How To Monetize on TikTok & Earn $100,000 (FREE COURSE)

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by the end of this video you're gonna have a complete road map for generating your first 100 000 on tick tock you will ask for it i'm not going to hold back a thing in today's video this is genuinely going to be an entire master class on well over a dozen ways that you can leverage tick tock to make some serious money tick tock monetization has kind of always been this massive gray area on the platform and i feel that creators are extremely misinformed with how to properly turn a profit with tick tock and a lot of videos out there that talk about tick-tock monetization often oversimplify things a bit too much without giving real action steps and practical details so that's what i made sure to dedicate this course to today just for context i generated nearly a quarter of a million dollars last year directly because of tick tock which by the way you can learn about that journey in this mini documentary of the video which will be linked down below and i tell you just from last year and really these past few years there are a ton of viable monetization avenues that no one really talks about and i want to bring light to today we're going to pull back all the curtains in today's video and discuss tools tips and tactics for making money on tick tock including but not limited to how to navigate tick tock's internal monetization platforms how to land brand deals how to craft your mvos what i've learned from spearheading well over a dozen influencer marketing campaigns and i want to show you examples lots of examples of creators that are monetizing even those that have very small audiences as well and so much more i'm super excited here are the timestamps for today's masterclass if in case you want to jump ahead of course i would highly recommend watching this video until the end because at the very end we're going to take a few of your very own profiles and develop a real custom monetization strategy so you can see how to practically apply all this information that we're going to discuss finally i want to add that tik-tok is currently in the process of rolling out some new monetization tools and so any new popular methods to monetize on tik-tok that i'm just not able to cover in this video because they're not yet released will be covered in depth on this channel and i'll be sure to link those future videos down below when i get around to creating them so be sure to check for those without further ado let's get the show on the road and enjoy the presentation all right we're going to start by talking about thresholds for beginning monetization on tick-tock at what stage in your tik-tok journey should you be considering monetizing on the platform well the simple answer is that there is no one-size-fits-all threshold and i'll explain what i mean by that because it really depends on what particular method of monetization you are planning on pursuing as a creator is it direct monetization or is it indirect monetization direct monetization is where you have your audience paying you directly for something that you provide them this can be an interaction it can be providing them a service or a product whether physical or digital knowledge creators for example those that maybe output career focused content or educational content can often monetize as soon as five to ten thousand followers because you only need five to ten people from your audience paying you let's just say a few hundred dollars for you to start bringing them some serious revenue now on the other hand when it comes to something like indirect monetization where you have a third party that pays you like in a traditional brand deal or using tick tock's own monetization platforms which we're going to talk about here momentarily the threshold for engaging with this kind of monetization is actually much higher usually these methods do not yield a significant amount of revenue if you have any less than 100 000 followers and this 100 000 father threshold is not some arbitrary threshold that i made up it's actually there strategically for a few reasons first of all if you're an entertainment or a personality forward profile it is absolutely imperative that you first establish a winning content strategy for tick tock and something like this takes time you don't want to jump the gun and suddenly start redirecting all your attention into trying to rake in profits from tick tock too early on in the game tick tock is a platform where it takes time to creatively master and i can tell you we encourage all of our clients to get multiple breakthrough videos under their belts first and by the way breakthrough videos are videos that are able to achieve a surplus of a million views do that a couple times first before you start making serious attempts to cash in on all the attention that you've generated it's very similar to a way that a company might map out their plan of profitability profitability and making money comes a bit later their first focus on building an infrastructure in getting systems in place secondly when it comes to brand deals and sponsorships i can tell you that most brands and agencies that that offer really lucrative deals don't usually consider partnering with accounts that have less than 100 000 followers and this is because a hundred thousand followers can easily be from one viral runaway video that burned like wildfire for a few days and built an audience overnight the issue is that those accounts usually plateau really quickly and they don't typically have long-term potential customers that a brand might want to leverage so usually profiles that have amassed 250 000 followers or 500 000 followers they've had time to mature they have established a court fan base and probably by this point likely have somewhat repeatable success with ideas and that is what appeals to a brand and that is something that a company can leverage and then third tick tock themselves actually don't allow you to sign up to most of their monetization platforms until you've reached at least 100 000 followers and we're going to talk about those platforms here in just a minute so to recap just remember this is going to be important for later direct monetization is when you create a branded offer that you sell directly to your audience indirect monetization is where you're paid by a third party to promote or integrate a product there's actually a bunch of non-conventional ways to monetize that don't fall into these two categories that we'll talk about a little bit later so stay tuned for that all right we're going to transition now into talking about tick tock's internal monetization platform and at the current time tick tock has five of these that we're going to break down first we have tick tock's creator fund i'm sure most of you have heard of the creator fund this is the platform that tic toc introduced in july of 2020 where creators get paid per views on their videos now the inherent problem with the creator fund was just that it was a fund it was a set amount of revenue 200 million dollars that was to be distributed between whoever joined the creator fund program and as more creators joined the more that 200 million dollars became diluted across more and more people and to the point where creators make very little now currently payouts range between one cent to 13 cents per every thousand video views just to give you an example of what kind of earnings can be expected here's an account on tick tock kenya kelly who is in a really solid niche on tick tock fantastic profile and she has made 123 dollars in the last month with close to a million views combined across all of our videos i do know some creators that are outliers and have made over ten thousand dollars a month through the creator fund good vibes vinnie on tick tock was a creator that i consulted with a while back and he was posting 15 to 20 meme review videos per day most of these pulling a million views or greater so obviously something like that isn't sustainable at scale for most of us but there are some anomalies who have really leveraged the creator fund to make good revenue really unless you're a top tier creator on tick tock pulling in over at least a million views per video the fun isn't worth it in my opinion but it is an option on the monetization table and usually has little effect on views if you really care about maybe that extra hundred dollars a month although i will say some have noticed a view deficit as soon as they've joined so keep that in mind if you decide to join you will need to meet certain requirements as outlined by tick tock here these will also be linked down below in case tick tock updates them which they frequently do next we have tic tocs creator marketplace which is often abbreviated ttcm this is a platform where creators can connect with brands on tiktok one of the benefits of the creator marketplace is that it does give you access to additional analytics that can give you insights into your account's health you can see things like how many active followers you have compared to those that aren't incentivized to engage with your content if you want to sign up to the creator marketplace you have to do this through your tick tick-tock settings on mobile you go to your settings click on creator marketplace and your account is listed on the platform and supposedly allegedly brands are supposed to come knocking at your door the problem is that most of the good brands out there that really offer lucrative brand deals or sponsorship opportunities they're not shopping around on tick tock's creator marketplace and thus nine out of ten uh opportunities that come your way through the credo marketplace are garbage and most of them are time wasters but every once in a while there is a golden goose of an opportunity that comes to creators and it makes wading through the weeds worth it so just to give you a snapshot of what kind of deals the marketplace has actually brought creators the dimmy family on tick tock landed a few 500 per video offers with 700 000 followers charlie siragusa landed a 200 deal with 52 000 followers on tick tock and a good friend of mine carmen from top flight family landed a 30 000 deal through the marketplace from basically everyone that i've spoken to who has successfully landed a deal because of the marketplace how the process works is do you initially get connected with the brand on the marketplace and then you both proceed to just take it off outside of the platform i'm gonna leave a few blogs in the description down below from creators who have detailed their various creator marketplace experiences if you want to read through an entire article on on what this process is like but in my opinion there are just much better options for landing brand deals and sponsorships that don't involve leveraging the creator marketplace and we're going to segue into those options a little bit later next we have the tiktok creative exchange ttcx the creative exchange is kind of talked about as the creator marketplace 2.0 because the idea of it is actually very similar it's basically an all-in-one platform that allows brands to produce videos in collaboration with tick-tock creators who are known as the creative providers brands basically will send you a message you both can discuss the video concepts they can approve the concept you upload the final video and you receive payment all with inside the creative exchange platform basically it's like a traditional brand deal except tiktok has tried to fast track the entire process by building out a one-stop shop for everything now unlike the creator marketplace with the creative exchange it is up to the brand to reach out to you you can actually sign up to join the creative exchange as a creator what this is going to look like is basically a notification like this that a brand is going to send you on tick tock you have the option to accept a deal and there you'll be invited to join a creative exchange dashboard with that particular brand it's pretty simple i will say this is a platform that tic toc just introduced in february of 2022 so there's not a whole lot of success stories that have surfaced uh although i do recommend again spearheading brand deals yourself outside of tick tock and we're gonna get to that in depth a little bit later next number four we have the tick tock shot the tick tock shop is a relatively new platform as well and it's focused on helping creators promote products in their videos and specifically with live streams if you get access to the tick tock shop and if you want to see an example on tick tock check out the profile richard sales official you are also going to have the ability to include the shop showcase menu on your profile where your followers can check out the products that you're promoting in your videos so richard for example gets a commission based on any purchase made through tick tock and any brand that you work with they have the option to create what