How to model a Tire & Rim in Maya ( Full Workflow )

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this video has been made possible by rebus firm the professional render service hey guys today we're going to do a tutorial on how to model a tire and rim and I did that a long time ago but this one is a lot more detail we're going to go through the modeling UV and texturing process okay so let's head check it out here we go okay guys here we go let's get started with our tire we're going to do a tire we're going to do a rim we're going to UV it and we're going to texture it okay so let's get started with our tire we're going to take the polygon plane and my default is 10 by 10 which would work out fine we're going to jump into our top view F to zoom in we're going to right click and get our vertex and I'm going to drag select the inner vertices so I'm going to skip the ones on the outside I'm going to skip a row and work my way down like that and then I hit W and I'm going to move it in this direction like so and then I'm going to select a vertical row and skip one row every time I do that okay and I'm going to pull that down like so or go up depending on whatever you like okay so let's do that and that should be alright and now before we do anything else what I want to see is if i duplicate this by hitting ctrl d and moving that up and we'll just stitch down up here for for our fan mode so if we bring this down will that pattern look okay okay so let's bring that down a bit more you can see that these lines align perfectly just wanting to see whether this section height is too big but we're going to have the same deal here so we should be okay alright okay so hit control Z to get rid of that just want it to try okay cool so now that we're good on that we're going to do next is we are going to right click got an edge double click on that edge skip one we're going to do let's see I'll do this one and this one and what do you got what do you got but we've got four wireframe mode so I can see it better yeah yeah we'll do that okay we're going to go to edit mesh and bevel come on and the fraction will do sir point through two which will give us a little bit maybe a bit more 2.04 maybe yeah that's better wall up hit 5 yeah just want to make sure I don't have any duplicates going on here go to object mode yeah that's what I thought okay so get rid of that we're going to snap this back hold down X and we're good so we got those cut out then we're going to go in and we're going to right click on the edges here so double click double click that will click and just keep on going and we're going to go to edit mesh and battle again 3.02 let's have a look a little bit more 3.04 even more than that 0.2 maybe you know a little bit less 3.1 yeah that's what I do alright so now that we have that we're going to do next is we are going to stitch these guys up ok so I'm going to right click at the object mode I'm going to hit control D to duplicate W to move that over and we'll just have a look from this end I'm going to move that down until we are pretty closely aligned up here and what I can do is hit the enter key and we're going to move the pivot point up and I'm just going to hold down the V so it will snap so if I hit the insert key again and now I want to move it I can hold the V and it will snap perfectly and aligned perfectly ok I'm going to drag these two ctrl D once again W to move hold them V as we do that and that wasn't too smart actually because the one on top doesn't have a centered and that one has okay so we'll go with that one I'm sorry alright so ctrl D to duplicate we're going to move that down and we're going to hold on V which will snap perfectly and then we'll hit shift D a couple times G of D shift D G of D Co D until we believe that we have enough to have an entire tight thread that's maybe a little bit much I'll get rid of the last one and that'll do is we'll go in and we'll stitch these parts together by merging the vertices so I'm going to right-click go to vertex I'm going to drag select this row here and actually let's make this one object first match combine right-click vertex so we've got that we're going to go to edit mesh and merge where you go yeah and what I want to avoid is that these guys are snapping together all right so let's see 0.001 leaves them open so large 0.001 enter I'm going to go down here we're going to select these I need G to repeat last command your friend 0 1 enter GRP last command 2.01 once again g and 0.001 and G I think we're almost there and G and 0.01 and that's it okay so now that we have that we're going to have a closer look at our profile to see whether this will be a problem we got these bigger areas here so let's look okay so we're going to go into our top view on it five four shaded mode okay we do see a little bit of an issue there so we're going to drag select the vertices go all the way here and then we're going to hit W and we're going to bring that down until we feel that we have a distance that looks okay okay so that's one then we're going to drag select all the way to the second one bring it down a bit let's bring that all the way down to number three a little bit tedious let's see where we're at and maybe I'm being over picky about it but just something that you will notice as you're modeling okay so let's see this one will approach from that end so we'll just move that up yep happy with that all right so now that we have that we're going to do is we are going to and this is really a tedious part first make sure that it's all stitch up together and all that kind of stuff yet fine I'll get one more area that we need to adjust here that's up here right click come on click vertex drugs select ok so what I want to do next and this will be time-consuming I'm going to select all the individual faces like all these squares but not the areas in between so not this or this no this just the squares ok so all I quickly do that and I'll be back in a sec right I'll select it we're going to do next is written aid control e to extrude