Tiktok is ACTUALLY Telling You How to Grow in 2024...

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Tik Tok just revealed to us how to grow in 2024 and I'm going to break down everything in this video the video links the Styles the format The Sounds the things that matter and I'll give you the dos and don'ts along the way now before I get started I have a free community down in the description I would love to see you in there if you're interested in growing on Tik Tok now I actually learned most of this in mid 2023 and it's how I grew my account to over 90k while most other accounts were stagnant at the time because most people still think that Tik Tok is the short form video platform that it was from 2020 and 2021 but Tik Tok has made a ton of changes and they've revealed to you what you're supposed to do without actually telling you what you're supposed to do so let me break it down the first one is umg Universal Music Group pulling their catalog from Tik Tok and Tik Tok letting them do it before this point trending sounds trending audios mattered so much on this platform you could go viral with a trending dance a trending sound a trending hashtag and you could hashtag for you page viral and you would go viral in 2020 and 2021 and if you are using any sounds from umg previous to February 1st your videos got muted now the big question is why didn't Tik Tok renegotiate and let umg get a better deal from Tik Tok because honestly Tik Tok doesn't really care with a direction that Tik Tok is currently going they would rather have creators rely Less on sounds and more on original sounds and the things that they're saying to the camera because this helps with original content instead of people being able to copy content and get paid for it and I'll get to that later but it stops that because if people go ahead and talk to the camera Tik Tok knows right away if this is original content or if it's been posted before now based on that change here are the dos and don'ts for you growing your account talk on camera more use copyright free sounds in the background and ultimately use your original sounds rather than using the sounds on Tik Tok and the don't don't rely on trending sounds to grow your audience anymore don't let the sounds dictate your creative instead have your creative dictate which sound you're going to use now the second thing is that the Creator fund ended in late 2023 if you don't know what the Creator fund is it was a fund for short form video way less than 1 minute of course it would pay you somewhere between 1 cent and 2 cents per 1,000 views now 99% of creators on the app could not make a living with those kind of RPMs and it made that Creator fund almost a joke for creators now this was replaced with the beta creativity program instead now this meant that you could only get paid on videos that were longer than 1 minute videos that met original criteria as well as meeting the fair use requirements and they weren't already posted somewhere else online this means that more creators would have to make longer form content and could no longer get away with the quick witty videos or the trending viral videos that were 7 Seconds perhaps had some words over the top and just would sit there and replay over and over and over again it also meant that you can't just repost your best videos from other platforms and expect to get paid for it instead they give you an unoriginal lowquality guideline strike so ultimately what is is Tik Tok revealing to you with this move they want you to create content specifically for the Tik Tok app and not have it be a platform where you just repost your content and they're also hinting that the creators that can create longer form video are the ones that are going to monetize better on this platform so the Dos create talking head videos that are longer than 1 minute the don'ts don't make short unoriginal static videos or reposts from other platforms now the third thing that Tik Tok did was introduce landscape videos horizontal videos to the platform this means horizontal videos just like YouTube setss as a way to go ahead and compete with YouTube in the future not only that people that got a notification also were able to boost their views for free if they went ahead and posted landscape videos to their account now there are some other requirements as well they had to be one minute they had to be original and other things but they are really pushing this landscape video especially if you got that notification they don't actually make it very easy for you to be able to do this inside of the app and so it's much easier to shoot landscape videos outside of the app and so if you want to go ahead and do it with your phone you would just and shoot in the horizontal format when you take it into a cap cut or your favorite editor you go ahead and just make sure it's in the 16x9 aspect ratio and Tik Tok will do the rest when you go ahead and upload now one of the reasons that they're pushing this landscape video is because of the advertising aspects that it could bring to Tik Tok YouTube has mid-roll pre-roll 5-second skip ads and way more choices for advertisers to choose on the platform Tik Tok wants those same things as well as a way to attribute who they should be paying Creator fund money to because when you have a short video and you're