are called open plans which are basically custom affiliate offers for creators that they choose to partner with this is very similar to the creative exchange where you're going to be invited by a brand to be an ambassador for their products this is all going to be facilitated through the ticktock notification stream once you have permission to sell a product you can add it to your videos as an actual link and you can also include it as a product in your shop showcase like we just talked about this makes purchasing on tick tock really really frictionless for any audience member for reference in case you're wondering i have spoken with a few creators who have been involved in various tick tock shop offers and most of these creators are generating between hundred dollars to thirty five hundred dollars per month granted they have over a million followers so that's kind of a frame for reference for what's possible now currently the tick tock shop is actually only available in the uk in some eastern european countries but tick tock does have plans to expand to the us they've mentioned this on linkedin and depending on when you're watching this video that may actually already be the case so check the links down below for any relevant updates all right the fifth avenue tick tock gives us internally for monetization is through tick tick-tock donations gifts and tips now tick-tock donations can be given to creators they can also be from others as well and you can receive these on your profile in the tip section you can receive them in live streams or on individual videos if you have the video tips enabled for your profile usually tips or gifts are given using tick tock's sticker currency system gifs and tips are a bit harder to rely on as a source of revenue simply because fundamentally it's a donation you don't want to be begging for charity at every waking opportunity but there are some things that you can do to incentivize your audience to open their wallets to you for example you can offer a shout out to the person who's a top gifter on a live stream you can provide a real-time live review or if you're a knowledge creator maybe you provide a brief consultation for whoever tips on a live stream or in a video you could create a tiered reward system this is very commonly done on tick tock where based on certain gif amounts there are rewards for creators so maybe whoever tips over twenty dollars you read off a list of anyone who tips twenty dollars every single time you start a live session for example you can also give tip amounts weight in making decisions in a live stream or in future video uploads where someone who tips fifty dollars maybe is able to make a choice about what goes into the next piece of content for tomorrow a lot of creators on tik tok that are successfully leveraging profile tips and live tips are using them as a ticket for their audience to somehow affect their environment whether it is pain inflicted upon themselves which converts really really well people internally want to see you suffer on camera and i hate to sound so cynical but it is truly one of the best converting ways for donations that i've seen on tick-tock and just giving your audience a way to creatively contribute to your environment whether it's a video or a live stream all right so we've had some time to explore all the various different monetization platforms that tiktok offers us and puts at our disposal i want to talk a little bit now about something different and that is determining your mvo your mvo is an acronym for your minimum viable offer and in very simple terms this is something small of value that you are offering directly to your audience and if you remember back to something we talked about in the beginning of this course this is a form of direct monetization i actually want to share with you a very important statistic that we've been able to find out recently so our company ace media did a few polls on discord and instagram a couple months back and we asked over 430 different tech talk creators on average what was the amount of money they were willing to spend or have they spent on tick tock what the average amount of money that they were willing to open their wallets for and the answer on average was 34 or roughly 27 pounds so what we found really over this past year is that offers that tend to sell in really high volume on tick tock are usually structured around that 34 dollar price point so keep that in mind this is going to be important for later but to get back on track talking about your mvo your minimum viable offer can really be split into three different sections you don't have to engage in all three of these but you should be considering taking action on at least one and those three are your isps that is not an acronym for internet service provider these are your interactions your services or your product so let's start with unpacking interaction can you monetize is there a way that you can monetize an interaction with your fans because let's think about this strategically if people follow you chances are your audience probably enjoys what you do right they're keeping tabs on you for a reason and there's probably a small percentage of them that are diehard supporters that are willing and wanting to interact with you on a higher or personal level this is where platforms like cameo pair pop or stan are great platforms to leverage cameo is a platform that allows you to sell shout outs directly to your fan base you can provide a birthday greeting or an inspirational message pair pop is a similar platform that allows you to sell duets and comments specifically for tick tock and stan is an all-in-one creator store that basically acts as a link in your bio where you can offer personalized video requests messages ask me any things or some form of a video message to your fan base now i will say that those creators who are able to really succeed and make a killing on these platforms with video interactions are those that are able to develop what we call a talent wrapper you can't just list yourself on these sites i just mentioned as an unknown personality and expect a wave of bookings to come flooding in you need to find a very unique creative way to wrap your personality in some kind of a talent i'll give you a prime example of actually what i'm talking about so this is chris turner he's a tick-tock freestyle rapper making an absolute killing because he wraps all of his interactions and messages with his fans and he has a very distinct creative way of packaging his interactions with his fans that talent rapper pun intended is the fact that he is wrapping his messages now you don't just necessarily have to leverage these third-party apps to find a way to offer an interaction to your fan base or actually a myriad of other methods that are increasing in popularity specifically amongst personalities on tick tock for example i've seen creators offer zoom meet and greets they create virtual photo opportunities they offer exclusive live events a great example is the magician on tiktok ben hanlon who created a virtual magic show which he titled shazoom now if you are planning on hosting some kind of a live event or perhaps a workshop one thing we encourage a lot of our students to do is to upload what we call maintenance videos to generate interest or to create hype for these community events that you're planning on hosting and the way that you would engage in creating maintenance videos is you want to make sure that you post these after you've had a breakthrough video or a video that maybe has exceeded the average performance of your content for example if you have a video that let's just say eclipse is a million views and you have an upcoming event that you want to generate interest for you might post a video that is not intended to go viral but is just there to announce the event after you have all this influx of attention from the video that did really well you don't want to post these maintenance videos or these survey videos as they're often unofficially known as right after you've had a string of videos that just did not do well because tick tock is heavily based on momentum and as we know the accounts that plateau are the accounts that gradually just have a lower stepping ladder of videos and you don't want this to be the anchor that that ends up potentially putting your account in a bit of a pigeonhole situation or a plateau and the last thing i want to mention in this interaction section of crafting and determining your mvo is a lot of creators often offer engagement actions like comments dm replies and follows they're also monetizable interactions as well and you can offer these with pair pop you can also list these as a digital good or digital service that you sell to your audience with a creator store like stan for example all right next i would be thinking about your service this is the s in isp is there a valuable service that you can offer directly to your audience now when it comes to knowledge creators on tiktok consulting is pretty much the classic go-to form of offering a service i did this all of last year i booked over a thousand consulting calls and no that's not hyperbole or an exaggeration it was a thousand you have to watch the video i mentioned earlier for all the details and how truly exhaustive of a process that was they don't recommend it but if you have some form of expertise if you've been doing something for a long time you have craftsmanship you have shortcuts you know something that most newbies don't that people would be willing to learn about by booking a time with you if you're into gaming for example you can offer gay marine tutoring services or if you're a knowledge creator and you output educational content why not offer a time for your audience to book a 30-minute session with you now your service doesn't necessarily have to just be a one-on-one it could also be something that is perhaps rooted in your creative abilities or it could be a creative service so for example creators like ben's ballad on tiktok who is a creator who specializes in name and signature art he offers this as a service in his bio i actually just ordered one yesterday there are a bunch of other services we're going to get to here in just a second but i want to segue into a point that i feel that is worth mentioning right now if you are planning on mentioning or alluding to your services in your content you never want a dedicated video solely to do that there's a bunch of crafty ways that you can integrate awareness for your service in your content that i want to introduce you to but there's fundamentally an overarching concept that you should use almost as the figurative pair of glasses for creating this content through and it's a concept that we teach in our tik tok creator pro community that i've coined the invitation to the party approach if you are an educator or a coach on tick tock let's just say the goal of a lot of your content should be to give people valuable information but also fundamentally a taste of what you can help them with that is the invitation the party so to speak is where they are given full access to either you or your services where your wealth of knowledge and power is unleashed to assist them at the maximum potential now what this might look like integrated into your content is something like this maybe you say something along the lines of oh in a consultation session yesterday we were talking about how to save massive amounts of money while traveling internationally and maybe in the video you proceed to share some tips on how to save money when you're in foreign countries you're delivering value there's practical advice that you're sharing and delivering to your audience but you're also elegantly hinting at your offer the fact that you offer consultations you had one yesterday and you had someone who was willing to pay you for your time and book a session with you right the invitation to the party it's very subtle if you actually rewind a minute ago you'll notice that i did this myself and used the same strategy hopefully that idea was somewhat clear let's talk about group coaching group coaching is another highly popular service to offer when it comes to knowledge creators specifically if you don't have time to be taking four to five different individual consulting calls like i did for most of last year there are definitely other ways to service others if you have 65 000 active followers let's just say and the word active is key because you should never take your vanity metric of a follower account at face value because a lot of profiles that have been on tiktok for a few years let's just say have a lot of ghost followers inactive audiences that followed them for some random video that is no longer representative of what the creator is currently building the account around so just keep all that in perspective but let's just say you convinced 0.03 of 65 000 people to invest with you so that would be 20 people and let's just say your price