What's life like as a foreigner in Germany?

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Scotland from India Brazil Egypt Australia France from Poland China I'm from England Lisbon Portugal Pakistan Italy Tunisia what's life like as a foreigner in Germany yeah yeah [Music] as a foreigner like myself people often wonder what's life like as a foreigner in Germany [Music] foreign [Music] what's life like as a foreigner in Germany I mean it's professionally much more Freer than in India and social the language is a barrier but once you can speak the language I think it's a lot of opportunities open up and when it's not the way that it is actually portrayed in the you know yeah a widestream media or something it's actually better I think that um a heavier safety uh yes uh very very important for me because I come very small to Germany you know in the time when I come to here I was a very small guy you know go to school with family and I don't can feel me like I Amber from Brazil but I am to live here I am to diet here I mean it's pretty enjoyable actually I'm sitting in the Tomb University it's pretty cool like the city is easy to live in it's easy to find natural spaces to walk by I don't like it's not that stressful like in French you always find people walking I don't know like in a few years way just I just I think here is more calm relaxed people are pretty nice to foreigners so like for me uh it's really nice because as an artist in my country I don't feel so much appreciated while in Germany there is a a big amount of people that appreciate dance and all kind of art form so yeah I mean and Germany is cool so people here are really nice so they are really welcoming and I just miss the food from back home yeah and yeah everything else is really nice the weather could be a bit better yeah but uh other than that I've only been here for one year and I think that one year has been amazing so I met a lot of people from all parts of of the world because especially Munich is a very International City yeah so for me it has been a vanilla ride I would say well we both studied here so I think it was kind of we luckily had that kind of uh way into it it kind of made things easier although the the study was in English so I think we didn't realize how hard the language I mean I was speaking for both of us but how hard the language would be and if bureaucracy that comes with that like I think but I work here now I feel I feel fairly settled um kind of have some German friends and things like that you'll be like man I'm definitely gonna jump in man howdy [Music] sometimes boring sometimes yes I would say that there's a lot of bureaucracy a lot of papers that you have to get done when you're moving the French humor is definitely different than the German one like yeah like the French joke just don't eat like German the same way like sometimes they're not understanding like a way of making Yuma but otherwise yeah yeah and also there's the fact that I feel like maybe the German are a bit more cold in a way yeah like for us French people it's it's all right to just talk to someone especially in Social friends it's all right to just it's easy to talk someone in Germany it's more weird to just in the streets talk to someone like that yeah how was it coming to Germany from Brazil oh this is one very beautiful history I I will say I have one bar in Brazil I was I was 14 years old I have one little bar and come to my gym and people to me is from Switzerland from French from Paris and later after two years one a girl wife one girl coming and say oh you look so nice I want to invite you to Germany you want to come and I was 18 years old and I said to my mother um mama please please write because after 21 years you can't fight with a signature from the father on the mother and she said okay you go and I come to Germany now I mean wow tortillas treason um oh super cool I mean of course everyone just everybody here speaks English and they they like practicing their English as well and they're bloody good like if if a German says uh my English is not so good you know it's pretty bloody good and if a Brit says my German's not very good you know it's so oh the opposite when we say our German's amazing your German is awful thank you I miss Italy I miss the weather the food especially but I like Germany for the Techno environment and especially yeah it's true like being an artist here it's so much better than in Italy for example like it's so easy to find job here people actually go to theater so we get like reward for what we do and great techno scene great technology a lot of people said that better than Berlin do you think or no I mean of course not like Berlin but you can still find something good here yeah have you had any if you guys any like challenges like come in here like uh I think probably more so for you than me because I can I can blend in quite easily yeah bureaucracy and also because I'm a foreigner in Arab also Muslim so it's hard for me to be here and also a different weather and I'm from like a hot country so it's very hard to like Winters are quite depressing for me yeah obviously the language because you need to understand the the stuff you can read in the streets I don't know when the the train driver is shouting at you you need to to get what they're talking about if you're not native speaker then it's can be struggling but otherwise naturally like I mean this city especially it's pretty appropriate to to foreign people like most of the time everybody's speaking English correctly so it's all right um I love the summertime here and I know there's so much like um artistic I don't know Endeavors and things paperwork that's challenging yeah you're getting a place to stay you know I think in Munich is really hot yeah yeah so if you're an international student you're coming to Munich be a bit aware of that it's really hard to get a room here so it's easier to get a job but it's it's a bit difficult to get a place to stay how was the process obviously coming to here to move to Germany like do you think like in Germany was quite an easy one it depends obviously where you're from who wants to go in the trouble yeah because the child want to come here right speak another language other people like they're different they're more cold here comparing to Italy especially like you know we're so much more open and friendly restricting here like in Portugal there's really this it's a secure it's a secure country but you don't really feel the rules over you while in Germany you really feel surrounded by rules but I mean you feel protected as well so I don't see it as a bad thing because I come from Egypt and so I have to apply for a Visa and I have to go for an interview that's for my studies and I have to wait like two months for my Visa to get accepted then I come here so I came like two months late for for my studies and then yeah I finished my masters and start working here now but the language is the biggest burden here not many can or willing to speak English yeah I would like say the safety law and order and also like Munich is a very um big city like here in Germany and you have like a lot of companies who are also here so it's not that hard to find a job and it's a very like good location it's the best one in Germany like America wants eight in an interview it's like the best city in Germany I mean as a European it's fairly easy most of the time the administ administrative paper are fairly easy to do because of European I know for all the country is way more difficult to get a permit stuff like that for us it was fairly easy like the administrative Port is way more complicated than in France we're not used to that in French you basically you just pop somewhere and say okay now I want to to stay here to live here and it's all right here you need to feel a lot of form talk to people otherwise the Australian people are much more like relaxed and chill than here and especially because I came when I was like 15 16. it was quite difficult like I struggled the first year a lot but it gets better and you get more comfortable and more confidence because you go on your own it's just bloody hell right yeah it was difficult it was but you've learned how to deal with it so what was the most difficult part like coming here for you I was very isolated at the start because it was when Corona was still quite you know present and I was living with an old German lady yeah then I got more confident when I learned a bit of the language which now I don't remember but yeah that's that's so good we're doing well you're here I've seen one last one thank you I'm doing a pretty thing again so it's a bit of French again you guys right [Music] ah we found a brick yo we found a Fritz oh you're fresh as well massive thanks to every country all over the world that joined in this video my question to you guys that are living from living in Germany from Ukraine France what is life like as a foreigner in Germany thank you guys so much for the crazy
Channel: yourtruebrit
Views: 468,904
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Id: _F_cfWJh2CA
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Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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