C4D TUTORIAL | Streets & Bridges (FAST)

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[Music] hey what is up Eli here in this tutorial I will teach you how to make streets and bridges in cinema 4d and we are going to do this by recreating this little scene right here so let's jump straight into it and start off with our base or floor as you may call it it is just a cube which we are flattening out next create another cube and this is going to be the rough size of our streets so I can cut it out of the floor later so you might want to make sure it's also a little longer to overlap the ends here let's place it close to where the street was on our example at the beginning of the video and to make the cut and a bull object and drag our cubes inside of it and our order seems to be incorrect so drag a button cube above the other one now you can adjust the cube that represents the street to your liking next we are going to add the sidewalks start off with yet another cube and I'm going to make this one 10 centimeters wide and 15 centimeters long that looks like an appropriate size for this one but now we want this to repeat itself so we will do this with a cloner object drag the cube inside of it and you can see the cloning is happening right now but in the wrong direction so let's rotate this cloner object 90 degrees and then in the transform options we can rotate the clones themselves when we place this in the correct spot you can start adding more clones of these but the gaps are way too big right now so down here you can adjust the length of every gap and 16 centimeters gap is perfect from this one let's make sure we have enough clothes to fit the entire length of our floor and you shouldn't worry if it overlaps you probably even want this to happen at this point I am also making sure they overlap the sides of our streets and that they don't stick out too much because it will end up looking strange we can now duplicate the sidewalk to the other side while holding command or control and dragging it in place now let's get the overlapping parts here there are many ways to fix this like making the cloner editable and just resizing the outlook cubes but to keep the cloner intact we will use another bool object for this one to stay organized I'm going to group these two planners by pressing Alt + G and naming it appropriately and drag them inside of our bool object and also add a copy of our big base cube inside of it it is a matter of selecting the right boolean type here to get the right cuts you can scroll on top of it to switch faster but I forgot something stupid here which is that we have to move our big cube up a little so it actually overlaps the entire sidewalks so now that is done let's try our types again and for this one a intersect B seems to be the one okay this one was quite easy and straightforward but what if we want to make a curved road there are many ways but I'm going to stick with just one method now there might be some videos in the future explaining the other ones in this case I'm going to combine this with a bridge as well to draw the directions your road or bridge will go you need to use the pen tool so let's switch to our top view with the middle mouse button and start drawing the centerline of our bridge you are free to do this any way you like but to get the result of the start of the video I'm going to make sure the lines are straight but you can see unlike an illustrator or Photoshop holding shift doesn't give you a perfect straight line so instead press escape after creating that first point and now you can duplicate the point with the move tool and holding ctrl or command so this way I can make the perfect straight 90-degree corners in any direction as you can notice I did not around the corners yet just because I find it to be a pain in the ass instead select our two points on the corners right click and select chamfer now when you drag you get the perfect curves make sure to make them large enough because the route will be a lot wider than this simple line of course back in our perspective mode drag the spine up a little to a height where you would like to have your bridge to turn the spine into an object we will use this sweep object what that does is turning to shapes made of just lines into a solid object so we got our first line now we need to create a rectangle spline to determine the shape it will draw all over this line I'm going to make it something like 37 centimeters wide that's just a little wider than our wrote at the bottom and for the height it actually is a good idea to set it to zero in this case so we can easily manipulate it later on now all you need to do is dragging these two splines on top of our newly created sweep object and make sure the rectangle is above the spline another quick thing that will save us time is going in the sweep options and under the caps section you can select create single object this will make sure every part is connected when we start moving things for safety measures let's also duplicate a sweep object and hide the previous one by holding alt and double clicking these dots but the other one we can make it editable by pressing C and if you follow the steps correctly it should be just one object now in our polygon mode select all the polygons you can do this by pressing ctrl or command + a and now press D on the keyboard to pick the extrude tool or just right-click and pick it there and when you start dragging it it should give you some thickness but as you can see it gives us some glitchy stuff this is probably because we made it flat and doesn't even know everything should be pointing in one direction so let's undo this and let everything