Affiliate Marketing 2024 Blueprint (NEW Plan with $0 and No Audience)

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if you want to start affiliate marketing in 2024 but you're starting from zero and you don't yet have an audience then this video is for you so I'm going to cover exactly how to find good affiliate offers how to create affiliate content that people will actually click on and buy things from and near the end how to choose the right Niche specifically for you based on low competition niches where you can actually make money and get up to 10K a month and Beyond now if you want to join us and learn how we're building these profitable online businesses in 2024 click the link in the description below we'll give you all the resources just do that now let's get into it so if you're starting from zero there's a lot of platforms that you can add affiliate links to blog post YouTube videos social media ads we don't really recommend ads because if you're a beginner I don't want you spending your own money to get clicks on affiliate links right that's a model that works if you have super high commission rates and you have negotiated deals with affiliate managers and you have a a Delta on how much money you're spending but it's harder so we avoid that so first we have to understand well how this works and find good affiliate offers so there's different components of an affiliate offer there's the commission rate so how much they're actually paying to you so if you sold a $500 TV and you got a 10% commission rate from the brand that is $50 to you right there's also cookie duration so how long after somebody clicks an affiliate link can you actually make the sale typically that's 30 days Amazon's more like 24 hours or unless they add things to a shopping cart so there's these different things and Brands themselves dictate the commission rates so a brand like Dick Sporting Goods they probably have an affiliate manager who runs the program helps it out manages these affiliate contracts and stuff like that in an automated way so really to make money with affiliate marketing though it's a numbers game and we need consistent and ongoing clicks on affiliate links because if we think about it a typical e-commerce conversion ratees like 2% so to make two sales you need 100 clicks on your affiliate links to make one sale you'd need 50 clicks so depending on the type of content that you're creating we need a lot of clicks if we want to actually make 5 to 10K a month so what do we actually look for in a good affiliate offer right what do we sign up for and how can we make money well I'll show you a couple examples first is wpx they have a really good affiliate program here is uh my dashboard here and you can see $31,000 approved 12,000 paid so I I can request a withdrawal here visitors referred 41 this month 2277 in total so it's really simple you know you have your payouts you have referrals you have stats you have where you grab your link which is here which I'm blurring out um but that's pretty much what an affiliate dashboard looks like it's just a place to get your link pasted into into content it tells you how many sales you made you can also find affiliate offers in affiliate networks so something like partner stack which has tons of software affiliate programs I've made $1.2 million just from this affiliate Network and go to the marketplace and see different brands you might want to promote so you could see like oh hostfully a vacation rental property management platform right lots of different random uh niches we can go after or impact you know you can see different action earnings here from March of 24 I made like 3600 there so we'll get into exactly how to find the affiliate offers for you we just have to cover two things first so number one you need a consistent content strategy for affiliate marketing hands down it's as simple as that so it's really about what type of content can you create in the background of your life if you have a full-time job over the course of the next 30 60 and 90 days to start generating sales and making money so we're beginners so what do we create well it starts with keyword research right we have to actually create content around things that people are actively searching for online because search intent is actual people typing things that they want to buy so this is why Instagram doesn't really work that well for affiliate marketing they're passively scrolling stuff they'd have to click on your post click your bio click a link tree link to a page for your affiliate offer click the it's just too much so you have to be searching for stuff so this is where keyword research comes in we need transactional and informational uh content in a niche to build Authority build a real audience so the days of also just like organic SEO to an affiliate offer by itself as the only source of traffic it's getting a little bit more difficult you can do it in certain niches that we'll cover but you need a comprehensive strategy you need to build an email list so think of any of your content whether it's a website or your YouTube channel you're getting views you're getting attention right well if you're not doing anything with that attention it's kind of like there's holes in a bucket that are just leaking out so how do you plug those holes well you put affiliate links into them and also you build an email list so you put a link to an email list in your YouTube description uh with exit intent pop-ups and blog posts and you start building an email list as a true asset giving lead magnets and all that so I have other videos on that topic but every visitor needs a way to interact with you so I get the question a lot what is the most profitable Niche what am I going to start well if you're starting a business just based on an SEO report and something you think you can hack your way into it's not going to work in the long term right we need to build a solid foundation think about what would you actually want to teach if your face was on a website not that it needs to be but if your brand was on a website if it was on a YouTube channel what would you actually be talking about and teaching and what would you want to teach through affiliate