Modeling a Tractor Tire in Maya - Lattices and Bend Deformers

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hey guys in this tutorial we'll make some tractor tires and first I'm going to define the pattern when I use some curves to do that so we'll go from here to here and then from here to I think they're some like that okay so I'm holding D and C and middle dragging along the curve to move the pivot and I can scale down like this that's good so I'm going to group it duplicate it and put negative 1 and X and then move it down like that and I can see that this is not exactly what I want my pattern I want this to match the curvature here so I'm going to just delete this move this up like that note this down won't have a parallel line here that believe this okay now I'm going to drop this curve back inside this group when I duplicate the group and put a 1 in here move it up now it's parallel that's good so now if we test this pattern out so this will be our tractor tire pattern I think that's pretty good ok let's make some polygons so I'm going to make just a plane drop the subdivisions to nothing and snap some vertices then add a couple divisions like this just using insert edgeloop tool' so this is just temporary because we need to select the outside loop and then extrude we want to do an offset so I'm holding ctrl then left clicking on the offset name here and extruding and I want to go between here and end this edge like just in the middle there that's going to be our divider in between like that this will snap here so I'm holding V selecting the arrow and then middle dragging like that to snap and now I'm going to add another loop here for a bevel and here but I want this to be evenly distributed so I'm going to scale this edge until all of these three edges are the same size like this and then I'm going to add a bevel here and then just scale this down to the middle like this or that scale just move it so I'm selecting the vertex here holding C and then middle dragging on this edge and that's going to make it stick and I'm just going to bring this in bring this out like that all right so now I need to freeze the transformations reset them and clear history so let's modify freeze reset and then shift alt D to clear history now I can duplicate this put a negative 1 and X and move this up and to match this what you can do is I'm going to hold D and B snap to pivot here then I'm going to hold C and middle drag along this edge I'll do it to left here and that's going to place it there and now we need to do is we need to match hide the grid turn the wireframe on we need to match these vertices and these edge loops so that means I need to change some of these edge loops around so I'm going to use insert edge loop tool set it to relative distance autocomplete on and with edge flow when I drop an edge here one there one there and one here and then delete the extra ones like that and I'm going to put an edge from here to here so I work exactly right so let's go from there actually let's do it from here to the middle I'm holding shift and this like that so what I want to do is I want to split the difference here like this so I have an even distribution throughout it's going to give us a nicer result so I'm just moving it holding C middle dragging snapping just eyeball the rest you can get closer to this if you want them just kind of not being super careful with it okay delete this one and even a loop here there's too much deviation here from the rest okay so now going to freeze transformations clear history so for freezing transformation resilient transformations I made my own hotkeys this helps me because I have to do this all the time so where's the hotkey editor you open it up and there's just as some hockey's that I said and it's under menu items modify and that's center pivot ctrl shift C freeze transformations ctrl shift F and reset transformations ctrl shift are like that alright so now freeze reset clear history duplicate put negative one here we can snap up vertex there move this up let's see I'll see how we're matching here so I'm going to put it here and then snap to that and now on this one we're just going to snap to these vertices like that alright so now these are matching but this one this edge here is not matched so we delete that one and again we have to freeze reset duplicate negative one and now we can move the pivot here and then snap it there like that so I can combine now merge vertices clear history and then I can duplicate this move it down if I place the pivot here I can just snap it there so you can see now everything is matching I can combine that merge you can see that's working now the only thing is we need to fill this area so to do this I want to use a pen two polygons like this and then in here just fill hole like that and then I'm going to select these vertices like this and when I add allowed us to this I want to spread this out a little bit so I'm going to move this up okay I work nicely I'm going to do the same on this side you select that put a lattice on this and select this lattice point and this one just move them up until I like fall off here they're okay believe this edge and now we need to figure out how to cause all of this off let's see sometimes you see stuff as you're doing this and makes a little more sense okay I like that better that will work out fine right so now we need just this much it's all we need we're going to duplicate flip it negative one and move it up here okay so we can see I need to adjust