point is 357 if you're able to sell those 20 offers you've now created seven thousand dollars in income now of course it has to be worth it for people you have to somehow solve a problem that's worth spending 357 dollars to solve but if you're good at what you do and you're able to craft your offer well and they feel like they've extracted a lot of value just from your free content then there's probably a good incentive for them to invest with you at a higher level now i will give you a key tip when it comes to structuring pricing i would encourage you to use odd numbers so there's a bunch of market research out there in psychology studies that are behind using odd numbers like 7 13 and 11 when structuring pricing for some reason consumers just classify those numbers in particular as feeling less expensive and we encourage a lot of our students to do this as well when crafting offers that feel really good voids for problems that exist out there in the market and speaking of which here's actually one of our tick tock creator pro students aaron sugi who has an account focused on mobile videography tips fantastic profile i'll link it down below and he's discussing on how he's recently offered a service and monetized his account this year january is when i started monetizing the easiest way to monetize for me was to offer one-on-ones so i know that's what you did initially i didn't offer any free one-on-ones i just offered them for like 87 for you know an hour session and then i kept building it up to 100 197 now it's 297. so that was the first way but that was at about 113 000 followers so i'm using stan i know you're familiar with stan i'm using stan and i just listed there that i have a one-on-one and then while i was running the one-on-ones i had like so many bookings coming in in two three weeks time that literally i made like two thousand dollars just with an 87 hourly rate in like two weeks i had so many coming in and then i started increasing the price then i launched my mentorship program because i had so many people coming in a one-on-one i said okay why don't i just run a six-week program run a mentorship program and allow 12 students and then that brought in a nice large sum of money within a day or two of course that was then a six week of work which i had i had one of those passed and i'm in the second one now but i increased the price and i reduced the number of people so i've gone from 12 to eight people now but increase the price and probably i'm gonna skip the next one and then i'm going to go with four students even higher price one of the ways that i recommend introducing your service beyond just mentioning it in videos with the invitation to a party approach like we mentioned earlier is to create what is called a lead magnet a lead magnet is basically a free resource it can be a pdf a mini course a cheat sheet an article or some other digital good that helps your audience in solving a problem that you know that they deal with and i'm going to say something that's potentially a bit of a hot take and that is to not hold back from giving the very best that you can when building out your lead magnet there's this tendency in the online educational sphere to feel like if you give away too many gold nuggets people aren't going to want to know what's inside the treasure chest which might be your paid offer or your paid service and my response to that is listen you are always going to be of more value than something that you create also you can't share everything that you know in a single free resource you have the first hand experience of solving and working with potentially hundreds of people that deal with a problem that you specialize in solving and you know what works and what doesn't for specific situations also i just think that we as humans can subconsciously read each other's intentions if you lead with some of your best up front when building a lead magnet for example people will notice and observe your genuine interest and desire and wanting to see them succeed and there will be no shortage of people willing to seek you out on a higher level and pay you for whatever service you have to offer i tell you i speak from experience on that one i've just found that to be the case if you don't have a lead magnet one of the action items that we encourage creators to do is to output what we call a survey series on tick-tock which isn't necessarily intended to go viral but it's a bunch of videos that are intended to dig deeper into your audience's problems if you're not already familiar with what they are for example maybe throughout three or four videos you might ask your audience what the most pressing problem is about house organization if that's something that you feel like you have some know-how in maybe you're inherently a very tidy person in these videos you would be asking what would they like from you what are the biggest tips that they have found in organizing their kitchen or their bedroom or their living room this kind of market research is going to give you a bunch of core problems that you can now focus your attention on developing a solution for with that lead magnet and again this can be a pdf it could be a cheat sheet it can be a mini course on how to tidy up the kitchen for example if it's a pdf it's a if it's a newsletter if it's a mini course from there you were then going to introduce your coaching or your service as the next step again this is basically just the reiteration of the invitation to the party approach that we just talked about earlier you're saying to your audience here's something of high value that's free check it out if you find it valuable here's the next paid step make sense cool let's talk about your product now is there a digital or a physical product that you can offer to your audience preferably something with a low barrier of entry in terms of pricing i'll actually give you a good example of what a digital product might look like a friend of mine antonio from the account invest starters on tick tock fantastic profile on real estate investing he created a real estate market calculator that he would sell to his audience as a way to help them fast track any real estate market projections and calculations one of the first considerations that you want to have especially if you're an entertainment or a personality forward profile on tick tock is to think about if there is a way that you can come up with something that can tangibly represent the core concepts in your videos for example i don't know if a lot of you are familiar with the company u2's what they basically do is they take internet moments and personalities like mr beast or pewdiepie and they turn them into collectible figures that's basically the idea of something that tangibly represents someone or something that you might watch it's the same idea i'll give you another example maybe this will be a bit of a better one one of the long time creators that i've been working with is ben hanlon he's an incredible magician and personality from the uk and we were recently talking about monetization and discussing ways that he can solve something related to his rubik's cube art videos on tick tock which tend to pull in millions of views some of the ideas that we talked about and we're considering were to either create a life-size poster of the rubik's cube mosaic art that people could order or to even create a miniature version of this mosaic of rubik's cubes that was made up of many rubik's cubes and it was a way for the audience to tangibly participate in the concepts that made his videos extremely viral on tick tock again that is the idea tangibly represents or gives your audience a way to tangibly participate in the actual content and preferably you want to craft something around that 34 price point like we talked about earlier one of the other most common products to sell is apparel or merchandise and merchandise admittedly is a hard one to sell it's not easy to convince someone to be a walking billboard for you there absolutely needs to be clarity around what ideas your apparel is supposed to represent or your handbags or your mugs or your hats one of the concepts that we often work with personality creators to integrate into their videos knowing that they want to eventually sell merch later on down the line is something that we call the creative hallmark which in very simple terms is something unique that is intentionally integrated into your content with the purpose of eventually using that as a way to personally brand some sort of apparel or merchandise later on down the road you don't have to overthink this either basically the simplest way to think about it is that it's an inside joke with your audience it can be let's just say a verbal exclamation or a phrase like boomdah for example or we've even had gamers dress up in crocodile costumes knowing that they were going to sell eventually crocodile themed merchandise really the entire idea behind this creative hallmark is twofold number one it's to plant seeds of memorability in the minds of your audience such that they remember you and recognize you and number two it's to give them something that they can visualize something that you could potentially put on a t-shirt or put on the front face of a trucker hat you really have to be thinking ahead with a lot of these things especially if you want to eventually pull the trigger on launching some kind of merchandise line because i do see a lot of creators who come up with truly interesting designs from scratch but when they announce that their merch store is open for business they just don't move inventory because what they're putting on a t-shirt or what they're selling it doesn't mean much to people and fundamentally they don't recognize whatever is there on the t-shirt merchandise really is there to enhance the connection the achievements the inside jokes that you've already established with your audience in case any of you are wondering maybe you're looking to get involved with merchandise if you feel like you've already established those prerequisites the two most commonly used print-on-demand services used with tick-tock are teespring and printfy and there's also a few others that i'll be linking down below in the description another great product on tiktok that i think is extremely underrated is to create a form of gated content this is basically any kind of exclusive content maybe the behind the scenes of what you do something that you can put behind a paywall and i think this particular avenue is massively undervalued because i don't think creators truly realize how much interest there is in the actual craftsmanship of what they do if you do i don't know tick tock mini documentaries why not do in editing behind the scenes or if you do some sort of virtual environment design or you know like cgi why not do a start to finish walkthrough about how you built up the environment or built this 3d model that went viral on tiktok a lot of photographers on tiktok have the option to sell things like photo luts or presets to help with a more frictionless video editing process here's actually one of our tiktok creator pro students aaron sugi who we just heard from a few minutes ago talking about how he's developed gated content and currently sells presets to help with mobile video editing so my thing on tick tock is everything is done on a phone i also uh offer the the follow button animation i have at the end of my videos it was 10 initially but once i had so many offers coming in and you know i was uh valuing my time now i raised it to 20 but still i have the occasional request coming in people can click on the link and then i've got like follow button animation they click on it any little description of what's included in this little package they uh purchase and then i get a notification the stand store and then some and then it just says okay steve ordered a follow button you've got five days to complete it and i just completed send it back take the box so it's completed so all of this to say again people your audience chances are are willing to pay you for the design process of your creations this can be again a video tutorial it can be a template a shortcut something like a preset that is there to help them have a more frictionless creative process or just give more knowledge into how you're able to create what you're able to showcase on tick tock if you're wondering where or how to host gated content to your audience there are a couple of platforms that are good options you could use patreon you could use buy me a coffee teachable is another good option stan is one i recommend create a stand store in your link in bio or this is kind of a janky version but i have seen people do this where they will private a video on tik tok maybe it's a video tutorial a behind the scenes and they'll have people message them for the access link and they'll just send them the link and maybe their audience tips them an access fee of fifteen hundred dollars via the tips