1. Modeling a Vintage Watch in Maya | Maya 3D Modeling Tutorial | Learn Step by Step

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[Music] welcome to the channel trimet color in this series we are going to create this vintage pocket watch we are going to do the modeling and unwrapping in maya texturing in substance painter extracting all the maps from substance painter and then finally rendering it in maya in this particular video we are going to do the modeling in maya in this series i am assuming you know the basics of maya and substance painter so let's get started let's go to poly modeling and select a cube coming back to my shelf and scaling up the cube a little bit going to mesh going to the smooth option box and let's give three subdivisions you can see the object is smooth but still the four corners are visible it is not exactly a sphere so going to deform and applying a skirt deformer pressing 4 and you can see inside it there is a sphere just scale it up a little bit and now we are getting a perfect sphere so this is the way you can convert a cube into a sphere here i have deleted the history so there is no deformer anymore inside let's scale it up a little bit going to the front view and scale down from the y-axis just giving it a shape of the pocket watch bringing it up on the grid now i want to convert it into two parts so selecting the middle loop going to edit mesh and detach now going to the object mode going to mesh and separate and you can see the object is divided into two different objects going to edit delete by type history and now going to the outliner of it and you can see in a group two objects are there i want both the objects independent so just drag it out select the object pressing insert in the keyboard snapping the pivot point to this vertex and just rotate it and you can see now i'm getting the shape of the pocket watch creating a new layer and just add selected object to this layer now selecting this open edge go to mesh and fill hole and now you can see the object is closed selecting this face and clicking on extrude scale it down a little bit once again extrude pulling it up [Music] once again extrude once again scanning it down a little bit giving it a thickness once again extrude pulling it up once again extrude once again scaling it down a little bit once again giving the thickness again extrude and push it inside once again extrude and this time scaling it up a little bit once again extrude moving it downward scaling it down [Music] one second extrude and pushing it downward scanning it down and keeping it inside once again extrude and this will be the last extrusion and scale it down all right and you can see we are getting the shape of the bottom cover of the pocket watch now i'll just split this area and we'll convert everything into quartz by using multi cut tool all right pressing 3 in the keyboard for the smooth preview and you can see the edges are also smooth i want the edges hard so selecting all the possible hard edges going to edit mesh and bevel increasing the fraction a little bit and make sure the segment is true once again press three and now you can see the object is smooth but we are getting hard edges click on the other part of it and i'm creating another layer and let's keep this object also in the layer all right now select this object and let's keep the rotation zero so that it will be convenient for us to do the extrusion so extruding the object i'm going to the front view and let's align it properly now because the object is black just select the object go to mesh display and reverse so the normals are to the outer side and the object is appearing correct now the object is selected going to edit and duplicate [Music] scaling it down a little bit and i'm keeping it inside in such a way so that it can fit the outer cover now for these objects also i need to do bevel so selecting the outer edges and going to edit mesh and bevel i'm going to do the same thing for the second object [Music] let's skip the second object also inside the layer [Music] now i want to rotate both the caps so selecting the second one because i need to change the pivot point by holding d and snapping to the vertex and changing the pivot point and now let's rotate both the caps now let's hide the caps from the layer and we'll only concentrate on the bottom part going back to the poly modeling and let's create a circular plane align it first and then scale it up a little bit the object is selected go to its inputs and change the subdivision to four select all the faces go to the shelf and extrude move it up a little bit to give it a thickness now the object is selected go to modify and freeze transformation and you can see all the translation values are zero go to edit and duplicate and let's keep it aside now i will be working with this object and later on i'm going to use the second one now let's select the faces at the center and let's extrude it convert it into global axis and scale it down making it very small once again let's extrude it and pull it up and scaling it down so i am trying to find out the center point of this circular shape let's delete this one and let's create a duplicated version of this and i will keep it aside once again going to the poly modeling and i will take a couple of polygonal primitive and i will arrange it according to my design now taking our cube and let's align it correctly [Music] now let's create a curve