Blender sofa - Create a Realistic Sofa in Blender in 15 minutes

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hello guys in this tutorial we are going to create this realistic sofa in blender which is very easy to make and i hope that you will learn many things while making this sofa so let's get started okay so here's our default scene so let's delete everything so press a and delete to delete everything now let's add in our own cube and now press one to go to frontie mode and let's scale it down on the z axis just a little bit and let's move it a bit upwards and now let's scale it down on the y-axis just a little bit okay just like that now let's decrease the scale on the z-axis just a little bit and let's scale up on the x axis now press ctrl a to apply the scale now let's go to modifier and let's add in a bevel modifier and decrease the amount and set the sequence to 3 and now let's add in a subdivision surface modifier now let's set the lower report to 2. now let's go to edit mode and let's add in some few loop cuts so this will be the base of our sofa so let's set the segments to six and now let's add again some edge loops and we need some square geometry okay so let's go to cloth so go to physics and let's add in a cloth modifier so let's set the pressure to five and set the gravity to zero so under fill weights the gravity to zero now let's simulate cloth so let's bring up this timeline and press and press place so now you can see that we are simulating cloth so so far are not used to be very fluffy so we will see the correct frame for a bit thickness plus fluffy so i think this frame 2 is right so let's set it smooth and now let's apply all of these modifiers now for the back cover let's duplicate this one so press shift d and press r and x and 90 to rotate on the 90 degree now press 3 to go to side mode and let's move it on the axis okay so now let's create the armrest of the sofas so we will duplicate this one and press shift d or x and sorry y and 90 to rotate on the y 90 degree now press 1 and let's scale down on the x z axis and press g and x 2 and now play and now let's scale down on the x-axis and let's move it on the z-axis and now let's scale it down to an appropriate size okay so i think this size i think it is fine but let's just a little bit okay now let's bring it to the level of the base okay now let's duplicate this one so press so now go to modifier and add in a mirror modifier and set the mirror object to this base okay so it is automatically measured on the x axis now let's add in some cushions so go to add mesh and cube now press 1 to go to frontie mode and scale down on the z axis and now let's scale down on the x axis and now let's scale down on the y axis because it's a bit longer now press 7 to go to toffee mode and now we have to leave a gap for our back cushions so let's scale down scale up on the waxes just a bit okay so i think this is fine so now let's simulate cloth with this one also so let's press ctrl a to apply the skin and let's add in a bevel modifier and decrease the amount and increase and set the segments to 3 and let's shade it smooth now let's add in a subdivision surface modifier and set the level viewport to 2 and make sure that the level report and render are set to the same number now let's go to edit mode and let's add in some few loop cuts in a square geometry so i think it are fine now we need square polygons because square polygons work pretty accurately rather than rectangle geometry with cloth okay so as you can see these polygons are square so let's simulate cloth with this one also so go to physics and plot and set the pressure to 5 and set the gravity to 0 now let's simulate cloth okay so as you can see we are simulating cloth so let's find a pretty good frame for our cushion so they should not look very fluffy so i think this frame three is looking good so let's go to modifier and apply all of this modifier and now press one and let's see so press seven for toffee mode and let's duplicate this on the x-axis okay so i think we have taken the perfect size but in case if your questions do not match perfectly in distance you can always scale them on the x-axis so let's move it on the x-axis just a little bit okay just like that now let's duplicate this on the back covers so press shift d r x and 90. and let's move it on the y axis and now go to frontier mode and let's scale down on the z axis and they should be just a little bit higher than the back support okay so just like that let's increase the scale just a little bit okay now they are pretty looking pretty good now let's copy them on the x axis now let's add some detail so let's select this question and press ctrl to apply the scale now let's go to sculpt mode and now let's go all the way down till you see this cloth brush now let's add some details with this cloth brush so if you drag on the pillow you can see that it is adding some detail so let's decrease the radius and let's add in some details so i am just adding subtle details because otherwise it will look very weird okay so i am repeating the same process with everyone apply the skill and go to sculpt mode [Music] okay so now we have added some detail to our cushions now they are looking pretty good okay so now let's add the legs of the sofa so press one to go to frontier mode and let's add in a cube and let's scale it down all the way up and let's move it on the x-axis so the legs will be right below the armrest so press three to four side view and let's move it on the y axis okay so now let's scale it down just a little bit again and let's move it on the