feature on tick tock all right before we get to the next section and we start talking about navigating the landscape of brand deals and winning those battles i want to answer a question a lot of you are probably asking and that is joseph how do i give my audience access to any of my mvos well i would like to introduce you to today's sponsor stan stan is a platform i've mentioned several times in this video so far and they describe themselves as an all-in-one creator store stan allows you to basically create a one-stop shop for your followers to visit they click your stand link there they can purchase any digital products any mvos you have to offer they can book a time on your calendar they can click your affiliate links and we'll talk about affiliates a little bit later in this course they can sign up to your email list all within stan the entire interface of stan is completely customizable they have a really intuitive drag and drop builder that you can use to create a stand store in less than five minutes and rather than paying over a hundred dollars for a dozen different subscriptions to an email builder a link tree a calendar tool a funnel builder whatever else you need stan offers all of it for 29 a month i actually happen to know the founder of stan personally and i can tell you that one of the things that john and his team have focused on optimizing stand for is creating a frictionless one tap checkout experience that has your sales copy your promo videos and testimonials all in one place there's a link that stan provided that is going to be in the description of this video that you can click to get started in setting up your very own stand store all right this next section of this course is going to focus on brand deals and licensing rights let's go ahead and jump right into the first slide here and i want to mention as well kind of as a prerequisite i'm not going to sugarcoat things and say that brand deals are not profitable the creators on tick tock the top tier names that are raking in millions of dollars per year and there are a lot of them 90 of that comes from brand deals and partnerships i realize that terms like brand deals and sponsorships are kind of taboo at times because everyone talks about them but i hope we want to give you a new way of approaching these and give you the tools and the steps and the frameworks for hopefully landing your first or continuing to land more if you already have a few of these under your belt all right let's go ahead and talk about product integrations now if you remember back from earlier when we talked about director indirect monetization product integrations brand deals licensing rights is a form of indirect monetization and a product integration is a partnership where a creator promotes a product or service in their content in exchange for payment or products from a brand what a product integration might look like i'll give you an example one of our tick tock creator pro students designer tom on tick tock fantastic profile that focuses on ui ux design he was able to land with 273 000 followers two brand deals one for thirty five hundred dollars one for six thousand dollars and these were from two different companies who paid him to talk about them and promote their services in dedicated videos on his account let's talk about rates i know a lot of you are looking for hard numbers when it comes to what you should charge for a brand that's reaching out to you and i want to give you some guidelines here in a second but i do want to say in general you know your audience far better than any marketing team does if i'm on an influencer marketing team and i look at your profile of 55 000 followers i'm probably going to lowball you something like 200 per video after spending 30 seconds on your account but if you know that you have a die hard engaged fan base one that you've really established some core threads of trust with it's up to you to communicate that to the brand and negotiate on the rate something like 500 might be a bit more accurate to your situation now as a guideline most brands are willing to pay ballpark between 500 to 850 dollars per every 100 000 video views once again i can't emphasize this enough this heavily fluctuates depending on a lot of things including your niche your audience engagement and your avp or your average video performance which usually includes your views and the average watch time that a video of yours might pull in now having been involved in spearheading multiple different influencer campaigns at this point i want to give you a few tips for maximizing your opportunities with brands and there's some juicy information here so you might want to write some of this down i'll also include the slides in the description below in case we haven't mentioned that earlier the first thing is something we kind of talked about indirectly and that is to always always negotiate the rates brands are typically going to lowball you that is a given and most of them they have a set budget in mind and they want to spend as little as possible when partnering with a creator so when negotiating we encourage a lot of our clients to use phrases like my minimum level of engagement is 550 per video or i'd be willing to green like this for something in the ballpark of 750 you have to let the brand know up front what you'd be willing to consider number two if you have a pure audience you can charge more a pure audience is an audience that has never been pitched to directly by you most creators don't realize that this is leverage it's up to you again to communicate these finer details to the brand and use them as leverage when negotiating things like rates pure audience is highly valued because it's probably the most receptive that it's ever going to be to you promoting a product number three waiting longer until welcoming sponsorships will yield better and more lucrative deals like we mentioned earlier most brands and agencies that are out there hunting for influencer partners will not consider working with accounts that have less than 100 000 followers why is this well as we mentioned earlier this is because there are a ton of viral runaway accounts out there accounts that add 100 000 followers overnight from one viral video those are not viable partners for sponsorships usually by something like really 500 000 followers is sort of that sweet spot that tipping point but even 250 000 followers most creators at that stage they have somewhat of a defined focus for the account they have a mature audience and they have a content strategy down actually i will mention there was a software company that i headed an influencer marketing campaign for many months ago and we didn't even look at accounts that had less than a million followers so there are a lot of thresholds that once you can get over that hump they'll just be those were like those are where the real brand deals are and a lot of our students inside our private communities don't even choose to monetize for indirect monetization with brand deals specifically until they've reached that threshold of around a million next consider offering a view rollover or promotional guarantee when partnering with brands a view rollover guarantee is where you guarantee a set number of views often through multiple videos where if the first video falls short maybe it pulls in 50 000 views you carry over the partnership into another video until you meet the agreed upon number of views which could be something like 100 thousand or a million depending on the size of the account a lot of top tier accounts on tick tock will either do this or they will use tick tock's paid promotional tools to boost the views on the video and basically the promotion of the content so they'll post a video and they'll boost it through paid media boosting until it reaches maybe something like 10 million views because there's just no way a promotion or an ad is going that viral organically and you see a lot of those promoted videos on massive accounts i know a lot of creators that have over 5 million followers that pretty much just rely on promotional guarantees when working with brands just make sure that you're very clear when you're partnering are you using any sort of paid media boosting or are you doing the promotion the product integration just organically through multiple videos if necessary next make sure both parties have clarity on things like deadlines and exclusivity is there a certain time you need to publish things by what is the cutoff for when you need to have the video posted on the account i've worked with some creators who have partnered with brands where they have added what they call a rush fee where the brand wanted them to post a video by father's day and father's day was six days away when it comes to things like exclusivity are you able to work with other brands can you even consider partnering with similar companies in the near future there are some brands out there that will not allow you to partner with any similar companies up to six months after ending your partnership with them so make sure you're aware of any of those conditions finally try and negotiate for multiple video packages or cross-platform deals ultimately you want to reduce what is known as your turnover rate which is how many different brands and sponsors you're partnering with if you're constantly trying to hustle for new sponsorships it puts a lot of stress on the creator and their audience instead of working with a new brand one week and an entirely different brand the next it'll be much easier on your audience if you partner with a brand over multiple videos you'll also likely have a crossover with your audience across multiple platforms like instagram youtube maybe twitch as well so if a brand is open to it introduce the idea of also promoting their product to your audiences on youtube shorts or instagram reels or tic toc stories as well there are a lot of creators that are starting to throw in a story shout out as a bonus in a partnership package because of the fact that there's just a lot of relatively new attention focused on tick tock stories now with all of this you may be asking but joseph i want to work with my first brand how do i even begin to partner with one well if there are no opportunities in your inboxes so far i would actually highly suggest reaching out to the brand yourself let me tell you something about the current state of tick tock it is still an incredibly new frontier for most brands and if we had more time in this course i could give you well over a dozen examples of creators i've connected with who have taken the initiative and talked about a brand in their video on tiktok only to soon have that brand reach out slide into their dms and offer to pay for a promotion i spoke with one of the social media managers for bumble some time ago and this was exactly their entry point for getting involved with tick tock there was a lot of ugc user generated content about them pulling in millions and millions of views organically and they felt like they needed to cement their presence on tiktok and actually sponsor some of these creators one of my previous consulting students for tock and a really good friend aj joyner who runs the account got that pressure on tick tock was actually at one point pitched a 30 000 plus brand deal from a pressure washing manufacturing company simply because aj himself took the initiative started networking and reaching out to relevant people in his pressure washing industry after he'd already built up a solid fan base of around a million followers on tick tock now he didn't end up taking the offer because of an exclusivity condition meaning that aj had to forego future brand opportunities if you agree to the deal but opportunities like this exist and they surface and they manifest because creators themselves are willing to take action and reach out to some of these companies so speaking of reaching out let me give you a few tips on communicating and reaching out to brands in particular the first thing i want to share is to always head your subject lines with your best numbers marketing teams they thrive on data and numbers that is their lifeblood so if you reach out i like to use subject lines like 30 million views on tick tock or at gymshark tick tock video joseph todd times nike tick tock collab these these are these are examples i would not use words like sponsorship brand deals or inquiry as i've been told many marketing teams actually internally filter those keywords and those kinds of emails go directly to spam number two limit your outreach message to three to five sentences i might say something along the lines of what i have written here in gray i'm not gonna read this out but this is a sample message so please tweak it to your situation and make sure that it is representative of what you are attempting to get across but it should not be longer than this next you're going to want to create a press kit for your tiktok account this is often also referred to as