them so hit ctrl E and let's drag on the thickness hold down the ctrl key so you can see how we move that up obviously that's way too much let's try 0.02 and let's have a look what that looks like and you clearly see that pattern that's exactly what we want maybe a bit too thick 0.001 hang on 0.01 that's what I want it yeah that looks fine ok so we're going to do next is we are going to get this thing at the shape so we're going to look at it from this year right here and we're going to do is we're going to right-click go to vertex and we're going to start to take a number of these areas here so drag these vertices we're going to start to raise them up we're going to skip a road each end right that up a little bit and you don't want to have the top surface being too rounded so be careful not to do that try to keep that fairly flat if you can and just for effect purposes you can decide to very very slightly bring this back down a bit okay so let's have a look not too bad so it's time to bend this guy so we're going to right click at object mode first thought I want to do is let's see I'm going to right click at a face and I'm going to take these not these faces these faces out so delete that and that as well we're going to flip that around same at this end we don't want to have these faces on the inside of our tire and delete that there you go and we're going to right click on object mode we're going to select this guy we're going to go to deform nonlinear and Bend and we'll hit e to rotate or a bent handle hold down J to snap it to sections of 15 degrees and then we're going to rotate it in this direction as well so again hold on Jay make sure you get 90 degrees go back one and then we're going to hit control a for attribute editor go to our Bend controller and see what we got okay so with that all flipped around seems to line up okay good good alright we can now select this go to edit delete by type history which will get rid of our curve handle here and then we're going to go in and we're going to go to that row in the middle here it's already on for just need to identify which one that is exactly that's this one right here so retic edge you see that note that edge right there that's the one where we need to merge the vertices right here so we're going to right click at our vertex so we're going to add drags like these and go to edit mesh and merge 0.001 okay so that should be alright then I'm going to go in we're going to right-click an edge and we're going to take this edge right here and that one right there we're going to control e to extrude our to scale out just a bit and then pull them down look so G to repeat last command part the scale out again and scale them down just have a look at our overall profile it looks ok I think she'd repeat last command once again our to scale out he'll let down that's not too bad yeah one more time G our to scale out a little bit push that down and this time we're going to push it back in a little bit like so G to repeat last command apart to scale once again will scale down this time look so that seems to be all right she'd repeat last command art to scale down and this time we're going to push it out a little bit not too much like so right then we're going to go in to let's see inter edge loop option box we'll do multiple and set it to 1 so we'll be centered and we want one centered right here and one centered right there hit Q on your keyboard or right click face come on don't wait not going to tell me that I can't select that that's an unknowing okay I'll have to do that manually give me a sec guys hey guys there we go so that's selected I'm going to hit five pre shaded mode I'm going to ctrl e to extrude let's do sort of point zero one and we'll have a look and that seems to be all right okay all right now let's see I'm going to hit object mode I'm going to hit three to preview smooth to see what we got okay so this is the pattern that we get if we decide to preview smoothly you don't have to we can leave this at one and what I can do here is right click and get an edge let's like this edge and shift slip this edge and let's do these as well let's see yeah that's fine and whereas that in that it's soft an edge on those and that will give it a total different look and feel okay so that way we can keep this nice and crisp and we won't have any issues all right okay so this is pretty much our tire guys so now it's time to create our wheel rim we can decide just to have a quick look to hit our and maybe bring in or tire just a little if you like okay and that said it's now time to do our ramping up okay so we're going to do is first of all close this out we're going to do is we're going to take a polygon pipe we're going to e we're going to rotate that this direction let's take our tire first go to modify and center pivot and then we're just going to move that to where it belongs so hit W to move it up hold down X to snap it to the center of our grid from our top view we'll do the same so we know that's all Center down which is good okay so we get this guy it's going to become our rim so we're going to hit control a for ultimate editor we're going to go in and we're going to do a poly count of 50 to make that nice and round and let's see the thickness will do 0.15 for now and then we'll scale into position so let's see from this view we're going to our and we're going to scale that out until we have a pretty clean fit looks to be okay then we're going to scale the whole thing out just very very slightly we're going to select our tire we're going to ctrl H to hide it like this guy and go to edge loop option box multiple and we'll loop to we'll add that right there and we're going it hard to scale it out and we're going to push them out to the edge not all the way we're pretty close okay we're going to queue on our keyboard actually let's see do we need the inside ones as well now we do not hit Q in a keyboard we're going to right click at a face I'm going to select that entire edge and that one as well ctrl e to extrude hard to scale out