still selected right click and select align normals when you extrude again now everything should work fine but the shape is hollow so select the create gaps option at the right side to close everything off I'm not going to extrude this one too much because I want some slanted edges going downward so with everything still selected right click again and select battle and depending on where you click and drag now it will give you some glitchy stuff or not you can see the difference in the small icon next to our cursor when you drag on an edge or on a polygon and when you get to look the bottom and drag from the edge you should get something like this you can also further manipulate this with the move tool great so that is it for our bridge but it is floating right now so we are going to add some pillars beneath them in this case it would be easy to do this manually but in bigger scenes you might want some automation we are going to start off with a first pillar here which is just a cube and let's add three segments at the x-axis make it editable and select these little polygons on each side now with the scale tool and holding ctrl or command I'm going to drag these inwards a little bit so we have this nice indent on the pillar nice get ourselves a new corner and drag this pillar inside of it at this time we will need to have it follow our bridge its curves to do that set the mode to object and now go back to that sweep we kept as a backup and only copy and paste the spline from it I'm also going to rename this one again and all we need to do now is selecting our corner again and dragging the spline on that object field down here now it follows our bridge but the distribution isn't correct fix this by setting it front count to even temp we probably don't need this many pillars now so five will do also let's not forget to move these down a little you will have to do this with the spline object and not cloner itself and adjust the position of this pillar here we can select the start point of our spline and move it in a little and the same thing goes for d1 at the end but drag it out a little and you can also see the other pillars moving with it which is useful in this case my sidewalks are a little too wide I guess so I'm gonna select both the original cubes and three size DOS let's also make sure things keep tidy by naming everything because there are a lot more objects to come our next step is adding some rope marks or stripes as you may call them there are many techniques for this again but most of them are incredibly annoying to do so what I will be doing is adding another cube and resize it to something that feels right as one mark on the and let's get a Nuke learner for this one again and set the mode to object duplicate that backup spline again and drag it inside of our object field we will also need to set the mode to even again and under the transform tap you might need to rotate the object so it aligns correctly with the road also to avoid the first one to Pico the edge move our first spline point in our syllable again now it's just a matter of increasing the count to something that feels right let's also make sure these are only getting above the road ever so slightly now for the bottom route we will do the exact same thing but I need a new spline for this one because we didn't make it already so I just create this first point and then duplicate it to the bottom so I get a straight line everything else is just the same steps over again and make sure you keep everything organized while we are at it to finish our bridge we need to add some railings at the sides we can do this by combining the techniques we've gone through earlier in this video the most accurate way is to draw a new spline with our pen tool again you want to draw it exactly over the edge of our bridge you can also keep the straight lines again and when it's done we can add a chamfer to the corners again but do this for each one individually because we have an inner corner and an outer corner which are not the same size let's move it up a little and create a new cylinder that will be our base ball or post you can go really thin on this one get a new cloner object again and it is the same technique once more using the object mode and setting the spline as the object with the distribution to even also add just the start and the end point again to make it look nice now you can do the exact same thing on the other side so I'm going to speed this up for you you could copy and paste the previous step and adjust the spline but it is way too easy to mess up the rounded corners so creating it from scratch ends up being faster most of the time next up is the actual rail this will be a sweep object again so let's get a rectangle and make it really small and now we can get it inside of our suite together with a copy of a rail make sure the erect angle is added up to a this glitch now do the same thing on the other side again and you will have to readjust the start and the end point again because we want the rails to go all the way to the edge and I'm going to say this once more naming and grouping everything will save you a lot of time and pain when you need to edit or expand things later okay our street and bridge are down now but things look quite empty so I thought it would be nice to add some small details I'll start with the street light to have a better overview create a new document for this one and all there is to it is going into one of our side views and drawing a spline like this one and adding a chamfer to the corner or maybe it looks better when we raise this point like it is for most three of streetlights now this time we need a circle for the sweep