shears to collect your leaves but instead you should use a hoe no joke because in recent versions The hoe has gotten a much bigger bump to how you can use it and while it does cost some extra experience to get the silk touch on your hoe to do this the trade-off is that you're going to get a much better durability than using some shears and considering all the other blocks that we can break quickly by using this tool I think that's more than enough reason to switch out your shears for a new side how if you enchant like this you're doing it wrong because as nebon lays out there's a way to properly use an anvil to allow us to apply more than 30 enchantments to an item and considering they're on 30 enchantments in the game this basically means that we can get any enchantment that you want onto that one item without ever seeing the too expensive screen show up and the reason for this basically comes down to a different point system that gives different values to different enchantments but if I were to list them out for every enchantment right here we'd be here all day so I'd recommend checking out nembon's video to see more about how the details are done because while it might take a learning curve to figure out as soon as you've got it your tools are about to get a lot more powerful and more importantly you'll still be able to repair them whether you plant your sugar cane on dirt or sand you're both wrong since instead you should be using mud Odd as it sounds the mud block is actually the best candidate for one particular reason it's shorter than a full block size which means that if we place Hoppers underneath it we get 100 collection efficiency so every item that we break from our sugar cane Farms can go right down to where they're supposed to be and honestly when the alternative is building one of these using Hopper mine carts and a whole other set of Hoppers I think you'll find that just by using a few water bottles you can get a much more efficient solution never type out this command but instead you should just hold down the F3 key and then use the F4 to scroll through with this simple shortcut we don't have to waste the time typing out the command and we can seamlessly switch between the different game modes that you might be doing while you're building a map and if you're a veteran player it might take a little bit to get used to but as soon as you do you'll never want to go back in the older versions if your villagers keep escaping from your trading Hall you need to use honey blocks since silly as it may seem no mob's able to jump off of a honey block to get enough height meaning by just tucking a couple of these inside your trading Hall people just won't be able to escape anytime soon and then for some added defense you could even add in Honey blocks around them so that mob's like zombies and more importantly baby zombies can't even jump in to attack them keeping them safe and in place both of which are important if you're still mining at y level 11 here's why you need to change since after the or generation changes in 1.18 you'll now need to go down to Y level negative 58 to have a much better chance of finding your diamonds granted it's gonna take some time to dig all the way down there but hey that's what you're finding the diamonds for anyway so you can have better durability to then find more diamonds it seems like a payoff to me do not enchant your pickaxe with fortune or rather don't do it yet since going on your mining trips the silk touch pickaxe is going to be much more efficient for your inventory space and then after you've collected all the ores in the raw form you can finally return those back to your base and then use the fortune pickaxe when you're up and above which in part does two things you'll be able to carry more Ores and you don't have to worry about dying with literal stacks of diamonds while you're down there both of which sound pretty nice well with that silk touch pickaxe you're gonna have to remember Never Smell Your oars in a furnace because while it might feel familiar for old players like me nowadays if you're smelting iron copper or gold you're slashing your profits in half and rather you should be fortunate in them and then smelting the raw materials inside giving you a much better bang for your buck even if it does take an extra step of having to break them if you're planning on naming your tools do not do it after applying any enchanted books since it's laid out in this example every time that you go to name your tool after you've taken it up a couple levels it's going to get much more expensive to do and that'll in turn bring up the entire enchantment cost of the whole tool which is something we want to avoid entirely so come up with a name before you do the step one otherwise you're just wasting experience this cave looks safe but it's actually stupid because this cave is also safe it took a lot less torches see since the changes in 1.18 to mob spawning he'll only ever spawn down here in complete darkness which is a big change from when they used to spawn in light levels up to seven and honestly I have a bad habit of doing this too it just feels safer when there's more light but if you're low on resources just know that you can take this easy out and it's not going to come back to bite you in any way here's why you need to be breaking your crops with a pickaxe because honest this looks it's actually possible to have the fortune enchantment applied when you break certain crops like carrots or potatoes and you can see the difference in gains between these two examples it's pretty significant oh and you could also use it to get more apples from the leaves that you break and you don't even have to use a pickaxe this could be any tool of the fortune enchantment applied so whichever one you got on hand that's not your farming tool better start using it never take the first horse that you tame because while it does take a while to finally get a horse tamed and actually start using it if that horse ends up being the slowest of the bunch then you're gonna be wasting that time anyways so it's worth testing out any and all horses around you and taming them to see which of them has the best stats that way you can make sure they're not settle in for some subpar Steed this shovels too fast which sounds like a ridiculous problem to have but it can actually come up in certain instances like say I have a stack of gravel in my off hand and I'm trying to mine them with the shovel at the same time to get flint but if my shovel has the efficiency to insta mine then it breaks the gravel before it lets me place down another block but instead by using a slower shovel here we can just hold down both buttons and completely mine through the stack without interruption proving that sure enough slow and steady can't win the race stop using your obsidian for blast Chambers instead use waterlogged blocks since 1.19 lets us now waterlog our leaves and Mangrove roots that water inside will keep these from exploding and while this does work with any kind of waterlog block I would recommend using leaves instead since at least that way the water is self-contained it's not going to flow out of the block which could be a problem if you're using something like stairs instead picture