your media kit and what is a press kit or a media kit it's basically very simply put a movie trailer for yourself it is usually a single page document or a series of pages it is meant to give brands a very digestible single overview snapshot of what you have to offer and what you've been able to achieve on your social media platforms so typical press kit will outline things like your best performing content your audience's interests their demographics their ages if you know that information your video engagement rates there is a tool out there that helps you calculate all this it's called media kits and to be clear i'm not sponsored by them i just genuinely believe that they're the best out there and they're fairly inexpensive they also have a free package as well that gives you a lot of basic information and what's nice about media kits is that they dynamically update your numbers so if your numbers change maybe your follower count increases you don't have to completely overhaul this yourself media kits updates all of this automatically i'll leave a link for media kits down below to use when you start to create your press kit but in general having a press kit while you create it yourself or you use an automated system for it it's absolutely crucial to have if you plan on pursuing reaching out to companies yourself one quick tip as well to add to your press kit is that it's very helpful to outline different packages that you offer for promotions this is something we encourage a lot of our clients to do to offer something like a silver gold or platinum partnership in case one of your offers maybe is beyond a brand's budget so a press kit can outline all this very clearly and in the description below this video there will be some examples of successful press kits that you can use for reference the last thing i want to mention before we move on here is that if you're planning on reaching out to a brand yourself reach out on linkedin first before you start tackling email inboxes and sliding into a brand's dms if you're not on linkedin i'm here to tell you that that's where a lot of brand deals are talked about in drafted in the tiktok creator economy and it's actually fairly easy to get in contact with specific team members from most companies and since the vast majority of tick tock creators are not on linkedin whatsoever if you're serious about pursuing brand opportunities then there's definitely an early advantage that you have here and i'm gonna leave my profile linked down below so shoot me a connection request while you're over there drop me a message and i'll throw a couple more tips your way about successfully reaching out to a company on linkedin let's talk for a second about how to actually incorporate a product into your content because there are a couple of golden rules that you always want to make sure you follow and there's some pretty big land mines that you want to avoid but before we get to that i would like to introduce the second sponsor of today's video which is one degrees organic sprouted rolled oats i'm sorry i can't say that with a straight face i just broke rule number one which is always make sure that the product or service is relevant to your content and is something that you would utilize yourself all it takes and i've seen this on tick tock is one disingenuous promotion and you get a score of unfollows which can plateau your account if you're established in a specific niche where your account has a focus with its content you want to make sure that you partner with a brand that you trust and a brand that has a product that makes sense to pitch to your audience there's a reason why i didn't accept a sponsor to pitch oats in a tik-tok video and believe me there are food companies that reach out in my inbox next you want to make sure that you ask the creator have clear creative control over the product integration process the biggest mistake that a brand can make is not giving the creator creative license to integrate a product into their content in the way that the creator sees fit i've seen many an account on tick tock completely decimated because they pitched something like vehicle tires in a tv ad format on a motivational quotes page because that's what the brand requested and the rate was just too good for the creator to pass up that's a real example by the way so if a brand does not give you flexibility to craft a idea for pitching a product in your style or one that's comfortable to your audience run for the hills your audience is your biggest asset and you truly don't want to lose the backbone of your account or your business because your content now feels like an ad all right next having specificity within a niche is a super power you'd be surprised to learn how little follower count matters when it comes to accounts that have a very niched defined specific focus a lot of brands actually prefer to partner with what are called micro influencers micro influencers on tick tock are accounts that range between 10 000 to 50 000 followers and have a very defined focus so maybe it's an account that talks about something like child care for new mothers for example and accounts that have a very defined focus can often charge double to triple the rates of some larger accounts that are much more broader in focus and maybe are a bit more personality forward moving on create original content around the product or service this one's kind of a given but i do want to emphasize you should never be creating a sponsored video just to get it out of the way like we discussed earlier your audience isn't stupid they can subconsciously read intentions and they know when you're not fully invested in your craft i've been asked before who i think are the most successful examples of accounts on tick tock that have monetized and my answer is actually not based on how much money they're bringing in but rather how subtle and undetectable their product integrations are there are a ton of accounts out there that make a lot of money up front but they lose respect from their audience fairly quickly every competitive market has those money grifters you know who they are if you can't find a way to creatively integrate a product you probably shouldn't be partnered with that company in the first place as a last resort you could always do something like let's just say you are a cooking recipe paste account and you create a video that talks about your favorite indonesian spices and you tack on a sponsored curry spice at the very end and you say something like this video happens to be sponsored by kirkland's line of indonesian spices but an idea like that a listicle style video i give it a c plus it's not super creative but it's always a last resort finally on one last note on the topic of brand deals i do want to mention that you have the legal obligation to disclose that you're making money by recommending something if not you're breaking ftc guidelines in the u.s and similar laws apply to most countries as well usually you can verbally disclose the promotion or you can use the hashtag ad hashtag sponsored hashtags in the first line in the description or you can even use tiktok's branded content disclosure label which you have the option to include right when you're about to post a video all right next we're going to talk about community commerce and lives community commerce by the way is just tick tock's fancy way of referring to creators who drive sales for products specifically through live streams and i'm going to share a very powerful piece of knowledge with you and that is that truly there is no better place on tick tock to drive conversions through than on a live stream why is that well live streams are where you get to showcase the real life version of you the unfiltered version of you people can see for themselves the wealth of knowledge that you have to offer that's not constricted and constrained to a 60-second video mold and you get to showcase what you have to offer your audience in much more detail whether it's a service a product or a personality if you're a coach or a knowledge creator and educator on tik-tok the live streams are where you're going to want to cultivate the majority of interest for your offer just plain and simple i will mention as well this is going to sound beyond belief but i know creators on tick tock in certain spaces like the finance niche for example that are getting paid by brands over ten thousand dollars plus per live stream because the live streams just convert so incredibly well for the company that they've partnered with all right what are some ways that you can take advantage of community commerce when it comes to brand deals well the first way you can participate is to propose a trial sponsored stream with a brand this is a great idea for anyone who's getting wanting to get involved in promoting any sort of physical products and to talk about this more here's actually a friend of mine will from the account moneyman myers who's going to share his experience working with brand deals and leveraging live streams just recently i started doing uh brand deals and selling the skill of generating leads taking people from tiktok live generating leads and getting those leads to somebody else giving them a call to action to somebody else and um i'm selling between like just over 10 grand per one hour live i had a bunch of brands that reached out to me and they were like you know random stuff like a flying helicopter for your kids or like something some random like cheap gadget and i never did those deals because they never really made sense for the type of content that i do which is finance and money and then i finally had a brand that reached out to me that uh does taxes and tax planning and i have an entire life dedicated where i just teach tax planning and i would drive them to some of my offers some of my free tax newsletters stuff like that and so the overlap on my content made perfect sense for that brand thinking from that perspective for me i can have a sponsorship on the brand sponsorship on the content that i teach i can have a brand sponsorship on like for this co like if we're drinking during the live drinking like energy drink coffee i can have a coffee brand sponsored have an almond milk sponsor it so like throughout the entire thing you can have your maximum money making philosophy of how many different streams of income can i get from one piece of content that i'm going to create on the negotiation side i always had in the back of my mind that once i figured out how much money i'm going to generate for them if i can generate them if i can send them 20 leads and they can convert 10 of those leads and each lead generates them a thousand dollars well then i know i can just reverse engineer what i should charge them for an hour of time in an hour i can send them this many leads and if their conversion is this and if they're gonna make twenty thousand dollars they can pay me ten you know it's that kind of thing this idea that will's talking about of actually finding a partner for your live stream is becoming more and more popular in the community commerce space on tick tock is brands start to realize the true power that live streams have when it comes to promoting a product or service it's actually becoming quite popular on tiktok to do what are called sponsored streams where a lot of influencers they might have like a sponsored by coachella hashtag banner in the background of their videos and they'll spend a significant portion of their lives showcasing unique products the beauty and cosmetics landscape is a really popular one to do this in on tiktok one quick tip by the way is to try to incorporate other platforms into the same stream and maybe you use a tool like which will be linked down below where you can stream on instagram youtube and tick tock simultaneously another way to participate in community commerce is to get permission to promote products through the tick tock shop the tick tock shop if you recall back to one of our initial sections earlier is one of the five internal monetization platforms that tic toc offers and the tic toc shop once again is where brands can list products on tik tok they can send custom affiliate offers to creators to promote those products and the creators can include those products on what is called the shop showcase which is basically a catalog on their profile and they can also include links to those products in individual videos and on live streams when they mention the products which makes conversions very frictionless all right next we're going to talk about content licensing rights content licensing is where you're paid to give a company the rights to use your content this can be in advertisements that they choose to run this could be redistribution on their own channels it's actually pretty common for creators that have really unique viral videos to get media companies requesting to buy the rights to that video to repost it on their own pages for example there was a woman that i