and make it small enough so we don't get a weird fat looking pole for the light itself I'll use a capsule object and put it in place also make a backup duplicate of it already which will be the light bulb later on now what I would normally do is making it editable and cut the bottom half off but it is too hard to select exactly the bottom of this one so instead you can use this slice option of the capsule itself now after making it editable you can select all the points at the end curve but make sure your selection tool has only select visible elements turned off now when it is selected use the scale tool to squeeze it in a little I'm also going to move these back a bit it also looks nice when we do the opposite at the other side so it looks longer now and hide the intact capsule and resize it to make it fit as a light bulb so that is our straight light let's group it in a null and we can copy this into our previous file and we have to resize this one obviously and I'm going to stick with one on each side as a final detail I thought some bushes would look nice I made some simplified ones that look like a water drop to kind of fit the overall style here you can do this by creating a sphere and adding a paper object on it when that is done you can click here on fit to parents and the bounding box will perfectly fit around it now when you increase the strength you get this teardrop shape and of course you can play around with it to get the best result i'ma scale this down and create some slightly modified to look it's all over the place and let's also group this again so we have a clean file the modeling part is done now but we are going to finish things up here in the example image we used an isometric camera but it will not look at our model from the right side now so as a preparation you can already group all our objects we made and now when we go in our isometric camera you can rotate the model to the direction you like it's also a great time to make adjustments to the bushes here another detail I'm going to add is another slightly bigger cube at the bottom so it looks like a pedestal I also notice I accidentally rotate the model too much so this looks better now now we can start lighting and coloring our scene what I'll usually do is going into my project settings by pressing ctrl or command + T now here you can set the color to pure white if you want to also in our render settings at an ambient occlusion and global illumination you can give these untouched if you would render right now everything is black because there is no light so let's go at our easy-to-use physical sky for this one I found it works just fine when you keep it at 12 o'clock and for my taste the shadow is a little bit too strong you can adjust this under the sun-tap and all the way at bottom decrease the shadow density and I hope you can tell it's easier on the eyes now an optional thing to do is adding a regular lights and placing it somewhere about here make sure it's lifted high enough so it actually lies the top of our scene and I made it a little bit orange and reduce the intensity so this one gives us a slightly warmer touch and bright in some of our shadows as well when I render again you can notice something you might already have seen and that is that our road marks are creating some shadows I think it looks better without them so here is a workaround for this when you find your route mark groups and right-click on them under the cinema 4d tags you can get the compositing tag now down here deselect cast shadows scene by race and scene by GI when you render now you can see the ones at the bottom are barely visible so let's duplicate that tag to the other group you can do this by holding ctrl or command and dragging as our final step we are adding some materials to all of this I'm creating a camera first and activate and deactivate it here so that the view is saved now I can go back any perspective view to work faster there is nothing special to the materials you can copy what you see here but it is just a bunch of colors with the reflectance turned off basically a bunch of greens and grace to get the material on the street you have to actually put it on the cube inside of the blue limit so make sure you don't apply it to the bool itself for the bridge you probably also want to add different materials on the top and bottom so first drop the material of the bottom part just on the overall object and then select the top polygons and with these still selected you can drag the rock material on it great you're done now depending on how your scene turned out you might also want to further just some stuff like I will for example the shadow can be a little stronger again and in our render settings its options I'm going to increase our global brightness at to make it pop more so that was it for this one I hope you learned something new today leaving a like really helps me out also if you have any comments or questions I will do my best to get back to you and I hope to see you in the next one [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Twistereli
Views: 142,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: C4D, cinema 4D, tutorial, tut, lesson, guide, beginner, fast, starter, easy, low poly, amateur, 3D, modelling, modeling, model, render, settings, lighting, materials, texturing, textures, coloring, miniature, isometric, cute, simple, minimal, twistereli, dribbble, graphic design, cad, free download, how to, street, bridge, rails, sweep, boole, cube, light post, streetlight, bush, clean, road, roadmarks, sidewalk
Id: mEQZ8XKbzjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2017
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