HOW TO GROW ON TIK TOK IN ONE MONTH & how I grew to 50,000+ followers in my first month on Tik Tok

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hello if you're new here my name is sarah i'm a hardware manufacturing engineer at microsoft and a content creator and i make videos on tick tock you're probably here because you want to learn how to grow on tick tock and today i'm going to share all my secrets all the tips i've learned not holding anything back so let's get into it to give you a little bit introduction on the content and create and tick talk if you're new here my username is at swingx wang i am currently at 70.8 000 followers my first tick tock ever was february 28th i made two tick tocks and then i didn't post again that was kind of casual for fun but then i started posting for real in early april april 10th to be exact i had about 50k followers within the first month i've been a lot less dedicated to tech talk ever since i still post here and there but youtube is my top priority so now i'm at 70.8k followers which this is gonna lead me to my first tip is that you need to post a lot when i first started tick tock the first month i was posting three videos per day and that got me to 50k followers in just one month so i knew i wasn't going to be able to keep that up but it gave me enough of a leverage to get me over the initial hump of getting followers to make my account more official so i would recommend posting three to five times per day every day for anywhere between three weeks to a month and see how your growth is if you need ideas just spend time on tick tock scrolling through a for you page send yourself any videos that you find interesting that inspire you to create a video of your own or any trends you want to jump on jot down your ideas and it's very much doable creating three to five tick tocks per day just takes a little bit of brain juice and a little bit of elbow grease that being said you don't have to commit to three to five tick tocks per day for the rest of your life you could just do it for the first month to kind of get that initial following as you get more and more followers it's easier and easier to grow tip number two is to use hashtags but do not use the for you page hashtag do not use fyp hashtag for you those hashtags don't do anything include up to five hashtags maximum and do a combination of general hashtags and specific hashtags what i mean by that is bigger hashtags have more people using them and smaller hashtags or more specific hashtags have less people using them and you can see the number of posts each hashtag has when you go to write out your hashtags in the caption of your video posting so for example on tick tock here if i were to make a video about let's say study tips if i write out the hashtag study tips i can see that the studytips hashtag has about 195 million views so that is a big hashtag i'll include that it means it gets a lot of traffic a lot of people are looking at that hashtag but that also means a lot of people are using that hashtag so my video might fall to the bottom really fast the next hashtag i might use is for example i'm doing an engineering study tips video i would do hashtag engineering tips so engineering tips has 2443 views which is really small which is good i'm gonna use that so use anywhere between two to three big hashtags and two to three specific hashtags the specific hashtags get less traffic but your video will be easily seen since there aren't many people using that hashtag so anyone that searches for that hashtag has a higher chance of seeing your video tip number three is to be the first person to like and comment on your video one of the huge parts of the tic tac algorithm is the level of engagement you get with your post the more people that like your posts that comment on your post the more tick tock will push it out to other people's for you pages so what i do whenever i post a video the first thing i do is like it so you can see that there's already one like and i leave a comment saying something along the lines of a sentence relating to the video and then follow me on instagram and youtube for more so this is also a good place for you to give yourself a shout out to your other platforms bonus points if your first comment is a question this gives people content to answer to in the comments and promotes people to leave comments on your video which improves the engagement of that video so to summarize that tip is to be the first to like and comment on your video use the comment to ask a question to improve engagement and three you can also use that comment to promote people to follow your other platforms add subtitles to your videos i find that all my videos that have subtitles that i type out do so much better tick tock really should have the functionality to create the subtitles for you but unfortunately they don't and it takes quite some time but it is worth it all the videos i put subtitles on get much better viewership and that's because there are people on tick tock that are one deaf so as an inclusive matter you should probably just morally include subtitles there are people that are more visual than they are auditory by including subtitles not only are you being inclusive to the users of tik tok but you reach a much bigger audience tip number four is to ask yourself what value does my content offer so people are going to follow you because they get free value out of your videos for example i make videos on personal development the value my followers get out of my videos is education on how to improve their work life on how to improve their studying that kind of thing career tips whereas another account their value might be entertainment the videos might be really funny so people get entertainment out of that another art account might be inspiring their followers so the followers will get inspiration ask yourself what is the free value my followers are getting out of my content that's one going to help you focus on what kind of content you're developing and number two a way to check that videos you are creating are going to perform well i've lost track at this point but another tip is you don't need a niche in the beginning in the beginning just make whatever videos you want depending on which videos do well and which videos you like creating then you can develop your niche afterwards so in the beginning just experiment try everything try vlogs try tips educational videos entertainment videos dancing videos if you want to and whichever ones you enjoy making the most and also get received the best from your audience are ones that you can continue making and focus more on in the future you're never stuck in a niche you can always change and even when you focus on one subject you can do all sorts of other videos as well so for example my tick tock is focus on personal development but i also make some vlog videos the occasional get ready with me video once you get a bigger following people become more invested in you as a person rather than just your content so you have flexibility to create content in other categories as well and you will have followers that follow you regardless you already know what niche of content you want to create on tiktok include that niche in your username so for example for me if i want to make videos on personal development i could be at personal development tips for me i didn't really know what kind of videos i wanted to make so i just use my username that i use for everything at swaying x-wing but if you have your niche in your username it makes it a lot easier for people to find you and already know what you are all about when you appear on there for you page if you don't know what your niche is yet don't fret you don't have to put your niche in your username you can also put it in your bio so anyone that clicks on your page can read your bio and see exactly what kind of videos you make in one sentence for example my bio says mind body soul and career because those are the things i talk about in my videos and