connected with about a year ago who had a video eclipse 25 million views on tick tock and it was of her grooming her dog and the two of them having a good time and the media page from instagram nine gag with over 58 million followers reached out and wanted to buy the rights to re-share her video that's a pretty traditional example of what content licensing looks like now for content licensing you are going to want to read through all and i mean all of the terms and conditions for any contract that's thrown your way there have been a few creators i have crossed paths with where they have unknowingly signed away not only the right to the video's distribution but the right to remove the content from their own profile and in one particular instance the company ended up using the video to generate thousands of dollars in sales with a product that the creator was opposed to and the creator didn't get a say in it didn't get a penny of any of this because she signed away the right to benefit from any sort of future monetization so there are a lot of sticky clauses that too many pass over when it comes to content licensing just as a quick tip if you don't understand the terms and conditions because legal jargon can often go over many ahead i would recommend looking at google or tick tock searching a term like tick tock legal attorney and find a legal professional that you can have look over the agreement i've actually done this on multiple occasions and it really does help bring clarity and peace of mind to any content licensing process also if you want to know my particular recommendations for legal attorneys just message me on instagram and let me know the context and i can provide you a few recommendations generally speaking it's usually not worth considering licensing out your content if you're receiving less than 300 that's just my standard a lot of people feel like oh the exposure is what makes it worth it but in reality the amount of secondhand followers you're gonna get from some random people following your username because it happens to be on a page that they follow for content is actually very minimal just for context that dog lady groomer that i mentioned earlier only added about 800 followers to her tiktak account after her video was reposted by 9gag in front of nearly 60 million followers all right we're going to segue now into talking about how to capitalize on affiliates for tick-tock the affiliate marketing landscape is one that i think is very misunderstood and oversimplified for tick-tock it's not just about talking about a product and then telling people to click a link in your bio it's really much more than that affiliates or affiliate marketing just for definition sake is where you promote a product to your target audience and usually you get a kick back from sales or a small payment up front the benefits of this kind of monetization is that there are no products that you have to worry about and there are a lot of companies out there that actually offer a very significant percentage of sales some even above 50 and we'll talk about how to find these a little bit later now there are really two different ways of engaging in affiliate marketing for tick tock and this is where you really have to define whether you want to go down the active affiliates route or the passive affiliates route active affiliates is where you're openly promoting an offer or a series of products on your account as the primary reason behind starting the profile so accounts like rachel meadors are built around just featuring quirky products in every video with the goal of creating virality and interest for buying that product and all those products are catalogued in her bio passive affiliates on the other hand are those that usually don't rely on affiliate marketing as the primary source of income and those who engage in passive affiliates usually only feature products that they personally utilize to give you a practical example of what passive affiliates might look like on tick tock once again i want to hear from aaron tsugi our tic toc creator pro student who's going to talk about how he's built out the affiliate marketing side of his business on tick tock i also have affiliate links for you know i talk about lighting equipment and phone gadgets and all that stuff so that is also listed it just says gear i use so here there is a stand link you just click on the stand link so i prioritize like depending on what i want to push the most that's what i have at the top right now the hook template i just finished i think it's super powerful and it's the cheapest one and here i have the gear i use see the gear i use so you click on this so here i think it's just each one of these you're saying just redirects to the amazon affiliate link then phone gadget so these are categories so you go phone gadget category and then these are just here all affiliated links to uh to amazon and here at the top the 3d lighting software it's there is a 3d lighting software i use for my live master classes on tick tock which is 150 to buy and there is a an affiliate program for that so when people click on this they get taken to the website where they can purchase it and i get 20 or 30 so it's like 30 per purchase for the uh for that let's talk about some best practices for engaging with affiliate marketing on tick tock and also some pitfalls that you want to avoid stepping into so the first one is to avoid using phrases like link and bio or check my link tree also don't use these as a hashtag and do not include them in the on-screen captions or the text bubbles that you overlay on your videos instead use alternate phrases like more info on my profile check my account resources or consider not using a call to action as arguably most viewers know where to go to find more info phrases like link and bio check my link tree we've just had too many students that have had videos taken down and tiktak has blacklisted a lot of these phrases depending on the niche so they're usually just best avoided altogether next never include a full email link or url in the captions or the text bubbles there are some companies out there that offer affiliate structures where you have to call in and you have to put a phone number on screen don't do that tick tock thinks you're doxing you're not even allowed to show phone numbers and videos and many videos get removed for this reason alone next when finding affiliate offers to potentially promote consider finding relevant software or mobile app deals to promote first over any physical product this is not just because physical products often cause more hassle for both the distributor and the affiliate marketer but because there is more viable long-term monetization streams if you're to partner with an application or a sas company a software as a service company or a mobile app company because many of them offer lifetime reoccurring revenue where they'll give you 20 to 50 of a customer's monthly subscription until that customer cancels for gamers especially gosh there are a plethora of mobile app games mobile app companies out there that we found pay pretty handsome affiliate commissions upwards of 60 for each customer that signs up and again you're getting the monthly reoccurring revenue so it's the definition of passive affiliates next you want to make sure that you choose a product to affiliate for that you have what's called consumer affinity with meaning it is something that you yourself make use of or almost something that you could see yourself featuring in a video non-promotionally again we're trying to do everything that we can here to make sure that your videos are not just crafted around promoting a product because that's unnatural and viewers as we all know can smell a sellout from a mile away and there are legitimately many accounts on tick tock that meet their demise that way now the best places for finding affiliate offers include amazon associates clickbank or checking to see if a product that maybe you already make use of has an existing affiliates page on the company's website many of them do and a lot of staple products that we utilize software applications physical products actually already have an ambassador affiliates program in place and all you have to do is sign up speaking of signing up i will mention as well we've encouraged a lot of entertainers and gamers especially to look at websites that rank the top trending apps on the google play store or the app store by week or by month and actually reach out to those companies because if they're seeing a lot of demand a lot of them are already engaging in affiliate offers and are reaching out privately and sometimes if you simply dm them you can also be added to the list the last thing i'll mention on the topic of affiliates is that in general it's a bit difficult to turn affiliate marketing on tick tock into a primary income source unless you're an active affiliate like we talked about with the example of rachel meadors usually affiliate marketing is best treated as a supplemental income source and there's absolutely no reason why you can't be earning a significant chunk of change a month if you have a few hundred thousand followers all right let's talk about audio promotions audio promotions is an income stream that's actually rarely talked about and one that you can turn substantial profits with if you know how to position yourself properly so audio promotions are where you're paid to utilize someone else's audio in your videos and this was actually one of the revenue streams that i took advantage of last year with audio promotions i'd be lying if i didn't say that you're going to have a bit of an uphill battle to monetize with audio promotions if you're pulling in less than 50 000 views per video but there are a ton of platforms out there that once you meet those thresholds they can connect you with different audio tracks that you can get paid to use in your videos the two most commonly used platforms are playlist push and pair pop for playlist push you have to sign up to their influencer promotion program where you can then gain access to sounds that artists will pay you to promote and with pair pop we covered this a bit earlier but it's basically a marketplace where you can list your account and offer to promote or even duet videos and use their sound for a fee i recently spoke with jeffrey menson on tick tock who runs the account green rabbit with over 18 million followers it's a curation page and he'd mention that pair pop is one of the platforms that he leverages to monetize his massive account with audio promotions one of the platforms that he recommended leveraging was fiverr fiverr is a freelancing platform where you can provide digital services for others and some of the top ranking tick tock accounts that are listed on fiverr are reaping in thousands of dollars per month just by utilizing audio in their videos here's an audio promotion service on fiverr that has over 266 4.9 star reviews with a minimum package offered of a hundred and fifty dollars so doing some quick math that's at least forty thousand dollars generated through fiverr now i do want to add that most tick tock accounts listed on fiverr are either very small or their listings are not high quality so if you have a sizable tick tock account or you are just willing to put in more effort than most in making your audio promotion service look somewhat appealing then there's definitely room for improvement and i can see this being a viable income stream for anyone looking to monetize and land deals with audio promotions by far the very best way from what i found to land high paying audio promotions is to join exclusive discord servers there are quite a few of these servers out there that exist solely for the purpose of simply funneling audio promotions toward the members that join but like i mentioned they are very exclusive and they usually have a pretty high barrier of entry like you need to have either a million followers or be a mutual friend of multiple people on the server so needless to say networking is absolutely key to gaining access to most of these servers this was actually my gateway to becoming part of a few of these last year just reaching out connecting with other similar accounts and creators talking about monetization exchanging value and i got a couple of invites sent my way all right before we start putting together some custom monetization strategies for a few of your own accounts i want to talk about some non-conventional ways to monetize on tick tock these are just miscellaneous methods of monetization that didn't really fit in any other categories there's two of these the first one to introduce is ad interjections ad interjections are portions of your video setup or filming environment that are dedicated to promotions it's basically ad space that you intentionally create think of a sports stadium for example with all the displays and banners you're taking the same approach for your own videos i've seen creators that have