this so that means this one's not good so again if there's a couple times to get perfect okay what just happened okay so this is the one week I just this negative one there okay now that works so let's duplicate when I move to pivot here and snap there so you can see we need to adjust we just need to make one more adjustment and that's here I think this will be the last one I hope negative one there and we're trying to make a tileable pattern here okay now that's perfect right that's enough so I'm going to combine this urge clear history we don't need these curves anymore all right and now I'm going to select this pace is here shift greater than that will increase the size and then I'm going to move it up like that and if we press three you can see pattern that we get and you can see what we're trying what we're trying to do is make sure that this is all nice and smooth in between and I think it's working okay now go from the front view here I'll select the adversities here and add a lattice select these vertices here and add a lattice as well and when I'm adding lattices just want to show you the settings that I use double click the lattice sorry we need to open options for lattice that's on the deform lattice and I'm going to set to 2 to 30 30 30 and hit apply then the same down here and once you do it once you can just press G to redo it again and now I'm going to select the subdivisions here which one's me yeah we need those so I'm going to select the s division select both lattices click s divisions middle drag in the viewport add some lattice points I'm going to hit f8 this will take me into lattice into component mode and then just unclick and click the vertex here and that's going to give us lattice points and now I'm going to select the sides here select this scale this in scale this out I'm going to bring this down make a nice round pattern here maybe scale this out a little bit and then move the top down as well because it stops going to be also curved but not as much it's a different curvature there in clear history and you can see what we end up with okay I'm going to pick one of these sides here because what I want to do is I want to add some extrusion here I'll show you what I mean so I'm going to use pen two polygons I'm going to go from here to here and I'm going to use insert edge loop tool set this to equal turn off insert with edge flow I'm going to just add an edge here trying to match that as much as I can like that select these vertices here click merge and if you hit three for preview if you're not getting that if this is hard like this just increase the merge threshold until it merges like that that's good and now I'm going to insert an edge loop like this to add a nice sharp bevel there like that when I then select these faces here so you can select this phase shift greater than this will grow your selection and then I'm going to scale this like that scale it down and then I want to hold D and C while still in the scale tool and middle drag along this bottom edge here this will then let me scale down towards this edge and create like a thicker edge on the outside there down all right it's good enough and then I'm going to click extrude again so you can just press G and then I'm going to just click the lattice without doing anything else because now once I have the lattice selected I can right click go to lattice points and then select these versus lattice points here bring this out and then bring this in just a little bit you can see right here what I'm trying to do with this edge so from here it's going to look like that I'm going to select these lattice points on the bottom scale them in like that and leave this up the way it is then select it clear history we can soften edge just to see what we're trying to do here looks like that once and then go into my insert edgeloop tool' instead it's the relative I want to put an edge loop here and here and then one in the middle here like that that should be enough to give us a nice sharp bevel around the grid you can see what we try to make here that looks great now these vertices are very close together so I'm going to scale this so that the distance here is even so like dividing two thirds same with this and then this one just like that okay now from the top view we'll just go into again select only this section that's tileable because it has this piece shift select the rest delete and then I'm going to duplicate put a negative 1 and X move this down move the pivot here and then snap it there so if the combine merge to get that okay that looks good now I'm going to select these edges on the sides here and then I'm going to extrude down to create the edge of the tire the lip get rid of this grid okay with that when I first make this little the part that goes inside the rim okay alright that's good enough all right and now let's add a couple divisions here so I'm going to use the insert edge loop tool set it to multi and ahead three should be good and if you need a guide we can make a curve from here to here bring this out and then adjust the shape that we want so something like like this would be good I think now if we select our vertices here I could just scale until I reach that curve yeah bring this down a little bit and I want to add a sharp edge on this side as well so I'm going to do that looked at all right that's good now I also want to delete this section again so I'm going to delete this because what I also want to do is even out the spacing here it's not exactly how I