SCHENGEN Rules | How to Stay in Europe Longer than 90 Days (Avoid the 90/180 Schengen Rule)

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so one of the questions we get asked more than a couple times a week it is on a regular basis is how do we travel in europe for a year at a time really yeah have we stayed here for a year well we started in spain and we were there for 90 days and we had to get out of europe and we had a plan to do that we were going to go to argentina and work our way up through central america back back to the states but with kovid uh we weren't able to do that yeah they wouldn't let us in basically pretty much and the ticket prices when they did start letting us in the ticket prices were skyrocketing and it just didn't really fit in our budget so yes we quit our jobs and started traveling the world during a pandemic which probably wasn't a good idea but yeah we're glad we did right um so we had to find out somewhere else to go we did and so first off i'm carrie this is brian and if you haven't watched us before we put out a travel video each week and we are just full-time traveling the world right now enjoying it yeah immensely and navigating our way through uh what we're talking about now schengen and and how we're able to do it right so what we kind of want to explain to you is what is the schengen area what requirements are there what what places are included in that or included in the eu and kind of just cover all that process for you to maybe make it a little bit easier to navigate and make you not be limited to 90 days in europe as well right it's really not complicated it sounds complicated so let's figure it out so what is the schengen zone the schengen zone is the area in europe that is 26 countries that do not have necessarily kind of a border in the sense right so you're not having to go across a border control to cross over as soon as you're within the schengen you can travel freely within that area right and now if you have an eu passport you can continue to move freely around all you want to we don't we have a u.s passport bummer so that makes it more complicated so we only get the 90 days right out of 180 right and it is 90 days out of 180 and you can use that up as you want to do that so you don't have to do it like we did where we spent three months in spain and then we were leaving you can break that up you can spend a month and then you can leave and then you can come back and there's these uh apps that you can download and there's also websites that you can go to where you plug in they're fantastic because you plug in when you entered when you're exiting and it tells you exactly on there how many days you have left when you need to be out when you can come back in so it kind of removes any of that question for you now let's make it confusing there are countries that are in the eu that aren't in the schengen so that's where we had to go we didn't have to we kind of wanted to so with our plans changed and we've now used up our 90 days trying to find a place to go that was not in schengen but was still in europe right and there's places to go we just want to stay warm and we want to stay in a country that's less expensive right the uk and ireland are outside of the schengen but we simply can't afford it plus it's going to be raining there it was going to be cold and rainy because we were going to be going in november december right so that took us to montenegro and we were in montenegro for two months and the weather was mild it was it was nice ended up in albania right so there are a lot of countries that are outside of the schengen that really allow you because when you're in that schengen area the beauty of it is is that you want to stay in that area and hop around and maybe have lower travel costs in between countries but there's really some areas that you're able to get to where you're not spending a lot to to be able to fly and get to those areas and just get out of out of that zone get out of that zone you fly into romania you take trains or buses to wherever else you need to go in that region to keep you out of the schengen area now you only have to be out for 90 days before you can go back in we ended up going back into greece for 30 days went home for three weeks the us came back we were in portugal back in the schengen for 60 days now we have to get back out so where do we go well we're in romania right now romania is fantastic you've never been to rome by the way if you haven't gone yeah yeah so now when you are traveling to other countries that are outside of that schengen zone there are certain passports that are going to require that you have a visa to get into those countries so they have their own rules and they're what you're going to need to meet and everything and one way that you can check that out is there's a site called sherpa and we'll put the link down below for that it's a great site because you put in the passport that you have where you're traveling from because even though where your passport is from and where you're traveling from that can alter things a little bit and where you're traveling to and it's going to tell you exactly what that country requires from you so they make it really easy now there are other websites you can you can you will put all those links down below um are they going to make it easier probably not does that ever happen it's not going to get any easier to navigate this whole thing as a matter of fact it's going to get over the years a little more difficult because romania croatia a couple others have applied to be in that schengen zone so that's going to limit your options right and so you definitely want to check if you are planning a vacation that's a ways out which is kind of common to do you're going to want to just kind of keep tabs on that a little bit croatia has been in the works of joining the schengen for years so i don't know when that's going to happen probably won't happen tomorrow but i would we hope not because we're heading there in months yeah we haven't been out for 90 days yet now they're not going to make it any easier of course not no they they never do but there is a valid reason behind it you are going to have to get online and fill out an application it's a 10 minute application to get into the schengen country start in 2023. so that's right around the corner right it's may may 2023 is when it's going to be implemented but that's the e-t-i-a-s it's a european travel information and authorization system right so you're going to have to get on you have to fill out a short application you'll probably get approved in no time um they could have questions really they're asking you for your passport number they're asking you for some health questions and they're asking you for kind of where you've been honestly no different than any of the questionnaires that we had to fill out just traveling around with cobin so really it's not this big of a deal there is a fee to it it's seven dollar seven euro to do the application about 750 u.s if you are under 18 or over 70 you do not have to pay for it but you do have to fill out the form and it's not just europe that's making you do this the united states has been making you do this for 15 years now canada has you do it i'm pretty sure the uk has you do it as well so this isn't anything out of the ordinary as a matter of fact they haven't been doing it everybody else has been right so there you go yeah and the reasoning is really just to make it safer safer for everybody to trust the world we live in today exactly the one nice thing about the forum is is you only fill it out one time so as far as if you're traveling say into the schengen area and you want to be able to hop around europe you're gonna only have to fill it out for your destination your first destination that you're going to be going into that's it's good for three years so it's it's one and you're good for three years yeah you're good for a while so hopefully this answers all your questions so i don't have to keep typing out the answer three or four times a week or he's just gonna give you a link yeah i'll just send you the link now if it didn't answer some of your questions feel free to ask yeah i'll answer it he will but don't ask this question because you're gonna get the link to this video all right so check out this video next cheers you
Channel: Brian and Carrie
Views: 120,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 90 days in 180 rule, new schengen rules, 90 days in 180 days explained, schengen, can i stay in europe more than 90 days, schengen visa, schengen country, schengen area, travel europe, schengen zone explained, what is the schengen, what is the schengen area, the 90 day rule, 90 day visa, brian and carrie, etias application, etias 2023, European Travel Information and Authorisation, schengen country list 2022, schengen visa update 2022, Schengen visa processing time
Id: 5LkNca8Si6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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