in the direction i want to extrude let's modify it a little bit [Music] align the curve also that's fine now selecting the face shift select the curve and extrude just increasing the division and you can see i'm getting the shape in the direction of the car and let's place it over there according to our design i'm duplicating this object also and just keeping it aside [Music] all right now let's arrange more objects in the same manner the reason i'm creating all these shapes is to extract these shapes from that circle and then only we'll get the design in the reference image we can see [Music] all right so i have created all these shapes now let's go to mesh and boolean selecting the circle shift select one shape and click on difference and you can see through boolean we have extracted that cylindrical shape from the circle so similarly i'm extracting all these shapes from this circle to get the shape we want in the reference image [Music] [Music] this is looking fine to me and we don't want that triangulated part so just selecting the faces and delete selecting the curves also and delete you can see we are getting the shape we want but one part is still remaining so this time i am going to use that second circle and in the value keep it zero so it will come back in its previous position so once again in this case also i'll be using a couple of primitives and i'll be using boolean to get the desired shapes so let's speed up the process a little bit [Music] in this case just select object go to deform non-linear and assign flare rotate it approximately 90 degree and let's increase the start flare a little bit and giving a little bit value in the curve to get a shape something like this all right and now i'm going to modify it by selecting the components now once again select the circle shift select the shape going to boolean and this time i am using intersection because this is the intersected point and you can see i got the shape i want it just select this separate it so that all the objects are individual but you can see in the resulting surface of boolean the topology is incorrect so many areas i can see triangles and pentagons so we need to rectify it let's open a notepad and let's write a script called poly remesh r should be capital and it should be ended by a colon just copy it minimize select the object you want to remesh and paste it in the script editor make sure the mail is selected and enter and you can see we have changed the topology but it is still incorrect bring some adjustments refine threshold let's make it 0.5 and you can see it is looking better and reduce threshold let's make it five and you can see we are getting the shape better so similarly same thing i am going to do for all the three objects [Music] all right but still one problem is there and that is all the polygons are triangles we want all the polygons as quartz so let's go back to our notepad and let's write another script and that is poly re toppo r should be capital and it should be ended by a colon so once again just copy it select the object and paste it in the script editor and now you can see we are getting a nice topology and you can decide the maximum polycount you want for this particular object so let's make it 300 for this particular object even it can be 200 all right so i'm going to do the same thing for other two objects also let's speed up the process a little bit that's fine you can see we are getting a very cleaner topology and now selecting all the open edges of each and every objects and will go to edit mesh and bevel with two segments [Music] [Music] alright so you can see all the three pieces are ready so clicking off the isolate selection and you can see gradually we are getting the shape of that machine now let's create another circular plane scaling it up a little bit and this is going to be the second layer of that machine i'm keeping it aside and let's extrude that's fine and once again bring it back to its place all right now for this plane also i'll create a couple of primitives and i'm going to boolean it like the previous plane so let's go a little bit faster [Music] [Music] so you can see the second plane is also ready now i am going to remesh it and then let's re-topo it once again by selecting the outer edges i am going to level it so the same process i am repeating what i just have done for the first plane this is all right now let's create the gears for that i am taking a cylinder scaling it down in the y axis and let's change the subdivision axis up to maybe 40. you can create the gear from the primitive itself but here i'm just showing you how to model it so going to the front view and selecting all the side faces and then click on extrude make sure keep faces together should be off and scaling it down and you can see i'm getting the shape of the gear the center vertex ctrl right click two faces and two faces so the containing faces are selected once again ctrl right click two edges just deselect the middle edges so only that circular loop is selected now i'm just going to bevel it [Music] all right and you can see one gear is ready now let's go to modify and freeze transformation and also i'm duplicating it and keeping it aside so that later on if necessary i can use it and now let's position it at its proper place [Music] and similarly i am going to create other gears so a little bit fast forward over here also maybe you were thinking i could have duplicated