x axis now press ctrl a to apply the scale and also let's scale it down on the y axis just a little bit okay so press ctrl to apply the scale now let's go to edit mode and now let's select this edge and now we will do something extraordinary so press ctrl b to bevel and let's increase the segments as much as you want now don't click anywhere just set the profile type to custom by the way if this pop-up doesn't appear you can always click here so set that to custom now you can add custom curves to set that okay so now as you can see i have created this cool pattern so let's go to object mode and now let's add in a bevel modifier let's decrease the amount okay so point one is good and let's increase the segments and it should smooth now let's mirror this on all of the four sides so let's add in a mirror modifier and set the mirror object to this base and also check y for mirroring on the y axis now let's move it down just a little bit okay just like that okay so now the modeling of our sofa has been done so let's add in some small cushions which are very easy to make so let's add mesh and let's add in a cube and now let's kill it down now let's go to edit mode and let's add some edge loops [Music] okay so it i think is right and let's make them square okay seven now let's add in a subdivision surface modifier and set that to 2 and now let's add in a cloth modifier and set the pressure to 5 [Music] and set the gravity to 0 and now let's simulate this cloth okay so now as you can see our cushion is simulating but if you want more detail you can go to edit mode press a to select all and subdivide again now we will have much more detail so the more subdivision you have the more detail it would look okay so now i think this is looking very good so let's go to modifier and apply this modifiers okay now let's move it on the corner of the sofa now let's press shifty to duplicate on the x axis now press ctrl m to mirror and press x to mirror on the x-axis now it's time for materials so i am using blender kit for materials blender kit is a useful and free add-on in blender from which you can import models and materials you will get the link in the description so if you have download the blender kit add-on you will get the search panel something like this so let's search brown fabric okay so i think this is what we want so let's drag it and drop it on the armrest so we will do the same for everyone so let's go to rendered view and set the render to cycles and in the let's select this drop down and check uncheck scene world now we can see a lot better and set the device from cpu to gpu now let's drag and drop this material to on everyone but now as you can see this material is not scaled evenly on everyone so for that just select this one and go to edit and press a to select all and go to ue and smart tv project and hit ok now as you can see that it is scaled evenly so we have to do this for everyone okay so i think they are now looking great now let's go to shading and let's but let's also select this one and set the brown fabric and also go to edit mode press a and use smarty project okay so now let's change the scale of this material and check scene world and let's set the scale to let's say three okay so now i think it is scaled pretty evenly now let's add in a black and white fabric for our cushions okay so let's see which is looking good okay so i like this one so let's drag and drop on both of these so now they are looking pretty good let's also smart you project them also okay cool so now let's add in the wood material for these legs [Music] so let's add in a darker okay so this one is looking cool okay just like that now let's uh darken this material so let's add in a hue saturation node [Music] between the base color and let's decrease this value [Music] just a little bit okay so 0.5 is looking good and also let's decrease the saturation just a little bit okay now let's go to layout so now our couch is ready now it's time to render so let's create a render setup so let's add in a mesh and a plane and scale it all the way up and move it just a bit down and now let's go to edit mode and let's extrude this edge of once [Music] and now let's add in a bevel modifier to this plane and let's increase the amount and let's increase the segments just 15 okay now let's add in our camera so let's set our view like this and go to add on camera now press ctrl alt 0 to bring camera to view now press g and z twice and let's move it a bit backwards now let's go to render view and check scene world now we have to add a light so let's add in a sun so light and a sun now let's move it upwards and check render region to render faster now let's rotate the sun on the y axis so press r y and move the mouse to rotate just a little bit now let's go to sun and set the strength to 10 and set the angle to let's say 50 okay so now our couch is ready now you can render this so let's render this one at 1000 samples now press f12 to render and then your couch is ready okay so that's it guys i hope you enjoyed this video if you like this video hit that like button consider subscribing for more great content and i will see you next time have a nice day
Channel: Bro 3D
Views: 95,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender sofa, blender sofa modeling, blender sofa tutorial, blender sofa modeling tutorial, blender sofa furniture, blender sofa making, blender, sofa modeling, sofa in blender, blender sofa in 5 minutes, sofa, blender tutorial
Id: cLIp3LlZlu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2022
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