this you take the time to build your perfect mob farm get all the spawning rates right and then you ruin it by adding in a viewing window don't get me wrong it's an honest mistake I also want to see if it's working properly but ever since 1.18 even just that little bit of light level that seeps in through the glass can block all of the Hostile Mobs from spawning so to fix this problem you should be using the newer tinted glass instead that way we turn this worrisome window into the one-way glass that you need to do the trick stop using bubble columns or rather stop using these bubble columns since while a Soul Sand bubble column could be incredibly great for getting up fast using another one with Magma blocks can be incredibly slow instead it's gonna be much faster and simpler for your elevators just have your player fall into something that breaks their fall like powdered snow or water block that way we make sure that we have the best amount of speed going both up and down stop building your crop farms like this but instead you got to do it like this and that's not just personal preference but it's actually coded into the game where the crops grow faster if they're planted in rows so to fix this problem what you should be doing in your Farms is either alternating your crop rows or leaving about one block of space in between and no joke because of the secret feature you'll see an immense increase your growth speed and when you go to replant your next Harvest you'll want to keep that in mind this TNT trap works but we can do so much better because but just adding five iron to the base of that TNT we got ourselves a TNT Minecart it does the job instantaneously since by mixing together TNT mine carts with powered rails we can not only explode our victim before they know what's going on but we can also pack an absurd amount of TNT into that one rail making our machine a lot deadlier without actually having to scale up the size stop using redstone dust in your builds because the truth is that this is one of the lackiest Redstone components in the game especially when you continue to power it off and on and in lieu of that you'll find it much more efficient to use powered or activator rails instead which there you go costs the same amount of redstone and at least for that part it should be an easy transition to make as long as you got a gold Farm if you've ever wondered why the screenshots on Reddit looks so much better than your own here's the secret you gotta use a low fov now don't get me wrong playing on fov30 is a nightmare but when you use it for a screenshot it gives you a much better flattening to the image and then if you max out your render distance you'll be able to make that shot look so much better and then immediately turn off those settings because we actually want the game to be playable this bridge could be the death of me because even though it's easy to build over The Lava using Netherrack all it takes is one gassed flying by and shoot me with a fireball to completely destroy it so even though there's a bunch of Netherrack to use in the nether to build I'd much rather prefer using something like Cobblestone for a better alternative and that way you'll at least have a chance to survive in the fireball instead of having a definite fall to your doom stop crafting Diamond gear which sounds crazy but hear me out since Diamonds Are a finite resource within the world generation you should really stick to getting any diamond gear that you need through trading with villagers instead since with the tool Smith and armor and a weaponsmith you can get all your diamond Essentials taken care of without ever having to mine a diamond door and that way you save yourself a mining trip and you save the world from running out of diamonds if Trader chest looks like this you're doing it wrong or rather I should say you're doing it inefficiently since an under chest like this has 27 times the storage that we had there and now that shulk is a renewable in recent updates by using different shulker box that are sorted in a certain way we can save ourselves a lot of time like everyone that's purely for valuables another for emergency gear or even just having shulker boxes filled with common building blocks could save you a lot of back and forth while you're building out a trip all of which is a Time investment that pays off trust me if your copper looks like this I can tell you why it's not oxidizing since the way that it's coated copper blocks need at least four blocks between them to oxidize at Max Speed and if you have the blocks placed any closer together it's gonna take much longer especially if they're touching so instead a pattern like this is going to be the quickest way to do it helping you to build that Statue of Liberty replica and still get it finished within your own lifetime this crafting recipe works but it's inefficient since the truth is that if we make our mossy cobblestone using the new moss blocks instead of vines it still works just the same but Moss blocks are so much easier to far considering they could be hard harvested through automatic means while you are technically supposed to use an ax for harvesting course flowers I wouldn't say it's the right solution since instead it's much easier to collect these Flowers by shooting them with a bow a trident or even a snowball and I that also eliminates the need to go and pillar up to them saving your time on both fronts which I would say is a good deal here's why you should never craft lime dye since while it is technically possible to get this with cactus green and white dye it'd be so much quicker if you just farmed your sea pickles and did it like this since if you just bone meal sea pickle on top of a coral block you'll get a large number of them for cheap sometimes 10 plus and then you can smelt those down and get much more dye for your return that way you only need one sea pickle farm instead of a way to get cactus and white dye cauldrons are a rip-off because if you're taking the time to fill up each of your water bottles using The Cauldron one water source will only fill up three bottles that it needs but if instead you just take that water source out of the cauldron and place it nearby then you can fill up an infinite amount of bottles from that and when it costs seven iron ingots to get even less return I think it's safe to say that the cauldron's still a rip-off this small drip Leaf is incredibly rare so be sure shouldn't waste it see small drip Leaf is essentially non-renewable since you can only find it within Lush caves and from wandering Trader trades meaning that if you were to bone meal a small drip Leaf into a big one you're wasting it since that same big drip Leaf is actually easily farmable through other methods so even if it doesn't look like it in the long run you'll want to hold on to the little guys especially when you can get all the big ones from a setup like this and with that folks YouTube thinks that you might like this video so see if they're right and have a good one alright
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 1,183,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J_H5Jx-2pFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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