How to Make a Couch in Blender (Part 1)

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SS: We don't have enough places to sit. We need more chairs? it's the time of the couch, here is Andrew Price with his latest tutorial; How to Make a Couch in Blender.

He uses the new(ish) cloth pressure parameter mixed with the new 'cloth' brush tool in Blender's latest sculpting update (2.93).

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MrThird312 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
in this tutorial you will learn how to create a high-quality production-ready couch in blender that's fit for a quiz or just selling online to make a few bucks during covered 19 so couches used to be really difficult to create and blend them because you just had to be really good at sculpting but thanks to cloth pressure simulation as well as the new cloth brushes it is now significantly easier so in this part we'll be starting with the basic couch frame modelling from blueprints part two we'll use the cloth simulator to make the basic cushion shape part three we'll use the cloth brush to add in extra detail pot for is variations and then the rest is texturing detailed seams and finally rendering so let's get started first step of course is to figure out what sort of couch you want to make now if you were to just Bing couch it's not as bad as you think it's clearly not as good as Google images but at least they don't have your data it's Microsoft so I'm giving them a chance you know if you were to Bing couch and just click on like a random couch and go like oh this is the one I'm gonna make that's all well and good until you need more reference later on like the back of the couch what does that look like well you don't know because doesn't have a name it's just couch so it's for that reason that I always recommend whenever you can start with something that you can find more images of it later which basically means start in our case with a brand name couch and why not go with a fancy brand is it fancy it's evidently they make like iconic couches which have been celebrated by men with bids and too much money but anyways we're gonna be making these a naughty William couch which besides looking nice because it is a design a couch they also give you the blueprints high-res reference photos etc so they give it to you in weird files so I've converted them all into something that you can download so down the zip file in the description and that'll give you everything so now in blender we're gonna delete everything and we're gonna load in the blueprint so we can start modeling the couch so I'm gonna hit shift a then go image reference and then find wherever it is you've unzipped your zip file the PNG blueprint and load that in and you can see we've now got an image which is rotated arbitrarily evidently it's to match whatever angle you were at previously but we can clear that by hitting alt ah now let's get a good look at this thing you can see it looks like this three of them but it's just the different angles so we're looking top down now so we might as well start with this one right here so we want to model the basic shape of the couch so we're gonna add in a cube the second ones always better than the first one so with the image here selected I it's a little too bright right it's a little too little too white and that is definitely not cool so I'm gonna go now to wireframe with my cube here and yeah we can start scaling this too to match it now you will see in our blueprint besides giving you the dimensions it's also giving you the actual measurements which is very handy so at least one of the measurements but that's all you need so with my cube here select it if I hit n in Finelli and then underneath our item you'll find a dimension there right so we just wanted to match that so 224 2 to 4 centimeters this is basic it's not the most thrilling stuff but but we got to do it so now that I've got that I know that this is the correct width of the couch and it means that my reference image needs to be scaled down so scale up the blueprint now scale it down whatever until it matches it's a little bit fiddly but at least you only have to do it once hopefully if you do it properly the first time there we go okay cool so well done we've got one box checked so looking top down we've got the dimensions right let's this back a little bit yeah something like that now this is actually gonna be the bottom slab of our couch there right so if we look front on we now need to duplicate our reference and then rotate it along the x-axis to 90 degrees holding down control right you can see top left hand corner it's snapping it to 5 degree increments very handy if you ever watch my tutorial by the way it goes over a lot of this stuff that we're doing now which is kind of boring but you know it's handy if you want to learn how to model anything in the future which you might want to do so with the QPR selected now I can scale this down and look at that we have the bottom slab of the couch lovely now we also have another view of our reference of our blueprint which is the side view so jus placate it one last time rotate this 90 degrees and yeah there we go that's where it's supposed to go and then I just position this like so and there we have it ah thrilling now we can add a bevel and everything we'll probably do that later for now we just want to finish modeling the rest of the couch so it's got this kind of like flat board it's probably easy to look at from here it's got like a flat board thing that sort of stretches around it so might as well model that next so duplicate this scale this in and this is going to be exactly that so it starts about here this is you know unfortunately what you have to start the tutorial series with which is the most boring part I promise you the rest is more fun I was thinking of just like speeding this part up but then I thought you know some of you guys some of you guys always want the slow version so I figured ah you know if you know how to model a couch you can just do it and you can skip ahead but anyways so I've only modeled half of it because I want to use the mirror modifier which is just gonna be handy and now that I've got that I can select my mirror object and make it the slab and now we have an exact mirror both sides and then when we turn on flipping and smash it together and then we have one little face in the middle of that which we do