the first one only but i didn't do that because the number of teeth is different for both the gears and that is the reason i extruded it once again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you can see i am creating a different variation over here [Music] so now i'm just duplicating the gears and positioning it correctly [Music] okay so we almost have created all the gears and now let's come to this particular gear and let's create a bridge so selecting our face from this side and let's select other face from just the opposite side and let's go to edit mesh and bridge [Music] just adding one division in between and let's scale it up a little bit and this is all taking another primitive screw it down a little bit and let's position it correctly [Music] [Music] by selecting the outer edges i am going to be valid [Music] now just select this face and extrude it scale it down and we are done just placing another primitive on the top of it selecting the top faces extruding it scaling it down once again extruding pushing it inside once again extrude pull it up once again extrude scale it down and once again extrude and push it inside and we are getting the shape like this now by selecting the corner edges just wavelet and we are getting the shape taking another plane scale it up a little bit select all the faces and extrude it pulling it up a little bit to give it a thickness now selecting all the hard edges and edit mesh and bible [Music] and let's position it at the bottom this is going to be the third layer of this machine now let's take a torus [Music] section radius let's make it point one and subdivision let's make it 4 and twist 45 degree section radius reducing it a little bit more [Music] and now selecting all the edges and apply bevel now let's position it correctly now taking another taurus once again subdivision 4 and twist 45 and let's delete all these faces [Music] also delete these two now select it in object mode go to mesh and fill hole [Music] scaling it down in the y axis now let's take a cylinder positioning it as the head of this shape [Music] screwing it down a little bit [Music] let's position it once again now i am going to duplicate this primitive only and i will position it in a particular pattern [Music] now let's come to the perspective and selecting these four cylinders and scaling it up a little bit because i am going to subtract it now select these two go to boolean and union it now select the main shape shift select this cylinder and difference [Music] okay and you can see i'm getting this particular shape selecting this middle edge just to retain the symmetry of this object and going to mesh display and harden edge now once again let's write the script poly remesh r should be capital and it should be ended by the colon refined threshold let's make it point three better and we are getting the symmetry and reduce threshold let's make it five now we need to read open the object so coming back to write the script once again poly rate of power should be capital ended by the colon press enter you can see we are getting a better topology but i think we can reduce the polygon up to 600 now selecting all the hard edges go to edit mesh and apply bevel all right now let's position the object at its correct place [Music] all right now let's create a string so going to create polygonal primitive and helix going to the inputs [Music] let's increase the coils decreasing the radius and let's decrease the subdivision axis to maybe five now going to deform and non-linear deformer and taking a flare and start flare just increasing it a little bit and end flare decreasing it and let's increase the curve a little bit to get a shape like this select the object edit delete by type history now this is permanent now let's position it correctly that's fine now let's model a screw so taking a cylinder keeping it aside scaling it down a little bit going to the edge component let's select all the top edges and delete now by using multicut tool i am going to draw the topology [Music] now lets select all the top faces except the middle two loops and let's extrude it pull it up [Music] let's scroll down a little bit now let's select all the hard edges edit mention bevel all right now let's position it correctly i'm also going to duplicate the same screw and will arrange in different different places [Music] this is looking fine now let's click on the other parts of the cover and now we need to create the hinge between the bottom part and the top part of the covers so for that first of all let's do the blocking of the hinge so i'm starting with a cube so first of all placing it properly and screwing it up in the x-axis so this hinge will be the adjoining area between the top part and the bottom part so first of all we have checked the proportion of it now increasing the subdivision and by selecting the vertices i am giving a little bit curve to this cube scanning it up a little bit [Music] so selecting in object mode and let's create two edge loops both the sides [Music] now going to mesh tool an offset is loop tool i am taking and both the sides of this particular edge i am creating two edge loops so through offset edge loop two we can create two edge loops both the sides at a similar distance now selecting the middle loop and scaling it down a little bit now selecting all the hard edges going to edit mention bevel [Music] all right select the object go to mention smooth