scrolling through the feed they don't know who to attribute that money to and who's keeping people on the app when you have a long form video you're able to know exactly who is getting people to stay on the app and who they should pay for those efforts now the one big gripe that people have already talked about on Tik Tok and I actually agree with this as well is that there's a really big disconnect with the videos that are horizontal and the videos that are vertical on the foru page when you're scrolling through through the 4u page the horizontal videos stand out like a sore thumb what most people do is just swipe and they don't even give them a chance and I'm sure Tik Tok has heard this already and they're pretty smart and they know what they're doing my guess is that they will create a new tab for this and perhaps have some sort of Discovery or search bar available and if they do that they really will give YouTube a run for their money here's what to do experiment with horizontal video on Tik Tok because they are naturally pushing it currently don't expect Tik Tok to go back to short videos or don't expect to make the most amount of money possible on Tik Tok coming in the future if you don't accept landscape now the fourth thing that Tik Tok has done is they have pushed heavily on longer live streams now the reason that they did this is because they love the authentic interactions that Tik Tock live produces this also gives the creators a chance to build a community instead of just build a following and they have pushed creators to do this in a variety of ways one of the ways that they have increased the ways that you can make money on live not only are you able to get gifts but you can also get subscribers and hold subscriber only lives use the battle feature and way more they're also knowingly giving you more views on your videos that are posted on your account if you go live because the videos that are on your account already are hitting the 4 You page it's causing the profile picture on your account to flash when people see those videos on the for you page and so it's another way that Tik Tok brings traffic to your account and your live stream and so if your live is already hitting the for you page and your videos are also hitting the for you page with the blinking profile you're going to get more views naturally on your videos because it's another form that Tik Tok pushes out your live and finally they're giving you new audience reach this way as well so what does this mean for you on Tik Tok the dues you should go live several times a week on Tik Tok specifically you should go live right around the time that you post as soon as you post right after go ahead and go live for 30 to 90 minutes a few times a week and you will see improvements in your views and your new audiences don't sit around and let this pass you by because you don't know what to talk about or because you're anxious believe me you can do this now with all that being said Tik Tok is not actually giving up on 6sec videos because people don't like them they're giving up on short videos because of Amazon and Instagram and YouTube and Facebook let me explain the reason that reals and shorts can do things the way that they do them with a Creator fund still is because they have the backing of meta and they have the backing of Google even if they don't get people to monetize as much on the short from videos on their platform that's Tik tok's bread and butter and in fact this was the exact same position that vine was in before it collapsed Vine had massive attention but it had no good way to pay creators or to get other companies to buy ads on their platform and to this day no short form video platform has ever solved this problem Tik Tok had no other choice but to make longer videos as well as push Tik Tok shop now everybody thinks that Tik Tok has an identity crisis because they they're doing landscape videos they're doing J but they're not doing this because they want to they're doing this because they have to so overall here's the blueprint of exactly how to win in 2024 and 2025 on Tik Tok make longer videos talk to the camera optimize your search engine optimization which means hashtags your caption your captions build an actual Community with lives and stories understand that videos now have a longer shelf life on Tik Tok than they did before so quality is going to matter rather than quantity understand the power of horizontal videos that's coming soon and realize they're going to be pushing shop because they want to compete with Amazon now that Tik tok's plan is in plain sight what are you going to do with it
Channel: Tiktok Growth Secrets - Angel Talamantes
Views: 69,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiktok growth, tiktok, social media marketing, social media, tiktok viral, tiktok algorithm, how to grow on tiktok, how to go viral on tiktok, how to make money on tiktok, tiktok algorithm 2023, tiktok followers, how to get more views on tiktok, tiktok for business, how to get followers on tiktok, grow on tiktok, go viral on tiktok, tiktok algorithm explained, how to blow up on tiktok, viral on tiktok, tiktok strategy, how to get tiktok followers, tiktok growth strategy
Id: 4pacXE0prik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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