want it so there's an easy way for me to do it the way I like to do it is I'll just make a plain give it no divisions like this now let's get rid of this curve here this grid right so I'm going to snap it all over there and then here you can see 1 2 3 so we need 3 edge loops so I'm going to set this to 3 and just do this and then I can select these vertices here hold B and middle drag snap them there now it's evenly spaced out and if I want I can also just adjust these a little bit get rid of this alright so this is perfect freeze reset duplicate put negative 1 and X snap it there combined merge the pivot here and then duplicate and see let's snap it here and now we can do shifty and just keep duplicating I want to make it pretty long I don't know how long I want this how big the wheel I want to be so I'm going to make it long and then we can always bring it down reduce the size so combine merge like that okay that looks good now let's center pivot I'm going to open up bring back the grid here and I want to put the pivot at the top here so I'm holding DV clicking the green arrow and just drag it all the way up as far as it can snap like that I'm going to put it here just counter rotate like that so 180 then freeze reset and there's our tire now I'm going to add a bend deformer I'm going to go to the forum nonlinear Bend rotate it like this put 90 in here in the inputs go to bend and then increase the curvature so it's going in the wrong direction just need to rotate the bend former this way put 90 in there so you can see what's going to happen is it's going to if I increase the curvature it's going to just make it it's going to go to 180 and that's it so but what we can do now is we can scale tire the actual wheel until we like the size and how many of these divisions we want now to help with this we can also make a cylinder and that's going to be really helpful so let's see also if I group this and then Center the group this will give us the center point of this of the wheel so let me just actually do this I want to scale this down so that the edges here don't go past the sides of the wheel then I'm going to Center the pivot on the group that I make I'm going to put the bend form in the group as well then I'm going to put that at the center of the grid like that that way I can make a cylinder right in the middle we can rotate it 90 degrees want to scale this out until it meets just meets the tire there and then I can give it some divisions something that makes sense like the five to 64 let's turn the wireframe on why this is helpful is that if we get our tire to match a cylinder like this it's going to be easier to close it up and connect and also just to figure out its size so now I can scale this and what I can do is I can scale it until I meet the size there also you can scale the wheel in this direction and Y and that will scale the thickness of it so we can also change that as well so if you want to change if you don't want the wheel to be the tire to be as deep you can do that as well so you can see we have to get pretty this is going to get pretty small I feel like if we get if we do a 64 so maybe we should try 64 plus 16 it's a tea house try a tea also see this is not lined up so you can move it left and right like this and then scale when I move the pivot just like there then it can scale from there alright that looks actually really good and what I'm doing now is I want to try and scale it when i zoom in real close my scale it until these two edges close up let's see up here okay that's good and I'm going to make the rim a little smaller okay hide this for now all right so now we need to actually delete a section and to do this okay so it's going to be much easier to clean this up if we just delete a section here and then we rotate the wheel and reconnect so let's see I delete this okay that should do it forgot a piece all right now because we placed it on the center of the grid I can just hold D and X move the pivot there we can freeze transformations I can duplicate and fire rotate let's see if we did this right oops okay so we do a little too much and that's an easy fix huh the way we did this if I put negative 144 it matches exactly go figure all right I can now select these combine vertices test to make sure it's connected and that's it now we are we have our little tractor tire it looks pretty good nice and smooth no lumps got nice sharp detail here let's look at the wireframe again and it's pretty light which is good usually when you do tires they get pretty heavy so flying it out early enough you know like doing the all of the curves and the all of this trying to connect things I think saves us on the our poly count and you get a nice low poly count tire while still keeping lots of detail alright hope you guys enjoyed this video and subscribe and like and stay tuned for more I'm planning to do a car next I laid out the curves already so all working on the video for it right now so stay tuned and see you soon
Channel: Alex Cheparev
Views: 47,756
Rating: 4.9545798 out of 5
Keywords: 3d, 3d printing, ninja, character, modeling, alex, cheparev, maya, tutorial, 2015, polygon, nurbs, curves, animation, layout, camera, vfx, visual effects, 3d animation, image planes, extrude, split, boolean, uv, uv layout, texturing, textures, hypershade, demo, reel, cartoon, design, tracktor, tire, tyre, beginner, new, tractor, tires
Id: r1ePHLmDtKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2016
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