and you can see we are getting something like this maybe two subdivisions will be fine for this now select the object edit and duplicate and same hinge will be for the second cap also let's position it correctly [Music] all right this is done now next thing we are going to create a chain and the chain will be connected with the bottom cover so we need to block in the connecting area of the chain so for that i am starting with a cylinder let's rotate 90 degree in the x axis scaling it down and positioning it correctly going to the inputs and let's increase the height subdivisions select interfaces and i am extruding it and pushing it inside to get a shape like this now selecting that point ctrl right click two faces and once again extrude scanning it down once again extrude pulling it out once again extrude and scanning it up once again extrude pulling it forward and we are getting something like this now let's create two loops like this and scaling it up and we are getting a shape something like this so this is the blocking of this object now selecting all the hard edges edit mention bevel increasing the traction a little bit and we are getting a shape like this that is all right now let's create a ring and for that i am creating a torus and let's place it properly [Music] now let's create a cylinder [Music] rotating it 90 degree scaling it down a little bit and place it let's go to the inputs of the cylinder and increasing the subdivisions also decreasing the subdivision axis let's make the subdivision height to 3 this is better now now selecting these two loops and scaling it up to give a shape like this now selecting the hard edges edit mesh and bevel all right go to mesh and smooth now let's select the ring going to the top view and changing the pivot point somewhere over here so that we can give an orientation to this ring [Music] also need to work on that translation now selecting this object let's go back to previous subdivision level and isolate select [Music] selecting these two vertices ctrl right click two faces and extrude it scaling it down a little bit once again extrude and push it inside now selecting these two hard edges and wavelet so that we are getting the room for the ring it is looking much more convincing now all right now it's time to create the chain so for that i'm going to the top view i'm going to draw a curve with a pencil tool so this is basically going to be the path of the chain all right going to the vertex and modifying it a little bit so that it will give the appearance that it is starting from that ring selecting the curve going to curve and going to rebuild curve option box number of spans let's make it 20. now you can see the curve is much more smoother for chin i am taking a torus let's decrease the radius a little bit section radius also i am decreasing it and decreasing the subdivisions also now let's scale it down in the x axis once again going to deform nonlinear deform and applying a twist just rotate it 90 degree going to the inputs of the twist and start angle let's make it 180 degree all right now just select it edit delete by type history now i want to replicate this through the path we just have drawn so for that select the object shift select the curve and let's change to animation model constraint and motion path and apply attach to motion path reset it and apply now the object is selected i don't want any easiness out so going to animation editor and graph editor and selecting these two points and making it linear and you can see we are getting a straight curve now once again select the object visualize and create animation snapshot apply and we are getting something like this because the end time is 10 so let's make it time slider so now you can see the object is following the entire path but the increment is too small so let's increase the increment a little bit and now you can see it's looking much better and let's change the up twist a little bit so that it can go through each and every objects all right this is looking fine now let's go to the window outliner and selecting all these small objects go back to the modeling module going to mesh and combine now by selecting the vertices i'll modify the shape a little bit so that it can hold the ring by pressing b in the keyboard i am getting this soft selection all right so this is done now selecting the ring and i will duplicate it and will place it at the end of this chain [Music] all right so we have done with the modeling and we have done for the day in the next video i'm going to unwrap it and then i'm going to texture it in substance painter and then will render it inside maya by using arnold so don't forget to subscribe the channel for the future videos and thank you very much for watching
Channel: TrimitKala
Views: 13,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Modeling a Vintage Watch in Maya, Maya 3D Modeling Tutorial, Learn Step by Step, Creating Watch in Maya, Maya Modeling, 3D Scene, inorganic Modeling, Maya Modeling Tutorial, Modeling Tutorial, maya tutorial, mayamodeling, animation, maya, how to, beginner, tutorial, polygon, speed model, easy, maya training, 3d, Maya2017, Maya 2019, Modeling Objects in Maya, 3D Modelling, 3D Modeling, Learn Maya, learn maya step by step
Id: L2LF7JFU4e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 14sec (2594 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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