the nice thing about writing your niche in your bio is that it's easily changeable any time that you decide you want to change your niche and it's less permanent than a username but if you could do both that's even better bonus points another tip is to create a content calendar this has been really helpful for me in tiktok because i also work a full-time job and do youtube so it's nice to have everything organized i have just an excel sheet i have one column that says caption another column for text of what i'm going to say and a notes column where i take any notes of what kind of music i want to use or or anything like that any special shots i need and then i organize them by month so i have a date column as well and this is just really easy because whenever you need to make a tick tock you can refer to your content calendar and know exactly what to say you have everything planned out already now finally let's talk about money money you can make from tick tock so since i've joined tick tock tick tock has reached out to me to be a part of the creative learning fund and the creator fund which are two separate things they sound very similar but they're very different the first thing creative learning fund is just a contract that you create a certain number of videos by a certain date when you're part of this community we have zoom calls like once a month or so and for every video you create you just need to use the hashtags hashtag learn ticktalk and hashtag tick tock partner they review your videos at the end of the month and if you get in all your videos that meet the contract they also want you to use promo music you get ads credit on tick tock i've been in the tik tok creative learning fund for two rounds now the first round we got a thousand dollars worth of tick tock ads credit and the second round we get two thousand five hundred dollars worth of ads credit we also got a bucket hat a sweater some socks and fun chocolates for tic tocs birthday so that's a creative learning fund you don't get paid in real money you get some swag and you get ads credit that you can use on tick tock to run ads so if you had a store you could do that you can even run ads in your own account to get more followers i don't know for sure if they promote your videos if you are in that learning fund i imagine they would a little bit but i can't speak on that for sure so being a part of the tick tock learning fund was really fun i got to meet other tick tock creators we all talk in a group chat now and content creation is always better when you're part of a community that does so and i think tic toc does a great job of that they have actual customer service for its creators whereas other platforms like instagram and youtube don't as much a second source of income that you can get from tick tock is called the creator fund and this is relatively new this is based on views that you get per video i've read that it is two to three cents per thousand views on a video oh but it is important to note that some people have found that once they join the tick tock creator fund seeing their views go down i'm sure tick tock pushes out the videos that they're paying for more so i wouldn't join the tick tock creator fund until you've established a following already so the total i've earned from tick tock creator fund is 32.20 in the past 30 days which is not bad but you can't transfer until you get 50 so i haven't been able to actually receive any of it and it's really easy to join the tiktok creator fund you just got to go to your settings go to the creator tab and then click tick tock creator fund there is some requirements for example how many followers you have and the number of views you've received in the past 30 days to qualify for a tick tock career fund it's a it's a way to earn maybe some coffee money kind of thing it doesn't make you much unless you have a really big following the third source of income you can get from tick tock is through sponsors so i've had three to four companies reach out to me offering to either give me free product for me to quickly mention their product in a video to companies that are paying me for a full video or a longer segment within the video i won't disclose the actual information for how much i got paid because that's private information in the contract with the company i'll give you guys a range typically i don't accept free product just for a video i'll accept free product and i tell them i'll test it and if i genuinely enjoy it i'll mention it as a recommendation to my followers just like how i would any other product so that's how i handle the free products because for me as someone with a full-time job as an engineer i think about the value that it offers me it doesn't make sense for me to spend time making a dedicated sponsor video just for free product when i could be using that same time to work my day job and make money from it i just gotta be realistic with where i put my resources and what makes sense for me on the other hand i've also had great companies work with me for full sponsorships i haven't reached out to any companies on my own but that's something you can also do i've had a few companies reach out about creating sponsored videos they range from creating a full video about this company or the product to a video where i just quickly mentioned their product and the pay is between 100 to 600 dollars per video depending on the length and what kind of product it is of course you don't get the actual 100 to 600 in pocket you have to pay taxes on it um so it comes down to a lot less in the end now let's talk about tools you need to make a tick tock i edit most of my talking videos in the tik tok app but i also use imovie on the iphone to edit any videos that i want a bit more advanced editing in i don't do anything super fancy with technology videos i don't typically bring it into my computer but if i want to edit on imovie i'll just rotate all the videos i take within my photos app upload them to imovie edit the clips export the final video and then finally rotate that to be vertical again because i move you can only edit landscape videos but you can get around that but just rotating the raw footage kind of editing sideways exporting it and rotating it to be vertical again as for hardware i highly recommend getting a phone tripod this is the one i have it's from amazon i'll link it in the description box below it has a ring light and also a holder to hold your iphone and it's adjustable it's really easy to one keep your shot steady and two the ring light lets you film at any time of day so you're a bit more flexible as to when you can film and not just in the middle of the day which is really handy for people that are making tech talks and also working full-time jobs or studying at the same time those are all the tips i have to share with you about tick tock i hope this helped let me know if you have any questions in the comments below also let me know your tick tock handle if you do create content and tick tock give the video a like if it helped you and also subscribe for more thanks for watching bye young age i'm trying to make it big now that i'm up late no contractors never thrown a brick just trying to keep it cool if there's ice on my wrist god give it talent been feeling blessed kept it 100 like an asian map test falling all day i got it unlocked the way i'm flexing on them you can call me the rock
Channel: Sarah Wang
Views: 923,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: engineering, productivity, lifestyle, microsoft engineer, productivity tips, women in engineering, career tips, personal development, how to grow on tik tok, how to get followers on tik tok, how to grow on tik tok in 2020, how to make money from tik tok, how to become an influencer in 2020, how to grow your social media in 2020, creating content on tik tok, how to become famous on tik tok, how to go viral on tik tok
Id: xbWFG_ECUhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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