marketing through all of these different revenue streams over the next 1 to two to three years right because a lot of videos on YouTube are talking about making money overnight it just doesn't really work that way you can make a little bit of Revenue but you want we want to build a sustainable business here right so how do you find the most profitable Niche well yes and no it doesn't actually work like that you have to find something that you actually want to talk about so to choose your Niche for affiliate marketing we don't base it on a passion right start a blog based on your passion and monetize it later that doesn't work because doing your passion and writing about your passion are two very different things I love running right I love running outside listening to music I've ran a marathon half marathon in the past all those things but if I had to write about running every single day for 5 years I wouldn't really enjoy it right so blogging and YouTube and all that it's work it's work that you're doing so just because it's based on a hobby it doesn't mean it's going to actually be enjoyable it might actually ruin the hobby because you're working on the hobby right right there's also a problem with choosing your affiliate Niche based on an SEO report only so just like oh this is a niche with a bunch of opportunities now that's better than a passion but also that doesn't really have fundamental business principles it says I'm going to base my entire business on a single SEO tool and report and while you we can all be nerds and look in the reports and that's a good thing and to understand them is a good thing we need to kind of elevate this to if I'm going to start an affiliate business I also have to take myself into account am I going to be talking about some random keyword I found about some weird software or some Financial thing that I don't know about your audience will be able to spot that from a mile away the solution here is that this affiliate marketing Niche has to be a little bit based on you right I know we're all introverted as bloggers right if this is a basically a text based business and some niches are harder than others so usually it comes down to a hobby versus professional experience in your Niche so for example you could be a web developer who likes fishing so do you go after web development or fishing well according to SEO reports fishing is a lot easier to make affiliate revenue on web development's been around since the internet started right so a web developer would probably want to go on YouTube and teach about the tools and things you need and how to do it with tutorials versus a Blog whereas fishing is low competition in blogging so you'd want to do that or let's say you're in sales but your hobby is crypto well both are pretty competitive when it comes to Google but crypto would be good on YouTube teaching building a Discord community that's how people typically do it sales could be YouTube as well or let's say you work at a pizza place and your hobby is golf so you want to talk about pizza for the next 10 years you're probably not even going to be working there right so think about like is your professional experience something you're going to be doing for the next 10 years is your hobby something you're going to be doing for the next 10 years right golf if your Hobby's golf that's a lot easier of a affiliate marketing Niche on Google so you really have to gauge your pain tolerance and really just brainstorm this in your head what professional experience do you have even if you have none what interests and hobbies do you have because you don't have to be an expert you just have to be a step above a beginner so remember affiliate revenue is dictated by the price of the product that you're linking to and the commission rate so you know linking to a $20,000 hot tub for example with a 5% commission rate is better than linking to a $10 product on Amazon so let me show you some ideas of keyword Research In Action so if I go to the keyword Explorer and I'm going to put in best VR because this is going to give me all the different things around best VR now obviously we know that a lot of these keywords like this one here are not really the best for affiliate marketing maybe they are actually I'm just not going to get into it and go down that road but we see a CER difficulty score here and red orange is more competitive so this is a scale from 0 to 100 and low numbers are better less competition less other sites writing about it easier to rank for search volume SV is a number of monthly searches on Google every single month so you can see it's ranked here by that so A good search volume honestly is almost anything in here because sometimes new keywords that are emerging finding affiliate marketing Trends which is actually one of the most important things is uh they're not even in an SEO tool yet because it's so new so we we just get a good gauge of this now what we want to do is drop the keyword difficulty down to like five and see what we come up with what easier opportunities are there so there's things like multiplayer VR games sex games uh I'll have to look up that later I don't know what that is um porn stars so a lot of VR stuff you know the internet's based on that but we'll find some other opportunities here so here's an interesting one right best VR headset for Sim racing and you'll see like in affiliate marketing there's so many random opportunities you would never even think exist people search the internet billions of times right like there's so many different random products you can write about so you can see here this is a pretty good one because there's a low Authority site simracing ranking number two for this getting good traffic to it there's also a site with the dr46 Z league. and overtake Dogg and simracing cockpit. comom with low Dr so that that's really what you're looking for you're looking for uh the top 10 Google results this is what this is and you're making sure that it's not all dominated by like Forbes and New York Times and Reddit right you want to find small blogs ranking which I would say is a Dr under like 50 right CU you can build that up over time naturally without doing a whole lot to