not want so delete that face that are thrilling now the final thing we're going to model at least in this part is this second second slab this thing here right which looks like a slab but it's actually like a cushion like it's a giant giant cushion I assume I haven't sat on one of these couches but I assume that is this the same cushion is what's up there so it's padding anyways point is we could just duplicate this so move this up and you would think that that's that's what you would do but actually it's sort of it's just this little bit here that sticks out and then this arm sort of stops there so actually this was supposed to go down and then this part is supposed to end here oh and look at that I'd yeah I really half-assed the modelling okay there we go alright so this part here now I can select this face by the way I'm switching between vertice mode and face select mode by hitting 1 & 3 or you can click these little buttons up here if you don't have my keyboard shortcut you should definitely get that its link is in the description you just have to join my newsletter list and then you get a little PDF with all the shortcuts and you don't have to worry about you know I don't know anything ever again ok so add a little loop cut there and then I'll just extrude this little bit out there and yeah I don't want to have to do the same on the other side so I'm just going to do the exact same thing at a mirror modifier select that object gotta go into solid View mode then we can actually click the right object which is the cube and there we go oh actually the origin was in the right place anyway okay so clipping smash it together delete those faces and there we have it and actually if you wanted to be like precise what you would do is like with this face here selected if you wanted it to perfectly line up with this face here rather than going like is it like perfectly aligned what you can do is a little tip is if you change so this snap this thing here by default like it's when you hold down control it'll move it in like five increments or whatever which isn't handy but you can change this to face which means when you hit G and you're moving something if you then hit X you're moving it just along the x-axis but then if you hold down control you can see that it'll it'll snap it to the nearest face which in this case is this one right here and you can see that that should now be exactly perfectly aligned and I'll do the exact same thing here G X hold down control and now those are perfectly aligned and then I'll move this back shouldn't be coming out of the back then yeah yeah that's good and then I'll just select these to move this back hold down control and there you go so that should now be perfectly aligned now we'll add a bevel on everything later on that'll come in later parts but for now this will be fine and then the final final final thing we'll do at least in this part is adding in these little steel chrome fancy boy legs so it's just gonna be a cube so let's just add in a cube scale this in like so and it looks like it's rotated at 45 degrees so I'll show you a little tip so let's just take this this cube here drag this out along the x-axis right get the basic shape of it right about there okay and it's yeah it's like a 90 degree right so we just drag that crank this is extrude this down like so cool oh can you see this shortcuts I'm pressing ok you can't ya down there sometimes when it's too white you won't be able to see it but you'll just have to deal with that okay so we've got yeah we got a little angle we could add in a subsurf modifier whatever if we wanted to actually I think we'll just use a bevel modifier it's like the least important thing this couch like if if the legs are the only thing that's wrong on your couch if you've done a good job trust me couches are yeah that they're finicky there they're hard to get right but that's why I made this tutorial because I think there's I've certainly made enough terrible couches to fill a soup kitchen I don't know anyways so I want to make I want to make a tutorial that shows how to do it well anyway so if I rotate this now by 45 degrees holding down control top left hand corner - 45 degrees that's there now when you do that of course you can see that this perspective is now off like it's no longer going to match the blueprint and then if you were to like coming here and go like a little if I take this little piece and I sort of move this out but then it's like not a flush 45 degree angle well if you follow my little tutorial you'd already know this trick but yes if you were to move this along like along like an x axis that's X which is like going this way right which is not what you want however if you were to hit G and then X and then X again it's now moving it local to the rotation of this object which means that that is now by tapping X twice I'm now moving this along and I can get this to line up exactly with the blueprint and that's still flush right so it's it's basically when you're tapping G twice it's like it's using the local transform orientation or it's basically it's taking this rotation here so that yeah I hope it's clear right it just means that yeah anyways it's really an T I'm glad someone reminded me of the double tap thing when I was doing the Chi a tutorial because previous to that I was always like changing this to local and then doing it and it was yeah it was too finicky but thankfully there's a way around that so that's cool and then I guess this edge there is probably a little bit higher up at least according to the blueprint but that's good now rather than duplicate this and position it if you could just do this one little thing could you please mirror modifier right there and then hit Y as well as X and you can see it's got it around all the corners and look at that we have our couch ready to go so of course save this whilst you can and then we will move on to the next part which is finally what we're gonna get to the fun stuff which is making this seat cushion and then using the cloth simulator to make it puff up and have a lot of fun with that so click here and I will see you in that video
Channel: Blender Guru
Views: 341,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, cloth simulation, blender cloth, furniture tutorial, furniture, sofa, couch
Id: Y4whyFTilsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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