How to Move to Germany? (4 Possible Ways for Non-EU Citizens)

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hello guys welcome to another video this is one of the most important videos on this channel if you want to move to western europe and this video starts with a question what are the first countries that come to mind when you think about western europe germany is probably one of them germany is one of the most desirable places to live in the world it has a high quality of life good healthcare system a lower than average unemployment rate for western europe and a very strong economy germany is a very easy country to immigrate if you are an eu citizen but if you are a non-eu citizen your options are much more restricted in this video we are going to talk about how you can move to germany if you are a non-eu citizen and before we start with the actual content i have to say what i have to say always in the beginning of the videos if you want to travel move or invest abroad hit the like button check our other videos check the links in the description and most importantly subscribe let's start before we talk about non-eu citizens moving to germany which is the main topic of this video i'll just give a word about the situation with eu citizens if you are an eu citizen you have free access to the german job market and business structure with the same rights as german nationals so you can just move from whatever the country you are coming from if it is inside the european union and the european economic area and you can just come to germany register your stay look for a job or you can find a job beforehand and then move to germany it doesn't make much difference you will eventually sort out your paperwork without too much stress and also you don't need a work permit so you can just come and start your life in germany right away but now let's talk about non-eu citizens which are the main topic of this video firstly there are many ways non-eu citizens can move to germany you can come as a student or if you find a job and they sponsor your visa or if your spouse is a german citizen or an eu citizen but in this video we're going to cover just four ways in which you can move to germany as a non-used citizen because there are many ways and we will narrow down to these options which are mostly for someone who doesn't have a german family member and for people which didn't move yet to germany so if you are outside of germany and you do not have a german relative this video is for you so one of the first things you have to consider is even if we consider only the countries outside of the european union there are differences on how you can apply and how you can get a residence permit in germany the first option is mostly for citizens which are visa exempt to come to germany they are citizens of us canada new zealand australia and some other countries if you are a citizen of one of these countries getting a job in a residence permit in germany will be much easier compared to citizens which require a visa to come to germany in any situation if you are a citizen of one of these countries you can effectively come to germany first without a visa and look for a job right away if you find a job in germany that is willing to sponsor your residence and work permit you take the job contract and some other requirements and you can apply for a residence permit you do not need to go back to your country of origin to apply for a visa in this case only if you are a citizen of one of these countries and you find a company which is willing to sponsor your stay in germany the second option is the eu blue card the eu blue card program is given to people which are highly skilled and have a high paying job offer the most important requirement for a non-eu citizen to get a blue card is that the salary you are offered is above a certain threshold currently the minimum annual gross salary should be above 57 000 euros per year if the job is in a high demand sector you will be eligible with a salary of at least 45 000 euros per year grows among the sectors which are considered in high demand currently in germany there are mathematics i.t engineering and medicine in order for you to be eligible for the eu blue card you have to either have a german degree or a foreign recognized degree if you manage to get a job offer which will sponsor you for the eu blue card you have a number of advantages the main advantage is once you are living in germany you can apply for permanent residency after living three years on an eu blue card this can be even reduced to two years if you meet some other requirements like passing a german language test so that is much faster than the usual route which would take you five years to get a permanent residence permit in germany the third option i'm going to present is becoming a student this is probably a good idea if you are young and you want to start a new life in germany becoming a student is probably a very good idea and i will tell you why right now even if you don't speak german you can become a student in germany it will be very inexpensive compared to most countries in the western world and even if you don't have any qualification this option you can come to germany get all your qualifications in germany and then eventually stay permanently in germany the first step is you can come to germany to study german if the german course has a minimum number of hours per week you qualify for a residence permit as a student after learning german and getting used to the german lifestyle the second step would be to apply for a german higher education institution education in germany is very affordable and overall costs are incomparably cheaper than the us canada and australia so for example if you are a us citizen and you want to study in the us this will be much more expensive than if you are an us citizen you move to germany and then you study in germany even if you are not a citizen it will still be much cheaper to study in germany another advantage of becoming a student in germany is that you can work part-time while you are studying german and then during all the time you are studying to get a degree in germany you'll be also eligible to work if you are from the us canada uk and these other countries which i have mentioned which are visa exempt to come to germany you don't need to apply for a visa before him you can come to germany