How to Model Modern Sofa in Blender

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hello and welcome today we will be modeling This Modern sofa and hope you're going to enjoy it and learn something from it so stick and watch till the end and don't forget to like And subscribe so let's get into the action okay so let's begin making our modern sofa I will press shift a and select plane press n on the keyboard and for navigate Maybe okay yeah so I will change the width the width is fine 2 meters I will change the depth uh 78. okay and the height the overall height will be press edit tab to edit and then extrude I will enter the value 80 centimeter so this is the reference overall height for the sofa okay I can just duplicate this and move this to the side okay now what I need to do is I will edit this so press tab and the top face is selected I will change the height to 25 centimeter and then I will select the bottom bottom face okay let's select click this or I can press three to select the face okay now I need to raise this up to 15 centimeter okay now I will create the I will add the subdivision oh sorry I will add the I will add edge Loop so I will oh sorry undo control R and then using the mouse wheel I will add two cuts and then click to accept and then right click to leave it in the center okay and I will go to the top view scale it scale it outwards I will press the X key to restrict it in the x-axis and let's bring it somewhere over here okay so this is so this is good so this is my front side and this will be the bottom so Ctrl r and I will just add this for the back side I need to push this more further so what I can do while this is already selected I can press the G key multi two times geg and I can just reposition this okay somewhere here this is good so now what I've done I've create a boundary that I will extrude so I will go into the face selection mode okay so click shift click click click while holding the shift key and E to extrude okay this is good and let's change this to 80 so that is the overall height or the sofa and now what I need to do is add multiple Edge Loops segments so Ctrl r and using the mouse wheel let me add check the number over here in the bottom so I want to increase this up to 21 so I've already calculated this so 21 and then right click to leave it in the center okay good now I will add one as you Loop over here so Ctrl r and then somewhere about here and maybe one over here okay and one in the center I need one Center somewhere here okay and now what I need to do is move this out yeah I need to bring this out but before I do anything I want to delete the half okay I'll just focus on one side and then we can then later on we can just symmetry so if I go to the top view okay so I'll delete this so I will go to my wireframe mode press Z and then select wireframe yeah okay so I'll select all on the left side okay and let's try to delete it if I press the X key on the keyboard and we have options okay let's try vertices good it worked okay so now we just focus on this part I want to bring this bottom part out okay so we'll select the vertex press 1 so we are in the vertex vertex selection mode so let's just drag and select I hope oh so let's go to the wireframe mode and then you can just select it easily and we don't want to select the ones on the outside so I can just control and then deselect find so now press the G key and middle Mouse button so it will restrict to the y-axis the closest axis and this is good and let's move this in the wireframe mode I can select all of these okay and it's up to you or maybe I'll just deselect this all right so let's just bring this out something like this okay this is good now I will select the alternate Edge so let me quickly select okay so all of these edges are selected so what I will do is move this further out so press G and then I can middle Mouse I can click the middle Mouse button so it will restrict to the y-axis somewhere here okay this is good this is too flat so what I can do is Select these vertex okay these are already selected for me so I can deselect these in the wireframe mode just to be on a safer side okay now if I go to the left side and press the G to move and then let's just move it around just following the shape so it goes in a rounded shape okay when we apply the subdivision and let's apply and see the result so I can use the hotkey control the number two control two means I will have subdivision with two levels as you can see okay okay so this is the result of our subdivision hmm so we need to do few things okay first we can add so I have the option first of all let me on this is the this is showing me the end result with the original uh wireframe cage okay so if I just turn this off I can see my original mesh without the subdivision so I want to select the edge so alt and click it will select the edge Loop okay and what I would like to do is add the bevel in order to tighten up this part so now I can enable this end result so I can see how much I need to Bevel Ctrl B and then using the mouse just move the mouse we can see how much we need to and using the mouse wheel I can add more segment so I just need one segment in the center so this is too much so let's add somewhere here Okay click let's try point eight I'm going to tighten up just a bit more so point eight is the value okay and now I can turn this off so we can repeat the same process so alt click it will select the edge Loop control B and I can just enter the value 0.8 so it will remember the center segment that I added continue alt click Ctrl B and then enter the value 0.8 enter alt click control B point eight enter last one alt click Ctrl B and 0.8 enter all right oh this is not confusing that's very good and now let's press the Tab Key going to going to the object mode I can see the end result so I think I should bring the this bulge out a little bit more alright so just select the edges one more time okay edges are selected I will turn this on so we can see the end result and I will press the G key and using the middle Mouse button I'll click it now it is restricting to a z-axis I don't want that so let's click it again yeah y-axis so just bring this out furthermore just a little bit something like this maybe if it is too much I can just push this in a little bit okay so this is looking good fine now we need to add so this is way too much curve so I need to add one as you do so Ctrl R and then just bring this out a little bit all right okay this is good I need to add one as a loop over here let me turn this off one Edge Loop over here so Ctrl r and let's just bring the edge Loop somewhere here and press tab to come out of the come back to the object mode I can see the end results I can just go inside and then do my editing okay so we won't see this bottom part because we will be adding our seat cushion just a little bit later let's add a bottom segment so I'll add one more Edge Loop over here okay so this should be looking good yeah so it's folding the shape nicely and you get the idea okay so this is looking good if you don't want to see this faceted effect you can right click when you're in the object mode select the object right click shade smooth okay so now this is looking good you're happy I will add let's add the symmetry so this is