we're going to go to display and show all to get our tower back okay so that's a bit much let's go back a little bit that looks about right and then we're going to right-click an edge we're going to double click on this one and shift it double click on that one and first of all we're going to start to scale that up excel and then we're going to push that in which will give us something like this we need G to repeat we need R to scale down hang on that's not what I wanted let's see how we can do that take those faces ctrl e to extrude our to scale in that's what we're looking for okay G to repeat our to scale out we're going to pull it out a little bit and we're going to drag it down a little bit G to repeat part the scale in that looks pretty cool and then push that in alright just so we've got some definition going on there all right and then we need to do is we need to find some symmetry for our spokes we did 50 in total so that will be five faces skip five faces and so forth so let's see if we can make that work I'll just pause the video while I do that okay guys so I have a five selected five skip as you can see okay we're going to hit ctrl e to extrude we're going to add drag on that thickness and we're going to start to bring that in like so and we'll just have a look from this view here as we do that we'll hold the ctrl key and that looks about right good good okay now there are a couple of things we want to tweak here because it looks a bit stiff if you all we're going to right click go to edge and we're going to select these outer edges I'm going to flip that around and do the same here open up that one sorry looks like I got something selected that I shouldn't sell to that's hard to see I'll try and do that a little bit more careful looks like they're good okay we're going to go to edit mesh and bevel we're going to set the fraction to 0.1 let's have a look 0.2 maybe yeah 0.2 is fine then we're going to go in and we are going to insert edgeloop option box open that up and we'll do multiple and one to get that into the center again and that went through and through yeah it did to hit Q on our keyboard and we're going to do is we are going to right click at a face one two three there we go same here all right we're going to control e to extrude we're going to see what looks best so let's see we'll hold down the control key will drag on get rid of that will drag on the thickness here bring that in a little yeah looks cool maybe even a bit more yeah it's kind of nice okay we're going to right-click on this guy we're going to do three to preview smooth we're not quite there yet so we need to short this guy out in the middle and for that we'll take a let's see we'll take a polygon cylinder roll it e to rotate like so are to scale that down and stretch that out let's see we'll do 50 on the subdivision as before we'll get this guy in place art to scale in and we'll make that just big enough so let's have a look from this angle all right so it needs to come in a bit like so we're going to set caps to zero we're going to select this guy and this guy and hit ctrl H to hide just like this one we'll go into about that injured edge loop again come on Center the to hit R to scale that out almost to the end there at Q on a keyboard we're going to right click go in stick those edge rows hit ctrl e to extrude let's do 0.1 it's way too much 2.03 a little bit better and we're going to go to display and show all to get everything back and we can see if this guy is in order or not so I've got it selected let's hit R and slightly stretch this guy out seems about right then we're going to right click at an edge we're going to double click on that top edge and shift it double click on that one and we're going to flare that out a little bit I'll right click and get a face select the face and shift slick face ctrl e to extrude artists guild down and we will fix that and then push it out like so yeah and then we can use that space for an emblem or something like that okay so let's see optic mode we can hit three to preview smooth that has a huge end gun so it's not pretty let's fix that let's see injured edge loop single setting I'm going to put one in there one in there one in there and one in there okay QR a keyboard right click object mode select these two and go to mesh combined and then let's hit three to preview smooth one more thing I need to do as you can see and want to go back let's say emission separate I'll take this guy hit ctrl H and we'll go into our insert edgeloop again not that one come on yeah still good and then we'll jump into this U and we'll go in and add one here one there one there one there one there q on our keyboard there we go I'm going to go back to mesh and no display and show all yeah we're going to right click on object mode it's like this and this go to mesh and combine and hit three to preview smooth okay and that looks like a pretty decent wheel alright so we're going to select this we're going to go to mesh and smooth to actually smooth it instead of previews moving it and this is our wheel okay so I'm just going to save out this scene and the next step will be you Ving this guy okay in a bit alright guys so we left off with our model and now it's time to UV this guy okay so we're going to start with our tire thread here and we're going to go up to UV and we're going to do a cylindrical projection and it's not the orientation is not correct so actually let's flip that over yeah so we're going to click on this little T down here which will allow us to start it again yeah will allow us to kind of rotate that towards where I need it like so and then we can hit control a to go to attribute editor and we can adjust that rotation so let's see that should be minus 45 by 90 by minus 45 if I am not mistaken and I am mistaken but it's pretty close this should go that way no it's minus 90 okay cool so then we're going to go up to UV and UV editor and let's see that should give us this thread here and I'm perfectly happy with that so we're gonna eat our we're going to scale that