sign up for a german course and then apply for a residence permit the fourth option that i'm going to discuss today is becoming self-employed in germany this is probably not one of the most popular routes to move to germany but it is one that i consider one of the most useful ones because it is very flexible you do not have to find a company that will sponsor you you can just with your own qualifications get a residence permit in germany and work first of all it is important to know that you can actually become a self-employed person in germany if you are non-used citizen some people think the only way to work in germany is if a company sponsors you but that's not the case if you meet the requirements you don't need a company to sponsor you and you can become self-employed in germany as a non-eu citizen there are two categories of self-employed persons in germany freelancers and entrepreneurs the activities you want to perform will determine whether you fall into the category of freelancers or self-employed persons i'll not get into details here because the list is very long and complex so first of all you have to find out in which category you would be able to apply if you're going to be a freelancer or a self-employed person depending on your profession the requirements are harder that's the probably the most significant disadvantage of getting a self-employed residence permit in germany you can't just become a freelancer without any qualification you can't just come and say i'm a mechanic i can fix cars that will be not enough to get a residence permit and another difficult requirement is you will need to show evidence that your profession or business idea is viable and that it is of economic interest to the region or area you're going to apply for this residence permit so it's not that straightforward and there might be many setbacks you might find out that in your situation you might not actually be able to apply for this type of residence permit but if you are already a freelancer or a self-employed person in your country of origin this is probably a route you should consider if you want to move to germany now that we have talked about the options for non-eu citizens to move to germany some of the options as i said before there are some other options also available we're gonna talk about things which i consider advantages and disadvantages of living in germany the first advantage i like to point out about living in germany is its healthcare system if you are working in germany or even if you are a student as long as you are doing something in germany you will be covered by the german healthcare system which is one of the best in the world and also very inexpensive so if you are coming from the us canada or australia for example we can't even compare the situation because you will not have to spend much money in germany even if you need frequent access to the healthcare system you will be covered and a lot of people consider this as one of the strong points about living in germany the second point i'd like to talk about is safety germany is one of the safest countries in western europe even though it is less safe than what it used to be for example 20 years ago but germany is still much safer than countries like the us france italy and many others larger cities in germany tend to be less safe but if you compare large cities in the us with large cities in germany or large cities in the uk with large cities in germany you are probably better off in germany than in any of these other places and finally another advantage i'd like to point out is the transport system in germany unless you live in a very secluded place you'll probably not need a car very often both urban transportation and also if you are traveling from one city to the other there are many options and the rail network in germany is one of the best in the world now i'm going to talk about things which i consider disadvantages about living in germany first one is cost of living if you are living in germany and you have a high paying salary then you will be fine but if you are a student or if you are just working part time or something which is not a high skilled profession cost of living will be problematic especially if you come to cities like munich or dusseldorf red is pretty expensive and especially entertainment is very expensive so for example if you want to go to restaurants or hotels or anything which involves services it will be a very expensive ride so i highly recommend you if you are planning to come to germany figure out your income if it will be enough for you to have a decent life in germany otherwise it might not be the most comfortable experience and the last disadvantage i'd like to point out about germany is taxes taxes are one of the most critical points about living in germany in germany you pay a lot of taxes regardless of your situation even if you do not have a job if you are just a student you will end up paying taxes vat and they are all pretty high even though you have a lot of services for example healthcare and also if you are a student you have a lot of benefits taxes are extremely high in germany if you are an investor capital gains taxes are very high if you run a company income tax is high withholding tax is high if you want to distribute dividends all taxes in germany are pretty high so this is something you should consider depending on your situation germany might not be the best option you may want to consider other countries in the vicinity like switzerland in some cantons of switzerland taxes are much lower or even czech republic in which you can enjoy a flat rate tax system so that's it for today's video if you want to move to germany write a comment in the section below ask me questions send me suggestions and also check our other videos hit the like button and most importantly subscribe see you next time you
Channel: traveleconomics
Views: 98,480
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Keywords: how to move to germany as american, move to germany visa, move to germany residence permit, immigrate to germany, germany immigration, freelancer in germany, study in germany, EU blue card germany, immigrate to europe, move to europe, move to germany non-eu citizen, visa to germany, work in germany
Id: iC4zw_5ogv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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