like 30 so that's what you're looking for and when you think about it timing is really a crucial component of keyword research a new product comes on on the market the best AR glasses augmented reality glasses and everyone's going to start writing about it eventually right the New York Times if it's technology or business or software or something like that so if you get in early enough though it helps build OTE around that content because you were the first one in the competition was low you ranked in the top five on Google for that you got tons and tons of traffic to it which is a sign that Google thinks you're now an expert in that area and now over time you may drop a little bit while other ones come in but you gained so much traffic early and you have you know if you've built topical Authority in the right way with lots of content in your Niche you can maintain that ranking for a while so what you have to do is really gauge the niche in general for affiliate marketing if it's like software you're going to see all these things are red and it's competitive vpn's red and competitive lots of physical products are going to run the gamut it's somewhere in the middle so like pet stuff a little bit more competitive Fitness Products a little bit more competitive but somewhere in the middle outdoor goods a little less competitive depending on what it is so for example like hiking is somewhat competitive you see numbers in the 10 20s and 30s there's a lot of easy lower ones if we drop the difficulty again down to 10 to see what we could rank for we can see things like best hiking shoes for women waterproof hiking boots sandals uh lots of hiking dogs you know headlamps for hiking lots of stuff like that uh camping as well like Everyone likes to hike and Camp so it's pretty popular Niche right so camping chairs tents hammocks if we drop the difficulty down we can see that it's a little bit easier to rank for coolers camping CS pillows uh SUV for camping camping coffee makers tons of different products to write about or let's try something totally random best tattoos so like tattoo ink numbing cream lots of different lotion after care products lots of different products related to that even so with affiliate marketing we find the niche based on best transactional keywords related to products those are simple list post you know the top seven best tattoo numbing creams you list them out we're assembling this content I'll show you how to do it but to rank on Google and or YouTube for this type of stuff you need more informational content Google and YouTube they need to see you as an expert not a crazy expert but you have to have some informational content so for example one way to do that would be like if we go to tattoo well we know what what do most people search for ideas right look at the search volume on some of these tattoo ideas 263,000 searches a month these are all pretty low difficulties and we can just see how we can even drop this difficulty down to three under three and see that there's tons of search volume cross tattoo ideas family tattoo ideas leg there's literally Taylor Swift tattoo ideas I would not get one of those uh 13,000 keywords that are low competition and easy to rank for around that right so we have to find what we call an informational seed phrase now the seed phrase will be different based on the niche so if you're doing tattoos it's probably ideas living room interior design ideas right people want family room ideas kitchen ideas all of those things if you're doing Fitness the informational intent is probably exercises and workouts right so you can drop the difficulty down put in exercises and you see things like long head bicep exercises gluteus Minimus exercises all kinds of you know 16,000 easy keywords to rank for in Fitness and you can see I put ideas in general in here and there's things like drawing so you can think about that acrylic nails um different types of things there's a lot of like party birthday party ideas party ideas right tons of different retirement party teen birthday four-year-old 5-year-old 10-year-old 11 12 13 14 like there's so many different pieces of content you create informationally to bring in a ton of traffic to a website and then you can monetize with affiliate marketing easier because Google's going to get you this easy traffic right step one and then you're going to start ranking your affiliate content so you need like a ratio of about 80% informational to 20% transactional so the next step here after finding about 30 or so keywords that you think would be good and really honing and on what Niche you're going to choose is creating your site and your content so you can start a website with wpx on WordPress so they're the best web host um they're one of the sponsors of this channel but they're one I actually use really fast sight speed good chat support all of that you can use the Cadence theme I recommend really easy theme that you can add a drag and drop editor creating a website you just need four core Pages like a homepage and about page and then you just start creating content um so now with so are we have keywords what are we actually going to write and how are we going to write these things things especially if we're new to affiliate marketing and we we've never written anything before what are we going to actually do so we can use a tool like Surfer SEO and Surfer AI to create this content so let's say I wanted to create that article on the best VR headsets for Sim Sim racing and I say I could even create this with an AI credit and what Surfer uh AI does is they write the entire article for you it's pretty much done as a first draft now again we don't want to just publish an AI article we want to add our own human take and our you know really where you differentiate yourself with affiliate marketing is actually having some experience with the products no you don't need to buy everything but you know if you're in a certain nich you should probably know a little bit about it right so what this will do over the course of about 5 minutes is actually create an article for us now the AI credits are like $19 each to write a completely SEO optimized article for you if you don't want to do that