in now keep in mind that the tire will have a uniform material all the way around it's going to be rubber obviously so we're good there and then we're going to have a look at this guy now this is a totally different story it's a much more complex object based on the type of material that you can apply you need to choose how you want to approach it and I'll explain okay so I've got it selected I'm going to go to UV and we can do cylindrical map in this wall but I'm going to try an automatic and let's see what that will bring us and this is pretty much what I wanted because what I'm mostly interested in is these guys here so this one and this one these two rings here and the caps on front and back all the others are on the inside like servers like that and then obviously you got the sections that are on top of the rim and not even visible okay so as long as I don't have any overlapping UVs here I'm good alright so I'm gonna be okay with that and yeah it's pretty much it so I'm going to direct like the whole thing and let's just lay this out in a way that everything has its space and we don't have overlap so I'll just take this guy at W move that away for a sec all of this stuff is hardly visible so I'm going to add our and I'm going to scale that in not too much hang on move that up and I'll take this guy move that one down that's the hub cap that one as well [Music] let's move them in here somewhere let's find that one too and then we'll take our actual tart thread and put that in here and hit our and scale that in a little bit okay so happy with that no overlapping UVs and the primary areas are cleanly visible okay so I'm going to right-click go to object mode I'm going to select the whole thing actually I need to do some color ID mapping here so that I have different materials so I'm going to use my tire here assign new material let's do a Lambert and we'll do any other car doesn't matter red we'll assign any material here I'll do another Lambert and we'll do yellow and then let's see do I want a different material on that not necessarily so that is fine okay so I'm going to select this I'm going to go to export selection if I can find it for whatever reason I'm always looking for that thing FBX has an export export selection I'm going to save this on my desktop and i'll call this tire on the score rim of X and just going to export that selection to my desktop okay so now let's jump into substance painter so we can start to texture this guy here we go guys here we are we're going to go to file and new we can leave this at PBR metal rough we're going to select our mesh and keep in mind that if you had a low and a high poly mesh this is where you would load up your low poly mesh we only have one message so I'm going to select this one right here and let's see I'm going to leave that at Direct X I'm going to set this to 4 K map size and we don't have any maps created just yet so we're going to hit OK that should load up our model shouldn't take too long there we go yeah and what we got is we got our rubber and we've got the rim okay cool so that's that we need to start off by baking our Maps as we always do so I'm going to go to view and reset user interface are all on the same page and I'm going to go to baked textures now like I said if you had a low poly and a high poly you would load up your high poly right here but we don't so we're just going to work with this guy okay I'm going to leave all the maps checked I'm just going to hit bake all texture sets it will give us some error messages but don't worry about it it's because of the fact that we don't have any favorite colors and that kind of stuff don't worry about it now we'll just give it a sec shouldn't take too long you can see that as baked and applied to ambient occlusion and they sit on the percent okay so we're going to click on our shelf here and we got our maps to work with so we are good okay so let's start on applying the rubber for our tire so that will be the top on there select it we're going to go to our smart materials and let's search for rubber now we get a couple options here we got plastic rubber or whatever that is and let's see we got dry rubber as you know dried out tire rubber tire and retire dirty now let's do that one okay so we'll pull that one in the mold drag and drop and we'll wait until that's applied shouldn't take too long all right there we go it's applied as you can see worked out nicely excuse me guys I've got that okay so you can see that the rubber has been applied nicely we got some mud going on and so forth so it looks pretty cool and we'll adjust that in a minute if we need to but first we're going to look at our rim so we're going to make sure that that's selected let's go and find steel a bunch of Steel types that we can choose from we've got steel scratched for example and we'll just give that a try and see what that looks like and it's lagging a little bit so just pause while it applies the material right and there we go you can see that it looks quite nice we can adjust that if you like we can go in and let's see we can tweak some settings here we can increase roughness the metallic values as well let's go to our steel base let's see what else do we got here just trying to find the proper controls this is the one that I want well this that fixes lagging a problem hang on guys well guys turned out that it was not only a lagging system it was actually a crashing system sorry about that but luckily we're able to you know finish the complete tutorial maybe a minute or so finds you in the texturing but that said that's all there's to it so yeah hopefully you enjoyed the video if you have any questions let me know as always and that said thank you guys for watching and see you guys next time bye you you
Channel: Mike Hermes
Views: 20,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d model maker
Id: a2uwZZgdtt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 18sec (2538 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2016
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