done this that have actually auctioned away promotion space by placing something like a blank picture frame in the foreground that says advertise here or by including an instagram handle somewhere in their video next i want to touch upon account flipping i'm going to keep this point very brief as i know most of you probably aren't actively involved in growing and selling accounts yourself but this is a landscape that i have a ton of experience in and there are quite a few best practices that i want to share when it comes to building these accounts and eventually selling them as i mentioned earlier i would highly recommend watching the video in the description from last year where i actually talk about how he built a team of editors and was able to grow and flip multiple of these tick tock theme pages this is something that's really hard to do yourself if you're trying to do all of this solo at scale number one you want to make sure that the accounts core content is non-personable as possible ultimately you want your buyer to be able to continue in the same vein of content that built the audience in the first place this is why compilation pages or theme accounts work really well that focus on re-editing and curating content that already exist out there hopefully content that revolves around some sort of core theme like this profile right here that i built last year that focused on soccer or football depending on where you are in the world number two when selling an account your best deals are always going to come from other account owners in the same niche as you what i would recommend that you do is reach out to similar size pages and offer to sell your account to them help them build out their niche monopoly for whatever landscape that they create accounts in next never list your account on a social media accounts marketplace trust me nine out of ten people who message you there are scammers who are going to attempt to gain your trust and then proceed to either file a dispute with paypal or their bank after getting the account they'll demand their money back and there's really nothing that you can do at that point or they simply won't pay you when it comes down to it also never ever use wire transfers whenever i would deal with a buyer i would always use stripe integrated payments which has decent seller protection when it comes to selling any sort of digital good like a social media account always deal over a zoom video call and make sure that you get the buyers personal social media accounts ahead of time just in case if things go south you know who's at fault and finally the going rate for a tick tock account is about 150 to 200 for every 10 000 followers so for a typical 100 000 followed account you'd be lucky if you made the sale for two grand you're always going to get less for the account that you hoped keep in mind the buyer only sees the metric at the very top of the profile they see the vanity numbers they don't see the effort the blood sweat and tears that you put into it if you want to know more about some of the best practices of account flipping feel free to schedule a chat with me down below and we can chat one-on-one about some of the pitfalls to avoid and some of the finer details of this industry but there's definitely enough here to get you started for sure all right now we're gonna segue into some live monetization breakdowns where we'll pull up two of your own accounts and i'll suggest some recommendations for further ways that you can capitalize on the attention that you've been able to amass i just want to say an extended thank you to everyone who submitted their profiles over on instagram there were over 150 of you that wanted me to take a look at your accounts and the two that i will be looking at today are strategically chosen because i think there's a lot that they're already doing to monetize that a lot of you can learn from and there's some ways that i think they can improve as well that are pretty universal to most people who are looking to dip their toe into the monetization waters so the first submission we have is from frost ops he has over 2.2 million followers and he uploads content that focuses on irl tactical gaming adventures first of all frost well done with the content truly the editing the pacing the personality the inside jokes the element of mystery behind who frost is that you bring to your content it's well thought out and i think you have a lot of unique opportunities here to cash flow on some of this attention and let me just give people a brief overview of sort of how you've cultivated monetization with the profile so far i see you've cross-referenced some of your gear where it could be found on amazon in a few of your videos here you've got a couple of brand deals under your belt which i think is cool and you've got your own merch well done there the first thing that really comes to mind is if you are referencing any of the gear or anything that can be affiliated for whether on amazon or through any other external shops you need to make sure that you have a clickable url or a link that your followers can access this through because most people and we split just split tested this through multiple discord groups and then some of our private communities most users on tick tock they're not laboriously writing down names or not writing down product names or typing it into a browser the only way to take them outside of tiktok is to redirect them outside of tiktok through a link inside of tiktok if that makes sense i would also be thinking as well and i have a few ideas here for you that i brainstormed ahead of time what is an mvo a minimum viable offer that you can create a lot of what you've done with monetization which by the way again i really want to commend you for you've done a fantastic job building out the veins of content and monetization with the account so far but a lot of it is indirect monetization it's through a third party and what a lot of your long-term plays are going to come through direct monetization avenues so for example you may consider giving your fan base a way to tangibly participate in controlling some of the actions that frost does in his videos i noticed for example one of your video ideas that tends to have a lot of high interaction is this video right here the choose the action style videos like this one so if you were able to maybe create a series where the outcomes were dependent on outrageous decisions that were purchased by your followers and then you would film those ideas you could almost create kind of a real-time funding for not every video but maybe a series of videos another mvo you might consider is to offer some kind of pro service i'm kind of throwing spaghetti at the wall here with this idea but maybe it's something like private fortnight coaching and you charge 100 an hour or something where you help gamers take an incredible parkour move that they see people do in real life and they translate that to a move that they can actually do in-game i'd really be thinking about the long-term play for the account what this account is going to help you accomplish in maybe a year from now maybe this is your entry point into getting involved with an esports team or building your own team of elite gamers or maybe you're looking to take your real life frost ops adventures expand to different worlds and introduce new costumes that you could potentially include the affiliate links for i think it'd be super cool if you were able to host a real life fortnight battle royale with other similar tiktok creators and you were able to find a flagship sponsor for the event something like that i think it really put you on a new map a new level of monetization and collaboration still kind of thinking along the lines of an mvo that you can create for the profile i might consider coming up with some sort of mini tutorial series that is something related to gaming and preferably something that you excel at with gaming i don't know all the nitty gritty about what you do with twitch maybe you are an extremely like out of this world talented fortnight player or you're great at coming up with sick burns and roasting your opponents and that like the sick burn manifesto is like a paid resource that you can create or something like that or an editing mini course again i say this in all sincerity you're editing your creativity your your pacing is very commendable i think behind the scenes of how you do all of this how you do the subtitles how you film how you edit how you do sound design and you create a video that is a start to finish walkthrough of how you basically create a tick tock video listen it's something i'd pay good money for so all this to say i don't know if there were any good ideas here but i would be thinking about is there a form of direct monetization that you can create whether it's a digital product or service something personally branded by you that you can offer to your audience and that you can include is that very first offer when people click on your link in bio landing page also since your account focuses quite heavily on your frost ops character interacting with some of these different gaming worlds i would definitely keep your radar open for a potential mobile game company that has a world that you can almost insert yourself into i think an idea like that you could play it off very subtly without having too much of a change in style deals like this if you're able to find a potential mobile game partner they they could range between 4 000 to about 7 500 easily for a single video with an account of your size so what i might actually consider doing is going to something like the google play store's newest game releases and then find a game that you like that you feel is a viable opportunity for something that you could promote on your account and then maybe message the developers with some of the strategies that we talked about a little bit earlier in this course when it comes to physical products for the account there are really two things that i would probably be aware of or just keep on your radar number one is you're going to want to be careful and work to reduce what is known as your brand turnover which is how many different brands and products that you're constantly promoting uh working with one flagship brand long term is going to reduce what is called the pitch stress on your audience and it also that's sort of indirectly the second thing i wanted to recommend is you're going to want to find a flagship physical products brand that you can work with long term that can almost be an account partner for you that has products that you like maybe they sell really cool tactical gear lines or they have airsoft weaponry although you've got to be very careful with partnering with brands for the latter because tiktok is very stringent with their policing efforts on anything that looks like a weapon in their videos but what i would probably do is find a brand that you think that has potential that preferably is not established on tick tock because if you can be one of their first partners and i can tell you tic talk especially for this this landscape that you're involved in the gaming this this like the cosplay space even though i know that's not your specific focus um but but products like physical products sell extremely well so if a brand starts to see that the demand is actually there you could probably be their their leading influence or partner fairly quickly but if they're not on tick tock i would include their products in your videos to start talking about them you're not pitching them but you're showing them that the the demand exists there and you're able to get videos out there at scale that are able to pull in quite a significant amount of attention and i would just send the videos their way also the last thing i want to mention and then i promise i'll shut up after this is i don't know how much you're engaged with making use of the live stream feature on tiktok but tiktok recently has opened up the doors for mobile live gaming on the platform and there's really an opportunity to potentially supplant yourself as a leading mobile live streamer if you know which games to play or you see a good opportunity i don't know how well this might potentially plug and play into where you want to take the account long term but if there's a game that you have interest in that can be played on mobile that you can start streaming specifically on tick tock using their new their new features i think there's a massive opportunity there and if you can work out a potential partnership with the game it's a win-win and i think you can cash flow that opportunity pretty easily all right our next profile comes from who is a conscious parenting coach on tiktok and it looks like cecilla has already taken some measures to redirect attention on her profile to some of the various offers she has in her link tree so cecila first of all i just want to say well done on the content i probably spent the last 15 