Why I'm Not Moving Back to the US After Living in Germany for Over 4 Years

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hi and welcome back to my channel if you don't already know my name is so marie and i film videos here on youtube in the category lifestyle travel and fashion today's video is going to be seven reasons why i'm not moving back to the united states the sponsor of today's video is skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creators through skillshare you can explore new skills deepen existing passions and get lost in creativity like i mentioned to you guys in the beginning of this video i film videos also in the category of travel and i'm always looking for ways to improve my travel vlogs i can do this especially with using classes from skillshare right now i'm taking a class on skillshare called youtube success creating exciting travel videos this class is by kristen and nadine they're youtubers and videographers i absolutely love them so far they're giving me so much tips that i did not know before and this is what i love about skillshare it's curated specifically for learning meaning there are no ads and they're always launching new premium classes so the first 1000 of my subscribers to click the link in the description will get a one month free trial of skillshare don't forget to subscribe to my channel as well as like this video if you like this type of content for me it definitely helps me out and just shows that you support my channel so let's just jump right into this with number one so i've been getting a lot of comments from some of my subscribers asking when i'm gonna go back to the states or if i'm gonna go back to the states and that's basically the reason why i'm making this video because from my perspective at this moment in time i do not see myself ever moving back to the united states i've gotten a taste of something different and this is not to say that the united states is you know just something totally bad it's just my perspective and the reasons why i really love germany and want to stay in germany or in europe number one is safety i find the safety here in germany completely different obviously than new york and new york city but i actually feel as a woman quite safe in general here in germany i don't feel like i have to clutch my bag clutch my pearls every time i'm walking down the street i generally do feel very very safe in the streets obviously you know maybe there might be some stairs more specifically if i'm walking at night obviously you need to keep yourself on guard i'm not saying drop your guard when you're here in germany but i generally do feel safe i always felt in the united states especially in new york because that's where i'm from that i you know you just have to keep your back close to your chest you just have to really look out it could be different for other us states but for new york especially if i go into the city or if i'm just in a little rural area of new york i just feel like i have to you know watch out and of course this is not to say that crime and crazy stuff does not happen in germany it's just not so big as it is in the states as it is in new york number two it's actually quite easy to go back to new york from germany normally i would have a layover for example in either paris or amsterdam for maybe an hour and then it's just a seven hour seven hour twenty flight back to new york so it's not like across the world it's not like new york is so far from me that i don't get to see my parents and i am quite blessed that i am able to go back to new york at least twice a year to visit family so it doesn't feel like i'm completely ostracized here in germany on top of that i do face them with my family every day so this deep deep deep homesickness doesn't really take me over it's obviously there but it doesn't overwhelm me because i do get the chance to visit my family often number three germany is very very family friendly i mean i've never been anywhere where it's just like so family oriented i've never seen this before and for me it kind of warms my heart because i do want to start a family and i would love to start a family in germany and the fact that things are just so you know child friendly there's like little grandmas looking out the windows watching the kids walk home making sure you know everybody's getting to where they need to get to i don't know i just feel like to have a family here in germany it would be really safe for example if i were to have a family in the states i personally feel like i would never let my child walk home after school or even a walk to school and if they have to because of circumstances like i have to go to work i would just be shaking because i would be in such fear i have just seen such crazy things happening in new york with missing children and just that whole works and here in germany it's not really a thing like that you see kids like little little kids walking home and it's just everyone understands that it's just a safe environment it's actually normal for kids to walk home alone and they always get to their destinations so i i really do love that about germany i cannot wait to actually start a family here the fourth thing why i would not leave germany is the school system the school system in germany is really really really good as well as it's free the aspect of paying for university in new york you're paying like arm and your leg that's actually what it costs to go to university i think it's not right i personally don't think that you should be paying for an education i think i think a lot of things but the point is in germany you don't have to do that if you're going to university you can pay absolutely nothing for university just the school fees which could potentially be 500 to 600 euros but i would pay that 600 euros definitely compared to a 30 grand tuition definitely and i think if i have a family and i want to have maybe three kids um don't judge me i want to have a lot of kids but for example if i want to have three kids and i have to support them through college and pay for their university degree i would probably go bankrupt i don't know or eating rice for dinner only rice because i could not afford anything else it's just so expensive in new york to go to school and i think i can say this for all of the states it's just expensive for a degree and here in germany that's something that you don't have to worry about so the fifth thing is just going to be the higher standard of living every time a subscriber asked me why i would choose germany over the us one of the things that i mentioned is the higher standard of living coming from new york where everything is just so expensive i mean it is just ridiculously expensive i just read this online don't quote me on it but new york has just been called new york city has just been called the most expensive city in the states outranking san francisco again don't quote me on that new york is just expensive and the standard that you get for what you pay for is so so little you get basically nothing for your buck and it just makes no sense but here in germany you have a higher standard of living as well as it's affordable your whole salary is not gone paying for your rent or your mortgage and you can still afford to eat and you can still afford to go out to dinner go out with friends it's all still very affordable things are taken care of here in germany for example the roads this is just a funny story but my dad and little sister did just visit me they're already back in the states but the first thing that my dad said to me was that wow what kind of like pavement what kind of gravel thing are they using on the streets that their streets are so perfect and always perfect how does it not get destroyed and he's only saying that because in new york i mean like new york shame on you the streets shame on you the streets in new york they're ghetto i'm not even kidding the potholes in new york will literally destroy your car literally if you just drive into one pothole your whole car could be destroyed here in germany those things are taken care of so number six would be nature coming from long island nature really wasn't a thing in my life i never really looked out the window at the forest there was no forest around me or the mountains there's no mountains around me i never was really in that scene and i wouldn't say i'm like super super in that scene but to actually live in nature and be surrounded by you know mountains and the alps and things like that it really just puts me personally like in a peaceful mindset to be able to wake up and see that or to be able to just maybe walk 20 minutes and i can just walk into a forest or see horses it really is something therapeutic for me which i didn't have in new york and i don't know if i would want to give that up again you just have to see it and be in it to kind of understand what i mean so the last point that i want to talk about is traveling one of the bases of my channel is a travel channel it's partially a travel channel and in new york i mean it just wasn't working to travel anywhere even within the states it might cost you a buck or two but here in germany we're like kind of center in europe and i find that it's very easy to travel anywhere it's not that expensive and since my channel is partially a travel channel this is something that i you know need to do i need to travel as well as i love to travel i want to see new places but i also don't want to empty out my pockets because i'm not i don't have it like that so i don't want to be emptying out my pockets just to go to northern germany or just to go to the uk i just i don't want to do that and that's the luxury that i have living in germany is that i can travel freely affordably comfortably and still have money to spend in the place that i'm going to basically so we've reached the end of the video i hope you guys enjoyed it if you have anything to add why you are not moving back to wherever you're from definitely leave it in the comment section or just leave a comment in general about what you thought about my points again this is just a little disclaimer this is not to say anything bad about the us and don't forget to subscribe and like this video i hope you guys are staying healthy and safe and i'll see you in another video [Music] you
Channel: Zoie-Marie
Views: 934,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: culture shocks in Germany, Being black in germany, deustchland, germany, berlin, being black, germany vs america, germany vs usa, american living in germany, life in germany, expat in germany, learn about germany, is germany really that good, life in germany vlog, life in germany vs us, life in germany as a foreigners, american living in europe, germany life, best things about living in germany, life in German, living in germany as a foreigner, living in germany as an american
Id: G9wCvZ-jPgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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