the mirror modifier but before I do it check the scale value this scale value is off should be 1 so we need to collapse so control a and just select all transform okay so everything is collapsed nicely now I can just go back to the modifier and select mirror okay so we have the result but if you notice the center part this is not good we want it to be smoother like the like the rest okay so the way to fix it look at this modifier list so we have two modifiers so this is the mirror modifier so just from these dotted section just click and drag and move this up in the list and just let the mouse click go and as you can see it has fixed it all right now we need to add our seed cushion okay so the way we do it is shift a and select Q okay and now you can just scale this down and go to the front view I can just press G metal Mouse to restrict it to the z-axis let's bring it somewhere here and we can just I'll have two cushions so in wireframe mode I will select so everything is selected back to the front view and then move this out let's select all of the top part and move it down G to move and then middle Mouse button click to restrict it to the z-axis and we just need to fill the space wireframe mode select everything press G and middle Mouse to restrict to the nearest axis which is y-axis okay so this is good so what I will do is I will add the sub I will add the edge Loops so Ctrl r one bottom Edge Loop and then I will add two Edge loops and then scale it outwards and I can press the X key so it restricts to the x-axis and then equally I can just scale it outwards let me add one at the back control or click and then I can easily drag it outwards okay this is good and then let me add two Edge Loops in the center and I can just scale press F to scale and X to restrict and just bring it little bit closer somewhere here okay and now uh let's add the subdivision control 2 or I can use the modifier list and add the subdivision and let's increase the level 2. okay so press the Tab Key we need to add one as Loop over here for Ctrl R click and then I can just bring this forward so now as you can see I need to select these two edges and press G and Z if you press the Z key it will also restrict to the z-axis somewhere over here so I think I need to go into wireframe mode and select all of the edges the center part and then scale it outwards press s to scale and X2 restrict in the x-axis okay and now I think if I turn this off I can select this Edge and this Edge and raise it up a little bit press G to move and then Z to move it in this so let's just make it little bit smoother like this okay but follow the slope okay so this is looking good so now what we as you can see the scale is off so Ctrl a all transforms what all transform does is it collapse and bring the pivot point to the center origin over here or this helps us to do is apply the Symmetry modifier the mirror modifier and then it works based on the Pivot Point position all right so now let's go and add the mirror modifier as you can see we have a gap over here so no problem press tab go to wireframe mode so I can select all of these come back out of the wireframe mode and I can just turn this back on so I can see the smooth result and now I can just bring this closer press G to move and X to restrict to the x-axis so just bring it close uh okay this is good all right I like it same thing we will do select the object right click Shades move yeah fine now the remaining part is okay wait before I go further let me edit this I'll add one more Edge Loop over here yeah okay now this is little bit better so maybe I can just move this GG I'll just push this back a little bit okay now fine yep so we'll add the legs the next thing is to add the legs okay now before I do this this is too straight so let me break that straightness okay so let me select the object tab go into the edit mode and we can select the edges okay and let's turn on the end result and let's move it press G and then x axis so this is going to okay this is good we can bring the bottom part out as well but I will not do it that is a homework for you okay but before I do go further I'll just push this down just a little bit press G and Z so I can just bring this down just a little bit okay now I can add the legs for the sofa so shift a and select plane so the plane is click and drag so I can enter one value which will go for both X and Y so I want five centimeter so I just added entered five once and it is doing for both enter and we have five by five centimeter plane and then go into the edit mode if the face is already selected press e to extrude and then just extrude it up okay I'll go to the front view okay so let's bring this out just like this and go into the wireframe mode let's select all of the vertex at the bottom and press G and move it in the x-axis with the help of middle Mouse button or you can use the keyboard key X Y and Z depending on which axis you want and these ones I will rotate it press r and you can start rotating it somewhat like this press G and move this down just a little bit so now I can extrude if I press e to extrude it is going in the in that direction so I'll just right click and press G to move in the x-axis right now if I press the scale key if I want to make these two straight to each other so if I press the scale key s and enter the value 0. my mistake undo right click and undo okay KL s is for scale and then x axis and now I can enter the value 0 all right okay um [Music] the easy way to bring this to the center origin is I need to bring the pivot point to the origin the easy way to do is control a and select all transforms so my Pivot Point is over here so now if I select this and enter the value 0 in the x axis it goes straight to the center now if I go to my top view let's push this out somewhere like this okay I like it and uh I need to apply the all transforms again and if I just add a little bit of the X into this I will add bevel Ctrl B and then just increase it I have a little bit rounded shape over here okay now it's time to add the mirror modifier I'll select this face and delete it select the face okay let's add a mirror modifier mirror perfect because our Pivot Point here is in the center center of the sofa and the origin so we can use y as well so that will bring it or the bottom side bottom part sorry for the back side as well so as you can see I can delete this our lovely modern sofa is ready all you need to do is order this and you should get the delivery as soon as possible just joking thank you for watching don't forget to like And subscribe and see you in the next video take care and bye bye
Channel: 3d circle
Views: 2,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modeling sofa, modeling sofa in blender, blender tutorial, how to model, 3ds max user, learn how to, simple sofa, 3d sofa, blender tutorials, 3d modeling, sofa, modeling in blender, blender tutorial for beginners, modern sofa, modern sofa in blender, modern sofa modeling, sofa modeling, modeling tips, time lapse, for beginners, beginners tutorial, easy beginners tutorial, easy sofa modeling, 3d modeling tutorial, blender, training, from 3ds max, 3ds max to blender
Id: ozTeF4THcTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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