minutes consuming videos and taking some notes and there are some recommendations i have for enhancing the monetization streams just a bit further my first recommendation or suggestion rather would be to condense down the amount of different offers that you have in your link tree keep in mind like we talked about with frost ops profile just a few minutes ago in many situations audiences are spending less than 10 seconds on these linked landing pages and you have over a dozen different redirection mediums here so i would probably make a conscious effort to have two to three flagship offers at the very top that stand out that maybe use colors and are those eye grabbing graphics that audiences will look at and the where their attention is is predominantly drawn to now your magic key on tick tock especially as a coach when it comes to driving conversions or signups to your workshops for example is going to be to master live streams plain and simple i would make a conscious effort to be engaged with these at least on a weekly basis if you're not doing that already maybe this is something that you're already checking the box of but i would encourage you to make sure that you have an assigned theme for your live streams a particular avenue of parenting or i don't know child discipline i'm kind of spitballing here you know your landscape far better than i do but it would make sure that there is a wrap or a theme for the event and there's a particular lead magnet that you're promoting or a workshop that you're trying to drive attention to for example as a knowledge creator on tick tock someone who outputs predominantly educational focused content it is so powerful when your audience gets to see your expertise and your know-how in raw real time maybe you have a video where you interact with your children in real time or you talk about behavioral transformations i know those topics tend to do well in your content itself or and again i'm just throwing spaghetti at the wall with this concept but maybe you have a series where you are reacting with your audience to some of the worst parenting videos out there on the internet and you have another screen that you're watching live with your audience and you engage with them and you both talk about alternative ways those parents could have handled those situations things like that right where you get to demonstrate and showcase your abilities and your recommendations to your audience that's what that's what drives conversions and this is why live streams are often the mean traffic funnel for coaches on the platform now when it comes to crafting a minimum viable offer an mvo specifically for tick tock i do have a few ideas and by the way i'm certainly not suggesting anything that is anywhere near close to a 180 degree shift from what you've already built for monetization on tick tock because i do think and i say this in all sincerity you are checking a lot of the right boxes but one thing i would capitalize on a little bit further is trying to monetize the demand that's clearly been shown in some of your best performing videos one thing i did for your profile ahead of time is i filtered your videos by the most liked and most viewed just to see what concepts really broke through the surface which by the way they're chrome extensions for this one of them is sword for tiktok which allows you to rank and filter based on certain metrics for your account which is super helpful and i will link some of these down below but i noticed cecilia for your account in particular the role play concepts where you play the child and the parent and you have this this two-way conversation back and forth did extremely well specifically the ones where you talked about what certain parental practices and phrases actually teach a child it's in these kinds of situations where you've been able to express creativity and you've seen that creativity validated by your own audience and the pure amount of attention that's been on these videos in the form of millions of views that really present truly a unique and golden opportunity to monetize if you're able to find the right mvo to build around these videos so one idea just off the top of my head is maybe you create a product say an ebook that is all about the unrealized meanings behind what you say as a parent so that's quite that's sort of my way of encapsulating the the common idea between these these videos that been able to pull in over a million views and in this e-book it's basically a list of these concepts that you would you would talk about and just create as as tick tock videos but you continue to create these videos which i noticed you haven't done in a while and maybe at the very end you talk about how this lesson learned was from your ebook and the ebook is seven dollars it's one of those flagship offers in your link landing page and especially if you're pulling in millions of views and you're mentioning that in front of millions of people something like this could could decently sell at high volume now i also spent some time giving gated content some thoughts ways that you could capitalize on that and i was doing some research on social media in the parenting domain to try to find the most popular videos that consistently went viral and i tell you the one that i landed on were interviews interviews with parents so this is just me thinking off the top of my head and obviously you know your personality and in your landscape again far better than i do so take all this with a big fat himalayan grain of salt but an idea that could potentially be a viral video idea but also great gated content that would have i can tell you good reception would be to maybe interview 100 parents or maybe not 100 but you know a decent number of parents and you asked them what their biggest regrets were with maybe how they parented their children for example almost something that helps parents avoid like a worst case scenario with their child something like that i just know it has that viral punch factor for tock and by the way this is not just exclusive to the parenting landscape anyone who's listening this idea is something this is a formula we apply across many different niches on tick tock as well because from a human psychological standpoint who doesn't want to know what the actions are that evolved into potential regrets for people right like that's that's that's content that people can't say no to and as some homework i might look into the youtube channel jubilee they do a lot of this content and they consistently go viral with it so looking at how they structure their short form content when it comes to the content itself one quick tip is to limit the amount of these kinds of announcement videos we actually call these maintenance videos for tick tock and they're there to harvest the attention that's been on your profile usually redirect to some sort of call to action or i see a lot of these you have workshops that you host which i think is awesome but i would probably use tick-tock stories for the same purpose actually i willing to bet you probably have a larger amount of eyeballs on your stories versus these videos simply because stories is in my opinion a very undervalued medium for attention but if you continue to post these maintenance videos i would always do it after a breakthrough video make sure you have a video on your account that that does really well that sort of surpasses the normal threshold for performance post one of these maintenance videos i wouldn't do it after a string of videos that are sort of subpar in their performance because a video like this a maintenance video it's usually expected that they are going to have the least amount of engagement out of the week and they can anchor the momentum for your account a little bit further than expected now on a little bit of a different note very similar to what i mentioned for frost ops profile which we previously reviewed i would try to do some due diligence and perhaps you've already done this in trying to find a company whose product or service that you actively use or want to make use of that's obviously relevant to the parenting landscape that is a company you want to be in collaboration with and would love to be involved in some sort of paid partnership with long term what i might actually encourage you to do and i know creators who have done this with lots of success is actually create an idea around the product or the service that you know will do well post the video wait for it to pull in something like 100 000 views and then send the video directly to the company in terms of outreach i would structure an email very similar to this this actually is an email that i sent to a software company that i landed a partnership with last year and really the entire goal behind all this is ultimately you want to get to the point where you limit the amount you limit the high volume of low sponsorships for a profile like yours because i have no doubt you probably get pitched on email you probably get pitched in dms and you really want to be in a situation where you're outputting content on a regular basis for a company that you really believe in and that you want to partner with long term and i would mention that maybe to any of these companies you're considering partnering with for a single video mention that you're looking for long-term partnerships and if you can work something out that maximizes the amount of time that you work together over a long period of time that's where you want to be taking the monetization with brand deals in indirect monetization for an account like this the last thing i'll mention and then i promise i'll shut up after this is i would probably take some steps to get affiliates better integrated into the in the entire monetization workflow i noticed that you had the june 4 kids app linked in your bio i would reach out to a company like this maybe they don't offer an affiliate commission for the june app if that is a free product but if they have any other paid subscription service or they're considering developing a paid tier for an app like this you could potentially get a kickback from that or could you create content for an app like this i would be thinking about those conversations because an account of your size with over 200 000 followers with a very niche audience parents is a very very valuable digital asset for any company especially when it comes to creating something like an app i understand too that probably a lot of these links are just your peer recommendations to your audience but if there are any other tools out there tools that maybe you have yet to explore yet to receive a reply back from a company you might choose to reach out to that you feel are tools that could legitimately help problems that parents deal with in this parenting landscape you have a platform an incredible audience that you can very profitably share any of these apps or products too and receive an affiliate kickback for so i'd probably spend some time in that vein of thought but other than that really really truly well done with the profile you're checking a lot of the monetization box already and keep that momentum on a roll wow what a monster of a tick tock monetization crash course this entire video has been listen it took me a long time to put this video together research editing which i still have yet to do so it would mean the world to me if you would like this video and share it on a tick tock story or an instagram story make sure you tag me i'm really hoping this video could be a good stepping stone in helping creators better understand how to actually turn a profit with this attention they've been able to amass and turn a profit on their tick-tock creative efforts so if you would help me in furthering that objective just by sharing this video that would mean the world to me thank you all so much for watching there's an entire practical encyclopedia dictionary of resources that were all mentioned throughout this video including the slides for this presentation that are available in the description so please take advantage of those feel free to check out some of our paid resources as well which could also help fill in some of those monetization voids for you again all this will be found below this video
Channel: Joseph Todd
Views: 64,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make money on tiktok, make money with tiktok, how to monetize tiktok, how to monetize my tiktok, tiktok money making, tiktok monetization, how to monetize my tiktok videos, make money with tik tok, tiktok brand deals, tiktok creator fund, how to make money with tiktok creator fund, how to make money with the creator fund, tiktok creator marketplace, tiktok store, tiktok shop, how to make money with tiktok, tiktok creative exchange, tiktok monetize, make money on tiktok
Id: TejbINiNMB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 11sec (5231 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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