what you would do is just use the traditional Surfer SEO tool so here's my article like how to write a blog post it just shows you here the content score so you want to get a high score on here this is the you know this uses AI to tell you exactly which keywords to add randomly like for example this could have the keyword target audience other blog post keyword research so things you wouldn't even think of on your own to add into the content so any article it's a list right you have an introduction and then you have a number of different list items as headings so really it's really simple to assemble content in the same way if we writing transactional articles let me just show you one of mine so here's one of mine on just best webinar software and it's got an intro all right intro with a few internal links and then it goes into the actual product so it's a simple block layout with the number so it says the key here is this is an H2 heading what is the best and this is where you'd put your affiliate category right here as an H2 heading and then down the list you would have the actual list items as H3 headings and the rest you just fill in so you don't need anything fancy like this little chart here but you have text images showing different key features pricing and stuff like that and then at the bottom of the section for each company you have a button and then it's really just do the same thing again do the same thing again do the same thing again right seven times so we're kind of really assembling this content in the same exact way really easy to digest and read we're not writing things from zero right we're just creating simple content probably starting in the middle writing about the features and things that you know and then adding the intro and conclusion last so more than anything this is about creating a consistent content schedule and your actual habits because we can always pivot and change and figure out our Niche over time but if you're not Crea any content for affiliate marketing it's never going to happen right so let's assume you work 40 hours a week 50 weeks a year with 2 weeks of vacation how much free time do you actually have and you sleep 8 hours a night well overall even with all of that you would still have 3,840 hours a year of free time or 73 hours a week of free time now I know we have I get it like we have family obligations responsibilities we might have kids and making dinner and all of those things but out of the 73 hours a week can you set aside 10 for your own business whether it's a YouTube channel a Blog something that you're building for yourself can you set aside 10 out of 73 that's not that much when you think about it in the grand scheme of things right so you have to think about patience I'm not great at patience like when it comes to things like learning the guitar or learning a new language or playing the piano or getting good at golf I'm out I'm not doing it it takes too long I don't see the results right away right when it comes to things that can actually make me money and I start seeing the actual data and the results early I stick with it because I can see the early wins right a little bit better than other things so you have to be patient you have to realize there can be a direct financial gain but it happens over a long period of time these like creating affiliate blog posts or YouTube videos is like a digital asset that can pay you month after month after month but you have to put the work in early on so yes it's going to suck at the beginning yes it's going to be hard but to get truly good at something it has to go through the sucky part like all of us do to start getting better at it you look at anyone's YouTube Channel all old videos are not as good as the new ones same with old blog posts compared to the new ones but guess what you can update them as much as you want so the truth is like in a video like this it's like really you have to understand all of it before even starting you have to understand affiliate marketing content keyword research the competition what it actually takes because you have to understand how affiliate marketing works and how much money you can make right based on the price and the commission rate and the competition and the keywords before you even choose your Niche that's why a lot of beginners fail because they choose a really narrow Niche based on a tiny Niche site and they realize oh wait this isn't going to work so I'm going to quit so I always recommend you base it on yourself you base it on a personal brand because then you can pivot infinitely it doesn't matter you're building a digital asset even if you don't succeed with affiliate marketing for a while maybe this website helps you land a job or it improves your career or you can write for a big publication or anything right it's a snowball effect of authority that builds when it's based on you and you can actually it's a lot easier to have a personal brand that then pivots and goes into you know secondary platforms once your blog's running and you have keyword strategy around affiliate marketing then you can pivot to Instagram or YouTube or LinkedIn or Twitter or anything else as yourself and you can eventually do the other revenue streams ads sponsorships uh selling your own products building your email list all of that so again as we said like sometimes the niche is best for different platforms so like crypto if you love it it's probably best for YouTube and a community fishing gear best for blogs and affiliate marketing if you're into AI for business stuff probably best for LinkedIn to newsletter right so we have to understand how all of this stuff works online for us to make it work so if you want to unlock your Niche make affiliate Revenue once and for all make sure to click the link in the description below and sign up for that we cover exactly how to start these types of online businesses in the 2020s uh I hope you found this video interesting please give it a like thumbs up check out other videos on the channel subscribe if you can and I'll see you in another video
Channel: Adam Enfroy
Views: 40,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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